Whitby Free Press, 20 Apr 1983, p. 23

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WHITBY FREE PH Whltby's Most WideIy Read U~REPIRIPIRPRTS T U PORT PERRY AUTO GLASS AND TRUM Windehile- Vinyle Cnvertible tops, complets Inter lors, boat tope, and oseats, au lpin stripes, mouidînge. Port P.rry 985"507 lu Oueeo Streut North Oshawa Auto Body IS m"cI aI nt Jo - Acryllc Enamàel Peint 425.001 Bus. 056-4296 R. 065-44 SUPPLIES PROP &ne sKeg repaire. i-asteer- vice., Fibergiasesand alumlInum boit repaire: Fîbergiua sup- plies. Plastic sheets, tubes and rode. Oshawa Gises Fibre, 341 Durham Street, Oshawa, 579- 1433. PP gAý0 .s E I A OFF GARDEN PLANTS TREES FOR SALE Hobby gardener hie aprue, maple, coder, aeh trese. Dwarf eppie amd peur trees. Ulîc, forsy- thia, Iris, peonins, rhuberb, horsa- radish roots. Strawberry, raap- b.rry plante. Ail very reasonmbiy Priced. For more information 655-4525. TO BUY WANTED Omitch(Gouda>)2!! CalMarty 655-3872 after 6 pm. CASH FOR GOLO Ail GoId and Silver Items, rings, watches, earrlngs, chains, me- dais, and dental gold. Damaged or broken items acceptable. Spe- clal prices for Canadian and American silver coins, any condition. Also buying any for- eign silver coins. SHORTYS CIGAR STORE 121 Brock St. N. Whltby Exclusive Agent ln Whîtby for Northland Gold à Silver Imc. WE- BUY -and SELL' USED APPLIAN CES WE RECONDITION AND GUARANTEE ELECTROHOME dehumidifler, lîke nsw, used once, $100. Phono FOR SALE: mmi setreet mape, Whitby, Pickering, Ajax, Oshawa end West MII. Dickson Printing & Office Supplies Store, Ajax Shopping Plaze, 6U3-1%68. Deaier Inquirles lnvited. GEOTYPE prese-on ietterlng now In stock et Diokson PrIntlng & Of- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selection of styles and suzes. Why psy more for e emalier sheet of ietterIng? 683-1968e. "'HEROES of the Bibi." coiouring book avaliable et Diokeon PrInt- ing & Office Suppiy, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer Inquiries ln- yited. MATCHINO ivory sofsanmd love- seat, good for roc room. Also wsher and frIdge. Beet offer. Phone 85&-3555. SCOTCH PINES & CEDARS. 2 to 5 years. Pick out youref. Week- ends oniy. Reasonabie. Phono 683-8245. SILVERTONE eiectrIc chord organ, 72 chorde, good condition, with bench, $M00firm. Cmii 66&- am6. IOLID OAK pedestai kitchen table with 2 beaves, 4 aide chairs and 2 ceptain chaire. One year oid. 885. Excellent condition. Phone 578-3008. 2"y Storm Doors Triple Sealed *5 clorl89.5'. 4 styles lifstaiied including tex. Aiso eco- nomicai and energy efficient storm or replacement thermal win- dows and patio doors. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 ViIT Our use" fumniture wam-. houe by ippointment. Big savinge on deike, chairs, filing cabInOe, etc. Caii Dickeon Print- lng & Office Supplies to arrange An appointment to vlew. M3- 1%68. WARENOUSE CLEARANCE. 'luge livings On Lendicreens <Dviders) for the office. These screens Meail new for up to $M-000 esch and we rsgulariy "0i them usesd for betwesn 875 and $125 eech. You can buy them now, whIll auppiy lest$, for oniy 82-9.90 sch. Vour choice f rom nesrY One hundred used Land- «Mrens, cash andcarry. Tels- Pliofn ow to M3-»s to arrange an appontment to view et Our Aux Used Offi" Fumltur@ Wire- hou»a. Dickaon Prnting a Office SUPPIles, AIx M3.1Ms ARIITICLES FOR RENT TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakes and modela, by the weekend, week or month. Dscounts avil- able. Dlckeon Printing & Office Supplies In the Aax Plaza. Oelil us for business machine repaire 683-1968. FREE- Drop Int the Diokeon Prlntlng & Office Suppiy store ln the Aax Piaza and pick up a free copy of their 1983 Metrlc Calen. dar. Printed In two coloure, it makes for hendy reference. M83. 