Whitby Free Press, 19 Oct 1983, p. 15

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 19, 1983, PAGE 15 'R.. PEU.. M i w .i I Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subjeot to the f ollowlng conditions.J FOR SALE Underwood manuel typ.wrlter, $5. Good working condition. Phone 6685M9. MUST SALE a beautiful bar. At. tractive style.'Sturdy built with luxurles materlal. Weil worth over $000will sale for $i95. Free dellvery. Phone anytimie 668. 6207. HARDWICK CAS 000K top unit, almond colour, 4 burrers. Neyer, used, $200. Gas range, good working condition. Brown, $100. Remington Gun 870, 20 Gage, Polly-choke, $250. Phone 668- 3813. DRESSER, antique style, w/mirror, $150. Phono 282-8760. TV ANTENNA Good condition. We wlil deliver. $85.- Western gultar (Enperador) Good con- dition. $70..Phone 571-3916. INTELLIVISION lnciudIng four gamnes and joy sticks, $225. Phione 668-8M9. 5411 FOUR POST double pins b.d In good condition, Wlth mattrosa and roll away castors, $95. Wood stove, one year old, wlth bi- foIdlng doors and dampor assembly. Vory good condition. Will delîver, $150. Installation available for extra coat. Phono 571-3916. ROTO.TILLER 3 H.P. Very good condition. $195. Phono 655&4110 evenInga. EXCELLENT CONDITION 30" mattressanmd box sprIng on legs, $125. Hide-a.bed, $150. Phono 728-8850. COLONIEL thre sater sofa, SkiEr, $150. Wainut antique china cabinet, $175. Baked alumlnumn white storm door, $75. Firopiaco insert,. 36 Inch openlng, $11W. Pthone 6813-3236. ., TOYS ideal for Ohritmas nover used. Radio shack remote con- trol car, $10. Train set, extra cars etc, $46. TOR total control racing set, $35 Bauer Hugger skates, size 7, $25. Two eioctronic gamos, $15 each. Game of Risk and Who's It, $8 each. Téescope, $30. Aiso pine mates b.d, $70. Phono 66&-5220. MUNROE LMTON CALCULATOR Computer model 1860, 64 K capacity, $200. Phono 668-0009. CUSTOMMADE bedsproad and hoadboard, King size, with mat- chlng drapes 100x45, $200. Aiso, drapes 144x94 linod, rust-brown, $40. Drap.. 260x94 goid tex- turod, $60. Drapes 16OX94 rod/iack, $4. Ail Items ln very good condition. Ashburn Rd., Brookiin, 655-8764. OSCILLOSCOPE duel trace Heath KIt. Model 104550. $800 value askIng $250. Ploase cail 668-8178 aftor 6 p.m. FRENCH PROVINCIAL SET $300 or béat ciller. Chain saw, 18" Mc- Cuiîock 500. Brand now, $250. Phono 6554407. PIONEER SX780 roceivor and tumtable. 50 watts. Mach i speakers. $550. Honda Il base guitar and amp., $25. 8666007 ask for Rick. FOR SALE Bunk bedo, used In cabin, $10. Wood couch wlth cushions, goid oolour, 335. Two card stands for store with drawers, 325 each. Leal shrodder, Sears make, $250. Bathrciom sink (wth taps), $à. PhoneoO668.500 FRANKUIN WOOD STOVE for sale. Very good condition. Asking $100. Phono 655-3539. ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztec style, assorted colore, $55 oach. Frigidaire automatic drier $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 man tent $160. Baiiy raceway pinbal machine, needs some work, $350. Phono 985-9258. FOR SALE 9.9 h.p. outboard motor. Good condition. Asklng $450. Phono 668.4782. FOR SALE pin. china cabinet, rofinishod, $125. 