PAGE 6, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1988 e w e • VOICE OF THE COUNTY TOWN The only Whitby newspaper Independently owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents. Published every Wednesday By 677209 Ontario Imc. Phone: 668-6111 Doug Anderson Publisher. The Free Press Building 131 Brock Street North, P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. Maurice Plfher Editor Peter Irvine Advertising Manager Alexandra Simon Production Manager WOrthy young citizens wanted Young people are all too often the subject of regative press, making the news only when breaking the law in some way or another. The Junior Citizen of the Year award program, since 1981, has endeavored to find and celebrate the positive contributions youth make in the community, and give deserved recognition. We hope that the award program will counteract the negative image of youth that Is unfortunately perpetuated by the media In the reporting of misdeeds and give the public restored faith in their young. If you know of any youth deserving of the Junior Citizen of the Year award, between the ages of 6 and 18, contact The Free Press for nomination forms and more information. It's high time for some good news about our young people. LTTERS FROM OUR READERS Idea of 'country living'eroding away in Whitby To the editor• (Copy of a letter to Michael Cook, Region Planning Depart- ment 105 ··Consummers Drive, Whitby, Ont. L1N 6A3) Dear Sir: R Regarding the placement of 600 condominiums within the subject area of Tickson to the Osh- awa-Whitby border/ Rossland to Taunton. I have the following concerns: - The rampant changing of the Offical Plan through the use of a- mendments to suit builders' wish- es. It seems, more often than not, that when a developer has an idea about how he thinks the town shouid be developed that doesn't quite jive with the Officiai Plan, he just has to make appli- cation for an amendment and the powers that be sit back in their easy chairs, scratch their chins and say, "Well, that seems to fit in with the Town Plan." - The bulldozing away of our farmland (a non-renewable re- source) to make way for eoncrete and pavement. Back in the early 60's Bill Davis, then premier of Ontario, promised us greenbelts around our town and cities. Twenty years later, our green- belts are turning into nothing more than hydro right-of-ways. Sure, I hear from the City Fath- ers that development is good for an expanding tax base, but every year I'm faced with an increasing tax payment. - Losing the use of Garrard. Show concern about hosp To the editor: Recently, a citizen of Whitby was kind enough to make me privy to thecontents of a letter which this individual had received fromn the Minister of Health, Elinor Caplan. Altbough brief and to the point, this letter speaks volumes in terms of the future of the Whitby General Hospital. In a nutshell, the minister has made it abundantly clear that until such time as citizens of this community are being turned away from the hospital and are unable to obtain the necessay health care services at other hospitals within the region, an expansion of services at the Whitby General Hospital will not receive serious consideration. A clever response perhaps, but certainly not one that addresses the desires of the citizens of this community in terms of their expectations of the Whitby General Hospital. The ministrys failure to approve certain basic programs at the Whitby General will ensure the continuance of the current practice of refering Wtby citizens in need of healti care to both the Oshawa General and Ajax-Pickering hospitals. Patients cat be turned away when tbey are net referred to the hospital in the first place and as long as these basic services are not available at Whitby General, physicians will continue to refer tbem elsewhere. Hurray for a challenge To the editor: Hurray for Gerry Emm, for finally having enough balls to challenge Mayor Attersley for the top seated position. Let's hope nice guys don't fin- ish last. Lanny Cooke Swan's Landing area Whitby r i I p LETTERS The Whitby Free Press welcomes letters to the Editor on any subject of concern to our readers. Letters should be brief and to the point - rarely more than 300 words. Al letters must be accompanied by the name, address and phone number of the writer; however, on request, your name may be withheld from publication if we agree that there is a valid reason. The paper reserves the right to reject or edit all letters. Send to: The Editor, Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario LIN 5S1 or drop through our mailslot at 131 Brock St. N. I realize that I may as well be addressing the wind with these concerns, because even as I write now, surveyors' stakes are lining Garrard and dotting the country- side. Whitby seemed to be a "small community setting when I first moved out here from Metro. But, the farmland and my idea of7. country living are being eroded away with the final score pro- bably going to be Developer 1, Ratepayers 0. Well, once again, it's time for me to consider selling the cow and moving back to "T.O." Thank you for your time, Lanny Cooke Whitby Judging from how Anderson St. has been inaccessible for the last few seasons then I figure I can kiss off Garrard for a year or so. By the way, which major artery is going absorb Garrard's traffic? - Services not keeping up with demand. During this past sum- mer, residences were ladled with power blackouts. Sure it's great having all those creature comforts of air conditioning, VCRs, giant screen TVs, and dishwashers. But, they ail have one thing in common - they require power to operate. Whats one of the first things those new dwellers in the 600 condominiums are going to buy next summer (if not alreay installed)? You got it A/C. It was in the 1970s that a Metro ital services What can one do to alter this situation? Each time you or a member of your family is compelled to go outside this community to obtain health care services, you must take the time to write a letter to the minister expressing you dissatisfaction with this situation. Find out where vour doctor stands in SEE PAGE il hydro commissioner said that in the future, if we don't start in- creasing services, then we could expect, not necessarily blackouts but brownouts. A brownout, that's when your 100-watt bulb is about as bright as a kiddie's nite-light. - The other service that goes along with hydro is water. Now during the hot dry spell of sum- mer past, I was asked not to water my lawn because of a wat- er(shortage. Well, for pete's sake, when is it okay to water my laivn? During the midst of the rainy season? So this summer it was no watering the lawn. What's it going to be next summer? No flushing the toilet until the week- end? Excellent fields To the editor:f On behalf of the Whitby Legion sio-pitch basebail team, Stacey's Trucking, we would like te congratulate the Whitby recre- ation department for the excel- lent condition in which the ball diamonds were maintained this season. Having played in tournaments throughout Southern Ontario for many years, we can say that the Iroquois Park complex is a facility of which the residents of Whitby cen be proud. Thank you Gary Stewart, Mike Reuter, Barry Denyer Managers, Stacey Trucking "e',h i "Boy. we really scalped em. eh chief."1 r ~ j 1 mm--F