PAGE A-12, WHITB'Y FREE PRESS. Buiiiness S$hoWcase, WEDNESDAY, FERU Y 24.,198 WHTB CABE 0 CME RCE SERVING ,WHITBY'Sl BUSINESS CO'MMUýNITY ,FO-R ý60 YEARS The, Whitby' Chamber- of Commerce is the recagnized voice of business; committed to the; enhancement of» eco.nomic prospe'rityin WhitbyM. GOALS 1.- Toparticipaté i'n the developmýent ,..of Ipublic, policy, which supports econo.mic growth'. 2.To promote business excellence in and thraugh. private enterprise. 3'. To provide leadership ta constituents thraugh actons an their behaif and thro'ugh seeking their feedback. 4. To encourage and promote tourism in order ta strengthen the tourism patential of aur area. 5. To strengthen, the organization through increasing its membership and resaurce base. For further information, cail 668-4506 or write to Box 268, Whitby, Ontario, LiN 5S1 Bob Richardson President Brian Winter Secret .ary- Manager