PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1986, WHITB3Y FREE PRESS R esidents complain about rats at efi Residents of Green St. say Oieir homes have been infested by rats comning from a lot now being used for parking. The complaints were made during a public meeting held Monday night for a rezoning ap- plication for a proposed medical çlinic expan- sion at Brock St. S. and Trent St. E. The property which drew complaints from residents, located at Trent St. E. and Green St., is proposed for use as a parking lot for the clinic. Jim Wallace, of 706 Green St., presented an 18-name petition op- posing the plan, saying residents wanted the corner lot to remnain residential. He said the lot was now being used "illegally" as a parking lot. He said the old foun- dation was neyer c BROOKLIN UNII Morning Worshlp Sunday Sohool Nursery Minister - Rev, Philips takes Cc of Remo hllpUnvemasolemote - the rer jug In two or 'ree dflerentuginrthdi er con rols standard oertntnci functions of vrtually ny rn fi lsnt il ime you look controI ... wIth( Philips Univorsal Remnote unifs are je expansion meeting removed when a house the old foundation and rid of the rats. on Oie lot was into his home, chewing Another resident, demolished some years the insulation in the Keith Wagar of 713 ago. walls. Green St., said bis home He said he had contac- and two others also have "Rats are Oriving ted the owner as well as problems with rats. by the hundreds in that the Town's works Alex Bolotenko, old foundation, " he said. department about the representing Sarsan He said the rats corne problem. He said Oie Holdings Ltd. which is from a sewer line into Town hired PCO to get proposing Oie expan- sion, said Oie complain- tswere Oie first he has Sehool addition heard aboutth prbe.He said the U es clinic owners, including workcontnues Dr. G.A. Jaciw who also attended the public Additions to area February. However, meeting, were prepared separate schools are some areas of the ad- to meet any concerns by .nderway and will be dition will be occupied residents. completed soon accor- before then. Other residents of ding to a building The permanent ad- Brock, Trent, Green and progress report from dition at Denis O'Connor St. John Sts. also ex- ;he director to the High School in Ajax was pressed objections to eparate board Monday ready, Monday. the proposai. Brian Cat- night. However, work is con- chpole of 117 Trent St. The construction tinuing on the W. said the overflow chedule for St. Paul's is relocatable addition parking area would not just over haîf com- which is expected to be be adequate and would leted. Wet weather is completed by mid- lead to more parking on lamed for putting the November. residential streets. .ompletion date off until The opening of Im- The existing clinic, maculate Conception which has 13 full and school in Port Perry îs part-time doctors, is scheduled for Sunday, 4,772 sq. ft. in size. Sar- TED C URCH Oct. 26. Mass will be san wants to build a two- 11:00 a.m. performed at 2 p.m. at storey addition for the Immaculate Conception clinic, of 12,564 sq. ft. as 11:00 a.m. Church and the well as zone the existing ceremony will follow in parking overflow E. Frazer Lacey the school gymnasium parking area at Trent at 3:15 p.m. and Green Sts. Councillor Tom Ed- wards of the ad- ministrative committee ~ asked Dr. Jaciw if he had considered moving the whole clinic operation to the down- town area. Dr. Jaciw replied that the clinic had been >ntrolsite since 1961 so that it loatedweat theaeisting noe contrat thot takes full control. Ends Whitby core is that at- otes. The 24-button Philips UnlversaI Remofe tractive for a clini, " he fions of your new Phîllps TV - plus -ofllmportan added. "lIt's too busy, rared VHS or Beta VCRI to cmmrcal a Philips Universol Pemote? Itoo comercia a only avalable with the purchase of aPhilps TV. clinic with a commer- cial area. A clinic is a clinic." Planning director Bob Short is to make a ~ recommendation on the proposaI, expected in -il à six to eight weeks. Untiteé While few would con- test the importance of the* United Way in Whit- by, many give each year during the faîl fun- draising campaign without really realizing the full impact of the United Way and it's 42 agencies on the com- munity. The Witby-Osbawa- Newcastle United Way Speakers' Bureau was launched as a means of bridging that infor- mation gap. "I think a lot of people see the United Way as being the cbarity they're giving to instead of the specific cm munity based charities that are really where IWay speaks out the money goes and gray mrots level," sE where the money is the volunteer. needed," says Whitby The free service bureau coordinator very flexible and fili Margaret McFayden. and speakers can McFayden, the chief tailored to the librarian at the Whitby dividual audience. W Public Library, lines up United Way presently speaking engagements the midst of its fi for schools, businesses, draising campati community group McFayden says dema meetings or any other for the service has be organization requesting brisk and she bas be a presentation by one of fielding requests fronr the bureau's 30 volun- number of differie teer speakers. quartiers including A "It offers a good op- drew Antenna and t. portunity for people local high schools. directly involved in the The bureau, howevf agencies to explain to operates year round ai the public exactly what McFayden is alwaý they do. Some of the happy to arrange speakers can give a presentation to suit yci wider perspective on the purposes. If you arei United Way but many terested in learnii are volunteers from a more about the Uniti specific agency and Way and its many age they are able to explain cies you can contact hi what happens at the at the library,-668-6531. iays >is ms be in- Vitb pin fun- ign, and een ten m a ,nt the ier, nd ays a uùr in- ýng téd her $ 1 million raised also SALES & SERVICE The local United Way campaign has almost reached* the halfway up point of its $2.15-million Offie S liesgoal for 1986. 21 HROO VI SAAXSOPIN. LAAFundraising after five TE_______________683 ___1968__ weeks of the eight week - campaign has reached wà BROOKLIN FLOUR MILLS "Country Store Atmosphere" I COLONIAL SEED CAKEI $1,026,000 according to Sandy Cunningham, public relations chair- man for the Newcastle- Oshawa-Whitby United Way. Most of the funding comes from canvassing efforts by employees of businesses and com- panies. But Cunningham says the "big numbers'" have yet to come in. She said Whitby Psychiatrie Hospitai 's continuing a good cam- paign while the Whitby Jail bas surpassed last yeap's total contribution. year's total con- tribution. Dennis Martin of An- drew Antenna Co. Ltd. is the Whitby chairman for Oie campaign. The campaign ends Nov. 15 wiOi Oie final tally likely to be known by December. Typevwriter RENTALS Mix 1/ cup poppy seeds*, 3/ cup milk in bowl. Let stand for 3-4 hours. Add 3/4 cup soft butter, *3 eggs, * 11/4 cup sugar (white), *1 tsp. vanilla, *2 tsp I baking powder and *2 cups Ç DOKI flour. Beat one minute. Pour Int a greased loaf -7 pan 350 for11/4h rs. lngredients available at the Mill 1 655-4851 WIB 23 CASSELS-RD. E., BROOKLIN CAS-SELS RD E. 1 muni Ma rga re t McFayde n