Whitby Free Press, 30 Jul 1986, p. 22

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PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30,1986. WHITBY FREE PRESS Whtbyls Mos i Wdoly Red CLASSIFJIED ADS FIAST ANNUAL GUN SHOW OUTFITTERS SHOW GUN AUCTION - SUNDAY.12:0O NOON SHARP At ta BarisAUGUSTS%,9 à10 AthBareArena, 155 Dunlop St. W., Barrie, Ont. Frlday, Auguat 8: 4 te 10 p.m. Saturday, Auguat 9: 10 a.m. te 10 p.m. Sunday, Auguat 10: 10 arn. te 4 p.m. Featuring - Competitiens: Central Ontarlo Open - duck, meese, turkey & goee caiiing. Decoy carving. ilatchet & kifie threwing (proper period attire required). Beat firearma display. Sportamans tail taie champlonahip of Canada. $1,750 In cash prizes and Labatt's awards. We have 400 firearma consigned featuring: fine Winchester modela 73'9, 861s, 92's, 94's, 95%s 9019, 97%s 64, 85%. 121s, 241s, 09's, 05's, 07's, & 85's, Including the foiiowing calibres: .33 WCF, .25/20, .44140, .38155, 35, .44, WýCF, .38 WCF, .40182, .30 WCF, .32J40, .32 W.S., .30 Gov't., .22 Short, .32 spaciai, .30130, .22 WRF & .40165. Colt Modela: 1851 Navy, .22 Opentop, .31 Baby Dragoon, and No. 4. Remington Modela: 1860 New Army, .44's and a Nagant double barrai rolîng block pistol made for the Russian Czar In quantity et 1000 oniy. Aie a seiec- tien ef Stevens single ahot rif les, lnciuding modela 44 & 441h, and Remington roliing block rifles and shotguna, Inciuding 7 mm, and .25-10 calibre. We aise have an assortmant of Pistoes from .22 te .45 calibre, inciuding Webieys & Remlngtoe, Boot Pistols, Pin Fire, Percussion and Flintiock. Aise an excellent assortment et low serlai number Baigian Browning Auto S'a, fine ovar & under ahotguns by Browning, Baretta, Miroku & Zoul, Inciuding cased trap sets, pump, auto, and sibe by aide ahotguna including per-: cusalon & hammer guna. Aise SnIdera, Martini's, W.W. -Greanera, Mantens, Moora, over & under & combination rifles, plua a selection of different mIiiiary rifles aiong with a modemn asaertment hun- ting rifles inciudlng Browing, Weatharbee, Atkinson Custom, Remington, Winchester & Savage. Over 100 Winchesters & Colts alonel Thare la a large esaor- tmant of good serviceabie shotguns of assorted calibres & makes. Thia la a partial listing only. Al firearma soid totaiiy unresarvad - each place positivaiy soid te the highaat bidderi Auction sale terme: cash, cartified chaque or latter ef credit. Vaiid F.A.C.'s requirad. Fer Information, ta censign firear- ma or te raserve bootha or tables contact: BAYAN PACELLO - (705) 7260 DON HAN NEY -(705) 728-1430 B & B AUCTIONEERS 216 PATTERSON ROAD BARRIE, ONT. L4M 4S7 ~ M.HLIR 'WANTE SLOOK ING FOR A CAREERIN ADVERTISI NG? Downtown business requires that person Who: *Possess geod communication skills; e Has ambition and self conf idence; elIs eager to learn; *ls capable of earning an above average income; @And Is net af raid te work for it. If you possess these-qualities drop in and see us. Experience not necessary. Fuil-tîme. Car necessary. Start im- medlately. Corne In te our office anytIme Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. 131 Brock St. N., Whtby. DE TOUR ewN bornabulider or contractor. Irat or buiid pre- engIsered homacreli bornes tram 1000400 sq. fi. Ranch, bungalow, 2-etorey, townhouse, sase and vacation bornes. daiivery epprox. 10 deys. For catliogue uend 119M8 M.O. or cbaque ta Tri-Ang Home systerna, Box 208, Niagare Faîte, Ont. L2E OT3. For information pbone (416) 350-4242. DO0I GROGNER fuiiy expertes- cedi requlred ta manage groomilng and boeidlsg buiness. Oood opportunIty. Rapiy t0 Box 2C, eff The Hered Gouette, Box 1800, Braeabdg.. est. Pas lCo o9<050(706)454W. THEU 400 MARKET. Vendors wss- ted, coma wbare tbe action la, oser 25,000 people .1511 aur marktia eveiy weelcend. open 5eturdoysan wW undays. 018 spot $W0. Fermera bait price. (700143& 1010. WANTED Faim vcation boato. Do yosu Is:e meeting people? Earnsg astre casb? Teacbing People about farmIng? uaing tbet @Pare bedroom? 107 deadiine, Aug. 15, lmW. Write or cai for more Information: Ontaro Vocation Farm Aasociation, R.R.2, Veniieelc Hii, Ont. KOB iRO tata> 78-3721. INIRAL PRACTIONEA required for a 20bed active treairnant bospitet. 