Whitby Free Press, 29 Oct 1986, p. 25

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I I Corridor qCapers By MARY MCEACIIERN f; as (ait 72" 967 wlth items for th Is column. WHITBY NO. 248 ORDER 0F THE Tedy EASTERN STAR Tedyevening, October 14, Whitby Chapter No. 248,' Order of the Eastern Star held their meeting in tise Masonic Hall. Worthy Matron, Beverley Rogers, presided and Worthy Patron Len Waltham assisted. There were two past District Deputy Grand Matrons, 14 Past Matrons, eight past Patrons, visitors from Pickering, Toronto and Quebec welcomed by thse Worthy Matron as well as tise officers and members of Whitby Chapter. Two new members were initiated and welcomed beartly. This bringing the total new members for the year to16._ Grace Guthrie gave her reporton tise fraternal visit to Warren Penusylvania, U.S.A. 15 rnembers made the trip. The first evemingthey atten ded thse Chapter meeting, in the United States is very elaborate. The following morning the wortis matron ~of te Pennsylvanla chapter took tise Whitby mem- bers to breakfast and on a tour of some of the historie places and ended with a well planed din- ner. Thse following morning after a breakfast with members, the Whitby group returned home, isaving thorougisly enjoyed their trip. There will be a retur- ned invitation sent next year. Tise Worthy Matron, under good of the order, gave her -fareweli speeches, as this was ber final meeting. She thanked hier officers and tise past Matrons for tiseir excellent support througisout tise year, tise committees for supporting her so diligen- tly, to her catering committee went a special tisank you to ail who worked to raise the money for ail the charities tise Chapter support yearly. Chapter closed with theirclosing Drill. -Mrs. Karen Lent, a representative of the 'Children's Last.Wish Foundation' gave a presen- tation and sisowed pictures to the members. This was thse Wortisy Matrons project for the year. Mrs. 1Lent explained that 100 children received their last <wish, some witis ieart disease, cancer and M.D. Tise money was raised for the project by a talent table and draws and donations through tis year. On behaif of the Whitby Chapter, tihe worthy Matron presented Mrs. Lent with a cheque for $1,430 which was greatfully received. Refreshinents were ser- ved, foilowed by a social hour. CAPERS DANCE Tise Corridor Ares Rstepayers Association will hold their annual dance attse Legion Hall( Byron St. S., is Wiitby on Saturday, Nov. 15, beginning at 8:30- p.ns. Gary Tumnmonds will be our D.J., and Gary bas always played tise best records and provided tise best entertainment for our dance. Tickets are $14 a couple for members and $15 for non-paid-up-members, and may be obtained from any executive niember or caUl 725-8967. Cash bar, lunch and many prizes. Proceeds from the dance wiII go to iselp Bluegrass Mesdows residents with their townlsouse probleni. Reserve early as tickets are lirnited. DECOM Deconi is on isold for tise present time. GET WELL WISHES To Pat Dooley who bas isad a couple of trips to tise J.O. Ruddy Hospital this past week. Get well soon Pat, we need you. BAZAAR St. Andrew's Presbyterian Women's Association will hold their annual bazsar on Saturday, Novem- ber 8 attise Cisurcis Hall, Cochrane St. in Wiitby, from il a.m. until 2 p.m. There is sometising for everyone, handcrafts of aIl kinds, Christmas decorations, a children's table and fisis pond, home baking, candy, jam pickles, etc. As well, tisere will be a white elepiant table of good used articles. Come and sisop and then enjoy a deliclous luis- cheon witis a menu for both aduits and cblîdren. BAZAAR St. Andrew's Presbyterian Women's Association will isold tiseir annual bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 8 at Use churcis hall Cochrane St. in Wlitby from il a.m. to 2 p.m. Sometising for everyone.' Tiere will be handicrafts of ail kinds, Christmas decorations, a children's table and fisis pond, home baking, candy jamn and pickles. As well; tisere wiil be a whsite elephant table of good used articles. Come and siop, Usen enjoy a delicious lunciseon with a menu for both aduits and ciildren. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Westminster United Churcis, Manning Rd. in Whitby wilisold Ueir annual bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 22, from 1 to 4 p.m. There will be novelties, candy, white elephant, home baking, sewing, knit- ting and a fabulous tes room. Bring your friends. Everyone welcome. Annual turkey dinner will be held on Saturday, Nov. 1, from 4 to 7 p.m., Aduits $7, ciildren (12 and under) $3.50 and pre-scisoolers are free. Obtain your ticket from your local U.C.W. *member or by calling 576-8218. