Whitby Free Press, 29 Oct 1986, p. 30

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PAGE 22, WEDNESDAYL OCTOBER 29 1986 WHITBY FREE PRESS Whitby's Most Widely Read ICLASSI F lED ADSI CORPORATION OF THE *4TOWN OF WHITBY REQUIRES CASHIER "1"- . TREASURY DEPARTMENT Applications wiIR be received by the undersIgned for the above position until Wednesday, Novem- ber th, 1986, at 4:30 p.m. Duties to include proceasing payments, correspondance, cash baiancing, and accounts foliow.up. Qualifications: Secondary School Grad1ration Car- tificate, accurate typing abiiity <minimum 60 w.p.m.), proficient ln the use of a caicuistor. Some, accounting knowiedge wiii be consIdered an asset. Appilcants should posseas strong Inter- personai akilis and have a keen sense of accuracy, thoroughness and dataii. Salary Rate: $13,698.00 - $15,566.00 Piesse submit your detaiied resume indicating education, experience, references, etc., to: Wm. H. Walace, P.Adm., A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Administrator, ThpCorporation of the Town of Whltby, 575 Rossiand Road East, Whltby, Ontario. L N2M8 Note!: This position la open f0 female and maie appilcants. We thank all those who appiy but ad- vise that applications wiii not be acknowlijdged. Persons to be lnterviewed wiii be notIfied by Wed- nesday, November l9th, 1986. INDUSTRIAL MILLWRIGHT MECHANIC A major manufacturer of PaPer Producta requires a quaiified Industriai Miiiwright Mechanic. You must have compieted the required appren- ticeship programn and have had at least 2 years ex- perience In maintenance of production equip- ment. We of fer competItIva wages and an excellent benefts package. Piesse repiy ln wrting to: Harry Lindgren MacMillan Bathurst Imc. P.O. Box 150, Water St. Whitby, Ont. Li N 5R7. MATURE STUDENT 19 PLUS To work with a bind, deaf, 19 year oid boy. Weekends and achool hoildays. Must have vaild drivers Ilcense and enjoy outdoor ac- tîvities. Sign langu- age an asset. $6.301hour. Cail Mrs. Wilcox, after 5:30 pm 476-1 960 Moving 10 Brooklin Jgnuary, 1987 ESTAURANTIDERNs Ejn NIN WHITBY OWNER RETIRIGNG0 located on majoraofa ggdaS L LIM n6x 0thoroughtare ln plazedar ý3. t h h unlimltetsR 4e aa 0parking. 46 seats dolng In excess of $3,500 weekly, 10 yr. f 'T ms wR wURT1 00cWlese. Ideal for famlly 5()o 'B Y' 1 0 yr. ( G 0 Do L IS 1 .977.7764 operation. Price $89,900. Statemetst 0 TIREDO0F BSEING broke? Eamn $400 ta $1,200 per Month pari- lime, $2,000 la $8,000 per mont h fuiitime. Ceal Mr. irudeile, 436- 1313. CHRISTMAS MELPERS needed Immedlaieiy wlfh car for lIght ap. pliance company. butles tfaln- clada deivesy end dlapiay, full end pafl.time, atudente meicome, $7.sOan hour plus gas allowance. Oelil 683M. BABYSITTER NEEDED fuii.tf me n my home for 2 year aid, required fa work shifta, WhIlby area. Cali 66eli.53 ADVERTISINO SALES POSITION Immedlafe apenIng, self-starter, experience flot essentil. Whtby Free Press, 668.111. A CAREER IN TRUOKINO. Tran- sport drivera needed. Now la the lime to frin for your disse A icense. For prescreenling Inter view and lob placement Infor- maftion. conat Mery Orr'a Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton 1.800265-1260. DEPENOABLE 13ABYSITER requIrad for a 3'à monthI, ad and 4 year aid, stering Decamber 1, for Brookiin and Ahbum ares, oniy, Monday ta FrIday, apprax. 7:15 a.m. f0 5 p.m. Cali 655-4745. PART.TIME OFFICE mark avaifabie, sefting op appainimen- fa miilh aur cients ovar tephona. For Ineriew cali 683- 3340. LOG HOME budera manfed: professiovai craismenlmomen required for Indusfry leader ln Handcraffed Lag Hornes, ex- cellent remunerafior, year round bulding seasan commence AprIf 1987, appiy iv etrIcivat canfiden- ce fa Timothy J. Sulock (705) 4662121,466-2505. CONSTRUCTION, ODrea Mechanice, fWeidera. Eec- frIciana, Machiniste, Caffpenfere, needed Immadiateiy. Aea Aidne lobs. Wittrain aonme pasifions. (up fa 300manotihi TransCan- llneniai Job Search (308f 382. 