Whitby Free Press, 6 Aug 1986, p. 22

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PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST .6, ý 86 WHITBY FREE, IWhltby'i Most Wide'y' Read CLASSJFIIEDI VADS CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRI., AUGUSTO .6:.00 P.M. Thrae miles east of Little Brtain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. Round pedestal dining table, china cabinet buffet combination, refinishad dining room chairs, pressback arm chairs, secretary writlng desk, pine dry sink, washstan- de, chestarf lds, ap- prox. 700 records 78 and 33½6, inciuding Louis Armstrong, Banny Goodman, Bing Crosbie, Nat King Cote, etc. quant- tity of tools, china and glass, 1978 Chev Impala (certified). DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 E.E. TEACHER rsqulred for Honay Suar Dey Caro. Phone for furlher Information, 6642w0. SUSSIPOWER $5A DAY CASH 1434-62031 * No experlance nea ssy. TRUOKINO cAREERs. Driver job training with placement help la avaitabie. complets detaits cen be malied f0 you. Phono Rodgers School ai (416) 7693546 wih postai code. NO.1 tN FA8i4ION FUN - sue- co.sftuiHome Party Company In childrenVa fahion. now hIrtng feul satea rsprentattus. For doeait contact Potiy.Toge, P.O. Sox 511, Surttngton, Ont. L7R 3XII, 416336-1507. UNLUITD INOOMIE. Join our mail order pmogrsm. worit ai home. For more information @end $1.00 IPI postage and handling ta J & E Enterpris, Box 39-P, Station M, Toronto, MSS 4T2. A CAuSER IN TtUciING. Tran. sport drivers nesded. Now la the lime to train for your CimsesA i1cense. For pre.acrsening Inter. visw and job -pacement infor-. mation, contact Mery Oes Tran- sport Driver Tratning, Brampton 1800-265-12W,. MA CHIMIE Home Fashion Shows Et. 1075. Join'our suc. cesfluifatniiy of reprentatives n presenting quatit>tingerte and ioungewearet ln-home parties for womeon. i@ fun, iNs'as>, t' Profitabla. cati tot-Irse 11400-263 9183. OUAUIFIED plant superinten. dent, minimum ton y.araex. portencealn motai fabricating snd w.iding wor Itn non-union an- vIronment, 40.W0 avpoye.s, oniy ihose with proven track record naed Io eppi>, excellent ramunersiion end boefle, pus. Send resume ta Sox 1120, Mount Forent, Ont. NOO 2L07 VALMED HEALTH SERVICES INO. REQUIRES RNA For Supervisory position, part-time nights, In the Ajax area. Cati for appoin- tment, Monday to FrIday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 433-1494 1 L1JE11 li ariS Roquired ln Whitby, Ajax, Pickering area. For f urther Information please cali: Nurslng Superviser 433-7600 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. k paramred hi HEALTH SERVICES AVON Christmas starts oariy with tho No. 1. Cosmetio Companyl Join our Elite Group of Representatives - Reduced Appointment Fee for a imited time oniyi Piease cati now: 683-1344 SLOOKING FOR A CAREERIN ADVERTISING? Downtown business requires that person who: *Possess good communication skiiis; *Has ambition and seif confidence; ois eagor to Iearn;1 ois capable of earning an above average Income; eAnd is not af raid to work for It. If you possess these qualities drop in and see us. Experience not necessary. FuiI-time. Car necessary. Start im- mediately. Corne ln to our office anytimo Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 131 Brock St. N., Whitby. Police notes By Conat. PETER BRAMMA "But officer, I don't own that car anymore. I sold It. This bas nothlng to do wlth me 1 " How many times bavai beard tbat excuse? Too many te count. Wben yôu are buylng or selllng a motor vebicle, It must be done rigbt. If not Lt may corne baclc to baunt you one day. Gord Black, s fellow officer at 18 Division, and I bave discussed tbis subject many tiznes, notlng bow careless people can be wben carrylng out tbis klnd of tran- saction and be suggested I make it a subject of one of my colwunns. If you are buylng or selllng a motor veicle privatelybhere's wbat you must do: SELLERS: A motor vebicle may be sold wltb or wltbout a Safety Standards Certificate. In botb cases, sellers keep