4 oak chairs, noode somo work, $20 oach. Roc. tangier oak table, noode work, $175.2 brase lampe, 335/pair. End tables, $10 oach and stop iadder, $15. Phono 6836638. KITCHEN CABINETS complote modom,$250. Mof/at stovo top and wail ovon, $175. Front door porfoct 34x82, $50. White aluminum setorm door R.H. hinge 34x84, $20. Swinging cafe doors 36", $15. SS ktchon sink, $10. White bathroomn basin, $5. Space savor bathtub, RH drain, $50. Phono 668&7404. VIKING WRINGER WASHER ln very good condition, $80. Call 666-3735 aftor 6 p.m. FOR SALE Royal Albert China - lavendar rose pattern - complote tea service and varlous other places. WiIi not oilsoporatoly. Ssii as sot. A-i condition. Nover beon used. Asking $750 f irm. To view apply at 182 Verdun Road, Oshawa. WHEEL DISCS $95. Oak- Dinlng room set, 6 chairs. Good con- dition, $395. Beige 9x12 carpet, $25. Man's 10 speed bike. Good condition, $65. Phono 683638. FOR SALE McCuilogh Mini Mac 30, chaîn 88w, $85. Two vertical aluminium storm windows to fit 37%"~x45%h" windows. Colour: dark brown, $»0pair. Twci wooden sohool deske, $10 each. Typewrlter moel desk with two drawers. Colour - beige, $15. G.E.C. spaceheater, .$20. Kawasaki' motorcycie. Seat colour: black, $40. Cmlialter 6:30 p.m. 686710. NIKON FIT LIENSIENS Nikon sores E 35mm., $80. l00mm., $80. Vivitar 24mm.,$95. Unitax 85. 2lOmm,, Macro zoom, -.$120. Vivtar tele converter, $20. Phono 668-0009. UL> Therè Is no rea- son to keep things you don't need or enjoy be- cause they're valuable. There are customers willllng to pay gooci money for things you've tir- ed of. Contact the "Recycler 0f, Unwants", the classlfied depart- ment of the Whltby Free Press. Vou will be pleasêd- with the qulck resuits. As fast as a phone cali, re- suits happen! - PLEASE REAU - When the advertised Item la sold, dieposod of, or unavailabie for whatever reason, the Item wii be deemed to have been sold and a commission wiil b. charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below, regardiese If price laestated with "beat offer". If the Item le NOT SOLD, or dlsposed of, the ad wIii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $600 will apply payable In advance of publication ofl the f Irst ad. Otherwlee a $7.50 charge wil Sp. ply If billed which muet bo paid upon receipt of bill. The aboya minimum chargea wilI be applied to the final commission due but In any case the hlgher amount will be chargod. Minimum charge: $600 pre-paid; 87.50billed. Maximum commission: 100.00. Aladvertisements muet be paced onan ex. cluelve basîs wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atiest one mont>9i not sold. RATES (If article le sold): 1 5% of advortlsod prico up to $400.00 2% oi balance ovor $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advortisod for $120.00. Commission duo 88.00 <minimum charge la 36.00). Private advertising onlyl Please notify the Whitby Free Prose immediateiy when Item s8 soid 80 that we may delete if from the folowIng Issue. Ali ada not fittIng the Emporium guideiinos wiii b. troated and charged per woek as rogular ciassIlIed ada on a pre-paid basie such as: services, heip wanted, ciothing, rosi estate, and personai message type adae, or ads not quoting price or quaniity. Privato classified ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WîLL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAlIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 WhItby, Li N 5S1 If ln doubt calu: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ATICLES ARTIES AUOOILES »FOR SALE FOR SALE C FOR SALE ANTIQUE parior table (plain), 320. Portable stereo record player, $20. Smth-Corona of fice typowrItor,' $35. Reei-to-roel Telefunkan tape recorder, $75. Record rack, $7.50. Pushmower, $10. Judo-suit, noariy now, size M, 320. Phono 6687404. CONTENTS 0F HOUSE MOVîNO - one loveseat, blue' background border print, $250. One buffet, $200. One dozen fan- cy cupe and saucera, 37.50 oach. One tea wagon, French Provin- cial styiing, $200. Othar Items, odds and onde. Phono 655-4416. 