Whitby Free Press, 23 Jul 1986, p. 10

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FPAGE 10, WEDNESDA Neigi B JNDDGE Freel= Sbe Stff ýNelghbourhood Watch la a great idea but l's not for everyone. Tis seemlngly heretical statement cornes fromn Constable Mike Bevan, crime prevention officer responsible for Neigh- bourhood Watch for Durham egon. To formn a watch group a nelghbourhood muet have a crime problem or a fear of crime, Bevan -sad. discourages it. IlWlthout a genuin public fear of crime Nelglsbourhood Watch won't work... Experience bas proven homneowners wont fulfil their obligations." There are presently Nelghbourhood Watch groupe i aie Whltby areas: Pringie Creek, West Lynde, Glen 1111, Co1Iegeý Downs, Otter Creek, Almond's, Bluegrass (two), Grath Gadsky, and Ken- dalwood. Nelghbourhood Watch la worklig i Whitby. One nelghbourhood hact six break-las I the 18- month -period before forming a watch group, but oaiiy one I the foilowlng 18 months. Another area showed nine break-is i the fine month period before, and none li the aine month perlod alter formlng their group; another decreased break-mes from 19 la 18 monthe prior to the group to five lI thie followlng 18 monthe. AY JULY 23, 1986, WFIITBY FREE PRESS Eibourhood Watch great idea but...e Last year Anita Sturgese. who lives ln the Kendalwood are i soutb-east Whtby, became concerned wth crime la her neigh- bourhood. "lI a five month period from June to Oc- tober there were fe violations," Sturgese sald. Those violations icluded four bornes broken lato, one attem- pted break-i, two acte of vandallem, three bicycles stolen (one of whlcli was an expenive BMX), seven car broken lato, and a laun- dry tlief t. One woman bad clotblag stolen fromn ber clothesllne. "I bad seen the Nelghbourhood Watch signe i other com- munlties, and I thought we could getusome signe to put up, but it'. flot that eazy, " she sald. Wben she caled Con- stable Bevan, he told ber te talk la ber neigbbours to see if they felt the same way and then corne back to see hlm. In a later interview he explalned to ber why Neighbourhood Watch was successful in reducig crime. Firet of ail, it pute responsibility on al homeowners la the communty to Iook after their neighbours. To do this they need to get to know the outdoor living habite of their neigh- bours. They should know if their neighbours are shift workers, if they bave chldren and what their ages are, how many cars they have, and when they are away on holday. Secondly, the watch group's communication system would make people aware of what was happening. The homeowner would be expected te report an Incident to the police,. as would any citizen, but after that he would also report te bis block cap- tai who would cail the chairperson who keeps a record of ail crimes, suspiclous persons and suspiclous cars, and who would then eaU Bevan. "If it were a break and enter, 1 would con- flrm it. I would tell the Urne it took place, how entry wae gained, what types of thinge were stolen, whether there Were suspects, and aiso give crime prevention advlce so the homeowners could avoid belng victime," he sald. Sometimes there are patterais ln nelgh- bourhood crimes, such as a recent series in Ajax "wbere the thief wa.j looklng for unlocked wlndows. " This information would be quickly passed back through the neigh- bourhood com- munications network by phone, or a newsietter, depending on the urgeai- cy, 50 that everyone could take steps to reduce the oppor- tunities. The thfrd way la sEEPAGE 16 Constable Mike Bevan Some Neighbourhood Watches wlll have their endorsation revoked la the near future says a Durham crime preven- tion officer. Constable Mike Bevan, the officer i charge of Neigh- bourhood Watch, said a few of the ap- proximately 40 watches I the region wlli lose endorsation because they are flot working. None of the Whitby wat- ches would be affected he said. Guidelines to which applying neigh- bourhoode muet con- form were put li place at the beginniaig of 1985. Before that Bevan said some watches, aîthough started by weil-meaniaig people, dld not have the commitment of the nelghbourhood. Without that, he sald, com- munication breaks down, anid the watch won't work. "As an indication of how eeriously the Police Commission considers the Neighbourhood Watch program" Bevan said the program willi get a civillan co- ordlaator in Octeber. Along wth other duties, "the new em- ployee willi help rejuvenate tihe older watches," he said. "O0nly a few are not ac- tive at present. " Watches whlch have their 1 endorsation revoked wlll no longer be recogaiized by thse Durham Police or by the muaicipality, and wili have their signe removed. Suspect & Vehicle Identification SEX AGE HEIGHT WEIG:HT RACE Facial Appearance Write below specific facial details Malen Whte l Skn/Har Hir Syle that you definitely remember. Black LIColour Female n OBlackIl Wrinkles Flair OtherShape of- Texture Eyebrow Ear Size HAIR HAT fie Sap and Shape What did the suspect say? (Clu/tl)General (Colour/Type) of Eye é Slhape of Appearance Moutlh & - Nose Lips Chieeks (Futlior EYES COAT Mustachie or - Sunkeni (Glsss)Beard Neck & Tool or weapon seera. COMPLEXION SHIRT Vehicle JEWELLERY r.TROUSERS e * ; - Colour Make Modet icnce Nuimber Body Style Danage/Rust SCARS/MARKS SHOES Antenna Bumnper Stcker Wheel Covers Direction of Travel TATTOOS TIE DON'T HANG UP! Wrig STAY ON THE PHONE! l ee rime Neighbourhood Watch flot for everyone

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