Whitby Free Press, 29 Oct 1986, p. 12

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"PAGE 12. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER, 29, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS Coming events For Fust, Friondly, Efficient, Co MF Service, Celi Rogers For Your Oui or Plumsoe Tr.veI Noee Whiiby Mal Staf 5f ta 11011,Ranke Motejil, Gonorl Mons, paulino La. Janot Loe, Coum.lo ROQER'S GOLDEN TOURS HAW 3,4, & 6 Wesk Holldays Avallable .Departing Oshawa January 23,1987 ROGUNRS TOUR INCLUDEL& F LY IT H ro. tranportatlon ta & fmom Toronto, con FLY WITH plimntr transportation toalarport fromt Osaws parsonai ssrvIcss af roprsoentatIve In onoiuli BO00K NOW hotai taxes, momlng breakfast brlsiin*g, tI0kt walst. Rogers tour, Sprlng la BloomlIng nARIZONA.- Mura FUNSHIP FESTIVAL Son Juan, St. Thomas, St. Muarten, Mrtnqu,1 ROGERSTOUR INCLUDIES: 1 Week Omilse - Jan. 26187 Rtum .irtaro t.a Sn Juan, fre. bus transfers Oshawa ta Toronto airport & rstui party, sight meais snd snacks daiiy, fuit rangs oi sntsrtalnment lnciuding twoc shows ach ovaning et ses, full gambiing coaino. 24 hour-s.day slatsroom service oeil, duty Ire@ shopping on board, briefings on hlghlights oifmeuh pcrt-of.call, funet big Free transportation to & from Toronto From $135 MARCH BREAK- JAMAICA HILL Match 14 to21 A iush scrs ostat sest ln a Iendscap.d gardon wth viows of Son San Bey and avenI San San boach. ROOERI'5TRAVEIL INCLUDU: Rlatum aidar, tronafor ta omort, accommodations, moidicooc, food stmples for 1I fat, msmbsrship card for Fsm Miii Club which entiti os you ta svsning actIvItiesapl and windsurfing et Son Son Bosch, nssrby Blue Logoon offrs watsrskiinga facifitios Inciude fmeuh wter swimmtng pool and two lightsd tennis courts, parf play am as avatiablo for chiidron ond babysittors con b. arrangod, Vila haves souq ditionsd bodrooms, o iuiiy squippod iitchon, spiit levai and dining room ondeà covai SOUTH PACIFIC - 28 DAYS Australla, New Zeeland, FIJI March il - April 7. Fuiiy escorted ROGE'AS TRAVEL INCLUDS: Ecanomy close air transi, International ond domestic, breakfiast dally, sIxtoon dinr spoclilecf ln the tinersry, baggaga handiidg for 1 bag throughout your tour, a protos fram day 128, a range of sightseelng attractions lncluding: Offshore niewing ai the nsy Opera Houso, a visit ta Waratah National Park to a a nd food Austrailsas popt Calma - theo"Back Marin capital ai the world", undsrwater views oi the Great E Rock, the Red Contre of Australiea ta1the Olgas, Fitzroy Gardons, Captain Ca4 National Gallery, ond much, much mors. putorizod FAil 1987 a Sold Out I àh14 F 13 Pl Barbados lm, weicoms &board difiorent nighiciub ce, sxcing ports of hip Hotidays' transi VILLAS loaking ths trsnquit dinnor and 1 break- lu@ frs snorkeiing and &cuba diving, rfoot for familes, a 1coniainsd air con- rsd tarrace. inom and meais ns silonai tour sbcort amagnIficent Syd.- eltorri ler of vtos uar widroof,, Aveto >ohm cotae, h LECTURE The. Cesarean Birth Support and Education Group wil hold a, lec- ture at 7:30 p.m., Nov. 10, at Dunbarton High School ini Pickering. Dr. Walter Hannali, oh- stetrician and gynecologist, Will discuss "Vaginal Birth After Cesarean: A Safe Alternative',. Pre- registration, at $4, is a advised ($5 at. the door). To register cail Joap (723-0873) or Pen- ny (571-0265). INUIT PRESENTATION Clarence Gunter of Orono wiIl give a slide presentation on Inuit 111e in the Canadian nor- thi to the Uppier Canada brandi of the United Empire Loyalists in the auditorium of the Whit- by Public Llbrar, Nov. il at 7:30 p.m.. The slides have appeared previously on cable television. Members of the branch and the general public are welcome to-attend. For information caîl Don- ald Fox (576-3175). BAZAAR Ail Saints Anglican Church (Dundas St., Whitby), will