Whitby Free Press, 20 Apr 1983, p. 17

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EDITOR'S NOTE: The followLng was released by the Mlnstry of Con- sumer and Commercial Relations. These are typical ex- amples of newspaper ads being run by a new breed of con artists who are preylng on people caught in the jaws of the economic cruncb. They're cailng them- selves financial con- sultants, financial ad- visors or cash finders. They promise to arrange lbans. . .any boan, regardless of amount,* venture or credit rating. AUi hey want in re- turn is a littie upfront 'good faith' money. It could be $100, $200 or- $2,000 ... wbatever the client can afford. "Tbey'il take any- thing," warns Ontario Consumer Minister Dr. Robert Elgie, " because, when you come rigbt down to it, they1re giving notbing in re- turn." Dr. Elgie said bis, ministry bas received numferous complaints from consumers who have advanced Up to $10,000 to secure boans. W FRB4E'EPRÈSÉ,'VÇIÃ"AESIÂY'APRI L*20, 1983, PAGE t7 Con arti*sts preying on people through ads In ail cases, the clients signed contracta and were assured that tbe boans could be arrang- ed.. " iOn paper everytbing booked above-board and poeple walked away thmnkixg tbeir financial problemns were over. Little did they know they were just beginn- ing. P LOAN In one case a man asked a financial con- sultant for a $30,Ooo boan to buy out bis part- ner and pay off some outstancini business debts. He paid $1,000 up- front for tbe lban. Wben bis bills came due, the. financial con- sultant balked saying be couldn't come up with the loan as promised. Before the man could miake otber financial arrangements, bis creditors put the busi- ness into receiversbip to recoup their losses. e....00.0. Highway reconstruction' TORONTO - Ontario Transportation and Communications Minis- ter James Snow bas an- nounced the award of a contract for Highway 7 in the Brooklin area. The- contract is for grading, drainage, gra- nular base and bot mix paving on Hlgbway 7 from 0.4 km oast of Regional Road No. 1, Brougham, oasterly to 0.1 km west of Highway 12, Brooklin, for 11.9 km. Tbis project on High- way 7 is for recon- struction to current de- sign standards. Recon- struction wiil include pavement widening, drainage improvement and partial pavod sboulders. Intersections and entrances wiil be updated wbere required with staggered intersec- tions being eliminated. A loft turn lane wiil be added at Durham Regional Road No. 23 te, improve turning move- ments and traffic flow with tbe overaîl effect providing safer and smootber, driving condi- tions tbrough this area., Work on tbe projet is scbeduled to begin in May 1983 witb comn- pletion set for mid-fall 1983. The contract la awarded to Armbro Materials and Construc- tion Limitod of Bramp- ton, Ontario at a cost of $3,194,417.. In anotber case, a couple loat tbeir 25-acre farnM after paying $10,000 to arrange a $30,OoO mortgage. The mortgage did not corne tbrougb, the mortgagee foreclosed and the couple are now living witb relatives. Wben the clients con- fronted the companies they were told that the boans could not be arranged because tbey were poor credit risks and refused to refund the deposits saying the money had been used to cover business expens- es. "One man's livelihood and a couple's home, down tbe drain. It's a nightmare tbat's likely to worsen if people aren't warned to exer- cise a great deal of cau- tion when dealing with these types of comn- panies." To protect tbem- selves, consumers should avoid paying up- front money to these companies, Dr. Elgie says. Ho advises tbre courses of action: eAuthorize the corn- pany to doduct any ser- vice fees from the pro- ceeds of tho boan. That way you won't be out any money If tbo deal fails through. e If the company w on't agree to this, make out ail cheques in trust. This makes the company a trustee of your money, and as trustee account- able for bow it is spent. If there isa any evidence that tho money was not used for its. intended purpose, charges of fraud can be laid under the Criminal Code of Canada. eOr, consumers can ask the company to have the money placed in trust -witb a tbird-party lawyer. "Tbis wiil provide ad- ded protection for con- sumors' money and give tbom legal grounds for Port Perry play wins awards A theatre- production Of "Nurse Jane goes to Hawaii" by a Port Perry group bas cap- tured first place in an Association of Commu- nity Theatres festival. The theatrical group was presented with first place honours April 9 at Toronto's Harbour Cas- tle Hotel as they tri- umpbed over 35 other entries. The play not only was picked as the best pro- duction of a Canadian play, it also pullod in the award as beat produc- tion. It was also nommnated for best pro- ducer and director but could not complote the sweep. The Witby Thieatre Company will be pro- senting this same farce beginning May 5 at the Centennial Building. 