Whlby Fme Pr2ro- fr'a * *, A Monthly Fashion and Beauty Review ** Whitby Free Press -BRIDAL FEATURE 199 Ch eîished Memoi Quick planning tips for the busy bri"de-to-be If you're a working woman and a bride-te-be, you've undoubtedly discovered that gown fittings, and honeymoon arrangements cen wreak havoc with an already hectic schedule. How do you cope? By using three techniques famihiar te every professional women: organize the project, delegate responsibilities and pace yourself se you cen focus on things that require your persenal attention. Firet, spend time with your groom-te-be i *ngimpotn foundational decisions, such as a suitable date and the numbe of wedding guests. Aise, decide on a certain wedding style: traditional Victorien, conteniporary or one unique te you. Next, devise a countdown calendar of events leading up te your big day. Include ail your plans in an eesy-te-follow chart form; update it regulerly as you get things done. If you have access te a computer, it will be easy te input and update tasks. And, while y ou are doing this, ask recent and even not-se-reoent brides for their wedding prepa- ration advice and suggestions. For additional help, you cen always elicit the assistance of a wedding consultant. Because of their contacts, they cen save nioney, time and effort. Wedding consultants hendie ail the nitty-gritty work, such as renting a hall, hiring a florist, caterer and decorater, ordering paraphernalia, such as napkins and match boxes and, best of aly negotiating prices. Once you give the consultant a budget te work with, you'rein the clear te spend time on the star of the wedding ... you. Start by getting your hair in tip-top shape. A beutfu1heMd of healthy-looking hair can ha achieved in three easy, carefree steps. First, chart eut a trimming and shaping schedule, four to six weeks apart, with your hairstylist. Second, shampee, and condition daily for dlean, m ae le hair. When'possible, air dry hair te eutdo o bowrying damnage. You cen aise, try a combination of both air and heat drying. Use wide-toothed comnbs on wet hair te avoid snaris, and choose naturel bristle brushes for prenium care. Next experixnent with makeup colours in eyeshactow, lipstick, foundation, eyeliner and nail polish that complement your skin tone. Remember, soft and natural-loeking hues are best for the camera and allow your true beauty te shine through. Fer reassurance about your niakeup choices, consuit with a makeup artist, colour analyst or a good friend. Te ensure a smoothlw-run beauty countdown, begin collecting ail necessary wedding-day items. Sonie exemples include a light, non-greasy moisturizer, a favourite fragrene, hair clips if needed and an emergency sewing kit. And, if you are a contact lens wearer, an extra pair in your goody bag will calm you nerves of possible last-minute damage or loss. Somewhere along the way, insist on giving yourself a well-deserved break and do something that you normally wouldn't.. Treat yourself te fresh flowers on your desk as a quick 'pick-me-up' or set some private time aside to do somethiniz unrelated te work or your wedding plans. You could spend a day relaxing at your favourite museum or curi up with a great novel. Preparing for your wedding and keeping up with your job at the sanie time can be a challengingjuggling act, but b following these organizationaibridal tips you'l have a chance te enjoy the activities le44 up te your special day. ~A Wedding To Remember If there's a wedding in your future, corne over to visit the Whitby Mail with services ranging from gift stores, florists, rnen's & ladies' fashions, household merchandîse, photography, jewellery, catering and baking, hair salons, as well as shoe & shoe repair stores. The Whitby Mail offers personal shopping effortlessly to help with ail your selections. w f2 11frz