1968. J AU3TINS AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 22 6:30 P.M. Brooklln Community Centre. Cassels Rd. E., Hwy; 7 8 12. Our sale consists oi a, 10-pc. wainut dining room suite, oak hall stand, church pew, oal buffet, sofa table, set ai 4 press.backs, oak wash- stand, stencil rocker, aak desk, wicker chair, pressback rocker, Iild dresser, Edison cylinder gramaphone, RCA f loor model gramaphone, weed grass rocker, plus many other chairs, tables, etc. Also of Inter- est we have guns includ- Ing a Fiintlock, brass telescope cIrca 1860, brass ail lamp, finger lamp, wicker baskets, English comnmode set, a smail tapestry, Floren- tine commode set, vin- tage music box, Bristol glass, Camea glass lam- ps, Ramone ail painting & a selection of doils, cracks, glass, china & gold jewelry. Partial list- ing oniy. Preview 4:30 p.m. Terms cash, Visa or approved cheque. AUCTIONEER EARL MacKINNON 655-3526 AUCTION SALE FR1 DAY, APRIL 22 6:30 P.M. (Note change of dey) At Berczy Street Market, Aurora (opposite train station). Coilectables, antiques and household furniture. Terms cash. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 30 12 NOON The Estate of, the late MRS. HELEN HOLTBY ln Brougham on No. 7 High- way west of 'Brook Rd. Sale of large qty. 0f blue, pînk and green Depres- sion glass, pressed glass water >pitchers, cups & saucers, Kings Crown fruit compot, Alfred Mea- kmn set of dishes (approx. 64 pleces), cedar chest, dlocks, 9-pc. walnut din- lng suite, piano, dires- sers, plus numerous other articles. More de- talse next week. Terms cash. No reserve. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 655466 q±GNloS CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 22 6:30 PM. 3 miles east of Little Bni- ain or 7 miles west of Little Britain Rd.-A rouûnd pedestal dIing room- table, 4 matching pres- back chairs, chrome kit- chen suite, antique drop front secretarlat, wash stands, Hussier kîtcheri cupboard, parlor chairs, rust-colored chesterf leld & chair (like new), dlning room extension table, coal 011 lamps, parlor tables, 10" Mastercraft radial armn saw, i1 h ,p. router (lathe 4 router), Hoover vacuum cleaner, bunk beds, qty. tools, china & glass. For Infor- mation for this sale & to consign Items to our barn contact: DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R. 1, Lttle Brltain 705-78&2183 AUCTION SALE' SATURDAY, APRIL 23 il A.M. Auctîon sale, the, pro- perty . f MARY AN- DREW, 49 Cameron St., Pickering Village. Includ- ing: furniture and an- tiques, arrowback chairs, blanket boxes, aId cup- board, table, cupbaard bottam, fancy cups and saucers, dîshes and crystal. Terms cash. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 23 AT 12 NOON The property of Lamne Thompsan, 51 Carnegle St., Port Perry (south of 7A Highway, beside bowling alley). Sale of complete household contents. Furniture, dishes, antiques Includ- ing 9-pc. oak dining suite, 12-Dc. setting Alfred Meakîn dishes, In- gils Citation 30" electric range (less than 1 year old>, G.E. refrigeratar, Kenmore wringer wash- Ing machine (1 yr. old), G.E. dryer, upright f reez- er, pool table (Ilke new), cues & snooker balîs, 4- pc. modemn bedroom suite, Lewit vacuum, chesterfield, accasional chair, 9x12 Oriental type rug, wIcker planter, smal table, Singer tredle sew- lng machine, antique walnut chest of drawers (excellent condition), cedar chest, dressers, Gîngerbread cdock, small mahogany desk, table, Windsor rocker, buffet, f loor lIghts, quilts, gar- den tools, 16'ý aluminum ladder, no. of dishes, pressed glass, no. of cups & saucers, Depres- sian dishes, silverplate plus numerous other arti- cles. Nice clean sale. Owner ln senior citizen home. Terms cash. Na reserve. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 655-4663 ADS HANK'SAPPLIANCES 135 Blooçý5t. F., Oshawa 1 72%-4043 ilowaCIS OFFIE PA CE FOFO RENTNT OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT -wHITIY- Three-roorg Whitby office suite with pri- vate washroom. Has o'ver 750 square *feet of fully broadloomed and air-conditloned spaciousness. Main office about 32 feet long. Could be divid- ed into smaller offic- es. For further infor- mation caîl Catherine Moffat, Century 21 Gold Jacket Reaity Ltd., 668-6221 or rosi- dence 571-3727. RESS, WEUNESDAY APRI L 20, 1983, PAGE 23 1Farmers among finest 3 ti L rad fishermen. What- vrer their problein, bey always seemi to meet our demands for odstuffs with lots left ver teo eil te other ountries. They deserve )be treated wlth re- CLASSIFIFOý J. Triackload 0f. WATER SOFTENER SALT - SALE from AprIl 13-29 4 free draws on 5 baga (20 kg.)