Whitby Free Press, 3 Sep 1986, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. 1986,. WHITI3Y FREE PRESS FREE PRESS E M PORIU11M Emporium Ad@ will only bc accepted subjeet to, the foflowing conditions.. M M ARTICLES ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE SIX FiEc. kitchen nook set with torage under 2 banches, covrsd In long wearlng Oefln, 2 ysara 00W,1$. Plhons 436.1080. SOLlO INE and pns vanoer rot top des, top can Se removad for a flat surface, excellant con- dItIon, sacrifice, $400. Phone 728 7744. 1941 PETER but cadar trip 16' boat and mtar, $1,000. 1970 Hardtop camper, sloops 6,.lia fumace and add-a.caom by whéeet 8,0. 8 cu. fI. Waodgrsln freezer, 82M. Phono 66&.2702. CHILDS awlmmlng pool, 2 It. deep and 8 fi.In diematar, pain. lad getoanized steel, drain piug, safety caver, $99. Phone 866- 1784. 198 KIRBY vacuum, ail attacli. manIe, good condition, $400. Phone 9853958. GLASS and chroma cotise tabla, 3 lier, $150. Dhumidilaer. derk brown, $80. Wickar cofaa tabl, $20. Fctureous face ciocti. $25. Phono 4278592. CARPETS, two 9010,.oea 1x13, $30 each. Football halmat, $15. Fiva gallon lsh tank with ex. ceasorlan, $23. Lquor bar for rex room, $W. Phone 5799167. INSIDE DOOR 28x8. lncludlxg hardware, $25. Inside door, 26x80 tncluding hardware, $23. Con- crots dora alep single risar, $38. Fivo 24x24 patio siaba, $2.60 each. Portable lectrlc asaboard healer, $15. Platorm rocker, goid vleur, $100. End table, colonial style, $25. Two seis bathroom tape, naw, $15 each. 1-6236770. DARK BROWN broudloom with undarpad, 10014 opprox., oery good condition, $40. Steel i. Beam, 16Oti. wilh 2 supports, $30. Two chite oboailitabla lampa, colonIal, 10" higli, $5 pair. Kil- chan lecîrlo walctock, $2. Wettmount globe Ilglit itura, off white wth paintad rose trim. browo and gold, $5. Pot llght recssad ceiing ixtura, $4. Change table, white, $30. Rein. barrai, $5. Elghi pins ralinga with 7 fi. handrait, $35. 011 pain. ting, 52x26, rositoarts, ShIpa ln Sunset, teaIs rame, $25. Phone 6554682. COMMERCIAL type freezer, Shester, 8fIl. long wlth 2 ssidlng doora, 00W comprassor Jan. '85, saklng 81,800. Phoneo 666.560. CUSTOM MADE drapes, 2 com- plote sets, $300. Phone 688"295. ADMIRAL frldga endi toos, goid, good condition, $700. Sotid wood triple dresser wlth vanity section. $100. Two selsheives, $25 aach. 68.4046,. PRESTO FRESSURE canner 16 itre sîze and assoreri sica lare, ail n goori condition, $80. Cati atter 11 s.m., 6664530. GRAIN CONVEYOR., LIttis Glani, 25 I. on wheis, $095. Phonoe85. AVOCADO ELECFRIC range and 16 ou. I. ront tram rldsea as avocado, exceltant condition, $60. Two aide tablea, $20 for the pair. Qusen ia badapread clh Ico shama, $40. Twin sire bed. eproe nd one sham, $30. Phone 6862937. à DININO room chairs, excellent condition, $40 ssch. Rock mapîs ktchen set, 4 chaire, $195. Cor ner cabinet, $75. Sotid wood dresser and mimeor, $55. Oak rocklng chair, $50. Antique dtotng reom Iabe, 2 Basves, $15. Bookaheit, $15. Phone 6836ff8. FOR SALE 8 antique moutding planes and oe antique bow a5w, $100. Blond hardwood badroom suite, $250. Phone 688.2676, 66- 3215. FOR SALE 30" etectrix steve. avocado green, goori condition, $100. Phono 668-0489. CUSTOM MAGE conlemporary loveseat and two chairs, ex- cltent condition, cost $1800 new, a«king $850. Ater 5 pm.. 4277956. ROUND OAK pedestai tabla tor sale, 6 matchlog chairs, 5 beaves tor table, al onaxcellent con. dition, anking $1500 or bent ottar tor set, muat seli. Atso ciarinat tor sala, $100. Cati 663-8638. LARGE FRANKLIN woodsiove. AI1 condition, $125 . Phone 65 3700. -PLEASE READ- When the advertised item is sotd. disposed of, or unavailabte for whatever reason. the