WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. AUtiUbSI U. 19YSb. ALJh Il E PAINTING & DECORATINO profesalonat bonded worhroan. shtp, residantisi and commercial, free estimates. Cati 839M277 or 0889712. "GRAMMER for peopte who hate grammer" la the Ideat pooket refrence book for business peopte. $3.95 par copy and avaliable st Ocheon Prtltng & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Deaer Inqutries tnvitsd 6831968. FREE. Dmop mbInthe Ockaoo Prlntlng and Off ice Suppty store n the Ajax Ptsza and pick up s free copy 0f the 1980 Maîrto Catendar. Printed ln iwo colours. Il roches for hsndy reference. 6831968. TYPEWRITER rentat, msny roches and roodeta, by the weekend, week or monlh. Discounts avalabte. Otkeon Prlnting & Office Supplies ln the Aan Pana. Caii us for business machine repaire. 6831968. MARTHA XAVIER Former emptoyer froro *Cadlana ilr Fashons,M *WhItby, wtshoestowecomeM *hercuetomereto her naw Place, Brohttn 655419 CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcorotng marriage. Pisase vtew our ampes of engraoed wedding Invitatonseat your teteure nln or Alan Plaza store. Otcheon Ptnting & Office Sup- pitee, 683.1988. ANTIQUE SHOW and sa, Ori la Square Malt, Orillîs, Ont. Auguet 21 te Auguit 23. Information (416) 436-1634. lRELIABLE DAVOARE Avalabte wtth il years an- pertence tn Eariy Chitdhood dEducatton and nurstng. Of- fers love and care 10 Infants and toddlers ln own home. Futty equIpped nursery andi lots of toys and books for a creatioe progrsm. NutrIttous meats provtded. Hours fltexible. Excellent reterencea anattabte. Receipte avattabte. For More Information catt Sansaet 668-6094 MOTHER OF THREE wtlshes to do daycare ln her home, good meats, fenced yard, cra11 ime, West Lynde ares. Phone 668- 9160. RELIABLE MOTHER wttt hahysIt n my home, any aea, hot lunches and snacks suppfted, Mitter Helghln area, many references. 427-9138. MISRTRIM *Evergreen Prnlngl *New Landscapng,* *Compîlteawn& *Gardon Maintenance EXTRAS FROM my gardan for stle. ris, Horeradtsh, Red Rhuharh pants, $1 each. Coder, $2. Pennies, Forsythta, Sttver Mapte, Ash, $3 each. Hertage Raspberry ptants, 50e each. Few Cotorado Spruce, $15 each. More Information, 65-4525. PRQP à SKEO repairs- tant ser- vice, fIbergass suppties - resto, ment, ctoth and acetone - WEST SYSTEM EPOXY - mirror finish boat peint. Rlaypteo - Oshawa Giass - Fibre, 341 Durham St. 579- 1433. 1984 INVITATION saithoal, 16 fi., wet salit Cati85-4745. YARD YARD SALE (movtog), 210 Craydon Rd. Saturday, August PETS & "d, poafpone Auguel ", SUPPLIES GARAGE DOG FREE f0 ntghl home, 2 YserSAE old, apode temate, detgh:u temperment, Ikea obtidren, wan GARAGE SALE of l fclory sém- ts ta ha an onty dog. If yoo can pIes ari seconds ln pollery, gîva IhUs prelfy, enthunlsstc, cerolica, glflwae, Augual 23 meadiaro atzed friand a good and 24, 11 Gerehwin Cnt., Whilby. home, pieaîe catil 825141, colfect. STREET GARAGE SALE senerat famUlles, on Mlaton Cree., WhIl. s by, Set., Auguel 23, 9 s.m. te 5 £W~WAN EDTOI p.ro. Rein or shîne. ADDISON TWO cotoor plastic H U E radios waoiad, paytng 850-8160O. 0~F R E T Phonescotaclt (418)6841-1420. F RR N - WHITBY 3 bedrooro townhouse, 4 applIances, garage, fsmity A UCTIONS rooro, central air, $80 plus firal AUCTIONStan et, no pae, near ai FUN FOR sroentles. 666-2985. THE WHOLE FAM ILV OSHAWA - 3 hadrooros wiih ATTEN ONETHIS garage, dlean and taselty ATTE DONE HIS decorsted, avalîshte Sept. 1, tiit WEEKENDI and UestI monîhe ranI. 8684331. Ww VACATION WW R IENTALSL 10 Mobile Homes Ctearwater - Three bedroom. Umobile homes. Heated poos,'I tniclose to beaches and major ttractonschtdren1 weicome. (tes than mnotet rcorn). 