Whitby Free Press, 8 Feb 1984, p. 18

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PAGE i18, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8,1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whltby's M-ost wideIy Read ADS« HELP WANTEB 1 NEED HELPI Persona needed to, asalat Manager ln Salas and Ser- vice. Car requlred. Cal 723-3412. WORD PROCESSING & Micro Computer lntroductory courses. Three week special, $95. Longer courses avallable with certîficate and lob placement. 6n37767. THE WEED MAN lsa aceptlng applications for the positions of Pthone Solcîtors, Driver-Sprayera and Sales Person. Applicants muet be neat, seif.startlng and have Initiative. Phone 576-9333 or 571-3232 for appointment. MATURE, RESPONSIBLE, non- smoker needed to care for two gIrls ln our home. Four days a week. Otter Creek arma. Cali after 6p.m.,68262 HOME HELPER If you are In- terested In worklng with a Professional Nursing Service, provlding meai preparations, cleanlng and other houaehoid duties for"our clients. Applicant should be willlng to parlIcipate In a 3 day course and orientation and be avalable to work during the day. Monday to Friday. Please caili CONCARE 571-3501. MATURE responsibie person willling to babysit ln my home, Rossland and Harmony area. Plaesecaîl 571-2961. MATURE WOMAN looklng for work caring for eidsrly or housework. Ajax ares, 686-1559. LOOKING FOR A CAREER IN ADVERTISING? Downtown business requires that person who: *Possess good com- munication skilis; *Has ambition and self confidence; el s eager to learn; ais capable of earning an above average ln- corne; *And I8 not af raid to work for It. If you possess these qualities drop ln and see us«. Experience not necessary. Start immediately. Corne ln to our office anytIme Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 131 Brock St. N., Whitby. ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKEND PHOTOCOPYI NG e Top Quality e Fast Service *81/2x1" or 8½/x14' LS M.B.M. PUBLISHING PHN 8316 &OfceSppis- «NrEDBflM TO UY~~10 YETEN WE BUY end SELL USED APPLIANCES WE RECONOITION AND GUARANTE WANTED scraped or used cars. Cmli 433-2040. WANTED ON cONSIGNMVENT bicycles,.in good condition and golf equipment. Ail other sports equlpment accepted. 58 Baldwin, Brooklln, 655-8079. CARS WANTED for scrap, top price. Celi 576-9644. CASH FOR jewellery, furniture, coins, antiques, one Item or a housefui, or even the house. 728- 4455. Whitby wins own spi*el By SHIRLEY PURDY Whitby Curling Club bedits eigbth suc- cessful Two Day Mr. & Mrs. Bonspiel Jan. 28 and 29. .Taking home the trophy this year was the Jelly Rink from Whitby skip - Mac Binning, vice - Helen Binning, second - Mike Jelley and Lead - Joan Jelly. Runner up also from Whitby was the Fisher Rink, skip - Charlie Fisher with Charlotte Ennis, Ron Ennis and Maureen Fisher. Second Event was won by the Miller Rink from Whitby. Skip - Dave Miller with Heather Miller, AI Gilchrist and Eileen Gilcbrist. Third Event was from Annandale with skip - Paul McHale and team of Rutb McHale, Bob Brockman and Gail Grockman. D09C teams keep AUCION ACTINSwinning AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, FEB. 9184 6:00 P. M. Location: two miles nor- th of Brooklin on High- way 12. The building beside Moore Park Restaurant. Watch for signs. Showroom fur- nîture, sofa s, loveseats, sectionals, mattresses, cabinets, nlght tables, coffee tables, end tables, etc. NOTE: thîs furnIturs le &Il brand nsw. Other articles: f loor jacks, drill presses, air tools, etc. Tools are brand new also. Household Items: frige, antique wood- stove, dishes, stereos, etc. Terms of sale cash. NEIL WOODROW AUCTIONEER 655-3430 AUCTION SALE SAT., FEB. il Claremont Community Hall. Furniture and an- tiques, dishes, collec- tibles, bulls.eye lamps, china cabinet, dining room table, Avon bottles, chairs, dishes and glassware. Numerous oth'er articles. Terms cash. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER 640-3079 ESTATE AUCTION WED., FEB. 15 6:30 P. M. Brooklin Community Centre, Cassels Road East, Hwy. 7 and 12. We are selling the estate of the late HOWARD MILTON PARKIN of Brooklin plus selected conslgnments. The sale will Include antique fur- niture, such as a dining roomn suite, lovely old dressers, beds, cedar chests, parlour tables, four matching cane bot- tom chairs, tool box, rockers, set 0f six mat- ching pressback chairs, Victorian chair, china cabinet, selection of an- tique guns and swords, handmade coat rack, selection of antique dlocks, Including one wlth wooden works, crocks, decoys, china, glass, two reverse pain- tings on glass, etc. Modemn furniture and household effects in- clude a sofa, armchairs, recliner, iamps, Kenmore vacuum, spin washer/dryer, air con- ditioners, lawnmower, wooden kitchen set, chrome