item wiii be deemed to have been sod and a commission will be cbarged based on TIE AIVERTISEI) PRItE as iiustrated hbetow. regardiess If price ta stated with -best offer- If the item ia N(iT SIiLI. or disposed of. the ad wiii be run for :1 MINTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $750 will appty payable in advance <f publication of the first ad The above minimum charge wiii be applied to the final commission due Maximum commission $100.00O Ail adver- tisements must be ptaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITItY F~REE PRESS and run ai teasi one month if flot sod RATES 1Itf article lx notrdî 5% of arivertîseol prie epic 8400e.00 2% of balance ever $4)0,0 EX AMI'.E: Stirtem ad vertlned for t50.00. <ommixslon due 87.50 i(minimum charge la 87.50J Private advertioing oniy! Please notify te Whitby Froe Press immediatety when item ia soid 50 ltaI ce may detete il. fromtfthe foiiowing Issue. Al ada not fittiog te Emporium guidetinea dli ho treaied and charged per week as regular classified ais on a prepaid hasis such as: services. heip wanted, clotiting. rosI mOiate. and personal message type ada. or ada not quoting prîce or quantiiy Private classîf ieri ada may appear in te Emporium section uxder apprîîpriate headings ALL AIlS WILL GOI> N CLASSIFIED SECTON UNLESS OTIIERWISE SPECIFIED MAIL ADSTO>): FREE PRES aEMPORtIUM P.O. lIox 20 Whitby. LIN 5241 Ifin doubtenal 668-6111 OR DELI VER 1O: 131 Brsck St. N. Whtby. ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM AIiS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. AU~M TV SUPPLI'ES U? REPAIR/P'A'R'ATS MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS, 5 mata pupplos, CKC regiatereri, ahots, dewormed and hoeraiseri, good wlih chidren. non-shadding and non-aitargix, $40 each. Cati Port Porry(4181 ,WABNEEDS HION CHAIR maria in taly, seat rectinea, $40. Cati 8688-7269 anytIme. GENDRON baby carniage tor sale, asking $30 or besi otter. Phone 6683043. Give _ UNICEF gifts and cards and help a child Contact. UniceefCanlada Y 443 MI. asant Rd Toronto, Ont M45 2L8 OrG.l (JIvCEF CcwMis<li i. IBWX26&66&i iiC 1128W02686364# 1970 SUICK SkylarIs (parts) grill, bumpar, talitens, cyl. haads, $220. Oshawa. 436-250. 1978 COMET ô cyl., tor parts, goori motor, transmission, rear endi, complote car, $20. Phono 6553006 MOTORS, Dorige, GM, Toyota, Honda ad Ford, $150 @ch. Four goori tires, $25 »aci. Excellent wlndewa for garage, ahop or greenhouse, 5 fx8Il 81, 4 fix 6 fi, $45 os. Fine cars for parts, $280 es. (75 Dorige, GMC, Chevy, 74 Dorige, Ford Truck). Cati Tad, 655 4949, anytime. FOUR VARI lt 14"x6" chrome cire basket wheeis and tour Uniroyat Tiger Paw E70014 tires, $200. Four B.F. GeedrIch Esre TA. 2351OHR14 on 4 Cheviol hot etre atumioum eheels 14x7" le fii 79 andi up MuslangiCapni, 80 andi up T-BirdiCougar, ail brand new. cosi $1200. sali ter $950 irm. Compote ane nec set (4) Cragar SIS cheet spinners, $45. 318 motor isoodi. $200. 1980 225" super ant six andi automnalIc transmiIssion (good), $250. Phono 6553266. FOUR aimoat new steel radiais, P205175R15lFR78115, 8150. Fîve new Goodyear Wrengtar rediale 13195175R15, $40. One new Edetbrock SP2P aismInum nIaIse manifold and ifkItfoc email bock Chevrolet, SM0. Four aimoat flUw atumlnum star spoke cisela, 6 boit to, lit ai Japanese tmucks and tome Chaos, $75 each. Pione 655-3266. PARTS FOR a 1963 hait ton truck, 6 cyi. molor, Ai1 condition, $150. 655-3410. BRAND NEW set eft ires, 185- 70SR13, Japaneamadie, lts In tormediate type of cer. radiais, cent $350 nec, asking $165, gori deai. Phone 6689919. LOIS eo v~oud 1981 FORD ESCORT, Ico deor, 1974 HORNET for sale, has 1976 tour speari, itchbsch, AMIFM moter 232 (40,000 milasi, rebut cassette. sunrot, 56,000 mles, Irans,, nec starter, body ruff, $2,150. Phonoe608-6336. good runntng, as sa $500. Phono 6689519. auiomatlc, P.S., phb., excellent condition, $2,900. Cati 4331531, Oshawa, anytIma. 