Whitby Free Press, 7 Sep 1983, p. 28

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.1 WHITBY FREE PRESS,,WEDNESIJAY SEPTEMBER 7, 1983# PAGE 2 Whitby's Most WideIy Read V~CE1 W 1 EDWANTED RUG CLEANING SPECIAL. Have Vaur Livlng-Room, Dlning-Room And Hallway 0f Any Size leaned For $40.00. jBedrooms Are $10.00 Extra. Ail Work le Guaranteed. For Appalntment Oeil:' 668-1465 DO YOU HAVE RUSTY HARD WATER? Oelil Gary Young Piumb- Ing and rent a water softener or Iran flter. FREE INSTALLATION. Rentai stays the same forever. Braakiin 6554936. WHY PAINT OR WALLPAPER? Let Us. lnteriorlexterlor and eaveatraughing. Reasanabie rates, quaiity work, freis esti- mates. 10% discount ta senior citizene. Cali Jojhn: 576-3705 ~~EDUAONAL SIECE "1GRAMMAR for people wha hate g rammar" le the ideai ,pooket reference book for business pepie. $3.95 per copy and avail- able at Dickeon Printing & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer enquiries Invited 683-1968. MNENcEMNTS 5 PIN BOWLERS West Lynde Bowling League needs Bawlere to start September 13, 1983. 'Tuesciay nlghts et 9 p.m. Pisase. cail Bey Bond 6688563. CONGRATULATIONS an, your forthcoming marriage. Please view Our samples af engraved wedding Invitations et your lei- sure ln aur Aax Plaza store. Dick- son Printing & office supplies 683-1968. .~3FREE FREE.- Dmop into the Dicksan Prlnting'& Office Suppiy store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up aifree copy of their 1983 Metric Calen- dar. Printed ln twa calauris, It makes for handy reference. 883. 1968. WATDaOntopaiDs An uaniySTEu oD rd Phrve l579-9695. -WE BUY aWnd SELý USED APPLIANCES WE RECONDITION AND GUARANTEE FOR SALE dreaised ta your spece. Sheep, lamp, goats and pige. Aiea fresh veal.-Oeil Neil 655-3430. Have your last bar- becue wlth a plg f rom Neil. FOR SALE corn feed and green feed. Beef $1.50 per lb. Park $1.10 par lb. Fresh chlckene $1.50 par lb. Al cut and wrapped. Dellvery aisusse Q . DI4UIan. 1ATS & SUPPLIESMOVING PROP and skeg repaire. Fast ser - &CARTAGEI vice. Fibergiase and alumlnum & boat repaire., Fibergiase sup- pilies. Plastic eheets, tubes and rade. Oshawa Glass Fibre, 341 Durham Street, Oshawa, 579- B 1433. ___________________ DELIVERY à CARTAGE Specializing in Moving: * AR T I'C L S Offices Apartment s FOR F SALE i Panos Applances 728-7158 VISIT aur used furniture ware- Anytime hause by appaintment. Big mavincnM nn fks-, ,.hai.r..na...i cabinets, etc. Gal i Dcksan Print- ing & Office Supplies ta arrange an appaintment ta vlew. 683. 1968. FOR SALE wringerlwashlng machine. Gaod condition, $80. Phone 668-7320. MATTRES8ES and box apringe at heif price. McKeen Fumiture, 524 Simca. Street South, Oshawa.' 725-5181. "HEROES of the Bible" calourlng book available at DIcksan PrInt- ing & Office Supply, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer inquirles ln- vlted. 8 PIECE ITALIAN PROVINCIAL Dinlng room suite. Goad can- ditian, $1500. Attractive four seater chiterfield, $350. Sawyer suide projector,$40. 725-7769. GEOTYPE press-on ietterlng now In stock.et Dickson Prlnting & Of- fice Supplies In the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selectian ai styles and sizes. Why psy mare for e emeiler sheet of lettering?, LARGE FRANKLIN WOOD STOVE Excellent candition, $75. Phone 66&.4824. CHESTERFIELD suites, lave- seats, sectioaes, leis than ' pria.. Large selbecton. McKeen Fumiture. 524 Simca. St.S, Oshawe. 725-5181.,, INTERLOCKING" BRICK WALK-WAYS Drawing Pravlded REMD ROSE LANDfCAPINGl 1.57".285 655-4749 ADVERTISING SALESPERSON . REQUIRED Challenging, exciting work and friendly atmosphere. Experience flot necessary but transportatlion is. Small local company with good reputation. Interested parties cal iAndyat 668-6111 for further details. FULL.TIME BABYSITTER REOUIRED Starting October 3. For four month .oid baby. Preferably ln my home. Bluegrase Meadaws orea. Phone 579-3302. RN'S, RNA'S,_ HCA'S, EX. PERIENCdED NAS a HOMEMAICERS. Jain ana af Oshawa's ieading Nurslng Ser- vices. Become a Comcare Nurse; -full or part-time wark -arrange own echedule payed weekly - inservice seminars. COMMAE LTD. 671-3501.