Whitby Free Press, 10 Sep 1986, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 19'86, WHITBY FREE PRESS MTC studies -GO system The Ministry of Tran-_ sportation and Com- munications will be conducting tbe largest travel survey of the greater Toronto com- mutershed since the 1960S. SBeginning later tbis month some 65,000 bousebolds ln Durham, York, Peel, Halton, Hamilton - Wentworth and Metro Toronto, ap- proximnately five per- cent of the total population of tbe area, will be surveyed over the telephone to update tbe ministry's com- muter file for tbe pur- pose of planning for the ares 's future transpor- tation needs. Ail six municplities, GO Tansitand the Toronto Transit Commission will ail participate in the study which will be largely funded by tbe MTC. SEE PG. 9 PIT RM ENRE 6*452 Br(k1 in Bylines, By BETI'Y-JEAN BLYTU Cuali 655-3679 wlth Items for thi. column Now that the kids are back in school mom can relax unless she hasn't finished outfitting the kids for school Next to cleaning the oven, this is probably the least pleasant task a bomnemaker has. It seems like it should be a simple matter of picking Up so many pairs of socks, shirts, pants, etc. but not sol Ever since fad and fashion reared their ugly heads it bas become a mother's nightmnare. No mat- ter how "with it" she tbinks she is, whatever she picks out is likely to be considered "gross" by ber offspring. 0f course you can always just go abead and buy wbat you tbink is appropriate but only if you're willing to put up with the tantrum tbat is sure to follow. I once knew of a girl wbo holed up inl the back New minister Tbere will be an in- duction service Thur- sday, September il at Whitby Baptist Cburcb for tbe Rev. Henry Dick. Born into a Mennonite familv in Kingsville. BROOKLUN FLOUR MULLS _ "Country Store Atmosphere" Appiesauce Spice Cake f rom "The Best of Bridge"l h c water *2eggs *1c raisins 1/2z c chopped walnuts or pecans *21/ c sitted f lour *2 c white sugar * 12 tsp Salt * 1 V2 tsp bakl ng soda 1/4 tsp bakIng powder *Put raisins and spicos ln a pot. Add waisr la 2" aboya raisins. Bc f or 2Omin. Cool, then drain, resarving Iiquid. Add water la Iliquid, if needed, la mali c cIlquid. in bowi mix logeiher lirsi *Ingrediants. Ado appiesauce, shoflaning and feaerved Iiquid.A *- east 2 min. SIr In raisins and nulsc. .k. ln 2 loaf pans or large coepanait 350 500 min. Kaesavsry wli. 655-4851 23 CASSELS RD. E., BROOKLIN 1/V2 tsp ail spice 11/2 c appiesauce 'h c shortonlflg N 1 tsp cînnamon */ 'htsp ground ciovos Boil À BROOKLIN 15 CASSFLS RD E. Add eggs 12 1WHITBY Ont., Rev. Dick com- pleted a B.A. in Religious Studies at the University of Windsor before going on to receive an M.A. in Divinity from Mc- Master Divinity College. Rev. Dick taught public school for several years before deciding to enter the ministry and was baptized in 1973 wben be joined Kingsville Baptist Churcb. He served as assistant pastor at lm- manual Baptist Cburch in Brantford and is presently pastor of Caledonia Baptist Chur- ch were be bas served for five years. Rev. Dick and bis wife Lynn were married in 1972 and bave two cbildren, Melissa who is 8 and Mathew, 5. of ber closet and threatened to stay there ahl year If she had to wear wbat ber mother had bought. She claimed ber life was ruined anyway and sbe'd be there yet If ber parents badn't refused to instaîl a telephone. Anotber approacb is to take the littie darlings with you and buy wbatever they pick out. I recom- mend this only if you're a millionaire or are prepared to spend the equivalent of a years salary and bit every shop from bhere to Ottawa. My own solution has been to give the child a specific allowance and send ber out on ber own if she can drive and if not, with a friend, preferably witb someone else's mother driving. Wbatever sbe chooses is what she's stuck with. I found that even- tually she learned to forgo the desgner labels and often frequents the flea markets and bargain basements to stretch. ber money. If you should decide on this approach, one word of warning. Be prepared the first time around for the little darling to come home with nothing but tbe change from a quarter, a buncb of empty McDonald's cartons, a size 40 psychedelic T-shirt with an obscene slogan and a rock album by the Slugs. REGISTRATION NIGHT 2nd Brooklin Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will bold a registration nigbt on Sept. 15 in Meadowcrest Scbool at 7 p.m. To become a Beaver, a boy must be five years old by Dec. 31, 1986. Eacb boy must be ac- companied by a parent or guardian. Cost for the year is $20. CORN ROAST Brooklin Brownies, Guides and Pathfinders ýwill bold their annual corn roast on Sept. 16 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Mink farm on Durham Rd. 23. For fur- ther information caîl Susan Rabjobn 655-3584. PLANT AUCTION Brooklin Horticultural Society is featuring a plant auction on Wednesday, Sept. 24 at 8 p.m. in Brooklin United Cburcb Hall. Tbis is a fund-raising event that offers a variety of perennials, bulbs, sbrubs and bouseplants for sale. PAPER DRIVE Tbe first paper drive of the new season will take place on Sept. 13. Be sure to bave ail tbe papers you've been hoarding over tbe sunmer months neatly tied into bundies and out at tbe curb by 9 a.m. COMMUNITY AUCTION AND RAFFLE Ashburn Community Centre is holding a fund- raising event to belp defray the costs of operating tbe Community Centre. It will be beld on Saturday, Sept. 20 fromn 10 a.m. to noon. There wiil be an auc- tion of donated articles and a bake table. Donations for tbese are being accepted now. Caîl Jane at 655- 8779 or Pat at 655-3749 to find out more about this. Theré will also be a draw on a raffle. The prizes will be first. a weekend for two at the Delta Chelsea SEE PG. 7 _ _ __ _ 3 DAYS ONLY Thurs.,Fr1., at.,.Spt.....12,o1 Thr.,Fi. otSet 1 111 UP TO 25%0/ooff Glessware, MOIs, 0,fts Sik Plants & Arrangements, etc. k'rook/iff Villa9c ShoappCtd 2 0 % off NEW FALL FASHIONS GAYTOWN tweed separates, WHITE STAG cordoroy 10 ROSESail PARIS STAR $499Take an extra already ~ft o' Summer ATTENTION LADIES * 1 0 OFF Reduced Inqu ire about aur Mar Jays merchandise Organlo Hair Removal NEW THIS SEASON We now carry Petites 655-363L 655-3474 New "Uni-remote" contrais TV and almost any brand of VCR 121 "(53 cm)>diagonal Fiai Square Tube Stereoset il152channei 124 PB Uni-remote 1 ýDark-iite picture tube ýComb tiller Programmable scan Bult-In slereo decoder 4 watt/ch, amp. Audîolvideo inputioutput O~eadphone jack Siereo/SAP LED indicators f~l PHILIPS 76 Baldwin St., Brooklin 655-3306 68 Water St., Port Perry 985-9888

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