1978 DODOS Tradesman 300 Van, carpat and panai, atanded rot,. ashing $3000 or beat ottar. 666. 3991, altarS p.m. 1976 13UICK LTD 403 angine, 62,000 miles, aiactrlc sunroot, loaded, $2,995. Cati 57".142, ef- tar 6 p.m. 1976 PLYMOUTH Caravelle. air condition, 00,000 km., good con- dIttan, $1,200 or beat oltar. Tlephoea6680765. 1977 DATSUN F10 good angine, body tair, no mast, valve job and good tires, $850 as le. Phonoe668& 6457. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA Ps$., phb., air conditlenlng, $800 or Seat elfer. Cati 655-3176. 1976 OMO 44 ton van, rnen but ne body wark or goori for Par. ta, $250. Phone 655.4938, atar 6 P.m. 1976 FORD F100 pickup, P.., p.b., cartitied oe month ago, new aternalor, regutator and bat- tery, $900 or bost otter. Phone 6681781 atter 5 p.m. 1975 HONDA CIVIC tor parts, reconditionsd head, new sitar- naor, $125 takes the whola car. 6685909after 5p.m. 1075 DODOS Club Cab, ;4 ton heavy duty, automalic, good shape, 59,000 original mitas, built tor 5ih cheel traier, cruiso con- trot. extra air cempressor andi tank for tires. extra gas tank. $300. Phono 655-3006, 1975 CHEVY van 20, castomizeri, Sed, Icebox, carpel, hlgh back buctiet sais, AMîFM cassette stareo, mags aIt around and new braIses, tiares and traiter Itlli, needs body work, sold as s,. $1,400. Cati 433.1579. 1972 PONTIAC Parisienne, 77,000 mites original, ta runnlng con- dition, extra body parts avatiabte, $200 ncertitieri. Cati PeUt (666. 1532, allerS p.m. 1937 CHIEVROLET 2 door, Coach Sedan, 50% reatored tramn grounri up, aIt parts original andi comptote, manuata andi extra patse, $3500. Phono 66U.744. 12 FOOT wooden seiiboat ready for taunching, $300. Phono 666. 2767. SOMETHINO ABOUT YOIjR NEW cOMMUNITYJý Cati Phone 668-8943 Our ilotess wil hbrîog gits andi greelîngx, aiong wîth heipisi commuiy Informatio. put 4%r ~CONF Don'tpuof advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: @are a private advertiser; abave an article to seil; and, @have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details . Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months t. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seli wîthin three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seli, but where else could yîîu gel three months advertîsing for only $7.510? When your article seils, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% Up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. m mUSED?3 rÇ~ questions. Hopefulîy, the explanation beîow can clear Up many of your questions - if flot, do cali 668-61 il and we'il be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to YOD personally. 1 have read the Emporium guidelînes ahove and wish Iu have the ifollowing advertisement placed under this section of the Whithy Free Press.1 1 enclosse $7.501 ttoyer the minimumi Charge $7.5) tilîny Visa acotitt lard %s). N'ame ipea%,-print 1 Adrsi idonxl firgeî.i i nduite- viur phtei iiiuvir charge. FREE PRESS P.(>. Box 206 1:11 Brock St. N. Whitby, LIN 5S1 Belisw are soie examples of what you would be chargeci if yîaur article sold within three mnonths. i <armmssto;ns shuswn include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT I5AY-XBI.E $ 2tM) $ oiM $ 45 $ sO $ 7M0 $ 8(m $ AN0i $.l(iand up Total Amount Payable $7.50 S10.00 $15.00 $ 20.00 $ 22.00 824.00 I26.00 S 28.00 S 30.00 $32.00 S52.00 872.00 $ 92.00 $100.00 Potlàiode 1

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