Whitby Free Press, 10 Sep 1986, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WEDNESDAY. sLIpEMBER 10O 1986. WHITBY FREE PRESS Whitby's Most WideIy Read Ic LASSIFIJO1)A DSf rm.L AUCTION SALE TUES., SEPT. 16 110:00 A.M. Large antique sale at Or- val MoILean Auction Con- ter, Lndsay. Property of MR. & MRS. EARL WARD, Mary St., Whltby (formeriy of Sunderland). Complote contents of century home, 9 Pc. dlnlng room suite, an- tique piano, D.F. desk, wainut tea wagon, oid console radio, old bce box, parlour tables, chairs, wlIcker fernery, oak 5 section bookoase, excellent antique oak bedroomn suite wlth car- yod hlgh bed, washstand, & carved dresser, antique dressers, washstands, chairs, pressback nur- slng rocker, hall um- brelia stand, Gouriay gramophone, oid Irons, homemade quIlts, old hafs, fur coats, several old 011 palntlngs, homemnade bird house, tiff top desk, wainut hall table, oil lamps, old books, old trunks, tan- lerns, mant le dlock, ap- plances, large quantlty furniture, glass, china, brass bed, coleclables, dIshes. (The Wards threw nothlng ouf and are glvlng up housekeeplng.) Dont miss thîs one. No reser- ve. 10 a.m. sharp. To list your sale cal MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS 324-2783 LINDSAY CORNEIL'S AUCTION BANR FR., SEPT. 19 6:00 P.M. Thîsee mles east of Lttle Brtaîn or 7 mles west of Lndsay on the Lndsay Ltte Brtaln.Rd. A very large quantlty- of good quallty furniture & an- tiques, lncludlng oak & mohagany wardrobes, china cabinets, oak & mohagany sîdeboards, hall stands, oak dlnlng roomn table & chairs, pins dressers, secretariat drop-front desk, Vic- torlan dresse ra, mantie dlocks (some wth Westminster chimes), oak dropleaf tables, pine " trunks, O.G. chests, brasa coal boxes, china & glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705786-2183 AUCTION SALE THURS., SEPT. il 6:00 P.M. - At Orval McLean Auct Ion Conter, Lindsay. Selling MARY AINSWORTH ESTATE and properfy of JOHN MURRAY. Large sale of qualty furniture, appiances, some an- tiques, cil lamps, bureau, oak china cabinet & desk combinatIon, barber chair, church pew, apt. size piano, deluxe color T.V., bedroomn suites, etc. Dont mIss t. 6 p.m. sharp. To ist your sale cal 324-2783 MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS AUCTION SALE SAT., SEPT. 13 11:00 A.M. ConsIgnment auction of good antique furniture, collectible dîshes & other Items, f0 be held aI the Communlty Centre ln Columbus. Sale conslsts of Canadlan Centennial Wnchesterrif le, oak gateieg table, pine tables, mentie dlock, oc- casional tables, trunks, what-not sheif, smoker stand, wood framod shaving mîrror, pr. Spauldlng vases, several pos. green glassware, Strlctiand jug, hot oven basin, Avon articles, Melto suger bowl, Opera Marie trinkef box, Mooso jug, Stoke Shoat English candy dish, Monax sugar basin, silver pcs., Nor- man Rockwell plate, dnlpping dish, Bacchus cake plate, Satsuma peacock plate, cor- nflour pcs., Vaseline vase, Abe Lincoln plate, strawberry cookie jar, old tins, tools, pictures (Rockwell), & trames, apple peeler,- wicker, scales, o011 amp (green wlth hobnall shade), commode set, pickle crock, etc. Other Items to be sold Include new card table & chairs, brass table with glass top, assorted lamps, step iadder, humidifier, orange shag rug, books,- hospital bed, various sizes of pottery & flower pots, aquarium stand, Andirons, metai toya, & many more Items to come. Sale managed and sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AIJOTIONS Reserve on some items. Terma cash or cheque with proper ID. Con- slgnments welcome. To inquire or consign cail: (416)655.4185 