Whitby Free Press, 24 Nov 1993, p. 3

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Novomber 24. 1993, Page 3 0 * e Hlerrema won't apologiz w Items from Vhitby Council agenda(s) Recommenda- Lions from the Planning and Recommenda- tions from Operations COMMitftee That tax writeoffs totalllng $187.088 for the 1993 taxation year b. approved. Accordlng ta a staff report. the majority af the writeoffs stem t ram businesses no longer operatlng ln Whlty. Carzied That quotations af $1 ,925 t rom RE. Witzke Green- houses of Bowmanville and $6,040 tram Tavlstock Nursery Ltd. af Tavlstock for the supply and dellvery of 1994 beddllg planlts b Ibtte cWhk trnsit sto north af Braebrook Drive on the west side of Anderson Street remain al its curont location. Ak couple who Ilve near the stop had submlitted a petition ta have it moved. agen a. 1 By Mike Kowaisld Durham Rogion chair Gary Herrema will not he.d Mayor Tom Edwardi? demand for an apolo over remarks made dur- ing .bate of tiie proposed feeway lnk in w.st Wbitby. Herrema teld The. Fr.e Pross ho han no intention of apologiz- ing te, Edwards for commente h. or otiiers may have made during aarecont re nal council dis- cussion of the. controversial issue. In fact, if anyone has te, apo- logize, it should b. Edwards apo- Iogizing for the. Whitby council decision which prompted tiie heat.d exchange on Nov. 10, Horrema insisa. Two nlgiite earior, Town coun- cil voted te soek provincial iielp anEtii future Hwy. 407. Council called on the. Ministr of Munipal Affaira emdf Duniiam R.gionis proposed offi ciai plan by deletàng ail rofer- onces te tiie link. Should the. ministry obj.ct, it will b. asked te refer tii. matter te the. Ontario Municipal Board for a decision, tiiereby delaying provinciaLl approval of tii. Reonpa plan. that 'Whitby acted in an impro- por fashion by faillng te, notify the. Region of its plans. Ajax councillor Roger Ander- son complained that asking tiie p rovince te stop the. llnk will deprive the. area of an access fromn Hwy. 401 to, Regional Road 23 (Lakeridge Road). (If a link is te b. built, Whitby wants it te fellow Làakeridge «over,» Herrema did note that he received a copy of the Whitby planning department report, wvhich recommended council's action, the %rday before the. Town council meeting. Herrema said the report was sent to him from a person in the private sector, but refused te identifS' the.source. «They'll hold it aainat that person down thie roa» h. said, addig that «private industiî was aware of Town council's Rending decision prior te it being c sesdpublicly. mente, Edwards had no know- ledge of how the staff report was obtained. "I don't see how they could get it the. Friday before. Council didn't deal with it until Monday,» said Edwards. «I can only say te hlM (Her- rema) that council did not auth- onize that action (until Monday),» ho said. "I want ta know how that (leaked report) came about. Council didn't deal with it before the. meeting.1 Road. The Ministry of Transpor- tation prefers that it run bet- ween Halls and Coronation roade.) «I thought he (Edwards) would have apologized for Whitby'a actions and g not asked me for one," said Herrema. «I think it's bad manners te bgnita lack of communica- tionemog pliticians,» he said. In hua letterlte Herrema, Edwards criticizes bath Aker and Anderson for their commente. Edwards3 said the >Roçon wae sent a copy of the Tow s Nov. 9 lett to te iMnistry of Munici- pal Affaira that sanie day. In addition, Edwardsi said ho attempted te contact Herrema and UxbridgeMa r Gerri Lynn O'Connor, chri oregional coun- cils planning committee, the. w.ekend before in order te adv- ise them that the. matter would b. discussed at the. Nov. 8 Town council meeting. "An apologyls due the Town of Whitby in tiiat it did make this information known as soon as it posaibly could, and did not, as gr. Mker charged, deliberatelïr withhold thia information,' Edwards writes. As for Anderson's complaint, Edwards said Whitby has been