PAG 24WDNESDAYi SEPTEMBER 10. 1986. WHITJJY FREE PRESS FREE PRESS E MPORIUM Emporium Ada wifl only be accepted subjeet to the following conditions. SIX PIECE ktchun nook st wlth Moragle under 2 benchesa, coeered ln long wering 01dmi, 2 yease n0w, $295. Plons 438.1680. SOLID INE end pino veneer ral top denli, top cen ba remoyed for a fliai surface, excellent con- dition, sacrifice, $40. Phone 728 7744. 1949 PETER balt cedar atip 16' boat end moior, 91,000. 1970 ttacdtop camper, sloeps 8, has fuméeand add-aroom by wfteel, 8160. e u. Il Woodgraln freezer, 8200. Phions 6682702. CHILD'S swlmming pool, 2 Il. deep and 8 fi. In diamaeter, pain. ted gaianlzed sisal, drain piug, saety cacer, $99. Phions 86&6 1784. 1984 IIRBY vacuam, ait tiacli. mania, good condition, $400. PhoneaO985.6 WICHEN elecirIc waimouni globe Iigt fltare, off white wih painiad rosa trim, brown and goid, 95. Pat light receed celllog tiaiore, $4. Change table, white, $25. RemnbarraI. $5. Eighi pins raiings, SM.06554682. INSIDE DOOR 28a60, inciadlng hardware, $25. Inside door, 26n80 lnciading hardware, $23. Con. craie dura siep single rîser, $38. Fiee 24x24 patio staba, 92.50 eaci. Portable electilobeneboard lester, $15. Platorm rocker, goid vaeaur, $100. End table, colonial style, $25. Two nets batlroom tape, naw, $15 exoli. 16236770. à DININO raom chaire, exselent condition, $40 sach. Rock mapie kitchen stl, 4 chaire, $195. Cor- ner cabInet, $75. Soiid wood dresser and mirror, $55. Oak rocklng chair, $50. Antique dn109 room table, 2 lcasesa, $160, Bookabsl.9$15. Phono 883636. CUSTOM MADE contemporary toeseit and two clairs, ea- cellent condition, casi $1,800 new, asklng $65. Aller 5 p.m., 427-795W. COMMERCIAL typa freezer, hoeater, 8 fi. long wlih 2 sllding doori, new compreasor Jan. '85, asking $1,800. Phoneof668.500. CUSTOM MADE drapas, 2 com- ploie sets, $30. Phone 668"295. ADMIRAL ridge and stove, gold, gond condition, $700. Solid woad triple drosser wilh vanify noction. $100. Two steel shelees, $25 escli. 666.4046. PRESTO PRESSURE canner 18 itra size and assared size lare, ail n good condition, $60. Calatier 11a&M., 668-4530. NEED To KNOW SOMETHINS ABOUT WOUR NEW aOMMUNITY? Cali Phono 668.8943 Dur listsios willin110g is and gieetings. aiong wilbhoieplul cammxnily inormdtion, ROUND OAK pedesiai tabla for sale, 6 maichIng chair., 5 leveos for tabla, aitl n excellent con. dItian, asklng 91,500 or besi citer for set, muai oeil. Aiso ciarinel for sale, $100.Caeil 68363m. -PLEASE READ- Wtsen tise advertised item La anid, dlnpoaed of, or unseailable for wiaiever reasan, tise Item wiii be deemed ta bave been soid and a commission wiii be cisarged based on THE At>VERTISEI) PRItE as iiiustraied beiow, regardiens if price la sated wilh boni offer* If the item is NOT SULI). or diaposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MtiNTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 97.50 wiii appty payable in advance of publication of the fîrsi ad The above minimum charge wiii be appiied ta tihe final commission due. Maximum commission: $10.00. Ail adver. tisemenis mus( ho piaced on an exclusive basis wilb the WtITItY FROEE PRESS and run ai leasi one month ifoot sold. RATES lItf article ta solda 5% of adverttaeal prîce up t1.00 2% et balance over 8496.o0 EXAMPIE: Sold Item advert.tsedl for S150.00. Commission due 97.50 fImintimum charge la $7.50) Private adveriising oniy! MPease ntify thse Whitby Free Press immediaieiy wben item a îsoid Bo tisai we may defete il fram thse foiiwing Issue. Ali ada fot fiitng the Emporium guidetinon wiii Se treaied and cisarged per week as reguier ciaasified ada an a prepaid basia such as: services, heip wanted. clthing. rosi estate. and pernonai message type ada. or ada fol quoting price or quantiiy. Private ciaoifîed ada may appear in lise Emporium section under appropriate beadinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED> MAIL ADSTO: FREE PRESS EMPO>RUM F0O. Box 2%6 Whiby. LIN L'il IfI lndooshi cii: 668-6111 OR DEtJVER TÙ: 131 Breck St, N. Whiby, 0nt. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE' FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. PEITS & VOMOTIVE SUPPLIES REARPASI/AS MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS, 5 maie pupples, 0KG ragisiared, alois. dlewormed and hameraisad. good wahi chuîdren, non.sbedding and non.aiiergic, $400 cacli. Cali Port Pemry (416) 985-3960. ION CHAIR made In itly, set reclinas, $40. Cali 86e67269 anytîme. GENDRON baby carniage for sale, aaklng $30 or boni aller. Phone 668.3043. PilRTi 1970 SUICK Skyiark (parts) grill, bamper, taillions, cyi. beada, $220. Oshawa, 436"280. 