Whitby Free Press, 12 Oct 1983, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESOAY OCTflRER 17. 1983. WHITBY FREE PRESS Fairview- Lodge hosts plant show BY M. BEATH Fairview Lodge provided the setting for the Chrysanthemum and Vegetable Show helld by the Brooklin Horticultural Society on September 24. This was an over- whelming succeas, with 86 entries received from the senior members'and 51 from the Junior Gar- den Club. Winners for the show were as follows: Best Hardy Garden Chrysan- themum - Alice Dodd, prize donated by Doug Morden Esso; Best Decorative - Valerie Hundert, award donated by Gary Young's Quik Bite Restaurant. Judges for the show were the ever-popular Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink from Hampton. On Wednesday, Sep- tember 28, Ken Brown conducted our Fail Plant Auction which continues to be an evening of fun and profit. A vote of thanka goes to Ken for donating his time and efforts in this always succesaful event. Following the sale, Florence Downey provided a delicioua lunch. Byl ines By ROXANNE REVELEit ('ait 655-1951 with items for ChiN column. hi there; When 1 face life's greatest computer, I hope it can be told that though I'm spindled and mutilated, I didn't fold. LIBRARYNEWS Have you ever created a "Weirdie"?. Don't miss the laughs and fun at Saturday Storyhour, October 15 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Along wîth the "Weir- dies", you'il listen to scarey stories like "The Mon- ster at the End of This Book" and "Clyde Monster" Sure to be an enjoyable experience. Dare to visit the juvenile department and see the crazy witch flying over the check-out counter. What shall we cail her? If you can think of a name, enter into the "Name the Witch" contest. Pre-school Storyhour wiil begin October 18, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Crafts, stories, games and films have been planned for the littie ones. Please hurry and enrol as soon as possible. There will be a presentation by the Block Parent Association, along with a film called "Safe Strangers" for the aduit group upstairs at the same time. Round to be the tnost informative. Look forward to seeing you at your library. <ROAST BEEF DINNER The men and women of Brooklin United Church are hosting their annual roast beef dinner with al the trimminga, complete with home made pies, on Wednesday October 19. Dinner will be served con- tnuously from 4:30 to 8Bp.m. Admission is $7 for aduits, childr en 12 and under $2.50, and pre-sehoolers free. Tickets are available from the men of the congregation with advance sales only. For additional information cail the ticket co-ordinator at 655-4287 or 655-8025. This ia always an exceptional event. Tickets go quickly so be advised and order yours without delay. TYPE SETTIIVG r ON THE PREMISES, COMIPUTERIZED & PNOTO\J' CUTTIN' Up AND COOKIN' IT The Kirk Gulld of Burns Church, Ashburn has another treat planned for Tuesday November 1 at Thunderbird Golf and Country Club. People from Windcrest Farms wlll demonatrate the preparation of various meats. More details wilI follow as they become available next week but we know you'll want to circle November 1 on your calendar now s0 you won't miss this fun evening. BROOKLIN BROWNIES, GUIDES AND PATHFINDERS To al parents: There will be a uniform swap on Tuesday October 18 between the hours of 6:30 and 8 p.m. in the hail by the main office of Méadowcrest Public School. Anyone with a umiform to seIl, please tag same with your name, phone number, size and price asked and contact Cheryl Keeler 655-3815 or Diane Aston 655r3266 as soon as possible. Hehp to suit up our girls and keep costs within reason. BROOKLIN BADMINTON CLUB Juat a reminder that the Brooklin Badminton Club has started its new season. The club meets every Thursday in the Meadowcrest School gym- nasium from 8:15 to 10: 15 p.m. New members age 16 and over ail welcome. For any information please caîl Judy Underwood at 655- 4808. GET READY FOR CHRISTMAS Group '74 are still taking registrations for the following courses at the Community Center on Cassels Road, Brooklin: Pine cone art, begina Oc- tober 20 to November 10. Students will learn how to make a Christmas wreath and table centerpiece. Cake decorating starts November 17 to December 1 and Christmas Potpourri November 17 to Decem- ber 1. The cost of these courses is $15 and are from 8 to 10 p.m. If anyone would ike any additionah infor- mation caîl Bey Stanley 985-9269 or Marg Andrews 655-3196. ANNIVERSARY FOR BURNS CHURCH Next Sunday, October 16, Burns Presbyterian Church, Ashburn, wiil celebrate the 126th anniver- sary services at il a.m. and 7:30 p.m. The guest minister wilh be Reverend Frank Van- derswan of Uxbridge for both services. Special music in the morning by Elaine Kelso and Rev. Ken Heron of Bracebridge. In the evening St. Andrews choir of Scarberough wihh be singing severai num- bers. Lunch wih be served after the evening service te enable people to "visit" awhile. It promises te be a good day and a warm welcome la extended to ail. K & M CLEANERS ""A CLEANING SERVICE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY" Mon.-Thurs. Frday Sat. 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. p4 e * e - u - PROFE$$IGM. .. A.. ..... ..D...O......~ WE GUARANTEE QUALITY PRO FESSIONAL AND FAST SERVICES YOU CAN RELY ON! SAME DAY SERVICE 112 COLBORNE ST. W., WH ITBY 668-2831 Dear Mr. Trudeau I heard you speaklng the other day wlth respect to the language bill presently in question in the province of Manitoba. You stated in effect, that every minority had the rlght to their own language. I wonder if you realize how many minorities there are in this country of ours. Unfortunately sir, not everyone has English and/or French as their mother tongue. At present, there seems to be the beginnings of a tempest in a teacup in our province. There are those who want to make French an official hanguage in the province of Ontario..Why? I must mention at this time that I read and write French, although due to the hack of opportunlty-of being able to speak it, no longer consider myseif bilingual. My daughter, at age 10, la however com- pletely biingual. She spends 10 weeks each summer in a predominantly French community in Northern Ontario, thua enabling her to keep up her second hanguage. For that I am grateful. Although 1 am totaily English, to the point of planning my birth 'lover the pond", I have great respect for, and many frienda within the French community. They are ail just people like me with the same wants and desires. The thing that gets on my nerves is forced bilingualism. The edict has gone down from on high that Anglaphones must adhere to the French element in our society. Ok..fine. Even this I could accept. Have you visited the Province of Quebec lately? Weil I have. There is no such thing as an English sign. In Montreal for example, ail the street signa etc. are in French only. If you do not know that nord, sod, est and ouest mean north, south, east and west you can be in big trouble while driving. Even stop signs only say "arret". The further east in Quebec you travel the worse it la. Bihl 1oi speaks for itself. There isn't enough space in this newspaper, let alone my coltumn to ex- plain that one in detail so I won't even try. My point la, to repeat mysehf ... Why? Why should people of this country, many of whom are neither English or French, be forced to accept two officiai languages. Heaven knows it is difficult enough to figure out what the government la 'doing i one language. To date we have had seat beits, confederation and metric forced upon us whether we liked it or not. The top of the hit parade now appears to be bilingualiam. "To parle or not to parle", that la the question. Maybe we should make it two out of three oný the Plaina of Abraham. Perhaps that would settle it on- ce and for ail. If you are a George Orwell fan you might take note that "1984"la i only three months away. See you next week.... Roxanne Reveler Brooklin Bakery drop-off Friday, before noon please 655-4951 BROOKLUN HOME BAKERY & DELICATESSAN 61 Baldwln St., Brooklln 655-4951 SPECIAL THIS WEEK: DONUTS1. 99 doz. Strawberry, Blueberry, Lemnon And Honey Dip See Our -Many In Store Specls

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