be holding their annual Christmas bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 15, 10 a.m. to 2p.m. 1'here will be a luncheon of soup and sandwiches as well as tea and squares. There will be a k.nitting table, crafts, homemade candy, jams, fish pond, chuldren's room, home baking, white elephanl' table. Everyone ist #elcome. ROYAL FAIR The 58th Royal Agricultural. Winter Fair will be held Nov. 13-22 at Exhibition Place, Toronto. BIOETHICS Dr. David Roy, an in- ternational authority in the field of- bioethics, will be guest speaker at the Durham' Region Roman Catholic Separate School board, professional activity day Nov. 10 at LVIV Hall in Oshawa. The event, to ' focus on bioethical and moral issues, has been planned by a committee of teachers since last year. For more information call' Paul Pulla (839- 540). YOUNG LIBERALS The Durham Young Liberals, a newly foun- ded club, will be holding their- general meeting Nov. 16, 1:30 p.zn., at 931 Exeter St., Oshawa. Members and anyone interested in joining may attend. For infor- mation calI Greg Gillespie (728-2507). PETER PERRY Whitby residents have until Nov. 30 to nominate someone for the Peter Perry Award, given annually to Whit- by's outstanding citizen. Individuals, couples or families rnay 'be nominated, but not community -groups. Forms are available at Whitby banks and must be mailed to the Whitby Chamber of Commnerce, Box 268, Whltby, Ont., LiN 5S1, or delivered to the Chamber office in the Centennial bulding. AUBERGE DINNER Auberge, Durham Region's shelter for abused womien and*their children, will hold its .econd annual fun- draising dinner, Noy. 18. Guest speaker is CF- TO's hostess 'Siabel Bassett, who will discuss M'onien in the Margery Maunder of the Baha'i conmunity presents a statemnent on peace to Mayor Bob Attersley. Fe rs tf ht PAYYOURSELF But what about the mortgage or the rent, the car payment, the credit cards, and so on? 0f course, you must meet your financial obligations. But if youre going to sawe money and buld toward a better tomnorrow, you must keep,-à Ir sorne ofwhat you eam for yourself~~~" ~ r- 1 can show you how to do it -and how to make your savings grow. Cati me \ today. KEN LEN*NOX 434-8400 PROFIT FROM OUR SERIENCE Messaýge ofpeace, Members of Whitby's Baha'i 1community mnade a special presen- tation to Mayor Bob At- tersley last Friday. They presented hum with a special statement on peace. Titled 'The Promise of World Peace' it is ad- dressed to the people of the. world. The statement expresses a firm conviction that peace us inevitable but humanity faces the choice as to whether it wiIl enable peace to corne about by. an act of consultive will on the part of world leaders or only after the horrors of a nulear war. 4Locations To Serve You WHITBY MALL OFFICE- *Head Office, East Malil, 60 King St. E., THICKSON RD. & DUNDAS Oshawa, 579-2261 571.2221@Knob HiII Complex, 500 Howard Street, 571-2221Oshawa, 4348800 Mon., Thurs, Fr1. 99 @1240 SImcoe St. N., South of Taunton Rd. Tues., Wed. 96 west side, Oshawa, 43".226 Bat. 105 Workplace. " Tickçets are $35 each or a reser- ved table for 10 is $350. Reception is 6 p.m., din- ner at 7 p.m. at St. George's .Ukrainian Heritage Cehitre, 38 Jackson St. in, Oshawa. For ticket~s or infor- mation cail 728-7311 before Nov. 7. .BETTER BREATHING The Durham Region Lung Association's bet- ter breatbing course wlll begin Nov. 12 at Oshawa General Hospital, at no cost. The course, for aduits wlth emphysema, --chronic bronchitis or severe asthrna, consists 'of seven twice-weekly sessions. Professionals wlll answer questions on medication, diet and overail management of lung disease. For more information, caIl the association (438-1048). 1- LTel. 683-19ýýj

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