tbeir licence plates (neyer allow tbe car to be driven away after the sale witb your plates on it, if so, you're asklng for trouble). Sellers must also: -sign tbe vebicle transfer portion of tbe permit and f111 in the date, tbey tben keep tbe plate portion and glve tbeveblcle portion to tbe buyer. -provide tbe buyer witb a bill of sale, date noted, for retail sales tax purposes. Make sure you keep a copy or dupllcate oftbls bill -notlfy their insurance èompany immediately If tbe veblcle was stillhinsured. -you sbould make a written note of the buyer's name and address from proper identification documents, preferably full information from a drivers licence including the drivers licence num- ber. BUYERS: Buyers must notify the Ministry of a change of ownersbip witbln six days, regardiesa <of the veblcle's mecbanical condition. Tis can be done at any vehicle llcence-issulng office. Buyers cannot place tbefr plates on their newly purcbased Shoppers and IGA tie On Monday, JuIy 28, dominated. Play was Oshawa Turul under relatively even in the 15's Parkview IGA and first haîf with Shoppers Turul Shoppers Drug taking advantage of an Mart fougbt to a 1-1 ie. I.G.A. mistake going Tis was a game in one up early on in the whicb, for the most first haif on a goal by part, the defenses Jason Meiklejohn'. *FROM PG. 14 Doctors' strike did flot close down their emergency rooms, Bowmanville, Peter- borough the question wby Ajax and not any of the above? Tbe answer to this escapes me but wbo would like to speculate on the an- swers? 1 know that we have an- excellent medical staff at the Ajax and Pickering Hospital, second to none. Let's face reality Bill 94 is bere to stay, regardless of wicb par- FROM PG. 2 ty cornes to power. I tbInk you wlll agree that IL la a belluva job trying to tbink of anything good to say about any political par- ty. The only thing that I am sure about ta that it ta causing a lot of WI feeling and antaganism towards a very illustrious profession, this ta probably the sad- destthnig of al. Sydobinson Ajax. New hotel future plans by the M.T.C. were unknown. The $6 million full service hotel will in,- clude 112 guest rooms, a 35 seat banquet FROM PG. 1l frDuplati frmost of the depar- tment's 15 employees wbo still live in the Oshawa, Wbitby area. With the increased traf- fic that's anticipated on Highway 401 with the çompletion of- GM's Autoplex, Clarke said the staff are happy to see their commuting days corne to an end. "IL sbould be a good move ail around," said Clarke. 'Seing closer to ,GM and the auto in- dustry means we'il be able to ineet on a more direct basis with our customers and it's facility, a oudng room, a lunch room, a lounge,: an indoor swimming pool, fitness facilities and conference rooms. e move viewed positively by our people in the depar- tment. 1 In addition to, Duplate's Oshawa plant,.- wbere tempered glass side and rear win- dows are produced, the company operates a windshield fabrication facllity in Hawkesbury, Ontario and a national auto replacement glass distribution centre in Alliston, Ontario. Sales personnel in the new Whtby office will be working with Duplate customers across Canada and abroad. vebicle and drive it uniess: a) the plates are currently vslidated. b) the owner la actually in possession of both the vehicle and the plate portion of the permit (car and plate ownersblp). c) the owner ha. a Safety Standards Certificate isaued witbln the last 36 days for the vehicle. d) the vehicle is insured by tbe new owners in- surance company. If te buyer bas flot taken care of ail the above details there are only two ways be can move the newly purchased vehicle on te hlghway. 1) Tbe seller drives the vehicle to it's new Icoation and then completes the transaction and removes the piates. 