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1., SEPT. 12 6:00 PM. Three miles easf of Little Brîfain or 7 mites west of Lndsay on the Lindsay Little Brtain Rd. The properf y of ED & ELIZABETH MCWAT- TERS plus 0f hers. Fiat- to-wali cupboard. pino harvost table, Hoosier kitchen cupboard, Ax- minsfer wool rug, washstands, parlour tables, Kenmore'17 ou. fIt. freezer, 30" Westinghouse stove, G.E. automnaf I washer & dryer, round pine pedestal table & chairs, bunk beds, Bolens 8 h.p. riding iawnmower, Ford 8N tractor wth loader, quantity of beddlng, china & glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-766-2183 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN SAT., SEPT. 20 11:00 A.M. Three miles east of Little Brtain or 7 mlies west of Lndsay on the Lndsay Little Brîtain Rd. The estate of ARTHUR FIELD (third generation f arm house), tocated f lrstf farm west of Harwood Ave, on Hwy. 2 ln the Town of Ajax. Oak hall stand, f lat- to-wall cupboard, 9 pc. Buried walnut dining room suite, Ornate coatrack, 3 pc. antique badroomn suite, pine bonnet chest, china cabinet secretary com- bination, oak extension table, oak lbrary table, drop f ront secretary desk, pine dropleaf table, pine blanket box, Edison cylinder record player & records, spool bed, walking splnning wheel, O.G. dlock, gingerbread dlock, f loor lamp, butter churn, Morris chair, cop- por boliers, partial follet sets, Blacksmif h Anvil & large quantity of Blacksmiths tools, qfy. oval picture tramnes, tools, china & glass and interesting antique & primitive pleces f rom this three generation home. DON CORNEIL AUCTION EER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., SEPT. 13 12:00 NOON Auction sale of household furniture and appliances. The property 0f MRS. MAUD STELL of Kinsale, 4 mi. west of Brooklin on Hwy. 7 f0 Knsale Rd., 2nd house north 0f Hwy. 7. Wstnghouse fridge, electric stove, wnnger washer,, hoosier kitchen cupboard, D.R. pedistal table wifh 6 chairs, sideboard wth mirror, 2 old dressers, Hoover vac. cleaner, washstand, old chai rs, st eel bed with brass trlm, oak chest, gingerbread dlock, mari- fie dlock, parlour suite, hall table, treddle sewing machine, quilts, bed. ding, braided rugs, 2-fur coats, couch & chair, magazine rack, old mutk bottles, peanut buffer jars, crocks, old church pew, copper boiler, small appliances, dishes, gar- den tools, plus many more old and lnferesting items. Terms cash or cheque with ID. Lunch avaliable. Owner and auctioneer will not be responsibie for acciden- ts or injuries in connec- tion with thîs sale. AUCTIONEERS DON & PHIL COCHRANE 985-2786 Help.keep Red Cross ready. +* AUCTION SALE TUES., SEPT. 16 6:00 P>. 870TAUNTON RD. E. WHITBY Sellirig t ho property of JANEMUNROEof Dallas Texas includlng 9 PC. walnut dining roomn suite (excellent), old f iffany style hanglng lamp, end tables, cof tee tables, 5 pc. Barrymore soctlonai (good), wallunit, 3 pc. tapestry chesterfiold (good), set of Royal Abert china, several sols of crystal, Kelvinator 3 dr. frldge, oak waliunlt, tea wagon, 7 pc. pîne kif- chen set, hanglng lamps, china cabinet, 9 pc. dinar dressors, chest Sony 100 watt storeo'sysfem clw turntabie & reel f0 reel tape deck cost over $3000), Kenmore sewing mlc In desk cabinet, Hotpolnt air condîflonor, Electrohomne dohumnIdi- fier, T.V. converters, several smaii eiectrlc appliances, 2 sets 0f ironstone dshes, ships brass dlock & bell, pyrex dishes & mlcrowave dishes, 3 frunks, solld oak Grandfather dlock, waterskîs, cross country skis, blankets, towels, beddlng, clothes, dishes, pots & pans, glasses, sewlng basket, Indian 9x12 rug, Eska 7.5 ouf- board motor (lie new), 14' alumninumn boat, 