683-5503 FLRA RENTAL furnshe moile home, *reduced rateamontly senally >427-6231 ~il CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, Orono, Hwy. 35-115, Ctarke, 4th Con. cession, heautltfutcampgrouod, season $635. Campground 1-786. 2562. Toronto off ice 6515754. R(SARE ACCOMMODATION BUSINESS PERSON to ars semi In Whtthy, muet proolde references, reasonabte rate. Phone 668O09 daytlme, after 7 p.m. 868-7091. 19$85 TRANSAM 22,700 km., f utly oaded, neyer drivesn ndoter, Ztehart palot protection, Tint King windows, mont seil, $18,200. 434-7646. 1983 MAZDA RX7 OS 48,500 km, air AMIFM Cassette, gray, black, Inferter A-i. 910,800. Todd 855- 3655,576-1862. HOUSEWUVES, roothere neederi tmmediafely tf0osalitoyn andi gifle et home parties. Cati (519) 258- 7905. LOCAL Represenative requtred mmedtaly. Novai Marketing Concept. RaptdUy enpandtng business, greund flt0r oppor lunity, iutt.iimetpart-ttme, mate or femate, sny ega, worh froro home, high eaarnng potentiat, no ex- partance raqutred, tratntng pronideri, ne capital Inestroaent, Innenlory, record keeptng reqotred. Contact: Trevor Schtn- daer, Apt. A. 48 Scarborough Beach Btvd., Toronto M4E 2X1 (416) 89&U.993 PROFITABLE SIDELUNE Book felae 23 tonies, sel et different auctIons, authenflo, amustng, 151 pager, rtait $8 sample 35.50, boy 3 copies for $12, 12 copies for $43 (poetpstdt. Bond chequaiM.O. f0 Anne Fergoseen, 132 Mrtel Cee., Vankteek HuitI Ont. 1<06 IRO. UNUIMITIED INCOME. JoUn our mailt eder prograro, cortu aI home. For moesInformation *end $1.00 for postage and handlilg la J & E Enterprtse, Box 39-P, Station M, Toronto, M68 4T2. SPECIALS GALOREI The Framlng Centre 668-4521 4D~ ~,ARTICLES ~CLES ~CLEr1 ~0NS FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE BUILDNGS - Spectat Clearance. 20x24 fif. $2,300. 24x24 If. $2.800. 28x38fif. $3,900. 32x38fif. $4.300. 36x48 fit. $8,400 andi 40x80 fIt, $8,100. Catil 985-7930. MATTRESSES and hou epringe et hait price. McKeen Furnitore, 524 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. 7255181. VUSIT our uneri furnlure warehoone hy appoint ment. Big savinge on dosks. chairs, iing cabinets, etc. Cal ickson Prin. ling & Office Supplies Io arrange an appoinîment 10o iew. 683- 1968. USED DESKS, fîtes, storege cabinets, tacking office chairs.- steel adjustahte shetvlng. store diopteys. Blairs New and Used, 21 Ateo Ana.. Woodhridge. Phone (416) 851-8100, near Hwy. 7 andi 400, Mon.Fri. 9.5, Set. 101. CHESTERFIELD suites, toveseats, nectionats, tees than 'h price. Large netection. Mcteen Furnifure, 524 SImcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. "1HEROES et the Bible" cotouring book avattahie ai Otcheon Prin. fing & Office Supplies, Aa Plaza. 883.1968. Dealer inquiries inilod. U$ SACRIFICE $8 Sacrifice 3 Buildings Spaclal aller, Pricar low for Immediale cf earance. 30s40x14, 34,083; 4ôxO0016, $9,2W; 00a120s20, $16,835; 70x140x24, M2,672. Comote wlkh large dloors, other sizt Avaitable f0 120' wtde, serieus buyers onUy, no Mrca shoppare, guarantead loeset prfces. Cali fri 1-0-8148 or 410) 828- 6262. STEEL BUILDING %h price sale. Boe building at regutar price gel double iength for 50% mors. Phase PRonoearEconspan coltect for Information (416) 678. lus. TRAPPERSU HunfeaetDeatoret Free htgh rspping and hunting suppty catalogue. Mai erdere, wholesate, refait. WMie loday, Stuther For Co., Bon 68, Mapte Creok, Sask. SON 1iNO. In a hurry? Phone 1305«623853. GEOTYPE press-on lttering now n stock et Dtchnon Prtnttng & 0f. fice Suppies In the Ajan Shop- ping lza. Large sélection otf styles and sizes. Why pay more for a emetter sheet of tetlering? 