Whitby Free Press, 30 Jul 1986, p. 11

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Ambulance service defivers WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. JULY 30,1986 PAGE 1l First'batch of area mail Ibo xes instailed About 1,450 recently built Whltby homes wil start getting dlose-to. home- postal dellvery during the next month, i the first phase of Canada Post Cor- poratlon's new Com- munity Mail Box ser- vice. The improved service will lie provided at first on an interim basis, starting July 28, be temporary gree boxes placed at Couunnty' Mail Box sites. This will brlng mail delivery Wo within 600 feet of the, front door of residents who have hadt W pick Up their mail at Whltby Post Office. When site preparation and other requirements are com- pleted the brown and aluminum boxes will be permanently lnstalled. At that tune, local par- cel delivery and outgolng mail services will also be provlded by the permanent boxes. Shortly ai ter the Community Mail Box service goos Into effect, general dellvery pick Up service at the Whltby Post Office, which liad been available for the convenlence of pick up customers Wo 7:45 p.m. weeknlglits, wll return Wo regular service from 8 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. Canada Post Cor- poratlon's Communlty SP CALSGA .OE Te Mail Box service wiil be extended Wo a total of 200,000 Cenadian ad- dresses by the end of Mardi, 1M8. About 50,0of these addresses are located ini the York Postal Division, whlch ta bounded by Oakvllle, Port Hope and Rich- mond Hill. Canada Post Cor- poration will continue to keep pace wlth the future hlgh population growth icommunities sucli as Whltby by provlding clos-to-home delivery with the new Community Mail Boxes. ENJOY SAVINGSI The FramlIng Centre 668-4521 FROM PG. 9 avallable. To update himsef Mdred hu recentiy completed a course at à Sandford Fleming Colege. He wi always surprlsing instructors wl lis experlences, but he outdld liii sef when he revealed lie had p formed a Caesarlan section whi lie was just 16. "The mother was dead. She been shot. I did a section and t baby llved," he toldhls instructor Itwas only after he had savore lier dlsmay tuat lie added, "'Si was aporcupine."1 Duffy> at 23, lias bis EMCA as d nine other attendants. H~ graduated from Humber Colieg lustyear. Altluougli the owners furnial th, station rooms; the television, VCE and stereo are ail paid for outo the kltty. It also pays for tea ani coffee, thue private telephone, an lottery tickets. 1: 15 - A cali cornes ln on tM privateplione.' Duffy says cails for Hwy. 401ern surprlslngly low, and are usualj not serious. "Tliose accidenta are mor llkely W lie rear-enders," Alidrec says. In-town accidenta tend to lx more serlous. "There's beenî decrease ln tthe seriousness of in, juries since seatbelts came i." Ail seatai the ambulance have belta, whlch are used. The stret- cher bar locks hi and vice grips lock onto the legs of the under- carniage. The patient ta as sase as a person properly belted hi, excepi if the vehlcle roiled, Alldred says. Accidents are few here, Midred says. Ail drivers require an F-class license. Duffy. and Aldred have botlihad some skid training. 11:30 - Another private cel cornesi. Constable Daryl Hodgins drops by 11Wochueck up on the guys" He sis ln front of the fan. The cruiser lie's been assigned lias no air con- dltionlng. "lWe often calI the police for backup ...Mi we feel tuere miglit ha resistance, say, on a domestic oei," Aldred says. "We send them i first to see if it's safe, " Conat. Hodgins grins. Police, fire department, and ambulance service aIl work ln the tier system. Wlioever tsaevailable firat can give aid i aàlue- threatening emergency. 11:54 - A code 4 oeil cornes i. This la a llfe-tlreatenig cail. 11: 55 -Tlie ambulance ta on ta way. The siren wails down the street and yelps at intersections. il: 58 -We arrveatea home for ex psychlatric patienta. Duffy ta with the patient before I can get my door open. The fire rescue unit ta, Iluere wlien we arrive and four firemen are wlth the patient. The patient ta taggerlng. He doesn't seem to know where lie ta. Duffy gets hlm seated on the steps inside the entrance. Tlie patient becomes calmer. The flremen leave. The patient pulls et the oxygen tubeihilanose. as "lHow are you feeling now, Sir Terry?"Duffyasks. las 111'm so liung over I don't believe th lt,"lhemoans. m- "110w long have you had epilep- er- yt le The patient answers questions. "lWe'd like to take you down Wo 'd thieliospital. I tlulnk tiere's a lie problemwlth your medication."1 r. Aildred and Duffy loed the ed patie nt onto a stretcher, turnig he hlm on lita aide (in case lie salivates). bo Duffy oeils J.O. Ruddy Hospital e from the radio teleplione i the e back of thie ambulance. H1e says lie bas a 38-year-old maie with a e lilstory of eplepsy wio lias just t, suffered two grand mal seizures. of H1e gives vital signa and adds id "HBD yesterday, and lielied a id nosebleed yesterday." 12:07 p.m. - We transport the le patient. Duffy puta an oxygen mask over ,e tlie patient's face. "Tlisa wli make [y you feel better quicker. You were drinking quite a bit yesterday, ,e eh?" 