PAGE 26..WFDNESDAY. MENF18. 1986 WITBYFREE PRESS COMING EVENTS CALENDAR STRAWBERRY DINNER Whltby Ohapter 248 of the Order of the Eastern Star wiil hald their an- nual strawberry supper at the Masonic Hall, Cochrane St., on Wed- nesday, July 2 begin- ning at 5 p.rn. Tickets for adults are $4.50 and cbildren under 12 will be admitted for $2.25. STRAWBERRY SOCIAL The Ontario Riding Liberal Association and the Durham West Liberal Association will host *a Strawberry Social on Sumday, June 29 at the Mowbray farm on Kinsale Rd., R.R.1, Brooklin. Everyone is welcome and there will be games for the cbildren. Admission is $1 and the social will run from 2 until 5 BROOKLIN SENIORS' BARBEQUE In celebration of Seniors' Month, the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre bas organized a barbeque for al Brooklin seniors (55 plus). The event will be held from 12 a.rn. until 2 p.m. on Tuesday, June 24 at Kinsmen Park in Brooklin. Tickets are $3 per person and may be obtained at the Brooklin Bakery urtil Saturday, June 21. Everyone is asked to bring along a lawn chair. For more in- formation please cal Sue or Julie at 668-7919. STRAWBERRY TEA The Choir of the Al Saints Anglican Cburch invites everyone to at- tend a strawberry tes they will be basting on Sunday, June 22. Weatber permitting the tes will be held on the church lawn from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Sbould the weatber not co-perate the tes will be held in- 'side tbe parish at the same time. The tea will cost aduts $3 and children $1.50. The cburch is located at Dundas and Center St. N. LAWN SALE On Tbursday, June 26, Fairvlew Lodge will be holding a Ilawn sale in the auditorium froni 10 until 3 p.rn. A variety of clothing, books, ceramics, jewellery, toys, fur- niture and white elephant items will be on sale. Ail proceeds wiil go to the Residents' Council. ,. Fairview Lodge is located at 632 Dundas St. W. in Wbit- by. COMPUTER SEMINAR On Sunday, June 22, there will be a one-day briefing and seminar on teleconimunications anc your computer. The free session will run from 1 until 5 p.m. in Rooni B- 305 of Durham College, 2000 Simcoe St. N. in Osbawa. For more in- formation plesse cal Martyn Pbillips during the day at 668-9903 or Steven Cavanaugh evenings at 666-3958. LAWN BOWLING TOURNEY The Durham Ontario Senior Games lawn bowling tournamnent will be beld at the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club on Wednesday, June 18, 10 a.m. Tbe event is open to seniors (55 plus) in Durham Regian. Teamns are expected frorn Whitby, Bowmanvilie, Port Perry, Cannington, Uxbridge, Claremont and Oshawa. CONCERT IN THE PARK The Oshiawa Legion Pipe Band and the Whitby Seniors' Jubilee Cboir will perforni in the Gazebo in Rotary Centennial Park on Sunday, June 22 at 2 p.m. The public is asked ta bring their own lawn chairs for seating. Following the concert, everyone is invited back to the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre across the street, where tbere will be a display of ail paintings by talented members of the Seniors' Centre. REPORT CARDS This yesr final reports for students of Denis O'Connor Catbolic 111gb Scbool wiil not be mailed out. Tbey wiil be available for pick up at tbe school on Wed- nesday, July 2, Thur- sday, July 3 and Friday, July 4, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Reports may be picked up by student or parent/guardian only. JOY BAIN TEA There will be a speclal retirement tea for Joy Bain, retlring principal of Meadowcrest Public Scbool June 23 at tbe achool from 4 until 6 p.m. Ail Joy's frlends, former students and co- workers are invlted to attend. DOWNTOWN DISCOVERY DAY The Whltby Business Improvement Area is invitlng everyone ta, Downtown Dlscovery Day, Jure 21. Olympie silver medallat Shawn O'Sullivah wll be at the four'corners wlth Mayor Bob Attersley for a special rlbbon cuttlng ceremony at il a.m. Shawn wMf then remain downtown ln front of varlous businesses ta sign autagraphs. Downtown Dlscovery Day ruas from il a.m. unil 4 p.m. ln the downtown core and everyone ls lnvlted to join in the fun. High School News Week By ANDREA ADAIR Anderson Colleglate Need help with your math homework? Then Anderson is the place ta corne as I found out on May 1 at aur annual Open House wben the contestants in the Canadian Matbematics Competition were honoured for their achievenients. The Matbematics Competition for al bigb scbool students in grades 9 ta 11), is spon- sored each year by the University of Waterloo. Anderson's math students perfarmed out- standingly well in the competitian this year. Alex Lee, a grade il student, achieved an excellent score on the test. He was a member of the Fermat team along with Stuart Kirk, Paul Visser and the coach, Mrs. Boc. The teamn placed first in the Durham Regian, fiftb on the Ontario Teani Honour Rail and four- teenth on the Canadian Teani Honour RaIl. Alex placed sixteentb an the Ontario Student Honaur Rail and 32nd on the Canadian Student Honour Roll. Alex said he is happy with bis ac- complisbment and would recommend the contest "...if yau enjoy math". Obviausly Alex does. The Cayley Team, coached by Mrs. Turcb, consisted of three grade ten students: David Hunter, Gregg Dunn and Debbie O'Kell. The grade 9 Pascal Teani, coached by Mrs. Ber- nard, was made up of three grade nine studen- ts: Gene Rainey, Tom MacDonald and Andrew Swan. Bath of these teams received cer- tificates Tbursday nigbt for their achievements. Medals were also awarded ta Gene Rainey, David Hunter and Alex Lee for being the top students in each contest. The Fermat team received a walnut plaque and a certificate for their accomplish- ments. The students warked very bard preparing for the contests. Paul Visser, a member of the Fermat teani said tbey met I'two lunch boum a week far about five ta six weeks and then a few days before the test" ta study. Anderson bas sanie very talented Math students and we are proud of everyone who campeted. I wonder, will any of tbese studen- ts give me sanie help witb functions? Street Party Council bas given the go abead for a street party in the West Lynde Subdivision. The temporary closure of Glenniaunt Crt. bas been approved by council for the pur- pose of a street dance. "The purpose of the HONEY BEAR DAY CARE CENTRE NURSERY SCHOOL For Chidren 2 to 5 years old (Govmment Licns.d Govsrnment Approved) Full Days, Hall Days or Hourly * A brand new, totally renovated Gomerment Approved Day care centre * An abundance of new toys and equlpment * Government approved Staff and Iearning programs * 3 meais a day prepared by a nutritlonally aware oook * Learning themes and outlngs OPEN FROM 6:30 A.M. ý-6 PAM., MON.-FRI. 52 Weeks a Vear Except Canadian Statutory Holldays Minutes from Downtown Whltby FOR ENROLMENT AND INFORMATION CAIL: 668-6200 party* is to promote community spirit and allow the residents to become more acquain- ted,"I states a letter requesting the town cordon off the top of the dead end street. The town has agreed to 'supply a portable barricade at a cost of $50 to the residents of the street. The dance will be held from 6 p.m. to midnight on June 21 and the t n bas told the residents that ail litter- must be picked up and disposed of and the town will not be held responsible for any injuries resulting from the party. Council bas approved similar dances in 'the town in the past. TEIMPERSONAL MANO 0F GVERNMENT CANNEVER RELCE THE lIELPINO HANO 0F 0F A NEIORBOR.