683-1968. GARRETT METAI. Detectors Hobby ond Industriel. For more Information or neerent dealer write: Cnadien Mtaf Locetore. R.R.5, Walerford, Ont. NOE iVO or calti(519) 443-5193 or 1-800-265- 8049. Douter inquires tnvited. MONTREAL MILITARY Surplus: Workshlrts $2.75, workpants $3.50, workboote $15. For catatog,n&end $2t(reimborsed fIrut Order): MlttarY Surplus'Bon 243, St. Timohéea,Québec JOS iO TROUBLE wrapplng coins? Wrap pennies, nickets, dîmes and quer- fers qulckty, eauilyt Send $8.98 plus 63Ç les 10 Penny-Rotter, Bo 405, FortEia, Ont. L2A 5N2. CLEAR SWEET WATER: Joat s f aw quotas front foks who huid bad water and now have good wter. Barbera & Ban Bakker - Portland, Ont. "Our water te crystat clear and Il fatas gréai. Thanke for sotvtng aur probiero." Rav. Waltesr Ktrh - Goidon Lake, Ont. "IW. now anioy couee, ruai- f rea, ordourtes aster thai Ue a pieaura f0 drink.' Bruce & Joan Lockwood - calodon, Ont. "Wa aexatremaly ptaased wth the résulte." Barry t<nch - Denabaah, Ont. "Thanka &gatn for puttIng ouf a systoro he1 reaaty dos what you ay lt witt," Lot aur new iachnotngy soins your probiaro Iso. Cati toli-frea 1-000-266-26M8. Aztec, firetIn water purification, ELECTItIC .f replace, ancellent conditiro. Phone868-l807. HARO WATER PROULENS? ln. lroductng th. wsfer soltener lIrai doean't us. sait. No mors tuggUog haavy baga of costly self. Olher soffeners roova calclUer and ollirer good-for-you mInerais. We dont adriat ta your cater or ramone benafictat rmnerais, becoesa ats sot goori for you. Other saltanera fake up fois nf rom, U88eleictrlcily, requtre backweahtng, ceai plenly 10 1ln. & toit and faoromch t10 mintln. W. dlont. Coli toit ire. 1-800.268 2M86fer haathter, boter tistIng claner-wshUng ester. MCRO FURNACE space age heoar savea yoo rooney, dont ha eot tln the cotd order yours today. 683-2638. STEEL BUILDINGS: Mracte Spin Sommer Sae. Exempte 32x40, $3,742; 40x100, $9,136; other aizea t0 choose front, att buildings are complte.wlth doore. Caii tott.frea 1400-387- 4910. LADIES & CHILDRENS bikes for sale, good condition ai reasonabie prices. 688.1578. MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE VINYL SIDING $5999. 6 cotoura, 1,500 ln stock .........rom sq. ALUMINUM STORM DOORS $7 9 1,5w ln stock...................... from $7 9 PATIO DOORS Wood, Vinyt & Atomtnam $déf9 50In stock....................... f rom $ 3 9 LADDERS ALUMINUN STEP & EXTENSION$ >9 250In stock....................... from $2599 GARAGE DOORS Wood &Steel ln stock......... from $499" REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Wood, Vinyt & Afumlnum, $ 99, 500 lnstock ...................... from U q. tt GALVANIZED & GALVALUME Agriculural Steel$ 2 9 4,00shotsIn stock.............. f rom $3 9 q. Wm. BIGFORD ALUMINUM SALES LTD. Mn-r.R.R.3, BRIGHTON, ONT. 8-5 rl.(613) 47,-0521 sat 1 8-12 AUCTION SALE SAT.,SEPTEMBER6 10:00 A.M. Consignment sale at Or- val MCLean AuCtion Cen- tre, Llndsay. AcCeptlng traCtors, 'farm machlnery, cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, reCreation vehiCles, con- struCtion (0018 and equipment, Iawn equlp- ment, tools. Conslgn by August 23, bring to barn or phone: 324-2783 LINDSAY MOLEAN AUCTIÃ"NEERS CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1., AUGUST 22 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Brîtaîn or 7 mlles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britaîn Rd. Oak buffets, oak llbrary table, antique dressers, Chesterflelds, Westing- house uprlght freezer, washstands, parlour tables, oak