< 6U3-4411i 43 Station Si Ajax f BiN00OHAL4 ~SERVISCES SERVICESSGA TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakes EA end modela, by the weekend, _____________________________ Z I E week or manth. Discounts avaeu- able. Uick5Ufl rrinting & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Cail us for business machine repaire 683-1968. U~TOMOBILES FOR SALE 1973 SUBARBAN Not ln running condition. Gaad tires. $300 or beet of fer, as le. Phone 576-1058.' RFLODA ' V ACATION REIENTLSALS DAY CARE CENTRE *inf anis-O yoarsie Gomerment Llcensed .Early Education Programn > Hot Balanced Lunches *Indlvldual Attention à Instruction Oshawa 571 «0031 332 Elgin W. Whîtby 668-8921 309 Boech St. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 r NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F. AGNES CATHERINE HICKEY IN' THE ESTATE 0F -AGNES-: CATHERINE HICKEY, deceased. All persons havlng dlaims against the estate of AGNES CATHERINE HICKEY, late 0f the Town 0f Ajax in the Regionai Municlpality 0f Durham, house wlfe, who dled on or about the 8th day of September 1982, are hereby notlfied to'sent, particulars of same to the undersigned on or bef ore the l5th day of October 1983, after which date the estate will be dlstributed wlth regard only to the dlaims of whlch 'the under- slgned shall thàn have notice and the under- slgned wMI flotbe lhable t0 any person of whos dlaim they shaliflot then have notice. DA TED at the City 0f Oshawa this 25th day of August 1983. BERNARD FREEMAN, Executor 0f -the estate 0 f AGNES CATHERINE HICKEY by her solicitor ALAN BERK, 650 KING ST. E., OSHAWA, ON- TARIO, L1 H 1 G5. M.B.M. Pubîishlng 131 Brock St. N. Whitby 668-6111 j Stokolys -C Contre St.3 1 L Kant St. >**~- - - - - - - -*- - - PHOTOCOPYING e Top Quality e Fast Service * 81/xl 1" or 8½/x14" OR LESS M.B.M. PUBLISHING You Are lnvited to SOS our wlde selec- lion of weddln'g sta- tionery and accessor- les. - Why Not Attend An AUCTION SALE This We.kendl Please check your advertisement for errors. on the f irst day of publication:- The Whitby Free Press will flot be hiable for failure 10 publlsh an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the c051 of the space occupied by the error Up 10 a maximum c051 0f the first Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the'right to ciassify or reject ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear In the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 1lie each addition- ai word if pre-pald. You may charge your Classified Ad 10 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when calllng. BIRTHS, DEATI-S - $7.00 for the f irsi 100 words; 12s each additionai word. UN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the f irst 50 words; 12c each additionai word. AUCTION SALES - 34e per Une. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wilil nake every en- deavour to forward' replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no liability regarding loss or damage alleged 10 arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will flot be responsible for box number replies flot calied for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111. NOW 5DAYS AWEEK MONDAT ELECTRONIC KINSMEN Lic. No. 3U8745 G « TUESE I Jaycees & Pickering B U Minor Basebal Wanderers Rugby $300.lO CASH & OptImlmf 35jMUTG THURSDAY USG P.H.A. FRIDATi $1 1011100 JACKPOT JAYCEES *MUST GO Lic. No. 366743 LIGHTNING ROUND 7:00 P.M. REGULAR GAMES 7:30 P.M.*- PAY $9011 ea. TYOUR NEW MUNI DINGO MACHINES PLAY STARTS-AT 6:00 P.M. m SILVER DOLLAR BING0 cc 1735 Bayly (ai Brock Rd.) 0 *AYLY z ac IDSILVER DOLLAR PICKERING 8312421 GARDENINO AND SUPPLIES THE WORLD IS YOURS,A.F YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wherever you maya the Wei- corne Wagon hostesle the right person ta help you firmd a place ln your.new Cammunîty. Cali 668-8943 i r

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