Whitby Free Press, 6 Aug 1986, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1986 PAGE 21 WHITBY9S MOST WIDELY READ FONOST&FUOR î LES CAREER ARTICLES ,ARTICLES.,U ýFUUD W FSALE' TRAINING " FOR SALE FOR SALE UTO ] PAINTING à DECORATINO LOST grey and black strlped cat, 1979 MALIBU one owner, ps g M-SIL ONEL profoelonal bonded workman- wearlng red hamassa, whte t les p.b., cruise contrai, excellent M NUA !JE' ONI' shlp, realdentlal antd commercial, coller, near Heberdown Park. 655. condition, $2,6W. 579O.TANIG906FA T RE ' AUCTION BARN free esîlmales. Ca11 839-4277 or 4164. FOR___________ ISA AMr 7 TUES., AUGUST 12 66LEARANCE -3 .bM. ___________________1976 DOOGE ASPEN 2 door, 8 cpI., 318, four neariy new tJnIroae *ERNIE'S PAINTING, oulerlor, GARDENING 'Tîger Psc ires, usetul for parts, Inlerior, drywaii, trie eetimatea. ANSPPIS asisla$00. Phone 688-0505i. 433-7660 or 728.2076. *MISTER TRIM* VACATION NEEDLECRAFT Evergreen Prunlng 'VWR NTA LS CLASSES NwLandscapIng, Candlewlcking, Coun- Complets Lawn & ted Cross-stItCh, Emf- GaroM intenance F O I A braldery and Crewel. 725-3300 10 Mobile Homes We even do Ciearwaier - Tiree bedroara -- mobLie homes.H5atedpooI Needlepoint and CADtennis, close 10 beaches anti Trapunta too. Jin ln C Rmaor attractions, chilren the fun. Have a OFIAIÇ Nsi wecome. lises tha motel Croative Cîrcle cîass roomî. 683-5503 n yaur home. A SINCERE THANK YOU ta al my friendis anti relatives for thee TeaChing you 113 stit- sîncere messages ihai meant sa À CAMPS/ ch la easy. Book flow much la me. The thoughttutness P R S R S and receive a Free cull etways remaîn cîth me. The IibR' Gif t. Cail: memory tif Mernyn ciii aiwuys brIng to me yaur messages CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, Orona, Nadine, 666-1490 tiuring the dificuit perioti of Hwy. 35-115, Clurke, 4th Con. loslng one 50 dear. Mrs. Dorathy cession, beauuliul cumpgraund. Fry. season $635. Campground 1786- EDUATINAL2562. Trntoifice 651-5754. QIIIIIIII t ERONLS HART LOOGE Haliburton » e P RSIO ALS Highand., Auguet 23-30, femiiy "IGRAMMER for people cho haie cîek 10ne chItti free), seniors grammer" sà the tisai pooket disicounit, two mesis deiiy, healeti refereece book for buansie DATES GALORE. For ail eges anti poat, cilirpooi, sauna, tennis, people. $3.95 per capy anc unallucheti. Thounantis ai mem. boals, lice enterteleimeni, super- avalabie et Dcksor Printing & bers anulaus la meel yoL. visîti chliîîrîn's actIvIties andi Office Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Prestige Acquaintances cutitlti aduit prograea. Oeil Ire. 1.600- Deaer Inquirles Invleti 6831968. free 1-800283-9163. Houru 5005 481-7699. 111168 p.m. FREE: Drap Inia the Dlckson PrIntIng anti Ofiîce Sappty stare In the Ajax Plaza anti pick up s trie capy aI the 1986 MefrIa Calender. Printeti 'i ica cotoars. il makes for hsntiy reterence. 683-1908. TYPEWRITER rentai, msny mokes and motuls. by the ceîksnd, ceek or rqsnlh. Discounts avaitabis. Dickson PrIsllng & Office Supplies In the Alan Ptsza. Oeil us for business machine repaire. 683-1968. MEET SOMEONE NEWI Write Personal Acqusintance Service, MoPhati MemarisiBaptiltChur- ch, 249 Bransan Ave.. attaca KiR 61-6. Since 1967 ce have In- troduceti thausantis frfrien- dship or marrlsge. URINE - Eras Guarantees ramavet af urine staine, adora lrom cafpela ragartitesofIstais agel Fris brochure. CT. Ditrbuting, Bac 2220, London, Ont. N6A4E3. SE YOUR OWN homebultier or cantrsotor. Erot or butiti pra- engîneereti hameortt homes tram 1000-6000.sq. IS. Ranch, bungaoc. 