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION Capers Bail - Use C.A.R.A. wil hold tiseir annual dance at the Wiitby Legion Hall, Byron St. S. in Whitby on Saturday, Nov. 15 from 8:30 toi1 p.m. Lots of fun for everyone. Spot dances and door prizes, lunch and a cash bar. ickets are $14 a couple and may be obtained from any executive member or by calling Ralpis at 578-5296 or 725-8967. Reserve early. COFFEE POT If you or your group require a 100 cup coffee urn, just caîl 725-8967 and reserve your date. Ail we ask is that you return Use pot in good condition. Caîl 725-8967 wiUs news items for Use coluxnn. Whitbv Pass the gave i Beverley Rogers (left), past msatron, hands tise gavel to new wordly matron Patricia Lawrence at a meeting of tise Whltby cisapter (248) of tise Order of Use Eastern Star. Tise order, wlslis bas 202 members lns Whltby Brooklin recently donated $1,430 to tse Clildren's Wish Foundation of Canada. Tise order bas also made donations to tise Arthritlc Society, can- cer fund, YMCA, Heart and Stroke Foundation, Kidney Foundation, Par- ticipation House, and local chaplalncy funds, ail un tise past year. Free Press Staff Photo Duplicate bridge resuits Tise Wiitby Duplicate Bridge Club met. Oct. 22. East and west win- ners were: Dick and Irene Ketchell, 125; Florence Ciilderisose and Annette McCollumn, 116; Georgie Bovay and Marguerite Steffler, 114; and Joan McColl and Isez Maundreil, 113. North and soutis win- ners were: Mabel Baker and Marjonie Frost, 118/; Joyce SmiUs and Pat Adams, 116h; Bill Nelson and Frank Me- Neill, 114%k; and Gordon and Evelyn Boyd, 114. RETRACTION am bulance The A & P Flyei dlatrlbutad by hous.hold mail for the wook aif Oc- lober 211h la Novombor 2, 1986 lncorrectly adverlluod a o'cLOCK DEAN COFFEE etlloue thon 14 Prîco. A & P apologîzos for 1h18 errr Froni Oct. 16 to 23, tise and any lnconvonlonco Il mmy have cbused our customora. U7hithvo ,mh,,lonce sr- - vice responded to 109 cails for service un- cluding Uree vehicle' accident emergencies. Tiree people were taken to ares isospitals froni tiose accidents. United way at $1.4 million Tise Newcastle- Osisawa-Whitby United Way campaign bas almost rescised $1.4 million. Sandy Cunninghasm,. public relations chair- mais for tise local United Way, says $1,378,453 bas been raised after five weeks of Use eight-week campaigis. Tisat amount is about 64 per cent of the $2.15 million goal of tise cam- paigis. general manager T.om May ssid of last Tuesday's talks. He said Mediation talks bet- ween management and workers at Wiitby' TuedaOct. 21.f as HusydrOcbrke ff1.s Tise meeting was tise first since August. Fur- tiser talks have not been planned by mediator If you'r Murray Lapp Superi Hydro workers have Jacuzzi now been on strike for -French moreUsais two montiss ti. îarni Tisey are seeking wage brickf parity with Ajax isydro cerami workers mentîîc "lWe didn't get very Grant 6 far," .W tby.. - 1 wages continue to be tise 64outstanding"' item to be resolved. PERFECTION PERSONIFIED re Iooking for an exceptionai home, this ls il. rb recreation faciiity (25' x 18' irreg.) with ziWhlpool (ceramie step-up), sophisticated àdoorways to living room & waikout f rom 23 niiy room. Ground level 4th bedroom or den, firepiace, additionai 3 pc. bath with full c shower. Many more features than can be oned here. $142,900.00 (& ln Whitbyi) Jack 668-4000. (IDESIGN AND BEAIJTY CLiNIO For discrtminauing Men & Women Now Open Mondays Monday's Only5O f streaks, highlights & perms. Includes: * Haircut & dry * Tanning session * Full facial *Complete Make-p * Mancure* Pedîcure OUR REGULAR PRICE $100.00 %* o& ý4$8.00 PRICE INCLUDES A LIGHT LUNCH A GREAT GIFT IDEA FOR SOMEONEYOU LOVE 123 ATHOL ST -666-2311 THE CORPORATION 0F ~'THETOWNOFWHITBY PROCLAMATI'ON POPPY WEEK TAKE NOTICE THAT November4 to 11, 1986, le hereby proclalmed as "Poppy Week" ln and for the Townof Whltby. Cîtlzens of Whitby are remlnded of the significant contributions of the Royal Canadian Leglon to our Munlclpallty and are encouraged to support the sale of popples ln memory of those who have given themselves for our country. DATED at Whltby, Ontarlo this 29th day of Oc- tober,1986.R.A. Attersley, Mayor Town of Whltby The Royal Canaclian Legion WH ITBY (ONT. NO. 112) BRANCH Sulent On Remembrance Day, November 11, Use good folk of Witby wiUI again isonor,. in two minuteà of silence, Use fallen and disabled veterans of bygone conflicts for Our freedom. We wear Use traditional symbolie poppy at tisis time. We wesr it, not only as a visual emblem of our respect, our isumiity and our gratitude to lost sons and daugisters, but also because, through Our donations to tise Pop- py Campaigis,- we iselp provide funds to aid and bing a little sunshine ista tise .vees andneedy veeasaddepen- dents, 1tise isospitalized and tise disabled, and those* honour. wiso suffered so mucis in action as to be deprived of tise opportunity to be 10<) per cent competitive in a cisanging world. Tis yesr under the chairmanship of Carel Van Hoof, veteran of Use Dutch Resistance and tise Royal ,Netiserlands Navy, Wiitby Bran- ch, Royal Canadian Legion will offer poppies during tise week .preceding Remembrance Day at locationsfall over towns - banks, stores and by personal Legionnaire repre- sentative in mails- and on sidewalks. Carel's aiming for tise most successful Poppy Campaigis ever, so plesse, Wiitby, donate what you can afford and wear the poppy. 1985 POPPY CAMPAIGNI Net Proceeds 9100.00 Welfare 7400.00 The Royal Canadian Leglon is committed to assisti ng our veterans and their widows & dependants. Although the number of veterans is dwindling those I that remnain stili require our assistance.

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