>of sait 40 kg. oniy 8.76. No Ilmit. GARY YOUNG IPLUMlbiNOr Downtown Brooklin (behlnd Qulk Bite> 655-4936 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 23 1 P.M. Property of John Kapus- cInski. Corner of Ross- land Rd. & Cochrane St., Whitby. 2 living rm. sets, 20" Zenith colour T.V. 1 yr. old (excellent), 2 large chests of drawers, an- tique oak dining room suite 6 chairs & 2 hut- ches, 3 double bedroom sets, antique ciothes cupboard with, drawer, antique chest of draw- ers, kitchen set, Xeorex stereo & tape deck with speakers, movie camera & projector, short wave radio, woad burning stove, qty. Crown Mason jars, . wringer washIng machine, Hoover washer spin'dryer, chioken Bar- B-O, hotdog & bun cook- er, donut machine (nearly new), new exer- ciser, dishes & siiver- ware, qty. oaken barrels, antique cider press, an- tique sheiiing miii 100 yrs. oid, antique black smiths drill press & anvii, qty. appie boxes, qty. of iumber, 2 large slding doors, storable box 8'x18', 35 Massey gas tractor (excellent>, potato dIgger, garden planter, International 27 baier, side deiivery rake, 41' Alled auger PTO driven, 3 furrow piough, 3 pt. cultivator, 3 pt. blade, double dise, 6 section f lat harrows, 100 gai. or- chard sprayer, vacuum pump (workîng), two wheei trailer, rubber tire wagon, il h.p. wheei horse tractor with 3 blade mower, 71 Chevy Van 350 V8I automatIc, 75 F-100 360 V8, vehicles selllng as is, qty. of hand tools & many other Items too numerous ta men- tion. KENNETH G. PETIERS AUCTIONEER 655-3919 Owner & Auctloneer not reepon- sili for theft or public lilbllity ln connectlon wlth thîs sais. ( %PM T8ET/ OU fM NT LARGE 2-bedroomn apartmsnt to sublet. Adulte oniy. Pooi, exer- lie roomn. Acrosa from Ajax .brary and Post Office. Phono 88&2454. sa 'TW NT.AD .,RENTALS FLORIDA 'flearwater - Three bedroom, mobile homes. Pools, tsnnis,ý close to beachsa 'd major at- tractions, chiidren weicome. $225.00,U.S. weekiy (lese than motel room). OFFESPACE FOR RENT- IDEAL LOCATION New Building close to thé Post Office in WHITBY 2,00 square feet 668-5 1 1 2 THI SPCE ANBE Y OURS FOR ON LV I PENNIES PER I IUSTOMERlI Qjft RAESATE satWA ~TED * ANTED Apartmont bulid- ings andi other in- *came properties. Businosses -bought as going concern. Profit position un- Important. Cali: George Sullivan Ltd. Real Estate Broker 668-8826 NEYR By W. ROGER WORTH Syndicated Columnist Canada Is the bread basket of the world. Canadians have heard that phrase s0 often, they seem to take it for granted that oui farm- ers rate among the fin- est anywhere. Yet the natlon's food producers have very real problema that are little understood by or- dlnary Canadians. Consider what's hap- pening at the. present time. With sprlng plant- lng Just around the cor- ner, many farmers, are scurrying te banks, seeking loans te py for the fertilizer, seed and other necessities. In the fail, when the crop is harvested, the farmer seils the commodity, pays off the bank boan (includlng the intereat), retains whatever is left to cover wages and other costs and (hope- fuily) earns a fair return on a heavy in- vestment." That's the way the system Is supposed to work, but relatively low, food prices and high in- terest rates in meent years have eut profits and, in some cases, have resulted in very real losses. Yet the hardy farmer persists, even when governments add uncer- tainties such as pro- posed massive changes in the freight rate system that mnay or may not be costly te produc- ers. Our fishermen are in the same leaky boat. With the low prices they are offered for their produets, the fishermen are havlng difficulty surviving. In fact, thingsare so bad, it now seems clear that governments will be forced to spend hun- dreds of million of *dol- lars to bail out the in- dustry in Atlantic Canada. The winners in this high-cost, low-price equation, of course, are the nation's consurners. While Canadians spend about 23 per cent of dis- posable income on food, West'Germans lay out more than 30 per cent and the Japanese pay out a whopping 35 per cent or 50 of their in- come on food. k 1, 'I i. - i 4, s

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