1978 COMET a cpi., for' parti, good motor, transmission, rear end, complote car, $200. Phone MOTORS, Oodge, ON, Toyoai, Honda andi Ford, $150 @eh. Four good tiras, $25 @&ch, Excellent windows for garage, shnp or groenhoase, 5 ft i It x fi.~ l $45 ea. Fiee cari for parts, $250 08. (76 Dodgs, OMO, C. ievy, 74 Dadge, Ford Truock). Ciii Tedt, 855- 4949, anytime. FOUR VARI fit 14"x8" chromo wire basket whlis and foar Uniroyal TIgar Paw E70014 tires, $200. Four B.. oodrich Exia TA. 23516OHR14 0114 Cheviot lot wiro aiuminam whoees 14"x7" la fl 79 and up MuaangiCapri. 80 and xp TOrd/Cougar, ail branli new, cosl $1200. oeil for $950 11rm. Comploeon0110new sei (4) Cragar SIS whei spinnora, $45. 318 motor goxodi. $250. 1960 225" super siant six and sutamaiic transmission igoadi, $250. Plane 6553266. FOUR aimait new steel radiais. P20676R15lFR78115, $160. Fies new Goodyear Wrengier radiais P19575R15, 8400. One new Edeibrock SP2P aiaminum Intaka manifold end kit for omni bock Chevrotat, SM0. Four almoat 00W atumînuostaur spoke wheeis, 6 bait to fit ail Japiose truks and nome Chees, $75 aach. Phone 655-3266. PARTS FOR a 1963 hall ton track, 6 cyi. molor, AI1 condition, $150. 655-3410. BRAND NEW sot aI tires, 165. 70SR13, Japanoso made,.fls In- lormodiate type ai car, radiais, coat $350 110w, sklng $165, gaod doal. Phone 668-9919. 1985 JEEP RENEGADE 8.000 1975 HONDA CIVIC for parts, miles, 6 CP., 5 speed. p.s., p.b., reconditloned liead, nea alter- tli, many eniras, $12,400. 655- nator, $125 takes ltae whaie car. 4682, sItar 6 p.m. 6665909 sItar5 P.on. 1961 FORD ESCORT, twa door, tour speed. heichback, AMIFMV cassette,anroot, 56,000 miles, $2.150. Phone 668-633. 1981 CONCORD. 2 door, 4 cyl., automatix, PS., p.b., excellent condition, $2,900. Cati 4331531, Oshawa, anytIme. 11980 OLOS 98 Regency 350, sileer exterior, blue Interlor, ioaded wiih options, oniy 86,000 km, weii malntained,asakIng $5,200 car- Wiied. 655-4712. 1978 DODGE Tradesmen 300 Van, carpef and panel, aatended roof, aaklng 33,000 or beat otter. 666- 3991, alter 6 po.. 1978 6UICI< LTD 403 angine, 62,000 miles, elactilo unroot, ioaded, $2,995. 0511 579-4142, et- ter 6P.m. 1978 PLYMOUTH Caraealie. air condition, 80,000 km., good con- dition, $1,200 or bonI olfer. Talephona 66"875. 1977 DATSUN F10 good angine, body fair, no rosi, valves job and gond tires, $850 as le, Phone 666- 6457. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA PS., p.b., air condiiioning, $600 or beat citer. Oel 6553176. 1975 OMC 44 ton van, runs but needs body work or gaod for par. ts, $2W0. Phone 6554938, sItar 6 p.m. 1976 FORD F100 pickap, ps., p.b,, certilieli axe manil cgo, nGw asiiornir, ragalator and bat. iery. $900 or baxi aller. Phono 666-1781 alter 5p.m. 1975 0000E Club Cab, 3/ ton heay daiy. auiomaiic, good shape, 59,000 original miles, bulIt for 51hi wheoi iralor, croisa con- irai. extra air compresnor and tank for ires, extra gan tank, $3000. Phone 6553006. 1975 CHEVY van 20, customlz.d, b.d. Icebon, carpel, hlgli bock bucket osais, AMIFM cssatte aterea, mage ail*round and new brakes, flams and triller hlich, need body woric, sold as le, $1.400. Cali 433-1579.. 1974 HORNET for sale, lias 1976 mator 232 (40000 miles), rebulit franc., new starter, body raît, good running, as la $500. Phase 668.519. 197n PONTIAC Partsienne, 77,000 miles original, In ronnlng con- dîtIon, extra body parta avaliabie. $200 uncertlfled. Cati Paul M&8 1532, aNrS p.m. 1937 CHEVROLET 2 door, Coachi Sedan, 50% restored from ground up, ail parla orgtnatand comploe, manuata and extra parts, $3,150. Plionse6M&2744. 12 FOOT wooden sailboat ready for iaunctsIng, SM0. Phionse66. 2787. THE CH10F FUNCTION OF VOUR' BODYVIS TO CARRY VOUR aRAIN AROUNO. epCONFUSEDa Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have If you: @are a private advertiser; @have an article to seli - and, 'have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (set' guidelines above for more details i. Your ad will run each week until the artimc has been sold (maximum three months i. A minimum charge applies tu each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the' firsi in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantet' your article will seil, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $750? When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the' advertised price. 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