16' sailboat & traller, 19' Olds 98 Convertible. NOTE TIME 6 p.m. This s a very good sale, plan f0 attend. These fhlngs have been ln storage for about 5 years, plus ift has nof been sorfed at tima 0f ad and could bo lots of articles addod. Viewlng Monday 10-6 and day of sale. ROSS MCLEAN AUCTIONEER 576-7550 Ton. Lino 686-3291 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN TUES., SEPT. 16 6:30 P.M. Three miles uast 0f Littlia Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Brifain Rd. Cold. spot uprlghf freezer, 3 & 5 h.p. garden tiliers, Pioneer chalnsaws, elec. fric chainsaws, 3 h.p. lawnmowers, walnut 4 poster single beds, watnuf dressers, pine waterbed, chesferfields, Blacksmith Anvil, con. sole colour T.V.'s, quan- tity of household fur- nture, foots, china & glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTION EER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2163 GUN AUCTION SAT. SEPT. 13 10:30 A.M. Creemore, Ont. lnfthe Legion Hall. Approx. 250 Firearms including an. tique Winchester collec- tion, Savage, Reminglons, Shotguns, etc. Collection of han. dguns inciuding Colts, Smith & Wesson, etc. and 0f hor related items. i . FULL-TIME OR pari-time salesa MECHANIO for aerlal waris plat- fome, axpecience wih hydraullcn, gas andi propane an essai. gond wagon and iéneollis. Ovtaro SlsyResch Lld.. 249 Kinagston Rd. W.,Aia, 416-088- WHO0 CARES? Eastiew Boysu ynd Girln Club requires volanies, leaders 17 yeaes and up la aprace Yoolh Gym aclivilles and gifle porvgcams la OshawalWhit- byloramavvlie. 2 haurs weeisly. Ocobac-April. No esprience nicesmary, training praalded. Providien a leacoing eaperlance foc ihone eeking people orien- lsd cas-ours. Theres no baller an. vsimavi Ian aur pauih. dali ex- tansiorn pragram ca.ardinaaor CARPENTERIHANDYMAN la assist in canlaralion ai ceniury horne. Munitfhave gaad carponiry. paining ari oiher sicillu and bIe able t0 waris serei-iodapendeaily. cali Ooog Anderson ai 68-6.111 or685-5040. EXPANSION CAR REQUIRED $300IWEEK We noed 40 people f0 help set up our new locations. We provide full traiing in followilng aroas: Warehouset Distribution Sales/Marketing Personnel/ Gustomner Service Apply f oday - start fomorrow. Cal Holina 434-6202 A CAREER IN TRiJOKiNO. Tran- sport drivers neederi. Naw iv the lrne to tcin fo, pourCdises A license. Foc prenscreeniva Inter. iea ansd aob placementI vioc- melan. covtact Merv Ora sTran- sport Driver Traiving, Brampton CONSTRUCTION, DRIVERS. Mchanicn. Weiders. Eioc- ricians. Machniste. darpeaiers needed immediaieip Aiso Airine lobs, WVil trainsome positions, iUp la SWUromnihl Trason. tiential Job Search (3W)1 382- 3700 tee. TRANSPORT DRIVERS endi ownecivperars. Medium ie Compsny with espadlg ýCanadien and US. operatilne, heu Immediaee openIngu for the ioliawing. "A"licence andi ab- sd ctrequireri. Driverasteel081ea- perience an assei. Excellent Irenelils. Ownerlaperars Respoavubie with UlS esperlen- ce. Excepilans beneltl packsage. BusIness opportuiy - esperienceri drivers wishing to becares awnarloperars. Finen. cing package eveleable la help pou gel siarted. McOIliiia Tran- spore lac., 141 Hesiey Rd., Bolton, Oas. L7E 5B2, 1-a8o.268. 4620. VALMED HEALTH SERVICES INC. Requires RNs, RNA's for part-time wort, varled hours, in in- stitution or homes. Caîl for appointment, Monday f0 Friday. 433-1494 AMATEUR PHOTOORAPHERS veeded tolatslepiciaresula iheir arseu.no evyfnceoor salas equireri Wriie: SCL.. 248 OurveseRd. dalumret Island, Oue.J00 1J03 MOLLY MAID is accepticeg ap. plcatioans lacmesure csponible peopleIoa incfoc Praiessianai Hauseheepivg in Whi5Iry, al 6W-2144 NO. 1 IN FASION FUN soc cosuful homo perey cvmpayin chiidreo's 5shionu noaahiring laitsasles cpresentieuFor delails contact PaIiy.Togs. P.0 Box 56, 8uliagion. 