'd The patient's face and upper ton- e slisowing above brown shorta ta awet witli sweat. His complexion ta; fiuslied.- 12:13 - We arrive at thielospital. e Alldred and Duffy transfer tuet epatient Wo a bed wliere lie cuils up -andsanuggles up tWthe piliow. 8 The patient ta exliausted afterV -his seizures, Duffy seys. L After tue linens are clianged,o ,tDuffy fills out his cail report. F H1e refera Wo the oeil as e code 3. Attendants are aliowed top downgrade the priority after C they're on tue scene.a H1e notes tue two seizures lested(: one to two minutes, that tuere were t 1breatuing problema durlng seizures, that tue patient lied taken a ,Dilantin (medication) and HBD g x(lias been drinking). "The two don't mix," Duffy ri says. "Thitatawhatliappens." *s 12:25 - Aildred says the liospital lias acode 1. A code l is not lufe tlireatening D and cao ha put off for an hour or so If necessary. This one le; a trensfer Wo Fairview Lodge. We wait for tue patient W ha P prepared. ae Mrs. K. ta a tlny women, andi ý eesily carried tu e stretcher. She 9G ta strapped i a semi-sitting position because she finds it more CO comfortable. th DuffyeasksliowsahetWa. "I feel weak, but better. 1 cenM breathe n0W, " she gays. l We deliver lier Wo Fafrview. Theti staff ail welcome lier back home. 1:30 - We pick up hamburgers et Dalry Queen and return to tue hase kitchen. Over lunch Aldred says tue odd c timne people wil thank tuem, butti adds, "tue work ta personaily gratifying because you sSe tue ars ,result ... If you do CPR on a kid, i bning hlm back, and you're Wold PI he'lirecover, it's very gratifylng." co "It doean't bappen toi) ften fac though. Most calis are code 1," Duffy Beys. "Just knowlng you've pdone tue riglit thlng makes you feel good. There la so mucli emotion in7 volvediln this job. " "You have Wo draw a lime," Aildred seys, "lotherwlse you take your worries home and tliat's e mistake." "It'saaoe mistake to brigyour liomelife here, "Duffy adds. 2: 10 - AlIdred ta readig tue Free Press. No calls are coming in. The August' Issue of National Geogrephlc ta on an end table, along witu The Sun. There's e recent copy of Outdoor Lufe and e book, Crow Killer, tue Bega of liver-eating Johinson, on tue coffe table. Peerce looks i. "This Job cen "e on i youcan't occupy your mmd,"VAlldrMdsBeYs. 2:15 - A code 3 oell et Whitby Psychletric ccornes in. It's e tran- sfer Wo Glazier Medicel Centre. A patient lias just fractured lier hip. Pearce and Cocker take tue cail. Alidred reminds Duffy of tue union meeting next montu to, elect new officers. Attendants from tue Bowmen- villa service, aiso owned by Pearce and Cocker, are joining witu Whit- by attendants under Local 3092 of tue Canadien Union of Public Emn- ployees. Aildred, who ta currently president, says because attendan- ta' salaries are set by tue Milstry of Healtu but paid by Cocker and Pearce, it makes employee-emn- ployer relations mudli easier. Their first contract, recently concluded witli tue ministry, gave attendantsa a 2-an-houicereese (19 percent) brlning fuli-tine pay to, $12.29 an hour. 3:10 - Duffy calta tue dispatcher and reporta 37X hI going out for ges. Frorn tue ambulance AlldIred radios, 1"We're 10-8."'1Dtapatdli wiil send oeis tu te vehicle now. We gas Up and return e couple of videos. The overdue fine leaves )uffy broke 50, we stop et tue TD Bank. Aidred assures me that if a code 4came i, lie would take down tue particulars, pull up W tue hank, nd flip on tue bar liglit. "Scott would corne runnig out, and we'd o.,' Radio cails whicli I have found -onfusing are easily understood by ue attendants. Aildred seys tuere a e definite order tW tuehInfor- nation: code firat, then location, ype of problem, and any par- iculera.. "I1 repeat tue location," lie says, Ibecause tuat's tue most impor- ant part." We stop et tue Bank of Commer- efor Aildred, who takes a por- able radiohlnwltulihim. "'We'ie alwaya clowning round," Duffy says. "IWe play ractical Jokes on each otuer, but s soon as an emergency RUi omes i, we put on a wliole new ice. It' ae relief from, stress. ** CsnadlanRedlo-teivilon end Conseil de la radiodIflson et dus TelemmuncOomCommission télécommunications canadiennes DECISION Decision 86682. Rogers Cible TV Limited Brantford, Paris and surrounding area; Newmarkat, Bradford, Hoiland L.endlng, River Drive Park and Sharon; Oshawa, Bowmanville and Whitby, Ont. Approved - Addition of alternate distant head-ends for the broadcastIng receiving undertakingo serving the communities noted above, for the reception of the signais of stations outiined ln Public Notice CRTC 1986-132 dated 4 June 198. Where msy 1 resd CRTC documente? CRTC documents may be read ln the "Canada Gazette", Part 1; at CRTC off ices; and at reference Iibraries.CRTC decisions concerning a iicensee may be read at the iicensee's offices during normai business hours. You aiso may obtain copies of CRTC public documents by contacting the CRTC at: OttawalHuIi (819) 997-0313; Halifax (902) 426-7997; Montreai (514) 283-6607; Winnipeg (204) 9494630; Vancouver (804>86862111. Caa

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