3700. Fea. TRUOKINO CAREERS. Driver lob fraining miih, placement help se avaifabie. domplets deteiis cen be msiied f0 pou. Phone Rodùérs Schooi ai (416) 7893546 ii h posaaicode. MA CHEIlE Home Faehian Shows Est. 1975. Join'aur suc- cesefuf famly ai repreasives ln prseenfing qualify lingerie and laungame aialIn-home pauties for wmmn. Ilie fun, ifs& easy, file profifable. Oelil toii.free 1400263. 9183. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS We are presentIyseeklng 10 lndividuals Interested ln earnlng an excellent ln- corne. If you are energetic and willing to make a commltrnent cali today for a porsonal interview: 576-3300 -01 Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. .OVERSEAS JOBS. Jobs paylsg hlgh salaréa re nue evaleble ln manyey scllng ansd lnlereellflg countrtes lnclulng Canadien North, Mddle Eait and Australla. Many hase tex ire.@slades and, hlgh benelie. Ail eklilla requlred. For Information mals Oversau, Sulle 472, 7305 Woodblne Ame, DepL ER, Mortrhom, Ont. URl CARPENTERJHANDYMArt ip ~ asiafIn rsioration of century home. Muei have good carpenlry, paining and other skIiia and ha able io mark sem-iIndapendeniiy. Oii oug Anderson ai 66".111 ,orQW&5040......... CANADA WIDE dealers & disiribuiora msnied (Rotomagi commerciaIlindusirisf eleciro mechanicai mater reuimeni unifu for scale ramonai. Stock In vasimeni S9,00W producea 42% raium. TraInIvg & iechnIcei sup- port, eiaiing Canadien referenca base. Canada Wida mriie or cail Ernest Baker. Thermach lsribuiors Inc. 3663 Maia Ave., unt 7, Mlisasouga, Ont. MS 2Z2 (416i896-7096. ENTREPRENEURS oniy say pas" to miiiionsf Oenmarkte BusinesPresenaian ai Ascot Inn, 5M4 Reudate eivd. ihis Thur- CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN Three miles east of Little Brtain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Litte BrItain Rd. Due Io Halloween failing on Friday, Oct. 31 thora wll b. no sale that evening. Next sais TUES., NOV. 4 6:30 P.M. Hoosier kitchen cup- board, pins blanket box, 4 drawer metai filing cabinet, parlour tables, cheaterfilelda, dining room chairs, mantie dlocks, modemn dressera and cheat of drawers, odd wooden ktchen chairs, wicker fern stand, Pioneer 1074 chain saw, FIndlay cookatove, por- table color TV (with remote control), coffes and end tables, Mof fat 30" stove, Inglis spin washer, dining room ex. tension table,> quantity of tools, china & glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705786-2183 AUCTION SALE THURS., OCT. 30 6:30 P.M. At Orval McLean Auction Center, Lindsay. Con- sIgnmenta from estates, furnture, appliances, 1978 Honda wagon, cheaterfields, bedroom suites, beda, dishea, Cali now to book your sais 324-2783 CONSIGNMENT SALE FR1., NOV. 14 10:00 A.M. Ontario's largeat farm machinery consignment sale, Norwich, Ont. Saesa conducted second Friday each month.) Approx. 150-175 tractors pus all types of farm equipment. Con- aignmenta welcome. For more Information cal (519) 424-9998 or <519) 424-9093 Proprietors K.S. HAMULACKI & SONS AUCTION SALE SAT., NOV. 29 10:00 A.M. Conaign now ta our an- nuai ski-doo salieat Or- val McLean Auction Cen- tir, Lndsay. Accepting snowmobiies, machInery tractors, riding mowers, snowblowers, trailers, recreation & ail terrain vehicies, construction equipment, vahicies. Consign by Nov. 15. Bring f0 barn or phone 324-2783 QJýHENJ PE AUaeumn fSTRANGER IN TÃ"WN? You neyer have otstmai eone. - ~ Shop the aacteIn the Whinih Free Presa for osan ai com. muniiy happenInga, enter- t ainment and social avents in ) ourareai I WHITBY j FREE PRESS >~ JAUCTIONS FUN FOR THE WHOLE t... FAM iLY j1fL> ATTENDUONETHIS WEEKENDI CRIME SOVPDERS By SGT. S. RYRIE S Durham Co-ordinator Durham Regional be paid for the arrest of Police and Crime Stop- persons found in, pers are askIng for the unlawful possession of publi's assistance in any stolen property. solving a number of thefts and damiage to In addition similar