school keepirg trfle from travelling on roads in the West Lynde subdivision. It wouid make more sense going through the soccer field rather than Jermnyn or Dawson," said Bugelli. But parks andý recreation director Larry Morrow reminded Bugelli that côuncil spent $20,000 in 1987 to improve the soccer fields. vsaedtlok t Staff wsakdt oka alternative ways te enter the construction site. SÛRl a hazard:a Edwards ment. "If you are not of average pace you can't get across in 15 seconds," contended Edwards. He remarked that he was ncit raising the issue as "an election gimm- ick. "I can get seniors in here before the election - don't overiook greypower." said Edwards. "We are trying te find extra time te cross. We are aiso iooking at the height of walk signais," said Region works committee chairnian Gerry Emni, noting that sorne seniors, when they cross at lights, are looking down at their footing and not at the signais. Whitby councillor TOM Edwards is not satisfied with -the response from Durham Region's public works department that there is no problem with the length of walk signais at inter- sections in Whitby. ."I feel there is a hazard here," said Edwards, who had asked the department to investigate the signais. 'Edwards said they are not long enough for seniors, children and the handicapped to cross safely. Investigation by the depart- ,ment, inciuding a site visit te the lights at Brock St. N and Mary St., .showed the signais are long enough for pedestrians to cross i77» DURHAM The Audited Financial Statements of the Corporation of the Regional Municipaiity of Durhami for the year ended December 31, 1987 are available from the Regional Finance Department. Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of these statements should write to the Finance Departnient of the Regional Municipality of Durham, 60,Bond Street West, P.O. Box 618, Oshawa, Onitario LRH 8B6. The following financial highlights reflect the operations, assets and liabilities of the Regional Municipality of Durham including the waterworks, sewage and waste disposai systemns and the Board of Comnisajoners of the Durhamn Regional Police. COP4PARISON 0F CONSOLIDATED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES (Ail amounts in thousands of dollars) WHERE THE M0NEY198 CAMEERQM: 98 Requisition on Area $46,395 M»nicipalities Ontario Grants User Charges Other Revenue 1986 $39Y254 59>711 51,332 47P477 41,257 24,112 20,733 Long Terni Debt Issued 1,693 $179,388 WILAT TuHE MONEY WAS SPENT FOR.- General Government Protection to P.>rsons & Property q ransportation Services Waterworks Sanitary Sewage System Other Environmental Services Health Services Social Services Senior citizens Day Nurseries Family & Children Services Planning and Development 1987 $ 5,064 $ 152,576 1986 $ 5,208 29,566 27,662 18$751 15,601 263,852 25,179 19,422 23,762 8,503 5JI937 4,825 23,999 21,ý051 3,686 1)381 4,355 19,367 18,059 2,958 1,187 3,155 2,783 $172,012 $146,à -01 YEAR END POSITION 0F ASSETS AND ILIABILITIES (Ail arounts in thousands of dollars) " Cash and Short Terrn Investments " Accounts Receivable " Other Current Assets aRestricted Assets *Capital Outlay Financed by Long Term Liabilities and te be Recovered in Future Years " Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities " Current Portion of Ontario Housing Action Program Loans " Other Current Liabilities and Deferred Revenue *Net Long Term Liabilities *Reserves and Reserve Funds * Fund Balances *Unexpended Capital Financing *Trust Funds Administered by Region 1987 $ 19>782 PAGE 10, WH1TY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1988 Sehool is approved ~,- -~-~ If you can identify this picture, submit entry below to the Whitby.Free Peese 131 Brock St. N., Whitby, LIN 551. Winner wiIl be selected next Tuesday at 10:00 arn. LOCATION. Your Name, Address _ Phone No.. *LoSl Architectural'Conservation Advisory Committee Ailent ries will be ente red in a grand prize draw. Computer and-jewelry stolen 1986 $ 12,805 23,799 21,607 3,487 3,035 37>180 32,167 46,348 56>644 $130,596 $126,258 $19)709 $ 13>887 5,474 6Y764 4,781 2,055 4f6)348 56,644 43,470 39,217 4,910 3,776 5,904 3>915 $130,596 $126P258 $ 1,488 13,408 Durham Regional Police are investigating the theft of E computer and several pieces of CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY SOFAS & CHAIRS RECOVERED LIKE NEW Choose from a large selection of fabrios Repairs - Refinishing * ANTIQUES BOUGHTAND SOLD 513 BROCK ST. N WHITBY BUS. 668-5481 RES. 655-3524 F AMI LY WE LLNE SS CLIN IC Chiropractors- Dr. Peter Wysotski, D.C. Dr. SaIIy P. Shlapak, B.Sc., D.C. (Hon.) Psychologiel- Dr. George Blake, Ph.D. Reflexolo>gist:- Mr. Doug Thompson, B.A., B.E.D., CAR Nutdtionist:- M. Geoif RiIey, B.Sc., R.N.C. Massage Therapist:- Mr. Paul Szymanouski For appointimeniscal 728-5251 Evening Appointmerits avaIaibe 1631 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. LIN 2K9, <Acrosa froni Cherrey.s) 1jewelry from a home on Forest Rd. No v alue estimate was given for the stelen items. Entry was obtained by a side door being kicked open. Police are aiso investigating the breaking of a rear window at R.A. Hutchinson public school on the weekend. Danige is estimated at $50. CARD & PALM READING CRYSTAL BALL ADVISE ON ALL AFFAIRS ALL WELCOME $5 DISCOUNT WITH THIS AD 1834 Weston Rd. at Lawrence Toronto Tel. 248-1496 Open 9-9 Seven Days A Week .The Durham Région Roman Catholic Separate School Board has received counicil approval for construction of a 'two-story school on Michael Blvd. adjacent to West Lynde public school. The school is to be usedý as a secondary school for the first 16 months until -the secondary school is built north of Rossland Rd. It wili then be used as an elementary school. Councillor Joe Bugelli attempt- ed to have construction trucks enter the site across the soccer fields -in the ak béfilnà -the NOTICE TO, THE RAT EPAYERS 0F THE CORPORATION 0F THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALIT-Y 0F DURHAM1 A CONTEST FOR SUMMER STROLLERS AND SUNDAY DRIVERS Back for Summer '88 Sponsored by Whitby's LACAC* to encourage an awareness of our local architectural heritage Each week until September, the Whitby Free Press wilI publish a picture of an architectural detail of a building somewhere in Whitby (including Brooklin, Ashburn and Myrtie). A draw will be made fýrm ail correct entries (only one per person per week) received by the following Tuesday morning at 10:00 amn. The winner each week wiIl receive a book courtesy of LACAC. The winner's naxne and the correct answer will be published in the foliowing issue of the Free Press along with a new mystery detail.