PAGE 10. WEDNESDAY,SEPTEMI3ER 10, 1986,WIIITBY FREE PRESS DOWNTOWN WHITBY-'HfERITAGE DAY'1 SEPTEMBER 13,1986 EYE GLASSE&W CONTACT LENSES 666-3831 Ail vision care plans accepted Eye examinations arranged DURHAM HEARING AID 666-3797 SERVICE & REPAIRS MINIATURE HEARING AIDS BOTH SERVICES AVAl LABLE AT: 1105 COLBORNE ST. WEST *DOWNTOWN WHITBY* MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE LADIES& MENS CLOTHING 20% OF-F ALL IN-STORE MERCHAN DISE Thurs., Fri., Sot., SEPT. 11 - SEPT. 13 OUR NEW& EXCITING BOUTIQUE US NOWOPEN * Offering you a complote * in. of Donc. and Active * weur, Dance shoos& 1 Accessories. Cosmetie exclusive to * Attitudes * Handbags & Fashion Jeweîlery 307 Brock St. N., WHITBY 666-1528 I WHITBY *BROOK & MARY STREETS 185,BROCK ST. N. HfERE'YE!4 668-3301 HERE YEI HERITAGE DAY SEPT, 13/86 y *LABATTS BLUE HOT-AIR BALLOON.. Examine the Labatt's Blue Hot-Alr Balloon . weather permlttlng. *WALTER CAMPBELL ... Meet the famous Canad ian artist, Walter Campbell, who speClalizes ln painting Victorlan era homes f rom 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ln the Canadian Imperlal Bank of Commerce at the corner of Brook and Dundas Streets. *LOG-SAWING COMPETITION ... Demonstrate your log-sawlng sklIIs. Coi'test categorles include men, women, mlIxed and chl1ld ren 12-16 years. eMREDRAWN BUGGY RIDES ... See historlo downtown Whltby, the "old-fashioned way". *COUNTRY CRAFT DEMONSTRATIONS ... This unique display of crafts may be viewed In the Bank of Nova Scotia at the corner of Brook and Mary Streets. *PANCAKE BREAKFAST ... The Whitby Chamber of Commerce wiII be holding a pancake breakfast ln the Brooklin Cycle Clinlo Parking lot at the corner 0f Dundas and Perry Streets f rom 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. The 1 cost ls $3.00 per person and $1 .50 per chlld under 12 years @THE MERITAGE TRAIL HOUSE TOUR ... Tickets are avallable at Mddîeton's Stationery on Dundas. Street *THE MERITAGE TRAIL HOUSE TOUR ... Tickets are avalilable at M iddîeton's Statlonery on Dundas Street West. *BOB MOONEY'S DIXIELAND BAND *SHERIFF AND STOCKS *FREE BALLOONS *OLD-FASHIONED PRICES CFREE PARKING SCHOOL RUNS OPEN 24 HOURS PARCEL DELIVERY 7 DAYS A WEEK AIRPORT RAT CIRCLE TAXI "WE'LL GO ANYWHERE YOU WANT To GO" 668-6666 18BOKS.N 668-668912BROKS.N 668-3732 WHITBY, ONT. - m~. ~vae< 1< Northern Reflections--Loon FamlIy by Robert Bateman LAST CHANCE ORDER NOW! Order Deadiine: September 15, 1986 PICTURE THIS & THAT CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING 115 BROCK ST. Sý., WHITIBY 666-1330 CO LDCUT CENTRE, AND- INTERNATIONAL LUNCH BAR FEATURING -ILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS "*CABBAGE ROLLS * PEROG lES * WIENER SCHNITZEL * LASAGNA * BEEF STROGANOFF * PANZEROTTI * SANDWICHES HERITAGE DAY B.B.Q.' Featurinig Octoberfest Sausage on a Bun at: 118 BROCK ST. N., WH-ITBY 668-9931 SAT., SEPT. 13 ONLY :CITI OUPON AND RECEIVE BRING IN ANY ARTICLE 0F CLOTHING AND GET ONE 0F THE SAME ARTICLES 0F CLOTHING CLEANED FOR FREE, 106 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY 668-6491 1 Scot*labank Àem THE BANK OF NOVASCOTIA .M.M .M 1