office desk, o8k dinfing roomn exten- sion table, horsedrawn buggy, flat-to-wall cup- board, il h.p. Lawn Flite rilng lawnmower <new motor>, 7 h.p. Yardman snowblower, 1980 AMC Concord, 1976 Nova, 1980 ACadian, quantlty of tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER .R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE FRI., AUGUST 22 10:00 A.M. At Orval McLean AuCtlon Centre, Lindsay. Con- signments from Presley Estates and other local estates. Large- sale of furniture, appliances, some antiques, clocks, piano, fulli une of ap- pliances, bedroomn suites, Chesterfields, rust chesterfieid set like new, 116w scale Williams piano, quantity bicycles, Selkirk chimney, closet doors, shutters, 6 an- tique Clocks, some an- tiques and Collectibles, 9 pc. dining roomn suite, china and glass. Preview Thursday 3 to 6 p.m. Open 9 a.m. Friday, sale 10 a.m. To list your sale cal): 324-2783 MOLEAN AUCTIONEERS LIN DSAY ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your hdvertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words, every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loas or damage~ liable îfor failure to publish an ad, or for typographie BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12t each alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied additionaî word. such replies. We will flot be responsible for box nuniber by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion, replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves- the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- reject aIl advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50words; 12t each addi tional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publicatipn to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES - 43s pegline. <No word ads allowed). to insert or cancel Emporium Ads.I ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availà ble at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your dîtional charge of $200. The WhitbyFree Press will make 668-6111 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ CLA~IFIE E -COMPUTERS *WOFf OPROCESSING *LEGALiMEOtÃ"AL SEC. *RECEPTIONISTITYPIST *BOOKKEEPiNG CLERK *ACCOUNTI NGIBUSI NESS *FASH ION MERCHANDISING& DESIGN *HOTEL& RESTAURANT OPERATIONSIMGMT. *COMPUTERIZED BANKING & CUSTOMER SERVICE -DENTAL CHAIRSIDE ASSISTANT -Foanciat Assistance maybhaavaitabie -Job Placement Assistance TORONTO SOHOOL 0F BUIESS DECOME AN AUCTIONEER 85 houre of Instruction, fleet ctass November 1522, Contact South. western Ontarlo Sottool ot Aoc. ioneerIng, PO. Boe 145, In. oierktp, Ont. NOJ IMO. (519) 469- 3936,(519)537-2115. FREE: 1986 guide to sludy-at- home correspondance lpioma courses tor prestîglous carears: Accountlng, Air conditloning, Eookkeeplng, Business, Cosmétology. Efeclronics, LegalMediai Secretary, Psychology, Travel, Granion (5A) 263 Adealde West, Toronto, 1- »00268-1121. STARTA NEW CAREEAf Learo basic bookkeepiog for smaii businoe. For free brochure write: U il R Correspondance Schoole, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Wnnpeg, MB R3T 2B6. No obligation. LEARN TO prepare Inooms Tas Retumas, by correspondance. Write U il R Tan Schools, 1345 Pombina flwy., Winnipeg, Man. R3T 286, for fra@ brochure. no obligaton. DATES GALORE. For ait ages and unatacheri, Tfousands et marri bers anious f0 osai tyou. Prestige Acquaintances cati toit. tras 1-80M263-9183. Hours 0000 tit 8 p.m. URNE - Er&@@ Guarantees removal of urine sttos, odors f rom carpets regardiesu of stato aget Fr98 brochure. C.T. Dtsfrbuting, Box 2220, London, Ont. NOA 4E3. ma