Whitby Free Press, 22 Jun 1983, p. 6

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fý-E,6,-.WEDNESDAYJ UNE 22.1983, WH ITBY FR EE PRESS Br~k1in Byines By ROXANNE REVELER Calit 655-4951 wlth Rins for t>his column. laI <bore; Have you heard about the Arab fainily that was movlng Wo a new oasis and wanted Wo get rid of somo of their old possesions? They held a mirage sale. LIBRARY NEWS Holiday time ilispeedily approacbing. Remember calondars are available now for ail the children's programs the library is featuringthis sumxner. Anyorao wlahlng Wo take reading materlal away with them may take advantage of the llbrary's extended borrowlng privileges during the holiday morths. Try your lucki the aduit draw for the beautiful book of Robert Batemaras works. Just -make sure BROOKUN HOME BAKER V & DEL ICA TESSANI 61 BALDWIN ST., BROOKLIN 655-4951 SPECIAL THIS WEEIK:' dinner r0118 89" doz.> hot dog & 4 hamburger buns I0* doz., Se.o ur Many In Store Spoclals THE CORPORATION 0F > tHfE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION NOTICE le hereby given that the Counci of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intmnde ito conader the foiiowing motion et a meeting to be heid on Monday, Juiy lSth, 1903: THAT Councli maks application to the. Minister of Muni- cipal Affaireanmd Houslng for an Order-In-Counicll to change the statue of the town to à 01W, and provîde for the foliowlng: 1. Thao the effective date of the change ofcf 01 statue b. January lot, 1964; and, 2. That the compsition of the new City Councfli consista of the Mayor and two Regional Aiderme n elected by generai vote, &d oue Alderman sleoted on the Ward boulesfrom eech of the four Wards In the Cityof Whitby. AND FURTHER, TAKE NOTICE that any peraon wishlng to support or oppoee the proposed change In municipal statue may do so by eubmlttlng h~/heromments In wrtIng, addressed to the attention of the underslgned, on or befors Monday, Juiy 1llth, 1903. DATEDaet Whltby, Ontarlo this 15th day of June, A.D., 103. DONALD 0. McKAY, CLERK The Corporation of the Town of Whltby 575 Roseland Road East Whltby, Ontailo Li N 2M8 Phone: 86&M.8 your library card la Up tW date and enter. The draw ends on June 30 so, don't miss this opportunlty of winnlng a book you'il treasure for life. DO 1 REALLY HAVE TO MENTION IT <Nlne years- ago, Brooklin Bakery offered a free donut to, ail children of Meadowcrest and St. Leo's as a treat for worklng bard, ln echool ail year and passlng on to the next grade. Nothlng has been mentloned since that time but the kîds have not for- goten. They stlll show up each year for their goodies. The bakery would like to advlse students that this year wilI be no exception. Report carda are Wo be picked up from Meadowcrest Sehool on June 29. St. Leo students wii take them home on the last day of sehool, Frlday June 24. 1 Treat day will be on Wednesday, June 29. Bring your report card along with you and start the sum- mer off right with a treat. FANCY DRESS FROLIC WINNERS Foilowlng is a llst of imaginative youngsters who won prizes ina the'Fancy Dreas Frolic section of the Brooklin Spring Fair Parade thia year. Best Fancy Dress wlnner ina the three to fîve year old group was Justin Hayward; six to, eight years was Karen Car- ney and raine Wo 14 year section was Betb Tavener. In the Funniesi Fancy Dress section winner in the three Wo five year group was Natasha Hayward, six to, eight years old was Craig Jackson and nine to, 14 years was Christina Maumder winning first prize cloeely followed by Janette Pluister who, wona second. The prize for the beat group ina the three Wo five year old category were Clint, Angie and Brenna Crockford comblning with Clu'is Gould and Kevin McReady. Best group ira the nine Wo 14 year old group werat tW Jennifer Mackie, Carly Bridges and Rhyanoa Bridges. Second prize winners were Dami- elle Thiebaud and Kim Tait with Caroline Duives- teyn, Wendy Bogart -and Kathy Schloen talng third praze. The Best Decorated Bike winraer i the six Wo eight yoars section waa Jennifer Cassette with Jonraifer, Maunder placing second. Winner of the boys age thre o W five years was Tlmmy Cousette', firat prize in the boys age six W o ight years wasRonald Soaper with Stevie Byng talng second.and Graham Under- wodplacing third. First prize i the boys age nine Wo 14 werat tWDarreil Wade. Best, Decorated Biko and Rider, girls six W oight waa won by Allison Anderson, Boys age six to el@ was won by Graham Randail wlth