2storery, tocehoase, esate anti vacation homes, delveiy appras. 10 timys. For catalogue &sand 99.50 MO. or cheque to Tri-Ang Home Systemi, Box 206, Niagare Faits, Ont. U2E 6T3. For Infonmation phase (416 356-242. CONSTRUCTION, Drivera, Mobasica, Wetders, Elo- irIctens, Machiniste, Corpentere, CONGRATULATIONS as yaur 'étaec ""'liey. " Ain Iorthcomieg marriage Pises lobe. Wli train &orne positions. visa aur sampies af engraveti lUp to, S601Onh) Tran&Con. cstiting Invitations ai your 3700.ta Fi s. a 30)32 leiesune In aur Aiax Piaza store. 370F» ýDIckaon Pririting & Office Sap- piles, 683.1966. THREE FAMILY yard saes Salur- day, Augusl 9, 10 e m. corner af Montgomery anti Cassla Rd., Yb LSALE [.hepI GARAGE AND contents saley r ýSaiurday, Augusi 9, 8 s ra îa, 5 I~aHeartI p.. 3a famlly saes aerylhing F u d gais, 0 Henry St. Whlby.F n (PARTNTS/ C~0DSORRNTIS OR RENT ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in smsti Whiby building. Adule aniy. Iscluties frItige, slave, hytira anti parking. Cabie TV anti iaustiry t-aciilies avaitable. Phone 688.372 belceen 930 s.m. anti5 p.m. FFRS I/RENALE/RENTI LEASE OPPORTUNITY 1500 sq. fi. availablete lmetlitely, )ust forth aI Wooioo Meli an Thiokion Rd., gooti trafflo ex- posure anti parking, $12 net clth goodterinsme.ThrieLessarti 66".171 or 686-1821. NEW EXCITINO Ai-Canadien Netcork Marketing OpportusItyt Eem cwhaI youre reaiiy cartbi Senti tampeti, seif-atidressiti envelops la Turcot Enlerprises, 1717 Carmeran Ave., Saskatoon, Bask. 87H 3N2. UNIQUE PRINTINO BUSINESS. Eam excellent bnooms fait or part-lime printing business cands anti promotion producti ram yaur home. Eqlpment, Invenlory anti training, $4975. Signet î.aao. 263.9 NEWI Excîting aIt Canadiean net- cark marketing appartunityt Eam big money on five tenuls, na selIing reqatreti. Siampeti en- vetope ta O.M.S. MrketIng En- tirprises, Bos 1483, Saskatoon, Suaik. 87K 3P7. FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALI 668-6111 -COMPUTERS -WORD PROCESSINO *LEGAUJMEDttdAL SEC. .RECEPTIONISTflYPIST *BOOiQCEEPING CLERI< *ACCOUNTINGIBUSINESS *FASHION MERCHANDISING D ESIG N *HOTEL I& RESTAURANT OPERATIONSIMGMT. *COMPUTERIZED BANKING & CUSTOMER SERVICE *DENTAL CHAIRSIDE ASSISTANT -Fleanciai Assistance muy be avaluable -Job Placement Assistance TORONTO SCHOOLOF FREE: 1986 guide la study-atl home correspondence Diploma courses for presîilius cureers: Accounllng, Air condilloning, Bookkeeping, Business. Cosmelology, Eecronics, LegliMedial Secrelury, Psychoiogy, Travel, ruann5A) 263 Adelalde West, Toronto, 1- 800268.1121. BECOME AN AuclIoneer, 85 hours oaI nstruction. Neul cluso Aug. 9 t0 16. Contuct South- western Onturio School oi Auc. lioneering, (5191 4693936. 519) 537-2115, P.0. Sou 145, lnoerkip, Ont. NOJ 1iMO. ions AVAILABLE for prafossianai log buliders. Pal Wolfe Log Building School allers a 10 wresk course Sept. 8. (813) 278-2009. Write R.R.1, McDonalde Corners, Ontario KOG 1iMO. NEW PORTABLE band samIlis. Thme modela ta, chaos. tram. Witt aaw 18" ta, 36" diamneter loge, pricaet $06,015 and up. Oel ai write for brochure, Esercratt Mtg., R.R.1, Barrie, Ont. L4M 4Y8, (705) 726429. CLEAR SWEET WATER: Juat a fow quotas'tram folks wha had bad water and now have gooti vister. Barbae & Bas Bekker - Portland, Ont. "Our %rater la crystat cteer and Iltetstes great. Thankas for saivisg aur prsbiem." Ren. Water Kirk- Goidos Lake, Ont. "Wfe now enioy cieuxr mt. fres, ardaurioss water 1hit l8aa psesure ta drink." Bruce & Joan Lockwood - Celedon, Ont. "W. are extremeiy ploeeti ih the resulte." Berry Kinch - Dsnabeek, Ont. 