Proces's is key to Rustpro.ofing Rustproofers of the past have not been successful. Their fallure lies not 50o much with the operators and their particular methods, but in their product and the process'un- dertaken toward solving the problem-. Sealants (such as tars and waxes) do not evaporate moistûre, penetrate seanis and crevices, treat steel for rust or cover the total areas of concern such as locks, win- dows, doors, mechanical parts or exterior areas. A product that will evaporate moisture, even within the steel, protect steel against saît and other chemicals and give total, complete coverage is a product that will- give you a fightinig chance against rust.. That product, we are proud to say, is Rust Check, with no product failures in over 10 years, demonstrating that it really works. Rusting is a natural process - the chemical change of the element'iron to its more stable form, iron oxide - rust.. Negative par- ticles travel tbrough a con- ductor (usually water) and combine with positive par- ticles to create iron oxide. If this process continues long enough, it will eventually gnaw a hole right through steel. Salt, llke moisture, is an excellent conductor. Both accelerate the rusting process. Some sections of '87 Dodge Aries K-Car The ongoing success of Dodge Aries K-Car owes a great deal to word-of-mouth advertising. Every year more and more Canadians have joined the ranks of owners of Chrysler K-Cars and, according to our research, they're satisfied and happy enough to tell other people just why they bought, and .why they're glad they'did. So the suc- cess-keeps growing. Why? In part it's because the basic concept makes so0 much good sense. Space- saving front-wheel drive provides family roominess and cargo space in a car that's still trim for rnaneuverability and fuel efficiency and has excellent winter traction and stabilty. But as much, or more,_ because Aries K has built itself an enviable reputation as a car that is durable and reliable, and one that con- tinues to comimand above- average reale value - the real test of word-of-mouth advertising. Aries K is responsive and a pleasure to drive, but that doesn't mean it isn't tough. Over seven years the stan- dard 2.2-litre overhead- camshaft engine has carried on a tradition of Chrysler designed and built engines - rugged, durable and dependable enough to prove a winner even in the toughest service, such as taxi and police applications. And the car itself - the structure, the bodywork - is built to last. Galvanzied, or similarly zinc-protected steel, *is used for almost every major body panel and structural member except the roof s0 that the protec- tion starts even before the first coat of paint goes on. There's a resilient urethane coating applied to the lower bodysides to resist stone chips. And for extra protec- tion against the weather, and a deep durable lustre, Mries K now has a coat 0f clear acrylic applied over top of the final colour coat. Add to ail this the assurance that comes with Chrysler's 5-year/80,000 kilometre warranties on powertrain and corrosion- protection. Your dealer can give you details. Suffice to say here that it sums up the whole philosophy that built the K-Car - satisfaction first. If you thought a low price meant this.. l987Dodge&]ymoulliCanadaK are going to éhange yOur md $9299**ffy dressed Fbr 1987 Doilga Ailes and Plymouth Relant Canada K ara an aven baller buy. 'Ibat's becausa thaftae loaded ap wllh standard features thal ara costiy options on most ether care Compara mth Ford Ibmpo. And the Japanasa bnports:fbe Canada K la equlpped la ba on top of your hast dressed 6Lst a power steartag a power braes a oreclniag buckct aaais o staaless steel cxhaust for long lire INGVARIYOTORSLTD. 1'428 KING ST. E., OSHAWA a elecronlec fuel injection a electroalcally tuned radio co map redlngght o fouileen lnch steel ballait alseason rad iais a englne block heat- er for cold winter alarsoa plush inlerlor to sit you ln the lbp of luxury. WVe added M$6n9 lateulrs wthout increas- lng the piice. lbr $9299, Chrysier is showing the world how le matie mm ~AgalîL 723-1175 723-1176 automobiles are more likely to rust than other sections, depending on how theyare made and where they are located. Such areas include horizontal portions of the- body that are likely to ac- cumulate mud and road dirt that hold moisture, box sec- tions and* spot-welded seams, which can trap moisture. Rust Check's amazing formula has been proven to successfully check rust - that is, slow the rust process down to a remarkable degree. The key lies in four major areas: Its penetrating abiity enables the formula to get into the bare seams; an ad- ditional chemical evaporates moisture from the steel; three mnore chemicals treat the steel; and a creeper chemical allows the formula to travel into even the most difficuit areas of an automobile. Because it's guaranteed forever! The company has com- pleted over 600,000 treat- ments of Rust Check in 13 years of business. There are presently 225 outiets acrosa Canada. New vehicle warranties are backed by one of the largest insurance companies in North America. To the customer who tur- ns to Rust Check, these credits mean confidence that he's got the best product possible. Anyone who has an automobile would benefit from Rust Check's program. The first step is to get the car treated, then satisfaction can be main- tained with our annual maintenance prograni. Large fleets in Canada are now turning to Rust Check for maximum protection of their investment. Compared' with the high cost of automobile repairs and maintenance, Rust Check's cost of-$89.95 per year is relatively inexpen- sive. Satisfied customers return year after year, proving the effectiveness of our product. CONSUMER PROTECTION WARNING BULLETIN FROM BEWARE 0F COUNTERFEIT RUST-,- PROOFERS ANVONE WHO TELLS YOU THAT THEY ARE SIMILAR TO RUST CHECK IS NOT BEINO HONEST WITH YOU AND COU LD DECEIVE YOU INTO VOIDING YOUR VALUABLE RUST CHECK WARAANTY. ONLY RUST CHECK HAS: -AN INSU RED WARRANTY THAT STATES JUST THAT INSIJRED FOR YOUR PROTECTION. -OVER 600,000 CARS DONE SINCE 1974 WITHOUT ONE WARRANTY CLAIM FOR RUST OUT. -WHILE YOU WAIT SERVICE -THE ONLY AUTO RUST PROTECTION APPROVED BY THE AUTOMOBILE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, NATIONALLY. AUTOMOBILE RUST PROTECTION FOR NEW AND USED CARS. NOW OVER 250 RUST CHECK OUTIETS ACROSS CANADA. -s51 *SAVE $5 NOWI ý4i ON VOUA RUST PROOFING (WITH THIS COUPON REG. *9.95 ANY CAR) 1$'5 Offèr expires January 31,1987. $5 BEAT THE RUSTIES AT THESE LOCATIONS mWII:uI ci Ulm" WHITBY FREE PRESS, AUTO GIDE. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29,1i986, PAGE 7