100 mites noitbeeei of Edmonton on llwy. 4. Medîcai Cllnic on bospitai grounds. Present doctor plana ta retire. Position avaieble ilm- madiatoly. Plas &end resurne Or Pbono; Mr. Jolhs Ouder, Board cuisisses, Mymemn Municipal Hoapita, Myrnam AS, TOS 3K0, 302441 or 30-3870. MAIN TIIOUANDS stuffing an- -toapos, rush St1a&W self. eddrese tampad envelope 5& Foater, M03St. Andrews Court, Oshawa, LIN sas. UNLIIIIMTED INCOMI. Jais aur MalilOrder progrem, woii, et borne. For more Information eend $1.00 for postage and handiing ta J & E Icaterprise, Box 39-P. Station M, Toronto, MOS 4T2. WANTD Cloae A Mecisania, front end espereno. wouid be bénéficiai. Contact Rots Morriah or Elt Howard, Canadien Tire, Parry Sound. A CAREER IN TRucKINO. Tran- spart drivera neaded. Naw la tihe urne ta train for yaur CIa$@ A ticesse. For pre.acreening Inter-' view and lob pacement Infor-. mation, contact Merv Orras Tran. sport Driver Training, Bramnpton 1W0025d260. LANDSCAPE LASOURERS, long houre and bard woric, atamIna end strong bockta required, appiy In pereon Jobn Brouwer Nurseriy Ltd. at Sayiy end Laitartdge Rd., AMax. NANNY with car, ive.out for 2 boys, iight houaekeepisg, reaponaibie, mature, wiib refrescea. 72560971. TRUCKING cARIERa. Driver job iraining wiih pacement baip ia avalabia. Compets e aaie con b. maiied ta you. Phone Rodgers Scbooi ai (416) 769-35.46 wiih postai code. Lokng For An EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER For new shop, 2 te 3 years ex- perlence, cîlen- tele preferable. Cail for further nf.436-1324 As fr Laur. Chari, b aniy s few stops &Me from ihe Ajax Police Station endis rdeinýfffcesupplias lrmDikong iip for bis lnciiulogconfinement. IHous FROM PG. 8 Y Advlsery Board Chafrman Sandy Prise, 1u3lngthe September 13huetour the par- ticipants are en- couraged to visit the Centennial Building (the old Ontario County Court House) where the Y.M.C.A. head office is located and where a 20 minute sfide show of Whtby's hlstory and development wll be shown in.the old court room cum theatre. The Baptlst Leader- ship Education Centre, kuown more easily as B.L.E.C. was opened in the fali of 1984 under the princlpalship of Rev. William J. Chapman. It Is a Christian post secondary schoal of- fering an eight month residential program of studies deslgned to en- courage personal spiritual growth and develop leadership skills. Such Akills can be applied net only te werk wthln the church en- viromnent such as Sun- day schools, church Whitt ts plai tournat season Markha Althoi net wlz winnlng finishirq be coru excellei Whit4 teurnaz e tours taking shape administration, or youth groupa but can be used as well in communlty 111e in areas such as coaching basebail teama, working fer a velunteer agency er helping In places such as old age homes, jails, etc. The Educatieu*Cenitre la parteof the ministry ef the Baptiat Conventien ef Ontarie and Quebec, an associationof Baptist churches. Proceeds fremn the Heritage Trail Heuse Teur wlll be uaed te delray ceats ef operating the achool. These costa are met in three ways: student fees, Baptist Convention subsidies, and private denations. There la ne geverument fundlng avallable for the centre. Durlng the house teur, refreahments wlll be served as B.L.E.C. where tour participants are enceuraged te visit as it is Iteelf an lu- terestlng place ef ar- chitecture. Talks en In- terlor decerating and antiques wW llase be given at this thne and patchwork quilts will be on dlsplay. The secend heuse teur te be knewn as the Peter Perry Sesqulenhtennlal Tour will be preeented by the Architectural Conservancy cf Ontario on Saturday, September 20 from 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. and from 7 to9p.m. Thse Architectual Con- sarvancy la a provincial erganizatien feunded ln thse 19309 tolIdentily and preserve the beat examples of Ontarils architectural heritage. The ACO, as it is known te Its members, la erganlzed by branches, thse largest ones being in Toronto and Part Hope. The Durham Branch was farmed just ever a year age. The Septein- ber 20 house teur will be the second oue it has undertaken and proceeds from the tour wIll be used te help preserve the, best exaniples of historical architecture ln Durhams Reglon. Although: presently centred ln Whitby, the Durham ACO wants te invalve ail cf Durham Reglon and te, this end thisyear'a! tour features bouses iln the Pert Perry ares as well as Whltby. This stresses the lluk bet- weeu Whtby and Pert- Perry as botis were faunded by Peter Perry. In future years, thse ACO plans te have house tours ln Uxbrldge, Bowmanvllle, and varleus rural areas. Tickets for bath the Heritage Tail Tour and thse Peter Perry. Sesqulcentennlal Teur wif be $10 per persan. ($7.50 fer seniers