Whitby Free Press, 22 Oct 1986, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS I-Durham College introduces program for small business- If you are a small business operator and are interested in in- creasing your profits, then help la available. The Innovative Services Institute - f Durham Collegehbas introducad a unique program to help you reach the goals that you have set for your business. The small business segment of our economy is facing a most difficuit challenge. Costs are high, competition is more intense, and most importantly, a good ides or knowledga of a spacifie field is no longer a sufficient base to guarantee that a business venture will succeed. The smnall business operator must ha able to secure, either through education or other resources, the necessary business skills to masure that his or her firm has a sound oparable business plan for success. The goal of Durham College's Small Board or Commlttee Fenca-Vlewers Grovasîde Cemetary Board Local Architecturai Conservation Advisory Commuttee Business Management Program la to assist your business in im- proving operaional ef- fectivenesa.WI lahopad that the. participants will benefit in the following ways: The entrepreneur's knowledge and under- standing of the economic and business principles upon which sound business decisions are based will be increasad. The antrepreneur's ability to effectively utilize the dacision- making process in the management of his or her business will be enhanced. The entrepraneur's ability to adapt his or her business to change in response to predicted business trends will be improved. The businessperson's knowledge of the technical aspects of his or her business operation will be in- creased. The entrepreneur's skills in performing the functions of Responsîbllos To review matters relative to the presorIbed standards for the erection and main- tenance of ine fancas. To admistar Municipal camateries. To research and promote the conservation of haritage proparties within the Munlclpallty. Plumbars' Board of Examinera To examine applicants for master plumbers licences. Proparty Standards Committee To reviaw matters relative to the prescribad standards for the maintenance and occupancy of proparty within the Municipallty. management and business operations will be improved. The entrepreneur's ability to recognize the use and values of auxiliary services and agencies in the operation and management of hir or' har business will be helpad. There will ha in- creasing interest in the total walfare of the community and in- creasing civic respon- -Comi Froni Pg. 12 MYRTLE TURKEY SUPPER The Myrtle Turkey Supper will be held on Saturday, November 8 at the Myrtie Church. There will ha three sit- tinga starting at 4:30 p.m., 5:45 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. Tickets cost $7 for- aduits and $3.50 for kids and can ha bought hy calling Mrs. Franklin at 655-3023. TRAINERS' CLINIC Brooklin Whitby Minor Hockey will hold a trainers clinic Satur- day, Octoher 25 at the Whitby Curling Club. The clinic runs from 1 p.m. unil 5 p.m. at a coat of $15. For more in- formation- please cali Bob Ashby, 668-764.. Term of Appolntmont Thre ears Three Years Three Years Three Years Three Years Any rasîdent of the Town of Whitby wishlng 10 be considered for appoîn- tment to one8 of the above boards or committees la invlted to compiete an application for appolntment whlch may be obtained at the Clerk's office. Compited applications are to be submltted to the Cierk's office by no later than October 31,1986, for the Councll's*consideratlon. DATED ai Whltby, Ontario, thîs 151h day of October, AD., 1986. Donald G. McKay, Clark The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossiand Road East Whitby, Ontario LUN 2M8 Phone: (416) 668-5803 sihility. The Small Business Management Program is not the traditional academic approach. Classroom instruction is offerad once par month, emphasizing manage- ment techniques or procedures that have application to ail par- ticipants. More im- portantly, individual in- struction at. your business location la schedulad once each month. This activity allows the instructor an oppor- tunity to relate the classroom instruction directly to the student's business, and to deal with problems that are unique to the specific business. 