set, pictures, colour T.V. and stand, stereo etc. Partial listing only. Preview 4:30 p.m. Terms cash, Visa or ap- proved cheque. AUCTIONEER EARL MACKIN NON 655-3526 By A.DONO VAN, Denis O'Connor H.S. A week and a bal bas passed ... and thank- fully, exams are forgot- ten ... until report card day!1 We are now into week two of the second semester and DO'C is back into the swing of tbings. The topic of conver- sation these days is not, bowever, scboolwork; it is our sports teams. The midget boys basketball team played Donovan last week and won their match 54-43. This means that our boys are in first place in their division. Great work, boys!1 Both the junior and senior girls' volleyball teams played bard- fougbt games against Uxbridge on Feb. 1. Altbough botb teams played well and forced the Uxbridge teams to five games, they came away defeated. On Feb. 2 botb teams were at it again - this time against Pickering Higb Scbool. Again, tbe visitors were victorious. Keep at it ladies. It will corne w itb extra effort and lady luck. The Durbam Region Drama Festival is a bighlight of tbe montb of February. The com- petition is being beld the *week 0f Feb. 20 to 24. DO'C wilI perform on Feb. 24 at G.L. Roberts Collegiate. It should prove an exciting ex- perience. DANCE The Whitby Junior 'A' Lacrosse Club will hold a Valentine's Dance and buffet on Feb. il at 8:30 p.m. at Heydenshore Pavilion. Music will be provided by a D.J. and there will be a» door prize and bar privileges. ickets are $15 a couple and can be reserved by calling 668- 6197. Fourth Event was the Giddings Rlnk also from Whitby with skip - Jim Giddings, Marcie Gid- dings, Wayne Hender- son and Diane Hender- son. This is a great Spiel with rinks from Brant, WHITBY INDOOR SOCCER FEB. 49,1984 SQUIRT RESULTS borougb, Richmond Hill, Oshawa Golf Oshawa Curling, An- nandale and Whitby - with home hosting, din- ner and dancing. This basto be the best Spiel around thanks to the Camerons and the Whitby Welding ... .Dairy Queen........ 4 Craig anson Ryaneesful .............. 3 Brooklin Concrete..2 Evan Wiffiams............. 2 Checkers Variety .-....o STAN] Dairy Queen 10à Brooklln Concrete 10 County Bowl 105 iCanadian Tire 104 Checkers Variety 104 Wbitby Kinsmen 104 Whitby Welding 103 Whitby Legion 100 Optimist Int ......... 2 Geoffrey Owen Adam Payne George Ci...... BIOaMtbeso...... Lasco Steel......... Richard Baker Whitby Free Press .... 0 Fireplace Plus Daddy's Bakery ide-A-Way Whitby Kinsmen Optimist Int. Lasco Steel Whitby Free Press George Cini Anca Lab........... 3 Robbie Harris Geoff Hull IsanJupiter J M.T. SPORTS...4 Scott Davy ................ 2 Don Reid .................. 2 Shoppers Drug Mart . 2 Brent Dewdney Neil Henehan Canadian Tire ....... 3 Chris Puce............... 2 Mchael Price.............. 1 County Bowl........ 3 Ryan Henehan Alex icol Keith Mills Whitby Legion ....... 1 Darrn Silk Wbitby Kinsmen... 1 Jonathan Davidson DINGS W L T F A PT§ 8 0 240 25 26 7 2 1 45 22 22 5 4 1 35 32 16 4 4 2 21 26 14 4 5 1 28 24 13 4 5 1 20 35 13 3 6 1 23 27 10 0>91 22 43 1* Hide-A-Way ......... 4 ShaneBevan ..............2 - Chad B-van ............... 2 Whitby Kinsmen... 3 Randy Vandenberg......... 2 Daddy's Bakery .4 Michael Wolff........... 4 Fireplace Plus...... 3 Greg Hatton Ryan Suffrin STANDINGS P W 9 7 9 6 9 6 9 5 9 5 9 3 9 1 MOSQUITO RESULTS Pyre 21 18 18 15 15 10 5 4 Wbitby Aluminurn.. -2 Darren mcee Dean Cray Wbitby Lions........ 1 Frank Celebre Cbeckers Variety... 5 Lole Pepe ................ 2 Gene Rainey............... 3 STANDINGS Anca Lab Wbitby Lions Cbeckers Variety Shoppers Drug Mart Whitby Aluminum J.M.T. Sports P W 7 5 7 4 7 4 7 2 7 2 7 1 A 8 15 18 16 25 20 PTS 16 13 13 7 .7 4 PEEWEE RESULTS Optimist Int......... 5 Bian Watson.............. 3 Brendon Canning .......... 2 Wbitby Firefihters... 5 David Watson.............. 2 Kevin MacLeod ............ 2 Ian Hopkins Attersley Tire...... lo Matt Parkins.............. 2 Frank eters Steve Rosa ................ 4 Dave Rowntree ............ 3 Family Trust.... Sain Dodd Jeff un ...........2 MÉdas Muffler.... Brad eer DOUg Love ................ 5 ScottJamiemo GusBrown ......... 6 Dave Crouch............... .i ZISA ........2 - STANDINGS Optimist Int. Midas Muffler Family Trust Attersley Tire Gus Brown Whitby Firefigbters 7 - ~-~-.---. CIRCULATION MANAGEF NEEDED, Mature, reliabie person with good driving record. Must be bondable and able to work well with children. Variety of duties, Saiary to commen- surate with experience.' Part-time. Apply in person 131 Brook St. N. Whitby, Ont. ATOM RESULTS SIMPLE I The simple solution to cleaning storage problems in the attic and garage 15 a Classified Ad. WHITBY FREE PRESS................ 668.61 PTS 16 13 il 8 7 m t m

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