PAGE 14 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1987 Bluegrass loyers gather for amin9sessions -By MAURICE PIFHIER Whitby's Charlte Hubbleday, who turned 79~ on Jan. 17, says he cornes because it's fun and he wants to learn more about banjo- playing. Doreen Squelch of Brooklin says she likes the "informnai" and "family" quality of the gathering. Rod Craig of Hampton admits he is a veteran performer and taIks -a littie about the music he loves- before being whisked off to provîde bis essential sound, the mandolin, in the " piekin session. " They're members of the Pineridge Folklore Bluegrass Society, and on the second Sunday of each month they gather,, along with many others from Durham Region and beyond, for a session of bluegrass in a TAKING PART lu a bluegrass jam session are. Hubbleday of Whitby, Jim Russell and Jack (1-r) Jack Johnson of Oshawa, Dan Penney of Russell of Oshawa, and Bob Prentice of Port Oshawa, Kenny MeDonald of Toronto, Charlie Perry. Free Press photo 4t îrcbJ Now get instnt csh at. almost any money machine in Cnada!., Now, more than ever, your TOTAL Card'm is ail you need when you need instant cash from your National Trust account. As a member of the. lnterac®, Circuit® and CIRRUS@ Networks, your TOTAL Cardm can give you instant cash from over 16,000 money machine locations - virtually anywhere in Canada and the U.S.! But, as TOTAL Cardholders across Canada have dis- covered, the TOTAL Card' offers much more. les a TOTAL Money Machinem Card. Use it at any National Trust TOTAL Money Machine TM to get instant cash and account balance inquiries. In addition, you can make deposits and transfers. Most TOTAL Money MachinesTM are open 24 hours every day. lies an Instant Loan Card Access your TOTAL LINE of Credit for $400 a day. Ifs an lnterBrancb Card.' Simply present the TOTý,L Card Tm at any of our 145 branches in Canada for cash withdrawals, deposits, trans- fers or account balance inquiries. And you'll enjoy friendlyý personal service at your convenience, since most of our branches provide Ful Service 8 arn. to 8 p.m. Find out more about the TOTAL CardTM at your National Trust branch, your Neighbourhood Financial Centre.TI Get instant cash from your TOTAL CardTM wherever you see these symbols. M lrade Marke Cof terac tc. NabtnionTrs authorzed user of thre Trade Mark CIRCUIT' CIRRUSO s a Na[b nirst relodraearcf autozd userof Ut IRS yim e Trae mark lnfiffmnh M"y s«Voe NATIONAL TRUST A National Victoria and Grey lhzstco Company WHITBY AJAX OSHAWA PICKERING . 352 BmokSt. S. 6ff81100à 308 Dundas St. W. 668934 - Harwood Piaoe Malil S. 683.7344 *32 Slrncoe St S. 723-M27 *Plcketng Super Contre 831450 'I the appropriate setting at Camp Samac. They enjoy, and often play, the tunes of old favorites such as Bfi Monroe, The Stanley Brothers, Reno & Smiley and Flatt & Scruggs. "The music bas always been a favorite of mine," says Jack Russeil, self-taught ban- jo player. For a period at an Oshawa music store, he taught club members Sally Short and Donny Adams until "they went way beyond me" in expertise. Short, for example, went on to become banjo-piaying champion of Ontario. Craig, vice president. of the society, formerly played bis mandoli.n for the Blue Mountain BS>' of Oshawa ini 1958-59. "There were very few of us around here at the time," he recails. Nonetheless, bluegrass bit its peak popularity, especially in the U.S., in the late 50's only to be suddenly submerged, along with other musical forms, by a new phenomenon,, Elvis Prely . e ,Pineridge , club started about' 10 years when five couples,-got SEE PAGE 23 ...... ,,,,...j~,., ,........... . .., -.......... ...........,. -.. BE TT Y'S FASHIONS WINTER SALE NOW IN PROGRESS & $40. oo &Less SELECTED DRESSES & SUITS MON - FR1 9:30-6:00 SAT 9:30 - 5:00 112 B ROOK ST. N., WH ITBY 668-4141 BU ON* S 6M ETO E e ON MeOeEETDPTEN * eTUA IT * eTQALT * Y SOTE RN A E * e HLDESSL-DVNL PATERN * A * e 69 99 -A D ul*o l ' D elR)1A iýtlýR i * S t 2ic 0 * SON .. BUYOE BU ONe lGET O E FRE GETONFREE GEFOEFRE Plusmuch M 4uch ore OPEN HURONY &00'sAYN0FNSLECTED ATERN 14O ino i .11 awo ot 793 ork£m S -sl l fJhn ee ws 2bt e O O01lser ewec 57-15 66079 3O45 09 Nabm n rt Co. la