2) The purchaser bas a tow truck moveIt. Note - It's flot legal to tow an unplated vehicie witb a rope or chain. A vebicla towed this way must be fully licenced and insured plus have a -licenced driver steerlng, brakiqntd signsjlpg Finaily a few words about Safety Standard Cer- tificate (S.S.C.) -An SSC can be obtained at any M.T.C. licenced inspection station (service station wW idsplay a green sign) in Ontario if tbe vebicle passes the Ini- spection. -The SSC is valid for transfer purposes for up to 36 days after te date of inspection. -An SSC ta not requlred wben tbe ownersbip ta transferred to a spouse through a deceased owner's estate. Whlle talking about SSC's I sbouid mention sometbing about vebicle Inspection. It ta an offence to drive, or permit tbe drivlng of a vebicle tbat ta in an unsafe or dangerous condition on a blghway. Police officers or MTC inspectors may require a driver or owner to submit bis/ber vebicle, Its equlpment and any trailer attacbed for examintion at any time. If the vebicie ta found te be unsafe, it may bo removed from the blghway until the defect la corrected. Refusai to submlt a vebicle for examination carrnes a potential fine of up te $500 upon conviction. And, if the vebicle ta deemed to be unsafe, tbe licence plates may bo seized. Let's make sure we buy and sell theright way. It's Important. Whitby Girls softbal Standings as of August 1 MITE DIVISION Bailey Pharmnacy .........................24 Bell Canada ........................... ****16 Pioneer Interors ................. * . 14'*A Dodd & Souter ............................ 12 Scott's Coloneta.................. ** ... ******12 National Trust ............................. 8 Speedy Muffler ............................ 6 Principal Air .............................. 2 NOVICE DIVISION MollyMlaid............................... 20 Dynatecb ................................18 Kinsmen Club............................. 14 Lions Club ............................... 12 Henry Bulldall..............................9 Mr. Rental............................... 6 Tim Horton Donuts ..........................3 ]BANTAM DIVISION Wheelies .................................16 Team5 .................................. 10 Kiwanis Club................. ******'***... 10 Touch of Class .............................4 Group 74................................... 2 SOPHOMORE DIVISION Joanne's Flowers..........................8e Please Save & Recycle .................. 10 Donald Travel ......................... 6 Remax...................................6 Resuits of Games Played Week Endlng August 1 MITE DIVISION Bailey Pharmacy . ... 16 Scott's Colonels... 5 > Pioneer Interlors..16 Bell Canada ........ 7 Dodd &Souter...24 National Trust . 18.l SQUIRT DIVISION - Playoffe WestLyndeC.A. ..15 MacMillan Bathurst. .14 Midway Motors ...22 Pl=zaDeligbt.... 3 Rotary Club. ....25 Lovell Drugs......20 NOVICE DIVISION No Games - Ralned Out BANTAM DIVISION No Scores Reported SOPHOMORE DIVISION Joanne's Flowers..7 Donald Travel ...o PleaseSave & Remax ........... 15 Recycle........... 26 However, prior to the half-time break Franco Celebre tied the game at one ail. In the secônd baif Parkview dip most of the pressing but a re- vamped Shoppers defense -. in front of tremendous goaltending by Patrick Davidson - completely abut down the otherwise potent Parkview. offense resulting in a scoreles haif and a ied game. This Lie means tbat, Turul remain one and two at the top of the Bantam (under 16s) division of the league with league leading I.G.A. giving up only two points, botb to Shoppers so far tins year. Ontario Cup Quarter Parkview was one of four Turul teams Lo ad- vance Lo the final by shuting out Oakville 4-0 at the weckend. Scorers in tins game were Franco* Celebre, Geoff Hull, Matthew Davies and Mark Sim- pson, wbile Bob McCut- cheon was in the I.G.A. net - baîf-time score was 3-0. ransaclked A Whitby home was ransacked and incurred $1,000 damage Friday night, police report. The home was entered by prying a back wln- dow with a screwdriver and once inside the van- dais sprayed shaving cream on the walls, threw records around, and drew obscene pic- tures on the walls. The incident occureu early Saturday morning between 1 a.m. and 6 2.M.

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