Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 29.,1993, Page 7 ... .. . Forget.the.promises ...ec t.o n..9 3. They'e at he pat, tey'r off!...sK.. me.Bab surg.n.'n.fr nt .with ....m. Shirt. ea. i g..irt....n alog n astplce t s arac tobe atced ilgSee. rom hi Modaheeig ritig e v fu iek ntilront i ay.Dnmt on watnw ir ll apn beee.nowan ens pes ckl ble o oddutes ke-'>' he racsPtresto ng glceIt i oningo hoeepoadm wi Batcthis ecio is uanpditabe, andsq.tanrà othe ureto xpl why The i lsmple.paain- tpm fyuv er tisone:ape ople wace sickatied fod tl frs his b w flo w th eegwiIg oftheo Voksute fo ei'm haont won'tbecorted, lhpee cutwethato and llbaeto cntrol ourdsn; tus myortacs ielresond te omns fyu Htisey, look, old fIluptheadet of this elcon its udc gber ndishNnofthis hoelps explain ti'm otne: etlehrs nananc ie 3oyarold)stIBM computier. Abhout three owhours fro n po Iwledi.h Vao tencr e nd transmt, In wetse conptd, ail600 wordolaompute er ait e ree ss.dorchlrn euWhat ad b easbthis o wtht cureetiontrs aMnoverty.anThen, ephad utegummndteso- u compuýterrvoti omnodayImstobs rquir som fami lrktywith od f ptcenreadsf hes aund dta bse. I aoerelevnearths we wl latice was r gino. The wrld baths chane astier than oural)itytBeet-wMer g oa aaewshedt eert h is aigo rc n coperfot ear iv i r evor fo ow lution huthesDna tet.OtroMnse fHgwy ..Bgsofcal pndtepvn.Ti timsrfs tea ndp mr tTe ompee trhenstras.tr slokn otwsta h orCrnr.Tebccl oti netr yteW ib What bas his to dWhltbythArurhenteleptooo AI woll, dy iri, daomut, er lvnar ggoorer.w aInivdly an colectively.Nt bjustheanada, buts Uomite Staotes s e. TOu coletivos e ndindiidua debts cotinue t opocegrow. In days o in eathand data b e ate luears. o d wi ebptswith todayagin PAAD WedURnesday EtembOFer VEE28,SPT198392 ladcp. We ae j cal pne h avn>Ti prpae ori. nginareoltin udrdsDudSme meesOfurioMisreo giohoucareoppoBing te xenioofffwr!t Pr Beoutfixindonn usumaytgnors a heit Ascato.by.yAzhvn ht ceAiprlem:theindefioitgrws eaetn oreih*Wib ielsssi 92aone t oeta 40O Inis hinkil nd Cttht eciNt ndsthiangas gota*ABpitLaesi dcto etewl ebjtsuho ulnGresV pni Uied SaSepatemberu coleti1984.*u debts contgoverrogment to Town ocouncil lastalweean as aduvits, e now ttaiýn' goig t appen. 10 YEARS AGO lAns adutsWe kow tat p olitis dtebatofthe from the WThursday, September 28, 19583edition of the iômprosle thedrtoloprms.lauprtsouinWHTBY FWEELPRES Th arycusd ih omigth ex ovr- elay e pubrchsof ram ite o mrto ul pic S h xeninlf.westoPr Bu iaino eii euthough ygon reamaTl* he Pbli tlte omsinhs aldfrtnesV uldanwwrprfcto penrmisbes. Nthbeauef ios bnecasty ecusealth eplat.yfr ossi 92aentdt oeta 4000 pssroblms ill be diftfernttreamnts omn o. * O asheaerlsp Eita enteWitbeb ay$2 O o ts ul dn fund opanein f yo wat knw hw tatbapens ak1Bb8wng Meanwh--ile-" n then wOorstst ervcoverOhaament99 couldeledbbeheOonei in a word, forget the party. Whatever wbichever adadcrigrnsaogtesds pary sys oda wo't e wrthspi o Ocobe 26 M * Grading has commenced for the ToronVo and Eastern Railwvay along Mary Street. Vote the person. Find one you trust, Reform, * The interior walls of the new library at Byron and Dundas streets are being plastered. Hippos, Rhino, Liberal-PC, NDP, Independent. Vote 0 John Bright of Myrtle Station is moving Vo Ottawa to become Dominion Livestock wei and vote often. You are the judge. Commissioner. "il 1 j