Whitby Free Prees, WecUiesdEy, November 24, 1903. Page 27 HO WT BOOKV O R LASIFIED AD... ... ~qp/ON Cti66.611 M pacd y axyor d 0 s iMail your ad to: Whitby Free ../ fÇ# Were open 9 arn 105 pm, Monday Mna afloofl wil be 17 668-0594. Please ensure atrsBx20,W bnai,1 nday.forPlace our apbicaon. Wedneday. ________you provide ail pertinent Li N 5S1. Ads should Ifyurcn makeiiienndffc Monday 10arrive by Moriday at noon. urpbIi 5 ed t a ve information, and ahus ehv also otelf moneyl Or, prepay with your number where wecn You can endlose you r payment, VISA card when plading thead reach you, if necessary. or Proiebiigifrain Picture yoursiglf in a KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive Re-uphoistery of antiques. Ail uality portraits. Studio or in home. «10 n t S0 Legal Career kinds of recovering. Your fabric or Labies, children, familles. O , C h o îI mine. Free estimates. Over 40 Christmas speciai. Packages from Ir i vears' experience. 430-7568, $29. Also: weddings, christenings, Y0,RLaw Cierk W I Whitby. goS, boudoir, copy & 1-4 -11mantha.- q;FuI-u I m~ ICOMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS APPLICATIONS: BEDFORD ACCOUNTING, LOTUS 1-2-39 D BASE, DOS, WORD PROCESSING HAIR STYLIST. - Came join a salon with a new concept. Must have clientele. Cati 666-2525. EARN $514.15/WK. from homel Mailing letters, assembling products. Canadian companies. 24 hr. jobline: (416)631-4791. Ref. 16E. CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY VOLUNTEERS ta work in a store front ministry bookdstore. Down- tawn Whitby. Resume to: The Plowman Ministries, A Mission For Christ, Box 414, Whitby, Ont. LiN 5S4. WORK FROM HOME & EARN up to $1150 per hour updating a clty. directory. No experierice required. Cali 1-809-951-4900. SENIORS: PETIHOUSESITTER Muai b. flexible, have own transportation, be wilingota do live-in service and bebandable. Custom Home-Watch Inti. 666-5353. SECRETARIAL LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPING, EXECUTIVE, RECEPTIONIST, WORDPROCESSING PICKERING 1450 KINGSTON RD. (Hwy. 2 at Valley Farro Rd. 420-1344 $200 - $500 WEEKLY! Assemble products ai home. Easy, no selling Yo're paid direct. Fuiy guaranted No experience necessafy. Cai 1-504-641-7778 Ext. 142, 24 hours. DO TELEMARKETING from the comf art of your own home. Commission only. Same ex peri- ence preferred. Cati 668-6353 & ask for Gary. EARN UP TO $346/week 10 assemble Chrismas and holiday decorations y ear round, ai home. Work avai labe across Canada. For more info, send a sef-addressed stamped envelope to Magic Christmas, 130OSlater Ste., Ste. 750, ext. 353, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6E2. GET PAID for reading booksl Up ta $100 per title. Books sent FREE. Write today. FREE Rprt: Gaieway Publica, Dept. WFP1, #150-1857 West 4th, Vancouver, B.C. V6J 1IM4. - Law & Security 10 months 1ý 0 Legai Secretary 8 mnths Financial assistance may be available to qualified stu dents * FaitSeats 54 Centre Street North stili avaflable 57.175 ONTARIO BusINESS CU.EX UNIUFTED INCOME POTENTIAL Extra money for X-mas and more. Make own hours. Free gifts. Cail 619-1318. EARN $300 PLUS PER DAY - yes, per day, with your own cieaning contractsi No învestment required. Cati 24 hrs. for frue excitîng details. 434-2116, ext. 119 HELP VOUR CHILD SUCCEED in school. Qualty tutoring avaitable at an affordable price. No regstration fee or hidden costs. 433-0479. GIVE THE GIFT 0F LEARNING. Corner Stone Couinselling & Tutoring. Educationat services for ail ages. Au plaisir de vous servir en français. 432-9223 after school. <c' OSHAWA (I ODRIVINO I~SOHOOL 17Oshawa *728-0091 Full Divers Education Courses DECEMBER 4th Saturdays 4 week course DECEMBER 27th - 3Rh Christmas 4 day course -PRIVA TE LESSONS - REGISTEREO à APPROVED DV THE ONTAM OSAFETV I.EAG4JE YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs. Al mnakes. 