Whitby Free Press, 30 Jul 1986, p. 7

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- WHITHV>~E WHIT PRESS, W DlNEÉDAY, JUL'Y30, 1986 PAGE 7 Ratepayèrs oppose B1uegrags development-ý *By MIKE JOHNSTON Pree Pres. Staff Whilo the Durham Region Non-profit Housing Corporation seeks an extension of funding fromn the province to bufid sub- idized housesini the Bluegrasa Meadow'a subdivison, the. Corridor Area Ratepayers say thoy have hred s lawyer to seek an Injunction to stop, permanently, the construction of the bouses. "Vie are sltting down dlscusslng the matter wlth s lawyer and as far as I'm concernod that's blred," ssld the group's vice president Pat Dooloy. Ho sait! the lawyer bas been hfred on behaif 0f tue Corridor Ares Ratopayers and residenta of Bluegrasa Meadows have not con- tributed any money as of yet. 4"the l towarda ch into t from the ratoeiaye we can ctlon tii. go to the »Y 'kick Dooley -Pririty Life for senior If you are a -senior citizen, Julie Thissen and Sue Martin have sometliln you mlgbt b. interested ln. In fact It just mlghtave your llfo -andlit's free. It's cafled the Prlority Life program and tuis month the two post- secondary.students will an lehio Whml, Bromon ar s I syo meotthese eto ns, ue an Jll have teIfr organlzed a serles of registration cllnlcs i Brooklln and Whitby durlng Auguat so that you can participate wltbout havlng te, go too far out of your wsy. Participants atten- ding the clinics are asked to brlng ail botties of medication they are currently taklng s0 that the information on the botties can hi noted on the Priorlty LIMe formn. The form, wblch Sue and Julie wWi help you f111 out, can accom- modate the medical histories of up to four househoîd members and should contain ail per- tinent medical infor- mation lncludlng the name and phono numn- ber of your doctor and Health council The Durham Region District Health Coundil wanta to know what you thlnk of health services in the reglon and te tiiat end they have maloed out over 1,500 question- naires te householda acrosa Durham. Two hundred ran- domily selected householda i each municlpality vl receive a copy of the comprehenslve quest- ionnaire. According to health coundil chair- man, Jean Ach- matowicz of Ashburn, the suuvey takes about 20 minutes te f111 out and the health coundil la aaking that each reciplent take that tinze to aswer the questions and mailIt back. "Vie roaily want to hear fromn the general public to help us plan services for our growlng communities ... We hope that every family vii complte the question- naire and roture It to us," sald Achmatovicz. The health council ad- vises that the person i each bousehold who te pnlxnarliy responsible for health cmrdecislons be the one to answrthe questions and assures survoy participants that those answers viii romain' strlctiy con- fidential. The 21 page bookiet te dlvddjnto four sec- tons. Part A asks general questiona-about the svailablllty and ac- cessibllty ofbhealth care I the commualty; Part B addresses more detalled questions about tue participants' ex. perience obtalnlng tue health care services tueir family ha. requirod ithe past six montha; Part C requeste suggestions for improvement and Part D' contais genoral questions about tue par- tgclpanta' household. The $16,000 survey, designed to ferret out in- formation about tue on- tire xange of health ser- vices, te belng conduc- ted as part of tue health councill'a futures study of healtu needa in Durham Reglon. However, wlthout tue support of tue question- naire rociplents, tue survey vii not reflect the communities' rosi needs. "It la critical tuat we get a good response to our questionnaire. Wlth out theopubll's Input the study rosuits wii reflect only what the health care providers are second contact person. Vihen the fornu has been filed out it viii h putia small vial whlch te attached to the inside of your refrigerator and you viii sso hi given the distinctive Priority Life stlckor whlch should hi placed on the outaide Of the refrigerator door. In the event of an omergoncy, ail firo, police and am- bulance personnel at- tendlng the scene wWi lmmodiately recognlze the sticker and refer to the medical hlatory con- tained In the vial. 1I tink a program like this la dofInately needed - especiaily for seniors who are living on thein own. Hf sornethlng happens to survey toling us. We need both consumers' and providers' viows on the health needa in oach community 50 that we can plan a comprehen- sive range oaf services to meet everyono's needa," said Ach- matoviez. la addition to the aolicited responses, the coundil also Invites any lnterested individuate to submit their commente about the provision of healtb services In writing to 40 King St. W., Suite 300, Oshawa. thesèêpetl othor fa.t out what sald Sue. The atvi employed Activity C federal( grant, vil the enda ting up a medical h centre. ( noney I'm using ctlon thè rItej>ayers are the initial sear- after .wqdld stop the tie injunction la devolopmient _of the treasury of the townhouses pemmanen- ers, P sald tiy. "If It turns out "If we go after the i- get the injun- junction we wll make it at'a wlien I wll a permanent one. Thon eresidents and the town will have to 1i'."o develop like they saîd." sald the Injun- The ratepayers are oppouing the develop- ment, which would see S 58 townhouses builtith 45 percent of thom sub- opIe tiiere la no udlzed, because they noa ofnig believe it la ln violation it thy oned," 0of a subdivision it tey ned," agreement between the ýdetswhoare town, the region, thie idets wo redevelopers and the dat the Whltby ratopayers, sald Contre undrsa Dooloy Challenge '86 Re si th Ml be busy until aHometsigd the ofAuus st-1975, states that ifile oaf ail the townhouses are not to be histories at tho built ln the subdivision. Once It te in Howover, many oaf the $EE PAGE 23 rosidents of Bluegrasa ALlcensed Franchlsee of Doug Robinson Manager INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING GÜ U*ARAN-TÉEDIV PROFESSIONAL QUALITY AT STU DENT RATES WHITBY/OSHAWA Please Leave A Message oure CallilIIPromptly Be Rtumed AT -571«2015 Meadows are opposed to the development because they belleve the subeldlzed houses wll lowor the value of their homes and wWi croate an increase ln van- dallsm ln the area. Those concerna were exprossed durlng an I- formation meeting on subsîdlzed houslng two weeks ago. Four days foilowing the public meeting, members of the town's administrative commnit- tee refered a doctelon on the development's site plan for consideratlon in September, forcing the DRI'PHC to seek an ex- tension on the desdline for fundlng from tue province.1 Proponents of the houslng development are hoping the province viii extond the fundlng date. And If the August 1 deadline te extended, Dooloy sald the ratepayors have other options open to thenu to stop the development, besidos tho Injunction. Ho would not diaclose those options. Modern à~ To Santitize Your Pool *Gentie to Eyes and Skin e Eliminates Chlorine dour eSale to Use and Store @ Compatible With Alil Systems Aquabrome eliminates oye irritation, pro- duces no unpleasant odours and keeps the water sparkllng clan .. .automatlcallyt .1 The Aquabromo System Is t simple to use. Just drop some --i Aquabrome into the Brominator once a week, set the valve and yau're ready for a carefree week ln your swlmmlng pool. Ask Vour Professional Poo( ealer about ___ the Aquabrome System Tadayl 83KING ST., OSHAWA mmmuumaid mm

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