fer the' Heritage Trail Tour enly> and wlU be available fren i Md- dletou's Statiouary Store about mld August., Other ticket locations wll be anneunced at a later date and future ar- ticles wil detail, the boume and buildings te be toured and the ac-j tivities to be enjeyed. Peacock girls lose in final Lby Peacock Spor- win ever the host team showcased a flair fer and trensendouse e yed their llrst Markham. This was tournament cens- from ailtise girls mnent cf the fellowed wlth yet petitien. This was highly certalnly mnake auo Saturday, lu another nail biting notîceable la the 3o team very competj ams. game wlth Cedar HiI strike eut pitchlag per- and a team te watt, ougls the girls did and agala Whitby won, lermance of Michelle the - ferthceî i the teurnament, this tinse 9-8. Hewever, Bavington n la te reglenal C touru ýg twlce and a very streng Thornisili ganses. The relief pît- te be held at Iroci mg secend lias te teans averPewered Our chlag cembo af Kelly Park Complex msidered a very girls la the final ganse, Dlfiere and Lisa Drake August 8-1o. So al Mtshowlag. with a 22-2 thumping. was an added feature, Whltby seftbail faus. ay epened the The Whitby girls Lisa alse the catchlng eut and support sent wlth an 8-7 played with zeal and cheres. The overail play girls 1 effort 3wil this ,itive th la ruing ment qous yon U3*get3: eur .') Stairways sweep tournament. Whitby Stairways un- der 12 rep. soccer teamn captured Its second soc- cer tourney this season wlnnlng the Sarnia Tournansent last weekend. Stafrways swept five cansecutive games blauking Dundas "-, Oshawa Kicks "- and shading Londen 3-1inl early action, blanklng m thei St. Thomas 7-0 in sensi- final play and shadlng Oshawa Kicks 1-0 In the final. Iu a hard-fouglst, wel played final ganse bath Whltby and Oshawa teanss falled te capîtalize on their early scorlng chances. Joah Malarchuz, Whitby's strlker feund the mark late In the second hall, scorlng the gamnels enly goal. Goalkeeper Brent Wllilams, assistedi by a straug defense headed by S. Heaney, R. Sufrin, D. Allen, M. Melson, F. Stefanowicz and M. Seakdee earned leur ganse shuteuts and gave up euly oue goal for the entire tournansent. Iu Durham League play, Whltby Stafrways pushed their seasen- openlng unbeaten string te seven garnes.' The.," squad posted victorles ever Pickering 7-0, Ajax 7-0 and Oshawa Italla 2- 1ln lts last threeganes. lu Ontario Cup play, Stalrways wli travel te London fer thelr third reund ganse againat London reps. Whltby deleated Saltfleet "- and Oshawa Kicks 4-2 lu firat and second round play. -Whitby seniors wm big- 'htby conspetiters lu years and eider cons Wright, cribbage; Neil bowling; recently concluded peting iu a variety af McPhaden, cribbage; Oerlemans, ci evens w ncxuwing everythiug frens whist and cribbage te lawn bowling, shuflebeard, snoaker and golf. Win- ners lu these avents qualilfed te go an te the provincial games. Whitby winners whe will be canspeting lu itchener are: Frances vJÂOst1Let sen ior uamrn came up big wluners this year and eiglst af thens will be traveliHng te Kitchener lu August te censpete lu the On- tario Senior Games. The district ganses were held regien-wlde over tise past two mou- ths with cempetitars 55 Week of July 21 SQUIRT PrnlCreek......i PickeringS.C.1.O Jcler Haysse Ajax .............. 3 Jeffery Park ....o Wllow Park .......3 Stssse WidMkM........... 2 KriatineJolsnsoo T.P. Spertswear. Angela Duras ATOM Cnuy2GodJacket4 Ajax Ray's Trephies . .0 An le Ca**ord......... Jeostte Bradley............ 2 Whtby Kinsmn ..13 arKeg............ MlefleTa"o . Ek& ao'MaUe Ajax Optimists. Art and Irene Car- twright, carpet bowling; Art and Lii Mathews, euclsre; and, Bertha Cale, euchre; and, Theresa Truba, golf. Other Whitby winners include: John and Joan Stephens. cribbage; Hilda Bell, carpet Ina arpet bowling; Matie Harlow, carpet bowling; and en- ce agala Joan Stephens whe, ýwith a victory lu golf, came away Irons the district ganses wlth two wiuning perfor- mances. MOSQUITO B Willow Park......15 Ajax Ballycliffe Ladge 1 Heatier ird .............. 7 Jennifer Mazztta...... 5 Tracy Nofle .............. 2 &herryHulder PEEWEE A Pickering Village S.C. .2 OtterCreek ........1 Iteatlser Van Patter PEEWEE B JMT Sperts......12 Pringle Creek....o Erin Neily............... 3 Catberine Campbell..... 3 Angela Miies-Berry..... 2 Nicola Mtcell AMY Howey Leurs Meier Mary t one Durham Girls Soccer

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