PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1986, WHITBY PREE PRESS Smoke-free regional buildings by Julyi Durham regionai council last week ap- proved a ban on smoking in ail regional buildings, effective July 1 next year. The ban on smoking extends to ail lun- chrooms and private of- fices. Department heads will have the authority to designate smoking areas where strict enforcement of the ban is considered impractical, such as in homes for the aged. However, it is expected that exemptions would be few in number, ac- cording to the ad- ministrative commit- tee. During 1986-87, the region will also sponsor voluntary "quit- smoking" programs with the Durham Regional Lung Association. The recommendation to ban smoking was made by management committee and the comrnittee on smoking in the workplace, made up of representatives from CUPE Local 1764 (inside workers) and management. Whitby councillor Tom' Edwards com- mended the "firm guidelines" set out by committee because they came as a result of staff input into the recom- mendation. "I think this is a motion that is overdue," i-said Oshawa councillor Linda Dionne. Pickering counilor Alex Robertson said the total ban denied some people "their right to their kind of leisure." He said smoking is dangerous to health and he agreed with a ban in private offices. However, he added, ,"I think we're going a bit too far when we talk about a ban in lun- chrooms or public places." He said certain areas could be set aside for people "to do their thing." Otherwise, he said, "We are going to force our will on them. " Oshawa councillor Brian Nicholson said the clause in the recom- mendation which per- mits department heads to designate smoking areas could be misused. "It's like saying we wish everything to be passed, but if you don't want to, you don't have to," he said, urging that the resolution be more clearly stated by with- drawing that clause. Newcastle councillor Ann Cowman said she, too, opposed, smoking but believed it was 9pushing it a littie too, far" to tell someone they can't smoke in their priva te offices. Whitby Mayor Bob At- tersley said he agreed with the ban "on a health standpoint" but urged that it be phased in. - Oshawa councillor Cy Eisey, who said he once smoked three or four packs a day, said sec- tions of lunchrooms could be set aside for smoking and non- smoki 'ng, as in restaurants. An empioyee survey showed that the "over- whelming majority"l of employes wanted a "restriction of ban -on smoking in the work- place. " A no-smoking policy had already been in place in the health ser- vice and personnel departments of the region. Regionai council passed the generai ban on smoking by a vote of 16-5. Graffiti adorns the wall of St. John the Evangelistschooi. Free press Staff Photo Graffitiii bad taste Durham Regional Police are looking for the person or persons responsible for spray painting grafitti on the walls of St. John the Eyangelist School located on Gifford St. Police said the grafitti was painted sometime between Oct. 22 and Oct. 23. Grafitti. was also painted on a storage hut behind the school. Two spray cans were found near the school. No other damage was reported. Whitby sehools vandalized Durham Regional Police are investigating three separate incidents involving schools in Whitby. Over the weekend someone spray painted the wali at the north- west corner of the Brooklin Public School. Damage is estimated at $200. Green paint was used to spray paint a wall at the Whitby Senior Public School sometime between Sunday, Oct. 26 and Monday, Oct. 27. Damage is estimated at $300. Police are also in- vestigating a break-in of a portable at Florence M. Heard School on Garden St. over the weekend. Police report the wall was scorced and there was considerable smoke damage. There was no estimate on damage. A screen was pulled off then a shovel was thrown through a win- dow to gain entry. Once inside paper was piled beside a wall then set on fire. w -~ THE "WALL0F FORTUNE" SALE COME UN-CHOO0SE YOUR WALLPAPER SIN "THE WALL 0F FORTUNE" AND SAVE AN EXTRA 5% TO 30%! Everybody is a "lwinner" ai The Wallpaper Centre AS 10W AS 5.95 DBLEIR LESS YOUR SPIN "BEST FOR LESS"ZÀ-ý 1 00' O R .L INSTOCK eWallpaper & Borders [-I I-I Buy 1 -Get 1 Fret Hot Included * '000* * .0 0' .0 A~ O - O '*i> S 'e ~-' e * 'e 0' Latest styles, pattel & colors THNTEJII. R L NIONTS CENTRLE i -E ,-, e M Mc OSHAWA AJAX SCARBOROUGHI 140 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 1313 HARWOOD AVE. N. 793 MARKHAM ROADI ~ (USTSOUH 0 JON)(BETWEEN HWY. 401 & (BE1WEEN ELLESMERE & 579-1655 O JHN HWY. 2) LAWRENCE) 57-65686-0719 431-4458 liýTHE WALL 0F FORTUNE,<% % % I.i THE WALLCF FORTUNE 'I.# % % THE WALL.0F FORTU NE OF FORTUNE%% % %THEWALLOF FORTUNE o - .,",%THEzWALL .0 s aEýý" TH .5,PE ENR ne.