'Thanks &gain fur puttIng out e satera thal reaiiy dos chat you "ay t wiii," Let aur nec technaiogy soivesyaur probiera too. Celi l-Iraes1480S266&286. Aztoc, tirati n water purification. HARD WATER PRODLEMS? sn- trsducing thea aster saftener thet dosent use sait. Na mare iugging heuvy baga ot costiy sait. Other softensrs remone calcium and other good-far-yau miserais. W. dsn'i edd sait ta your citer or remove beseficiai miserais, beceusa thta sol gooti for pou. Other safttnera teks up lots aI raom, usaeiectricity, require backwashing, coat pisnty ta In- etlt andtoc10 much ta maIntain. W. dsn't. Oel ltoi t re 14300-268& 2658for heaithier, botter tasting cieener.washIng walsr. GEOTYPE pressasn laIterieS soc n stock ai Dcksan Printing & 0f- tice Supplies ln the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large seleciion of stylas anti sizes. Why puy mare for a smaiier sheet ai ietaring? 683-1968. BUILDINGS - Special Cearance. 20x24 il. $2,300. 24x24 Il. $2.600. 28x36 i. $3.900. 32u36 tl. $4.300. 36x48 fIl. $6.400 anti 40u65fit., $6.100. Cati1985-7930. 200 ELECTRONIC hobby kits. Senti $2.00 to Duotek Elea- trosfica, P.0, Box 190, Lanark, Ont. K0G iKO. Include ad for discount an kits, MATTRESSES anti bau nprngs et hall price. McKeen Pureilure, 524 SimcoasStreet Sauth, Oshawa. 725-5181. U8 SACRIFICE $$ Sacrifice St BuiliiseSpeciaallfer. Priceti f ac for trametiiele clearance. 30s40tt14, 94,653; 4ô860s16 $9.250; 60s120c20, $10.835; 70x140a24, $211,872. Compoe cith large d00ri, othîr sizîs avatiabie ta 120' cite, sertous buysre asiy, no priai shappers, guaraniti iowest prices.Colti tise1-800-78148 or 4161 828- 6262. "HEROES of the Bible' calouring book availablietai icksan Prin. ling & Office Supplies, Alan Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer Inqairies inviteti. THE 400 MARKET. Vendors cen- tedt, came choe the action le, oser 25,000 people vieil aur market every ceekenti. open Saturdays anti Suntisys. OI5S pat $30. Pormera hall price. (705) 438- 1010. USEO DESKS, files, sturage cabinets, stacking office chairs, steel atilustabie sheiving, store dispiuys. Blairs Nec anti Useti, 21 Aiea Ave.. Woadbrltige. Phase (416)1 I.ioo, rcear Nwy. 7 andi 400, Mon..Fri.9.5, Sut. 10-1. STEEL BUILDINGS: Miracle Spin Summer Sale. Exemple 32x40, $3,742; 40x100, $9,138; ther sizes ta chaos. froa, ah buildings cri complote diSh doors. Cii l oi-free 1-800-387- 4910. CHROME KITCHEN suite, $100. Viking bulIt-in tIishcusher, $250. 36" single bed, $50. Ladies ratier skates, size 8, $25.430-1836. STEEL BUILDING là prie sais. Buy ane building et regular prIce gsi double iength for 50% more. Phone PionueriEconospon cailecl for Information (416) 676- 1585. TROUBLE wrappisg coins? Wérap pennies, nickels, dîmes anti quar. ters quickiy. easiiyi Senti$8.6 plus 634 lau ta Penny-Roiier, Boa 405, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2. VISIT aur used furnilure carehause by appoinîment. Big savings an desks, chairs, tiiing cabinets, etc. Cail DIcksan Prin. lin0 & Office Supplies la arrange un appoinlmenl ta dlec. 663. AIRSPAN BUILDING&S, Sraight- cati and curveri ccii steel buildings, &el elzees, peciai fprices for eany deiivary. Cait Airapon Buildiings, (416) 336,3454. CHESTERFIELD suites, loveseais, sectIonale, iess thon Ws prIce. Large seleciion. McKeen Purnilure, 524 Simcoe Si. S.. Oshawa. 