8MM. MOVIE'PROJECTOR and camera. Hardiy aer usod, $190. Green toilet, plus sink, plus caianter to match. Excellent con- ition, $100 or boat ofor. White tub enclosuro. Brand new from Sears, $20. Cali anytimo 571- 3916. FOR SALE Eina sowing machine, $180. Humidifier, $80. Sterso 8 track dock, $30. Shopping cart 10", whools), $10. Rocking chair, $120. Kenmoro carpet swoeper, $10.2 2)dIes wInter coats, sizo 18, excellent condition, $45 and $50. Ladies crochet sweater, size 18, $15. Velour housecoat, size 18, $15. Ladies skirt, sîze 18, $20. 3. plastic stacking tables, $9. Phono 68-783. LOT & TRAILER on Pigeon Lake. 351t. tralier with double tipouts, fully fumished, plus 3lft. dock. Askig $23500. Cali Bill or April after 6 p.m. at 86662581 or weokends 985-2706. HOMEMADE BOX traloer. Heavy duty. Aeklng $1,200 or beet offor. Phono Bill or April after 6 p.m. it 666-2581 or woekonds 985-2706. CHILD'S ELLAN skies, poies and Nordica boots. Size 9, $180. Boys Micron skates. Sizo 8, $30. An- tique oak buffet, $100 Bird cage on stand, $15. Phono 728-8850. ~~OBES lm CNUV SSMER 4 Wh"e *u IV% 416plw. Asliing 0.M0. lm Dvfldn St. 968.130 1977 GRANADA, standard steer- Ing and power brakos, 2 door, 200 engine, 27 miles to the galion, 78, treluer hitch on It, $1,000 firm. 1971 Mercury Marquis, Coiony Park, 4 door, station wagon, 430 engine, automatic, 718 traloer hit- Ch on It, 3900 or bost offor. Moving, muet se11 by Auguat 30. For more Information cali 655- 4407 or evenings 284-4139. FOR SALE 1974 Ford Van, $30. Cali Androw 723-5945. 1973 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS Good running condition. Cor- tifiable. 3600 or beet ollor. Phono 1-416-649-2626. 1973 SUBARBAN Not ln running condition. Good tires. $330 or beet offor, as la. Phono 576-1058. 1973 VEGA 15,000 on rebuilt engino, four spoed, new clutch and fiywheei. Brakes Just dons with now front calipers and master cylindor. Good tires. Needs body work. Sel siias$400. Phono 668.2187. 19M MONTEGO MX 4 dr., 351 new brakes, master cylinder, xhaust wires. Neede tires for ertification. Good winter car. SM0.0811 Ruses655-4416. 1965 CHEV IMPALA power. stoorIng and brakes, 47,000 original mleage. $600 or best of- fer. Phono beforo 6 p.m. 655-8021 ask for Bud. CONFUSED? Please cail us any time If the Ernporium guidelines confuse you. We'll b. glad to an- swer any queations yoù have. Phono 668-6111 anytime. »FOR SI RSALE I 1977 PLYMOUTH FURY 2.door, mechanfica buy, can b. f ixed to drive. $30. Phono 655.3006. 1973 VW BEETLE PARTS Doors, $50 oach. Engine Ild, $25. Four speod w/complote swing axie, $100. Gae tank, $15 and varlous amnail parts. Phono 282-8780. 1970 NOVA four doors, complote front end and 2 Nova Raily whoois. Alil parts good. Complote $150. 1973 TORINO 302 engins and transmission, Complote $200. 1973 VEGA GT for parte with good tires and Raiiy rime. Complet $100. 1973 DUSTER 225. 