10% Seniors' discount. Complete tune-up from $29.95 + p ars. Factory traîned technicians. For free PICK-UP & delivery cali 432-7375. CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Aterations and repair on draperies at an affordable price. For your free in-home shopping and estimate caîl 432-1714 afterS5 p.m. or beave message. Customers fabrics are welcome. ACRYUC NAILS BY RUTHIE. Uf you have short nails, no probiem. Mhome/your home. Day, evening &weekend appointments. Reasonable rates.CGall430-1207. HANDYMAN - Yard ciean-ups, rubbish removal. Basements, washrooms, drywali,' painting, doors, ceiling s, sheds. Snow removal. Cali Doug ai 436-0398. CINDYS ALTERATIONS has moved - stili in Pearson Lanes, 133 Byron St. N. Corne see us for al your. sewing needs. 33 ycars experience between us. Tues. tu Fri. 10 - 5:30, Sat. 10 - 3.430-6550. HOUSECLEANING. Free estimales, reasonable rates.. References. Some Thursday & Friday appoinments available. Cail Archer Maid Services 728-5622. BEATON CARPET CLEANING. Christmas special: 5 rooms, 1 hall, 6 steps - $85. Free P/U & deiivery on area rugs. Cali 666-3263. COMPLETE KITCHENS, bath- rooms, rec-rooms. Ail your drywali needs plus textured ceilings. Guaranteed workmanship. Ca!! Dieter, 430-1207. ARTIST AVAILABLE. Custom artwork - oil painting, ch arcoal sketches, etc. Famiiy or pet portraits, landscapes. Great for Chrstmas presents. Reasonable rates. 723-6610. HANDYMAN for odd jobs, yard work, basements cieaned Up, 9arbage removal. Home repairs inside or out. Book now for snow removal.571-7182. LARGE MOVING VAN with driver for hire. Private or business. Phone 430-1080, leave message. "I had neyer used the Whitby Free Press ciassifieds before. and i was delg hted with the response 10 my ad.The cost was atlt less than other papers. i wiIi continue 10 use the Whitby Free Press.- RP. 'I t'iase reycle is ne wspape HANDYMAN. Clean yards, basements. Cut trees. T.V. tower, removal. Cali 655-3004. JOSEPH FUFUIURE REFNSHNG. Sp_ ecialist in: European hand rube French polishing, Oriental, antique & fine furniture, customn stripping, repairing, restoration, colour matcheg.instructor with S.B. Education. Whitby 430-9664. Scarborough 759-6634. XPRESSIONZ - Custom draperies, valances and accessories. Tîme to stafl preparing for Christmas. Cali today for yjaur free mn-home coslato.666-3762. LAMINATE TO PRESERVE and! protect your Posters, Certificates, Educationai Material, etc. Severà f ilm thicknesses. Also available - cerlox binding. Cali: 666-2182. MARIGOLD WINDOW CLEAIING. Speciai f ail rate. $25 for all exterior windows. For fast, prompt & courteous service ci Ray 668-0070. SIMPLY ELEGANT. Custom made bridai gowns & suits ad a fraction of the cost of designer wear. Cali Elizabeth ai 666-1389. CUSTOM DESIGN and dress- making. Wodding and evening gowns, bridesmaids & grads, suits, etc.' Renovation and alteration. Garments also made f rom a picture. 723-3259. ABLE HOME IMPROVEMENTS & REPAIR. Free estimates. Seniors' additionai 10% discount for months* of Nov. & Dec. Chrismas speciai. - Interior painting & walipapering. Bob Jones - 683-4205, John May - 668-8272. HANDYMAN SERVICES - repairs, improvements, painting or any other jobs around the home. Very reasonable raies. Seniors' discount. Cali 666-0288. PROPERTIES PLUS: Painting, decorating, drywall, taping, trim, basements. additions, odd jobs. Seniors' discount. Free estimates. Cali about our winter specials. Steve, 728-5067. BASEMENT LEAK? Stop it nowl 25 yrs.. guaranteed, reasonable raies. Servingi Durham for 25 years. Cali f or free estîmates. 571-0615. APPUANCE REPAIRS TO: washers, dryers, staves and dishwashers. S5eciJ $20 service cail Cati 430-7382 Whitby. roi#m@mDIPLOMA mm CuTA ~ONTH TRAVEL and TOURISM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERATIONS I. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BANKING SERVICES ACCOUNTING Financi Assistance May Se A vailable 2 Campuses in Durham OSHAWA OSHAWA CENTRE (Shops up Top) 723-1163 I HELP HELP ~DUCATIONAL i WANTED I W»NT~D i S~RVIC~S NEED TO KNOW SOMETHINGABU L U YOUR NEW COMMUNITY CAR9 eU SINCE 1930 LTO PHONE 668-6497 * Our hostess wilI bring gifts and greeting, along with hoîpiul community information. 1