725-5181. 1) TY EOLEMIS NEO VINYLSIDING 5f 9 6 colours, 1.500ln stock .......tfram s9q.ý ALUMINUM STORM DOORS $ 1,500In stock...................... from $7 9 PATIO DOORS Wood, Vinyi & Aluminura$m'f9 50ln stock ......................tfram 1 39 11 LADDERS ALUMINUM STEP &,EXTENSION 250 In stock.......................tfram $ 59 GARAGE DOORS ~ A9 Wood & Steel ln stock...........fram 1 9g REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Wood, Vinyl & AiumInum 9 5M In stock......................tfram $ nq.Ilt. GALVANIZED & GALVALUME AgrIcuitursi Steel ' a9 4,W0 shotsIn stock . t.......fram$389sq. Wm. BIG FORD ALUMINUM SALES LTD. R.R.3, BRIGHTON, ONT. 8-5 (613) 475-0521 8-12 a - e rlmvcL Ck 1 vurilom 1 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when caliing. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour ta forward replies ta box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14e each additional word. however, we accept no iiability regarding loss or damage liable for failure ta publish an ad, or for typographic BITS ETS-$.0frtefrt10wrs 2 ah alleged ta arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied adiRtona wd.AH 70 o h is 0 od;1te such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error up ta a maximum cost of the first insertion. adiinlwr.replies flot called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f ir- reject alI advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. l)EADLINES. Monday noon prior ta publication ta insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTIONSALES- 43wperline.(Nowrordadsalowed). to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie at an ad- CALL Ad ta your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby-Free Press wîll make 668-6111 1 1 Three miles east ot Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Littie Britain Rd. The praperty of ED & ELIZABETH MCWAT- TERS of Cameron. Large quantity ot good WOOd- workIng tools, and some flBW pine turniture, RoCkWeii 9" table 55W, RoCkWeiI 6" lainter, RoCke)l 12" drill press, RoCkweii 16" bandsaw, Rockweii 4 knite Shaper, 6" benCh gr(nder, 4" Sears lointer, 30" Wood lathe, Webster air com- pressor, 48" Sears boit sander, RoCkweil rotor and quantity ot bits, large quantity ot eleCtriC and hand tools, pine bianket boxes, Cedar cheet, pine cannonbaii beds, quantity ot Children's pine toys, bird feeders, Cannîster sets, etc. Also conslgned 8 h.p. Ariens rear engine riding iawnmower, tWifl Cylinder air compressor 220 volts (starts at 90 lbs. CUts off at 120), 5 h.p. Sears roto tiller. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE FRI., AUGUST 8 10:00 A.M. At Orval MeLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. Proper. ty ot MRS. ETHEL MAR- TIN and ROSS ARNOLD, Lndsay. Appliances, turniture, Gouriay piano, smre antiques, excellent antique bureau, oak dlnIng suite, parlour tables, Hoosier cup- board, aid box, dressers, appliances, bedroom suite, antique dîshes. A good sale. Nd reserve. Open 9 a.m., sale 10 a.m. To liaI your sale oel 324-2783 MOLEAN AUCTIONEERS LIN DSAY REAL ESTATE BUNGALOW BY AUCTION MON., AUQUST il 7:00 P.M. At 70 Victoria Dr., South- viaw Estates, Cameron, 8 miles narth of Lindsay. Modemn 3 bedroom garage, paved drive, ten- ced lot, l0w reserve, a goad home, close ta lake. Information 705-324-2783 LINDSAY ne le. M. ý2-

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