Whitby Free Press, 30 Jul 1986, p. 2

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PAGE 2. WEDNESDAY. SULY 30, 1986, WHTTBYV REE PRESS PROM PG. 1 Costain tlley were making a mistake and tbey sald they would rectlfy tbe problern. When I rnoved hi 1 bad a wbite batbtub. Tbev bad to,rlp out the batbroom Walls to cbange it."1 "My whfe and I bave paited our wbole bouse twice and straigbtened John Jobnston dis pîsys tbe'sign be bas sittig hi front Of bis bouse. The slgn reada 'If you want probiema buya borne bufit by Coatai'. 1<Free Press Staff Photo You're stili a: always were. Have a Far N * .5 Residents St., tben woiic sald deputy dch works, Sari B He sald reskd Hemlngford wi landscaping wltbln twoweek Matbarusaidi bas sent out la to look at tbebot they are awarE problenis. Mayor Bob A1 la also aware of cerns of tbe resi the subi aitbougb be saic fîce bas onlyr one complaint. 'II can und tbelr situation b of the problems by state of homes angered couldn't," naid- Jim fix the cracku Nicholas. ston's garage. Nicholas also bas a "Tbey ju complaint about the promlsing metbod used to con- promlsing toj struct bis front porch. and notbing1 "Wben tbey put ln the aaid Nicholas porch the sand waa laid the Free Pros down but flot com- dscaping arc pressed. They just laid homes waa tc the, cernent over the April but sand. It craclced. They bulldozers are bad bo do it a second tbree ie." backyards-to And when the porch work on houses was re-built, Nicholas "Tbey recalled bow the promised ln Ap workers left huge piles vice presidi of sand besideblis bouse. Costain, Sam M Piles wblcb were neyer Re said Apri removed. a bad Urne of tI "One day 1 got fed up. start lai I took 400 Ibe. of cernent because of tbe down b ,tbelr trailer and weatber cc ieft it tbere. The next "The ideal time day the sand was be said. removed from my And lndeed, bouse." bhas received as Nicholas, Jobaton from Costain1 and Senior ail said tbey dscaping will E bougbt tbelr bornes medlately L because of tbe Costain development, reputation but tbat "Tbey wlll i reputation bas done lit- on tbe west ahd te to fix cracks iln development, Senior's basement or bouses facing cs ln Jobn- Lt keep and fix thinga bappens,"I swbo tbld s that Ian- -und tbe 0 begin in lnstend eusing tbe farnilles' Icornplete weren't xii," said lent of Vilsn. i would be te year to nciscaping ýedifficuit ,nditions. teianow," thse town surances that Ian- start lrn- ln the estartng [e of thse on thse Garden k nortb, ' irector Of Matbaru. dents on vill bave down ks. tbe town upectors uses and re of tbe Attersley fthe con- sidentsi )division, id bis of- received ierstand but a lot Sresulted frorn atrikes earlieri tbe year. But we're doing our best to stay on top of tbe developers," said Mayor Attersiey. Wilson also admitted that strikes by bricklayers created a problem In fhilsblng the bouses in tirne to rneet ciosig dates. "Because of tbat, bouses were not fnilsbed and people were anxious b rnove I. Maybe we rnade a rnlstake iettlng thernin," said Wilson. To deal wltb Costai, residents of Herngford Place forrned a commit- tee. Senior said -the coni- mittee miade progresa witb Costales and repaira were started on thse bouses. "Tison we dlsolved tbe comrnlttee and tbe work stopped. But we're going to shirt up tbe commlttee agai," be said. Senior, along wltb bis two neigbboura, said part of tbeir daily routine la telllng tbe forernan on thse con- struction site about tbe problema wlth tbelr bouses. But Wilson said the residents are goig about reportlng tise problerna tbe wrong way. "If tbey cornplalned I tbe rigbt rnanner we would fis it," said Wilson. He said tbe workers at thse site are tbere "to get work done. Tbey should put their problema in writlng and send tbem to our service, departaients,". said Wilson addlng tbat "'we bave done an enorrnous amount of work son was walklng towar- do t I b ad to run lilce bell b stop blrn froni reacblng tbe water. I wanted to kil some tbat mornig," Mid tbe angry borneowner. Senior said be and bis farnily moved ito tbe house because tbey llked tbe area. "lNow ail we want is wbat we paid for," be said and Nicbolas agreed. "Costahi bas tbld us you can't bave everytblng 100 percent but tbey book 100 per- cent of our rnoney," bhe said. Jobesaton la stifi waiting for bis garage bo be finisbed. Free Press Staff Photo Crime Stoppers FROM PG. 1 It la tbe second Urne, accordlng tb Detective Myno Van Dyke of thse Durbamn Reglonal Police, tbat tbe four rnontb old reglonal Crime Stoppera media profiles bave resulted in cbarges bing laid. In June Durbarn Regional Police cbarged six suspects inthe deatb of Walter Clark Major, tise Asbburn resident wbo dled August 7, 1982 wbile attemptisg to stop a group of people from steallng tires frorn bis property ithe earîy mornlng bours. "Even tb bave solved two crimes i ucb a sbort perlod of time la pretty good. We're just tickled to deatb wltbit," said Det. Van Dyke of thse program lIst week. The detective added, bowever, tbat tbe cbarges resulting from tbe weekiy crime profiles la just tbe tUp of tbe Iceberg. "Tbere are qulte a few tblngs we've cleared up, moat of wbicb were never even publisbed. The crime of tbe week just gets people tblnkig and acta as a catalyst for otber tblngs. We're getting tîps ail tbe tume," said Det. Van Dyke. In fact, he said tbe limes are so busy, tiiere are at lest two officera mannig tbe Crime Stoppera bot Unes Mon- day througb Friday un- til 1 lp.m. The Crime Stoppera profiles appear eacb week itbe Wbltby Free Press. CL REPLACEMENT 0 WE PAY VOUR $25 DEDUCTABLE O (ASK for details. Drive ln oniy) w OFFER EXPIRES AUG. 16186 < TRUCK BACK SLIDERS from89n95installed < INSURANCE AUTO GLASS SERVICES already." Nlcbolas said It was the quallty of tbe work be saw hi some bouses wblch forced blrn and bis wlfe bo repait tbeir bouse tbenselves. "When I saw bow tbey paited otber bouss I said forget it. "Wben tbey dld do work, 80 percent of it was inferlor," bemsid. Senior recalis one problem wltb bis borne, tbat could bave led b a tragedy. «I isad water leaking over my power panel box. It looked like Napa Falla and - y 50TH ANDY zscute as you Love Joanne. itastic Day! Wel Videotape Your Wedding *Profoelonal Flnhehd Producl.Hlgh Ouallty Equlpnmni.Extra Copia. Avllabl-Ons FN. Stowng If you Don't Have A VCR Packages ranging from full day coverage from Invitation to receptionor just ceremony. REASONABLE PRICES PR17MPRODUCTIONYs OSHAWA CENTRÈ 2nd Floor Unit 259 abovezeilera> KING & STEVENSON -728-95650 m

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