Martin Lem placig second. Boys rine and over waa won1 Troy McPhee wlth Trevor Dervent placirag second Best Decorated Manual Transport was won1 Stewart Bruce. Bout Decorated Person and Manui Transport fîve years and under was won by Jani Mitchell. In the six to elght age bracket, Marie Fa quharson placed firat arad David Leedle came second. The Bout Decorated Horse and Rider urader 16 w won by Cheryl Jones, Tanya Derverat was secoîi and Robbîe Lemoine was thlrd, The Bout DecoratE Horse and Rider over the age of 16 was won by t] O'NeU famlly. Many thanka W aill the childre anard parents wi helped make the parade such a success. BURNS KIRK GUILD Burns Kirk Guild year end "'Appreclation Nigbt wll ho beld Wedrasdy, June 29 at the church ha 0f Burns PresbyteriaraCburch, Ashburra. Entertai ment will be provided by members of the Anderso Colleglate Band and by the Andrews famlly of Ast burra. Refreshments, Includlng delicioua strawber shortcake will be served, and as this la a famlly ai fair everyone from the tinlout tot Wo old granpopi welcome. Thore la no charge for thia everat 80 brug the whole famlly and onjoy yoursolves. OH NO! Thon there's the old but avid golfer Who goes i see a spirltualist to ask ber if there are any go] courses ira heaven. The spiritualilt says sbe's got ti check' on it and tells the golfer Wo come bac] Womorrow. The mara goes back the raext day and the spirituai lat says- "I'vo got some good news and some hag raew"I. The man says, "Okay, give me the goa raews flrst. ' "T'her are many golf, courses in heaven," thq spiritualiat begina. "Tbey are all luah and green wlth thefinest equipmerat arad the moat lavish cdub bouses." The golfer la ecstatic and replies,. "Okay raow givo me the bad raew. 1 "You'll be téeing off neit Suraday mornlng ai 10: 30. " said the spiritualiat. LASTCOLUMN Next week wll be the last columra uratil July 20 esI Iwill be on vacation. Have notices i by Friday, June '24 for the next issue and Friday, July 15 for the following columra. See yom Doit week... Roxanne Reveler Brooklin Bakery drap-off Frlday, befere noon please HARO DA Y AT WORK?h TOO MOT & TIRED TO COOK? Thon cali JOE'S at ~ We'II be happy to make We serve 1f h: memade"l I lasagne, sube, hamburgers, flsh & chips and much morel eginn udyJn 6hJeswl losed on Suradays. Sorry for any "6inconve- nience". Wcll be open Sundays after ILabour weekend. Joe' s PIZZERIA 76 aldinSt., BROOKLIN ~~<855-4Wn aDurham 1- C'entre aL honours in Damstra las rad BiR Damatra, a Whlt- ed by resident, has been lie named the outstanding volunteer of the year by ho the Durham Centre for the Developmeratally Handicapped. Damstra was present- it ed with the award at a ill banquet June 16, honor- In- Ing the Centre's volura- on teers who have givera h- their time and -talent rY throughout this past f- -year. la8 Special certificates of 1g appreciation were pro- sented Wo the Whitby Jaycettes, St. Vincent. to de Paul anad Mother's )I Feilowsbip. to The outstanding k group of the year award was awarded to the il- Whitby Jayoettes. d Carole Stock, a Whit- d by residont, was also honored for ber role as Oe president of the volun- lt teer association of the b, Durham Centre for 1962- The banquet, held, at It Port DarlingWon Hotel anad Marina in Bowman- ville, la held anrauaily Wo recognize and thank [these volunteers, who e are araessential part of e the Durham Centre team. The volunteers' are involved in varlous recreational, education- al, vocational and 111e sklg sprograma witb both adolescents and aduts hoare develop- m e ...lhndcpp Vint'age Antique, car show The secnd annual IVintage & Antique Car Exhibition wlll be beld at Cullen Gar dons & Miniature Village, Saturday, June 25 fromi 2Wo7 p.m. This popular event- la planraed i coperatiora with the ToronWo club, Ira order to show the public their 'peoples choice' for whicb a tropby Winl ho presorated. The weekerad will in- clude the stage produc- tion -'feelin good' procluced by David Scott anad performned three Urnes daily. A viait Wo the Gardons will also allow a viowing of the panoraici flower displays, as weil as the miniature village, anad a miniature cotmtry fair. Cuilen Gardons may be reached, Juit raorth of highway 401, at Wbltbyp west of lhway l2. e"TOUR LIQUID CNLORINE REFILL CENTRE" Swîish Maintenance 1501 HopkIns St. Business hours, Whty, Ontarlo 661224 Mon. to Fr1. 8-5 93 Wnchester at Anderson BROOKLIN 855-422 Open 10-8

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