SizzlingSummer< Prîces and specitîcallons are cubject lao rror. lte hol CU.we epologize for any Inconvonlence. Errors & Omissions ecee. Spec ls oann eflect 80 long as supplies lest, and prces may be aubject Io chenge in accordence wth manufacturers ncreases. Substitution may occur ln exîreme cases. S a e 001ve. charges or dellverad prîce os furnilura ara normalIy only good Up t10a 10 mle radlus. Pesasa contact our offîcolor a quotallon on further dielance dlilverlas.Sa L.L.ena essedfr ivork i>eu put ona mité. STOCK TAB COMPUTER PAPER PLAIN OR RULED NO.a OF SHEETS PuICE WEIOHT 510e PART PER CTN.PEA M 811 WP-1 15 lb. 8'/3 x il 1 PART 3000 S 9.95 811WP2 12 lb. 81/t x il 2 PART 1500 $25.85 511WP-1 15 lb. 147/8x 11 i PART 3000 $15.95 511IWP-2 12 lb. 14.7/8ll 2 PART 1500 $39.95 PLAIN ONLY R & I. VERTICAL PERFORATIONS BIIWP*1P 15 lb. 9 '/:vxil 1 PART 3000 $13.95 91 WP-2P 15 lb. 914 xa11 2 PART 1200 $32.25~ WORDS 0F WSD0M A wlae main leanfrom the mistakes of oshev'. Nobody lives long eeossgh îa make rhem ail himself COMPUTER TABLES Terminal Table - w/modesty panel (Casters Opîlonal> Siol in tabie top epiosal $2500 $20.00 par set of 4 Includlng 2 locklng casters. le meke pitrtbe Other Sizes Aibo Avalableprnee SERIES 100 Top Sîzo Helalit Frics SA'E $ 98.00 $129.00 Other Sizas Also Available Terminal Table wllh Shelf 30 x 36 261W $210.00 $138.00 30 x 48 26W' $234.00 $159.00 Other Sizes Aso Avoulable Series 2C Shpped Knocked Oown Assembiy $20.00 Extra il requlred Light Oak top mth Beige Base rI Waisut top mts Bleck base COMPUTER/WORD STOCK SALE ýMACHINE' NO REG. MiCE Epson MX70/B0 6N634-0 $ 1095 $7.10 Oleblo Hytype Il 6N621-0 $11.50 57.50 Centronics 150 6N527-0 $12.00 57.80 Qumne 3220-0 $ 6.65 54.30 Oleblo 3224-0 $12.50 58.10 AI/Olympe ES80 3046-0 $ 4.50 52.90 Other Comptable Rbbons are aise in stock. PADS 96 sheets per pad PRICEO EACH PAOLCT SZE nRaEG an10 35SP 3x 5 S$40 S529 $.22 46SP 4 x6 $.62 $.44 S.34 58SP 5Sx 8 $98 $.70 S654 811SP 8* xll $217 $153$120 22 pEC LW20RIJS 0F WISUON1 41mosi ie-vbody nierrdv la acsoirplh ivimriiii r va-hshle - ais oin asrr a re 'sà Seies 100 CHISEL POINT MARKERS 10 FEIR PF00 Coinurs: F30001 Beck, P300-02 Resd. P300-03 Bue REG. SALE $1.69 ea. $1.19 ea. 10/EA.1 $.99C ea. Hanson jI Quartz Wall 76 5 C Iock Rogular Fric. Larg. 12ojemrer $59.95 oei Clcksuiiîehp S.LEPIC quertz battCii mvement. Ave eable is $ 98 3 ES OUr dombisetiens. 4 2 eer guereseea. Made calCae oiaî figues CO6 Bruwne Beige Browns 968 B rens White Blacki 1-2430 1-3048 SERIES 200 2-3036 2-3048 24 x 30 261W' $138.00 30 x 48 261/2" 185.00 ~PENS LoW AS 6 10 Par ' Pa. REG. 10 1o0 200 P35 MEO. .294 .210 11 .164 P45 FINE .39C .294 .2440 .198 Celours: Black Medium P35-01; Red Medium P3"-2; Bilue Mediumn P35-03; Blics Fine P45. 01; Red Fine P45-02; Blue Fine P45-03, Prlced Each KOMBO 24 PUNCH & BINDING MACH OBuns al ions isciudîsg lattCr, metric a THIE PROFESSI BINOING SYSTEM OFFICE CAN AI REG. IING UINE lsad legai. 1ONAL EM EVERY VFORO Some las espensive evaîlesie SALE $595.00 WORDS 0F WISD0M Ad wriiers sur-e asre lever people. Somevini. ihey manage Io make "limiled nerranty- soundbester îharr "Uslimiled uarass.t. UNI VERSAI. FOR LETTER OR LEGAL SIZE 12" W xlO"H 15/W, 0 PLAIN - 1215 £ACH 10 Reg. $3.90 En. $3.39 $299 ea. WALNUT - 1234 Reg. $4.60 Ea. $3.99 $3.49 ea. Slioating decimai bey AFFORDABLE PEACE 0F MIND 811WR-Wde 811NR-Narromor .0 * ive memory 51104,91105 Oued Ruled 0 unes standard i14" add relis a adapter/charger included and E neAeRItenNIproeREGo $7p9erS5o elecrîci srge an spkes Cenescam CiREGh.WRDS0F WISD 0 undernoise p mle iii dtet oue de tpuerh tiecepeiie VALUE PRICIF) $5 9 mmâ,- -- SA9LE STARTS JULY 14,1986 - SALE ENDS AUGUST 29,1986 CHOOSE PRECIQUS BRAND PRODUCTS FOR QUALITY, VALUE AND DEPENDABILITY ~$ ef O. u pies AA, NAI r-. 1