Whitby Free Press, 20 Aug 1986, p. 3

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WHITBX' FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1986, PAGE 3 Littie dub sdevelopment Pearson Lane-s By MIKE JOHNSTON finished on the bouse trying to kaep the area Little. look pretty attractive." was the firat name of his asagroup. Free Press Staff and a new porch, a as neat as possible. But "'Right now we're in With the two houses fatber. He hopes to put a Yo'egi tsea Pearson Lanes may raplîca of the original, corne October, after tbe that middle spot bat- rnoved up, Little will sign up acknowledging ~ t e soon bacome downtown ba addecl. inter-brlcking, Ian- waan moving and the own five houses ini a row the houses as Pearson heko hange in two Whitby's newest attrac- He said the new dscaping and new paint, finished product but on Mary St. W. or three montbs," said tion. lessee wants to keep the the area will take on a eventuaily, bafore He said Pearson is an Lanes and ha bopas ail Little. Having successfully old style of the building whole new look," said Christnmas, it's going to old fatxily name and advertising will ba done h.qd thp ti. on- 1-f_-- - .i century old homes moved across Mary St., Bill Little bas decidad to caîl the row of bouses Paarson Lana. And accorcling to Lit- tle, one of the homes, which now stands beside bis Marketing and' Motivation office, bas bean leasad for business as of Saptembar 13. Wblle ha would not disclose the name of the lassea, Little said the first two floors are to b but some designs wtil have to ba completed in- side to maka way for the offices and stores. "People are in- tarested in keaping the downtown heritaga image," said Little. Ha said the second home, whicb now sits bahind bis Marketing of- fice, wiil ba moved up batween the office and the bouse on the corner of Mar and Byron St. The houseis expacted to ba movad u p around the end of Septambar. "1Rlght now you bave to hava some Imagination. We're Board of Education hires -222 new teachers By JAN DODGE Free Press Staff Growtb in the ragion and class siza guidalines negotiated last year with teachers ara responsible for the large numbar of naw teachers the Durham Board of Education bas hired, the superintandent of oparations said. "As of last week wa bava hired 194 probationary teachars elementary and sacon- dary) and 28 occasional tesschers, and thare will ha more," Don Peel said. One bundred and for- ty-eight of the probationary teachars hava been hired at the elemantary lavai; 46 at the secondary lavaI. These teachers will work on probationary contracts for the board from one to, two yaars bafora thay becoma aligible for permanent contracts. Saventean occasional teachars (those birad for less than a year) will work in elamantary schools;. il in secondary scbools. The class size guidelines are 23 studants for kindergar- tan; 23 for a grade 1-2 aplit; 25 for grades 2 and 3; 29 for grades 4, 5 and 6; and 35 studants for grade 7 and8B. Peel said the board can excaad . the guidalines by one but tries not to go bayond that. In secondary schools pupil teachar ratio is higher for academic subjacts and lower for vocational training wbich raquires more banda on experlence. Othar factors which hava, influenced the numbar of new teachars hired ara retiring teachers, natural at- trition, and job sbarlng, where one teacher works in the morning and anothar doas the af- ternoon work for that position. Plane ecra sh A six seatar 337 Sesna davalopad angine troubla shortly aftar take off from the Oshawa airport on Tuesday night and was forced to maka an amergency landing at 7:20 p.m. in a corn field soutbeast of Taunton and Garrard Rd. The pilot of the plana, Paul Plesman of Union- ville, was not burt. Damage to the ýplane is estimated at $40,000. details can hal obtained by calling 6M-4189. . I* tbink it will ha a lot of fun, I'm looklng for- ward to it, "said Buffett, recalling how Heritage Day came about. Ha raceivad a phone cail from Marion Irwin, who is helping to organize the Heritaga TrailTour on Saptam- bar 13, requesting the BIA somebow get in- volved. Buffatt said Haritage Day evolvad fromn tbat phone caîl. "It just made sansa to Isave,it.: The tining was *right. Because of the tour many people will ha An the downtown that day," said Buffett. Ha' also noted that Saptem- ber bas bean proclalmed Heritage month. But the Town Crier contest is not the only avant happening on Heritage Day. "'Wa are very for- tunate to bave Walter Campbell put on a display. That is a major coup for us," said Buf- fatt. Campbell, a Canadian Artist wbo spacializes in Victorian ara homes, bas agread. to present a display of bis paintings. The art display wiIl ha held in thé Canadian Imperial DISTINCrIVE WEDDING INVITATIONI Select your weddlng Invitallona trom Our complots catalogae. For you ..a keepsake copy of ysar InvItation In tusurlous gold. * PRINI %1%D -- - - - - - -- - - - Bank of Commerce locatad at the corner of Brock and Dundas Sts. An addad attraction to the day wiil hathe Labatt's Hot Air Balloon. According to Buffatt, the bailoon will ha available for rides depending, on the weathar. If the waatber is bad, ha said the bailoon will ha an- chorad. At press tima it was not known wbere the balloon would ha situated in town. Anothar. ride, this time on the ground, will ha available when horse and buggy wil take people around town for a nominal fe. Music will also ha provided throughout the downtown core courtasy of Barber Sbop Quartais and Bob Mooney's Dixie Land Band. A log sawing contest will ha hald wbich Buf- fatt said will bave categories for ail ages and sexes and the Chamber of ýCommerce wil hold a pancake breakfast from 10 ar. to 12 p.m. in the Brooklin Cycle parking lot. An old tima shariff will ha walking the streats sending those wbo break the rules of the day to the stocks but incarceration won't last long, just long enough * * O' ELEE T AL Five Dra wer Basket System wîth Casiers $3995 300 * Size: 14' wde x 16" deep, x 32» high. * 5 wire vnyl.coated baskets. White onily * Tubular steel trame. * 4 heavy duty casters. *Packed for easy assembty. *Mult-purpose-<ITCIIEN, LAUNDRY, LIBRARY. DEN, OFFICE etc. OUR REGULAR 5IORAGE AND CLOSET SHELVINO la 51ILL ON SALE AT SMs PER LINEAR FOOT. Wall and Door Storage Racks up to 50%10off è Use indlviduallyor as multiple units. sHangs neatly an any cloor or watt, 0 Whte vinyl-coated steel wire trames. s Mountlng hardware Inctuded. m-WAS NOW 2 SHELF UNIT -laxlowxsv. s$15w $ 7.49 S3 SHELF UNT -2eXîeWX5s 22.00 $11.95 3SNELF UNIT -26xieàxa5-2300 $12-95 (SPACE AGE SHELVNQ Cali us for FREE INHOME CONSULTATION. WHITBY-OSHAWA 80 Thickson Rd. S. (Thickson Place at HWY. 2) *9430-1636 FM M : MnOUS aay-Mneasday0 am to 6pm *Tlaasday &Frlday 9am to 9pm - Satrday 9am to 6 p r ----------------------------------------- ~"' VALABLECIUO FREE 1% COOKBOOK STAND VALUE $3.00 for a photographer to take a pictura of the criminal. A Heritage Day Coun- try Craft demonstration will ha held in the Bank of Nova Scotia at the corner of Mary and Brock and will feture a selection of baritage oriented crafts banded down from pravious generations. CLIP THIS AD AND AVE 20% on all your PICTURE FRAMING THIS WEEK custom Framing*Stretchng-Matboard Glasis WHITBY-82 FROSTeWHITýy -Promotion prom-ises olId fashioned prices-

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