WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. AtGUST 20. 1986. PAGE 15 CALL A ~WESSIOV YOUR TICKET TO INCREASED BUSINESS BROOKS, WHITTINGTON Barristers, Solicitors & Notaries Public Helen E. Brooks, LL.B. Robert G. Whittington, B.A., LL.B. 101 Mary Sîreet West Whitby, OntarioLIN 2R4 43-755 UYING AN ANNUITY? Iff you are ai.d you wish to secure a payout annuity frrom your RRSP, cali: HERB TRAN Oshiawa 725-6564 Whitby 668-5968 TOP FIVEQUOTES AVAl LABLE DURHAMREGION'S WOOD SPECIALISTS IN Harwood& Softwood Lumber Dry Uins& Dressing Facilties in'cluding Custom Made TrImn: Harwood & Marine Plywoods As Weil as a complete stock of Building Materials. N 328 RITSON RD. N., OSHAWA HW. 4 e. IT RMN ENRE 66452 - -- -S EE -- CARPENTR1 HOME REPAIRS TiIIng, Drywali, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks CALL 668-4686 vacuum Cleaner SSALES &SERVICE I r f or Most Mates AUthovized HOOVERDaeO 11 1329 Harwood Ave., Ajax ] S683-0213 un-uM i Rssen týe e n Mahie LHAA Open - ekdy oc iig S -AY Barry Thompson & Sons' eRs o rne *Fonces *Bathrooms *TIlIng @Garages *Dlshwasher eDocks Installations 668-8455 DEADBOLT SALE @KwiksetoWeiser@Wesiock Finishes avaitabie inpoiished brass, antique brass & bronze 95Installed $48,9 Sae Ends Sept. 388 Wide variety of patio locks *Locks demastered *Locks rekeyed *Auto *Hi11gh securlty deadboits éKes j t& ick proof ocks WARD MALLETTE CHA-RTEREDACC:'OUINTANTS P.O'. Box 568. 110 Ash Street. IThitby. Ontarif, LIN 5 Ki (416~48-447' Accounting, auditing, taxation, consulting services. -Intnartioiially Binder Dijkcr OQue & COQ. SENIOR CITIZENS SAVE MON EY ON AUTO AND HOME INSURANCE PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 683-9725 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ,Service available FREE consultation 723-53871 MOLLY MAID "Specializing in Home Cleaning For Partclar Peuple " 666-2144 E iI<Uefsla E wa le b t CENTRAL PAINT AND WALLPAPER *SupereOuality Wood Ceatingle "* *UNPARALLELED PERFORMANCEI!" 295 Riteon Rd. S., Oshawa 728-6809 APPLE TREE LANDSCAPING A complete residentiai service. FREE Estimates. Speciaiizing in Interlock brick, Installation, foundation pianting, timber retaining mails, pruning & cedar hedging. Peter, Whitby 668508 Som, Brooklin 655-4931