'Class mem- bers will place a very high value on this in- dividual assistance. The program focuses on an adult population of self-employed en- trepreneurs and, places a strong emnphasis on productivity. How do you make a worker more productive? You maka a salf-employed worker more productive by focusing his/her at- tention on the more ef- ficient use of human and material resources through affective management. These are precisely the objectives of the Small Business Management Program. By contacting Woody Manery at Durhamn Collage, you- can learn the details of this ex- citing programn. Woody would be glad to address any group concerllirg this program or the other services offerad by the Innovation Ser- vices Instituta. Durham College is located at P.O. Box M85 2000 Sim- coe St. N., Oshawa, ont. L1H 7L7. The phone number is 576-0210, ext. 479. .ing events calendar eontinued- KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS HALLOWEEN DANCE The Whithy Knights of Columbus will ha hosting a. Halloween Dance on Saturday, Oc- tobar 25 beginning at 8:30 p.m. at the Holy Family Parish Church Hall located at Rib- blesdale and Manning. Music .. will ha provided by Oshawa Sight and Sound and there will ha prizes for hast costumes. A light lunch will ha sarvad and thera will bè a cash bar. Tickets ara $9 a Officli From Pg. 9 months this faî with the Lynda House mova and sha has davoted a lot of har time to cataloguing artifacts from the musaum's collection as well as the conservation of artifacts damagad during the fira which occurred in August. The curator said damaga causad by tha fira, which Was rastrictad to one room on tha second floor., was mot significant and moat of the wýork of conser- coupla and can ha pur- chasedat the door or for raservýations caîl Cyrill Turgaon at 728-9017. BAZAAR The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre is holding its annual bazaar Saturday, Novembar 1 from 2 tilI 4 p.mn. at the Centre, 801 Brock St. S. in Whithy. The bazaar will featura hand-crafts, baking, plants and there will also ha a raffle for an original oit painting, a caramic Chrstmas trea and Christmas cake. Tickets are available at the Centre. For more in- formation plesse cal 668-1424. BAZAAR The Immanuel Christian School "Il hold its Faîl Bazaar Saturday, Octohar 25 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Thara will .ba homemada baking, a book fair, plants, crafts of ail kinds, a kiddie corner, white alephant and much more. There will also ha a grand finale auction at 3 p.m. The school is locatad at 849 Rossland Rd. W. Everyone is welcoma. BOOK FAIR The Immanuel Christian. School is sponsoring a book fair by Minnow Books of Burlington later this month. The sala will ha held Octohar 22 from noon until 4 p.m., Oc- tohar 25 from 10 until 3 p.m., Octohar 27 from noon until 1 p.m. and 3:30 till 4 p.m. and Oc- tober 28 from noon till 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. tilI 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome to coma and browse through the fine collection of books. Tha school is located at 849 Rossland Rd. W. al opening on Saturday vation has been a mat- ter of preventing any further daterioration of tha amoke damaged ar- tifacts. "The conservation work will ha mora ex- tansivaly dama once al the artifacts are in ona placa but until wfe've found a permanent location (for the musaumi everything's rathar up in the air at the moment," said Dr. Rowlay. Management at the Kendalwood Mail have provided the spaca to the historical society for a token payment of $1 a yesr but Dr. Rowlay said the museum will hava to ha movad again when the maîl owners hava found a permanent tannant to occupy the space. In the interim, the curator has arranged a display of housahold items, furnitura and elothing, characteristic of the last century in- cluding Victorian gadgetry suth as an ap- pIe peelar and corer, a dasher buttar churn and a galvanized dough mixer. Othar featurad artifacts includa an aumaniera, an 1880's dresa, qults, emn- broidared cotton undar- clothing, braidad ruga and spinning wheels. The historical sociaty will ha staging an of- ficiaI opaning ceramony for the temporary museum Octohar 25 at 1 p.m. Included among the officiai guests will ha a reprasentative from the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture, The occasion will also feature Eric Glenholmes' qull and pan collection and Glanholmes will ha on hand to discusa the ex- tensive collection. The naw location la in the Kandalwood Mal acrosa tha hall from Kalsay's. BIG BROTHERS ASSOCIATION of OshawalWhitby VYou'vs thought about it, amd thought about it, andI thought about lt: Now do somaethlng about t.' Cait 51g Brothers todayl 579-2551. Chartie made the right decision and has aune ta Dickson Prînt. 'nu & Office Supplias wtaere Ite can browse in a reallY pleasant atmosphere. C lUSTIAY 8 16 CHRISTMAS -l PORT PERRY HIGH SOHOOL ROSA ST. SATU RDAY, OCTOBER 25 1OA.M..4P.M. *CRAFTS GALORE (100 BOOTHS) * PLFFY THE CLOWN *TEAROOM FREE ADMISSION FOR INFORMATION CALL: 985-3972 THE CORPORATION 0F 71 ~ ~THETOWNOWIB BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPOINTM ENTS The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby wili be considering the mater of appointments to the foltowing Boards and Committees this Our Adls fast longer than their ACIS. A Suburban niewspaper ?t.ays ln the home Up to 7 times lornger than an Urban dally. mon-

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