6 ongine and transmission. Ex- collent condition, four 'radial tires. Complote $250. Phono 655- 3006. TWO GOOD YEAR radiai tires, one on rim. 75R14. $75. Two 14" Soars tires with rime, $30. Two Canadien Tire snows wlth rime, $30. Cali 681063 morninge. FOR SALE Vega transmission. $100 or best offor. Cali Dan 728- 2578. FOR SALE 1983 Yamaha 1751T. Excellent condition. Including hoimet and aIl leathors. Asking $1500 or boat 0f for. Phoneo 668 3495 ask for Steve. 1982 YAMAHA MXSCOJ Excellent condition. $5W0.0811l668-39U4. FOR SALE 1981 Vamaha 400 Special,.Mint condition, $1400 or boat offoéË. Phono 655-3203. 1981 HONDA CIVIC five speed, AM/FM cassette, tinted glass. AskIng 85,000. Phono Bill or AprIl after 6 p.m. at 662581 or weekends 985-2706. 19861 HONDA SILVERWING GL5OO, wator coolod, shaît drive, pioxigiasa fairing, roar carrier, low mloeage, excellent condition. Asking $2000. Phoneo 6680265. 1980 YAMAHA RD 400 Excelent condition. $1100 fi rm. Phono 655- 4224. VAMAHA YZ 80 Excellent con- dition. $450 or b.st offor. Phono 655-M82. j~BABY EHEDS ~YEED1 FOR SALE Apartment sizo washer.dryer with stand. Ex- cellent condtion. 8450/pair. Phono666-1495. FOR SALE In good condition. Two pairs cil twIn mattrossos. Complote with box springs, $100. Double mattrese with box spring, $50. Phono 666-1532 avernings.< 22FT HOUSE TRAILER situated on Rico Lake. Water front lot. Asking $3000 or beet offer. Phone 668.034 1966 TRILLIJM, model 333, now canvass,-soft top, new tires, large box for storing extras, sloops 4 or 6,_7/8 trallor hitch on it, woigha approximateiy 500 ibe., 3800 or beet offer. MovIng, muet Bell by August 30. For more information cail 655-4407 or evenings 284- 4139. Mes!th be "flecicleri Unwants"9 Tho Emorlum Setion et tho WhIthy free, Pros:! I have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the following advertise- ment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. (don't forget to include your phone number) C I enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. D Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. EI 8111 me $7.50 af ter f irst publication of my ad. Card No. Exr. Date Nome (please print - f irst and last i Street Address City name' Postal Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whltby LI N 5S1 Coi Us NowAt 668-6111 Or Use This Form ToMail Tour Ad ln, ONE GENDRON INFANT love seat, $25 and one Gendron chiid love seat, $50. Both ln oxcelont condition. Cali weekends or aftor 5 p.m. 655.3575. SNOWMOUILE, 400CC Allouetti eiootric start. $20 or bat offer. Phono 686-4684 after60 p.m. il, RMENTS1 ELECTRIC GUITAR Nashville, Les Paul Oopy, $150. Cali 668 5567 afler 6:00 p.m. FOR SALE Harmnond Organ 100. Asking $1200. Phono 576-4227. CLASSICAL GUITAR for* sale. Hirado model sen. Handcraftod ln 1981. Good for Intormediato playor. $550, without case. Phono Ray 668.3418 ovonlngs. RICKENBACKER MODEL 4001 Base Guitar, 4 years oid., White, wlth case. Immaculato condition. Aloci GBX Base amp. O0 watts. Wiii oeil seperato. SM0 or beat of fer. Phono 668.2187. ONE KIMBALL Superstar Il organ. Oniy il months old, juet as new. Hall the original prico, asklng price $1,200. Phono belore 6 p.m. 655-8021 ask for Bud. FOR SALE Kimbai organ. Swinger 100. $80 or beut ciller. Phono 668.4760. VANTAGE 12 STRING electric guitar. Da"l wood, soiid body, gold platod hardwear. Locking case Inciud.d. SM0. Calil668- 4963. 3~V ARTICLES . ARTICLES FOR 1SAL FOR SALE

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