000000000 Seniors o ff to musical Ti'hE-q Seniors' Activity Centre is sponsoring a trip te Toronto's New Village Gate Dinner Theatre to see " One Mo' lime", a New Orleans musical with the original New York cast, on May 17. ot is $21.50 per per- son and includes bus, dinner, ticket and al gratuities. Registration day for this trip is ffiday, April 29 bot- ween 9:30 a.m. and 12 noon. suit if they feel thoy have been dofrauded in any way. P Have the company clearly speil out the torms of the agreement such as interest rates, payment schedules and service fées before sign- ing anytbing. Get what is agreed to written into the contract. It's also Wise to get indopendent logal advice bofore sign- ing anytbing. If you're looking for a mortgage, ask to see the company's mortgage brokors registration. Ail brokers are required to register with the minis- .ry and adhere to cer- tain rules sucb as put- ting ail deposits into a trust account. "If thoy'ro not regis- torod witb us, chances are any deposits paid wii be lost because tbe, companies are already operating outside of the law," explains Dr. Elgie. As an addod precau- tion, the ministry is sending letters to al provincial nowspapors advising them te ask mortgage brokers to proof of registration bo- fore accepting ads for TVPESETNG ~ ON THE PREMISES Il COUPUTERIZED B P«Oý try la bopeful that this wil belp to weed out companles or people that are operating iile- gaily. "Wo've bad at least seven ads puiled over the last two weeks be- cause the companies were not registered. And we hâve greatly appreciated the co- operation of the news- papers involved. We're hoping other newspapera will elp us monitor tbis' problem province-wide."l In addition, ministry investigators are look- Sales Person of The Woek MARGARET BIRD -~ 2,063 SQUARE FEET - Plcture home VENDORS ANXIOUS- MAKE AN facing park, close to Holy Famlly OFFER - $61 ,900 only. 3 bedroomn Church, neutral decor, loveiy brlght brick, excellent location, adjacent kîtchen, vertical biinds ln kitchen, to park, iow down payment. Chris- main floor'famiiy room, fireplace, tine Kendall 668-6221 668-7083. ensuite, beiow cost at $109,900. Lilian North 68-6221 668-7479. SUMMER'S ON THE WAY - So get Into the swlm of things, entertain your guests on the patio, around thîs f uily equlpped, heated lnground pool, or relax at the bar ln thîs home's huge roc. roomn. 4 beds, 2 baths, double car garage, quiet court, Whitby $85,900. Christine Kendall 668-6221 668-7083. OTTER CREEK - Backlng onto greenbelt, 2 storey with double at- tached garage, extra large kitchen oak cabinet8, bright eating area. Main floor famlly roomn, fireplace, walkout. Great value at $105,900. Lîllan North 66822168&7479. $52900 DETACHED - 3 bedroomn home on huge country lot, has a 3 room cottage on the property, com- plete full basemnent, 10% down car- ries for $49084 P.L Christine Ken- dm11 or Karen Geary 68-6221, 668- 7083,579-1013. 14' x 34' GARAGE OR WORKSHOP - 3 loveiy bedrooms, fireplace, finisped rec. room, 3 baths, ln- ground pool, covered deck, 3 baths, ail on a 140' deep lot. Only $99,900. S a aa sey 668-8221 9854265ork.Cetur 21 NORTH-WEST WHITBY EXECUTIVE HOME - 4 Bedroomsa main f loor family room, fîreplace, 3 bathrooms, situated on a large lot backing onto parkiand. Cali Listing Agent for more Information. Sarah Bursey 68&6221 985-9265. LOW, LOW DOWNI - To one mort- gagel Large 3 bedroom twin home, big, bright kitchen, fully fenced yard. Carrnes for $431. a month. Cali now. Mîchele Smili.868221- 571.- 2573. DUTCH CLEAN - $69,9W0. Texas Kit- chen, garage, privacy plus profes. sional rec. room. New 103/% mort- gage only $7,000 down. Catherine Molfet 668-221 571-3727. ARCHITEOT DESIGNED AND GAR. DENER'S DELIGHT - Lovely unique 2-storey 3 bedroom home orrhuge fenced lot with 16 x 32 inground heated pool, main floor famlly roomn wlth fireplace, big eat-in kîtchen, two enclosed sun porches, features central vacuum, built-in dishwasher, laundry chute, a must to see, asking $78,900. Marg or Bill Bird 668-6221 BICYCLES Largo SeloctIon NEW& USED AREPAIRS To Moat Makes CC..-Raloigh - Volo SOtNoro..A.d Lins Diampoîd Bock.-M22 "00» Bay Sports Equpmnt Ltd. mSro6k RdL .. '

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