motor vehicies whlch rewards will be paid for have been occurring in iformation leadmng to the underground arrests i any serious parking lot at 1210 case, Radom St., Pickering. Callers do not have to Over the past eight give their names Or aP- months numerous perhI court. vehicles have been en- The Crime Stoppera tered and property numbers are: 222-8477, ranglng froni tol to local to Toronto or 1-800-» stereos to coats have 387-8477, toli free for al been stolen. During cails. these thefts con- A citizen board ad- siderable damage has ministers the Crime aiso been done to the Stoppers progranis of vehicies. The property which there are now stoien and the damage over 600 ln North done has amounted to America. The reward thousands of dollars. > money Is raised through Crime Stoppers wiil tax deductible donations pay up to $1,000 for in- whlch may be sent to formation leading to the Toronto and Regional arrest of persons Crime Stoppers responsible for these of- (Durham), P.O. Box, 54,- fences. Up to. eý999 wLl _ Oshawa, Ont. L1H 7K8., AUCTION HALL FRI., OCT. 31 6:00 P.M. ConaIgnment sais to be heid at Columbus Com- muity Centre. Sais to include cherry wood secretarial ibrary, Eiec- trohome organ, 9 pc. dinfing room< suite (original Pioneer design), sofa & chair, end tables, 3 pc. luggage set, photocopier, . brasa headboard, Lazy Boy, ktchen chairs, beda, books, sectionai chesterfield, lampa, aiedge hammers, axe, roof racks, oak cheat of drawers, TV'a, aterso, Gordon day bed, mfany more intereating articles too numerous to men- tion. Consignmenta weicome. Terma cash or cheque with proper i.D. Sale managed and aoid by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS To ist your conaIgnment or to Inquirs phone 655-4185 NOTICES CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F LINDA ANN WENZEL, DECEASED. Ail l aims againat the Estate of Linda Ann Wenzei, lste of the Town of Whitby, ln the Regionai Municipaiity of Durham, Factory Worker, deceaaed, who died on or about the lth day of May, 1985, muat be fiied with the undersigned personai representatIvea on or before November 15th, 1986; thereafter the undsrsigned wil dIstribute the assets of the said estais havIng regard oniy to the dlaimrs then fiied. Dated et Whitby, On- tario this l7th day of Oc- tober, 1986. ANDREW OTTO WENZEL, Adminstrator by hie; Soiicitora, Coath, Livingstone & Johnaton, PO. Box 327, 101 Dundas St. W., Whiltby, Ont. Li N 5S4. From p.i1 for bridge financing. "We will not lose that site," Lafarga delcared. "If we lose the bridge financing we wi1l pick it (the site) up ourselves. " "And lose the gran- ts? " Brown asked. 1 Yes, " Lafarga'said. Pickering trustee Louise Farr said there are stili achools in Whit- by that can take the overflow, but that was not the case in Pickering. "It's unfortunate that we're in a position of one against the other," Pickering trustee Lorna Murphy said. "We're al feeling the need in our own area." It was not poor plan. ning which 55w so many new schools open and inimediateiy require an addition-, 'Murphy saidý. "It's oui' capacity ver- sus the ministry's capacity." The Durham board allows 25 per cent fewer pupils per teacher than does the ministry. "Until we have. the whites of the eyes showing for that extra 25 per cent we won't get the school ... We know what we need, but we can't build it the way we'd like to. " Other projects proposed for Whitby are a new achool for Costain North (fourth place on the 1988 forecast) and a achool for Foiey (first place on the 1990 forecast). This year the board received ministry fun- ding for two new schools: one in Whitby and one li Pickering. Pringle Creek Public School is expected to 'okh ME Sptobèt-- Cindy Cook was one of the Polka Dot crew who delighted youngsters Saturday at Henry St. High Schooi in three well-attended shows. Free Press Staff PhotoJ School priorities set

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