001.L7F 30e (416) 336-1507 FuLL-TIME reliefllo asvvp roqucrori. Sore 12 noav ta 4 pr. daiy o my homo for 3 umill chidreo es RossisandiAadecson Oel 682796. TRUCKING OAREERS. Drver lob trainiag ci, pacement help ,s avaiabla. Complets etols cao Ire marler ta pou Phouvo Aodgvcs School ai (416) 76935486ih postal dodo. I people wsniee ln511Piclvrlsg, Ajes eres. das1705-778-3432.. 9 L-)4I IEmployee Healthllnfection Control Nurse $29,000 -$33,700 The MINISTRY 0F HEALTH, Whitby Psychiatric Hospifai, seets an individual f0 provide health surveiilance/screenIng/educaf Ion, f irsI aid and counselling to employees and votunteers; con- duct pre-employment assessments, return-to- work examinations, wellness counseliing and rmalntain comprehensive health records; advlse emyployees on Infect ions management; report f0 and part icipate actively in the Infection controt commitfee; liaise wlth hospital committees and community agencles In health promotion and Illness prevention; partiipate wîth management n deveioping policies, procedures and pract Ides re emfployee health. Location: Whlfby. Qualificafions: Registrat ion as a nurse In Ontarlo; completion of a recognized program nInoc- cupational health; progressively related experien- ce; excellent interpersonal skills; abIlity f0 work independently and plan, co-ordinate, evaluate and exercise sound clinical and administrative judgmenf; experionce In planning, co-ordinating and evaiuating a health services/infect ion control program for903 employees and lOOvolunfeers. Area of Seanch: Within commuting distance of WVhitby. Please send applIcafion/resumne, quoflng file HL- 25-56186, by Sept. 24, 1966 ta: Reglonal Personnel Adimîniafraton, Personnel Services, Human Resources and Personnel Developmnenf Branch, P.C. Box 613, Whitby, Ontario LUN 5SI). Equaiity af Opporfunify for Employmenf ontar'io SPublic Service BUNS MASTER BAKERY requIrea a batcher and a part-lime caahler(aludent only). 606117?. RELIABLE women needed for babysitIing, light houseiceeplng position, weelcdays, 9 arn. la 1 p.m., starling Sept. 15.286-1128. MATURE, non-smoking lady raquired la babysIt 4 month aid boy on weekdaya, sarting Oc- lober 27 ln your home or mine, Otercreek ares, saisry negotiable.655-1554, aier6p.m. DELIVERY PERSON for newspspera - ail day Wedneay and Thursday, rate negaliabie. Cali Suaann Anderson ai 868, 5040or 668-8111. 1 OVERSEAS JOBS. Jobs paylng hlgh aualaies are now anallable 14 many sxciIng and lnlerestlngd courffes lncluding -Canadien North, Mddle East ad Australie. Mony have tea lise salariés and hlgh bonellie. Ail ekîlis requlrsd. For Inormation wdlte Overas. Suite 472, 7305 Woodblne Ave., Dept. ER, Mar*ham, Ont. L3R 3V7. MA CHERIE Home Fashlan Shows Est. 1975. Jaînaour suc. cesul lamlly ai represenielînes ln pressntlng quellly lingerie and loungewe aei lnhome pailes for wamen. lUs fun, ils eassy, its profitabls. Ceil toîl-Irea 14800-263 9183. GENERALI FLOORING CONTRACTORS Repair Stalrwells on Varlous Buildings at the Psychlatric Hospital, WHITBY, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI.86-103. Sealed Tenders wilI be received unt il 2:00 p.m. Local time on FRIDAY, SEPTEM. BER 26, 1986. Tender Documents, may be obtained f rom the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., PO. Box 790, Oriltia, Ontario. L3V 6K7 Note: For further in- formation regarding the Tenders, please caîl the Tenders 0f- lice af the above ad- dress, telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted.

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