demanding an accesa te Làak- eridge Road for more than 15 years. "Té tuis point, there hies been no assuranice that an access te Durhiam Road 23 from 401 la available te us," Edwards states. Edwardi goes on te criticize tiie manner in whici tiie matter came before regional council. «It was obviously staged and lent an air of unreality te tiie whole dobate,»ilie atates. «I am deterniined not te revert te dirty politics but tebe asopen as psile about the. matter.» Wile Aker could not b. rea- ciied for comment, Anderson said h.e will not rospond te Edwards' letter. "There's no need te respond to stuff like that,» said Anderson. "ltes 1ke responding te a letter te the editer, I don't do that either,» lhe said. Anderson cannot u.nderstand why Edwards would b. upset witiihhm, iowever. «Obviously he's got a probleni with Herrema and John Aker. Ail I wantod te know was iice tiie interlink is coming,» he said * Herrema said h.e has witten a reply te Edwardsd letter and con- eiders the issue closed. "Itfs tee bad w. couldn't do better communications like WE used te,» h. said. Whdoyou think we (Region) builtneixt door (te WhitbY'I municipal office)?» Altiiough h.e says the. matter is s oe c e o lds o o Oea boS at y ur ne ur cae.dctb W7HItyAtBY AUTss n ncOdiLASS. An â igac sopecy i alists ltd O *Sal rcko 1013 Dundas St. E (The Subway Submarine Building) ý TOLL FREE 1-80-668-9247 MOBILE SERVICE GUARWNEED WORKMANIIP One M-uur motu-vnii' For blanket coverae of ALL the homes and/or (selected homes> businesses in WdyLt to selecied amas only, oeil the European Women's Whity IrO P'OSS 66&611.Health Club If you did flot get a flyer whec is listed for full distribution, (seiected homes> grve us acali.* Brooklin Day Nursery (Brooklin, R.R.1, R.R.2 Whitby Auto Glass lias great g4ft ideas for that special somone on your list. How about a 04fr Certificate for a Sunroof or a Slider? ro Iij p e CLAMEN houseplant wîth a profusion of colorful blassoms. 6"poL SPECIAL $4a«%4S5hst Development Committee ibat a site plan application t ram Durham Radio Inc. to permit construction of a 297-lt. FM radio transmission tower on Brawley Road West, east of Lakerldge Road. b. approved, pending the necessary Ioderai govem- ment approvals. Durham Radion currently has an application bel are the Canadlan Radio and Television Commission (CRTC) ta purchase CHOO-AM Radio ln Ajax and convert the station to an FM f requency. f approved by the ORTOC, the company must Instail an FM transmitter and tower. CHOO's studios and current AM transmitter ls ln Ajax. That a-site plan application f ram Deville Produoe Ltd. ta permit expansion af the company's grocery store at 3570 Brook St. N. be approved. The applicant intends ta bulld a 1,696-sq. ft. addition ta the exîsting 3,482-sq. ft. store. Carred That a rezonlng and site plan application ta permit a three-starey medical building at 904-908 Rossland Rd. E. be appraved. Twa single- family homes which now occupy the site wilI be demollshed ta accomodate the new structure. Carried That a site plan application tram Thalland Trading Corp. (Buns Master Bakery) ta permit mînar alterations ta the commercial autlet at 750 Hopkins St. be approved. The proposed changes generally relate ta the building's f acade and construction ai a parking area at the rear. CarrIed i Polie have laid charges againet four Wbitbhy teens in conniection with five burgianies which occurred in the, lest thr.e weeloe. Three of the. suspecte, wiio are ai male, range in age from 15 te 18. Tii. feurthi l 19, but can't b. identified aince it would serve te identilS' the three youngor ones, ya ntal Larry Nobbs. e oup l s suspected in break and enter robberies at Tiffany's Restaurant and Tavern, Go Go Pizza, West Lynde Video, Kids Campus Daycare and a privato residence. Nobbs la looking inte the posai- bility they may b. responsible for other break-ina. Items stelen from Tiffany" woe recovered duringtide arrests. y] %\lý

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