Whitby Free Press, 2 Mar 1983, p. 33

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY MARCH 2e 1983, P.AGE 17 a au rlte urns ri3 t (~zt~ftnr576, 8647 I CALL I ALLMAKE SERVICE CENTRE Promptt ofSsioitaf sarvice (o di m"asof appliatces. 24 Calder Croscent WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 6M3 Phono 666-3222 -"for service A COMPLETE SERVICE -ON - TRANSMISSION, DIFFeREqNTIAL & DRIVE LINESJ DCERANOWICZ PHONEO66807371 132 BROCK ST. NORTH HITBY, N.,LN4H High qualîty*u photocopylng whill-you-walt. WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY CLEANAWA Y CANADA COMPANY 0f fers excellent heavy' cleanlng services for pri- vate homes and smali offices. Floors, walls, bathrooms. No job Is too big. Reasonable and fuily guaranteed. CALL US TODAY 686-0043 St Clair The MWle & p"peh Safeway Plaza Mldtown Mail 11SImncoe N. 200 John St. [576-9971 Ohaa576-2431 ! TYPEWRITER à CALCULATOR REPAIRS P U ' Geerl vehaleta CARPEMRTSEIVIC.I m anu or electric machines. I p cllz n re o atelý NEWANS Jand ateratîons. Fr eetî.1 OFFICE EOUIPMENT mates. Oeil colleot. 107 lKelth St., Whitby 985-3524n 668-3738 Doors Mlt 4 Sed$ lsES More flua.2" Thlck HG ES 129. PRICES $129 .I nclur Paid for Gold and Silver crL, » r i ni n- finà*eeo Factory SUNRISE CalsS. 4L Whtby ALUMINUM 6U&7602 jewelery, dishes, furni- ture, orooke, 011 paint- ings and sealers. 725-9783 CLASSIFIED ADS For Resuits! CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS I MPROVEM ENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic TII- Ing, Drywaîî, Roc. Rooms, Cedar Docks and Patio Doors. FREE ESIIMATES CALL 668-46861 SEDDON UPHOLSTERY We rebuiid, recover & ropair ALL types of f urnîture. Antiques in sp.clat In Brock St. S. Whltby 666-2921 THE WORLD IS YOURS ... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE.... Whsraver you move the Wei. corne Wagon hostea la the rlght person to heip you find a place In ycur new ccmmunity. Cali 668-8943 CHEAPEST LABOUR IN TOWN! For only pennies per customer, over 22,000 littie salespeople wii*l work hard for you when you place your ad under CALL A ,0O:ESSION,4 Cali now for further details. 1WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 CONGRATULATIONS on your for-- thcomlng merriage. Pisese vlew eur eamples of engraved weddlng Invitations et your sileurs In our Ajax Plaza store. Diceson Prlntlng & Office Supplies 683-1968. MICROWAVE COOKINO - Micro- wmve Cooking March Ã"lass. Pro- registratlon. Llmted number. Cali 668"158. * DUCATIONAL SERVICES9 "GRAMMAR for people Who hate grammar" le the Idesi pocket reference bock for business peo- pie. $3.95 per copy and available Iet lckson Prlntlng & Office Sup. pliles ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer en- quirles invlted 683-1968. SCLANIý SERVICES MINI MAID Lot us take care of your ight housekeep- lng on a regular ba8ls. We clean ln teams using our own equip- ment and supplies. Fully guaranteed. CALL US TODAY 686-1975 SERVICES 8AL'8 Income Tex service, per- sonal and emeill business taxes compieted ln your home. 7 years experlence. Reasonabie rates. For sppolntment oeil 666.2768. DELIVERY à CARTAGE Specializing in Moving: *Off ices *Apartmente " Pianos *Appliances 728-7158 Anytime GIjPRSOALSI May the sacred heart of Jesus be praised, adored and glorified throughout- ,the whole world for ever and ever amen. Say this prayer six times a day for nine days and your prayer will be answered no mat- ter how impossible it may i seem. Don't forget to thank the Sacred Heart with a promise for publi- cation when petition is granted. I ~ HELP WAITED but transportation is. Small local com- pany with good repulation. Interested parties cail Liz at 668-6111 for further details. PERSL IWEIG HT I ISafeiy, neturly, ona&linaturel I.prcducts -mantsln energy,I a nd feel terrifici Faut, simple, jnpnsve. 10% uaratee For Fnformation ocl 63-1893. COMNG EVVEN1S Proessonaly scotedtour* IdepartinaWhitby May17 ln.I 668-7955 I DO YOU HAVE hidden treesures ln your home? Caseh peid for any- [thing oid like fumniture, an- tiques, glsse, chine etc. Estates and household con- tente of special Intereet. Phone I655-3526. ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALIE- ares street mape, Whltby, Pickering, Ajax, Oshawa, and West HiliI. Dickeon Prlntlng & Office Supplies Store, Ajax Shopp- Ing Plaza, 683-1M68. Dealer inquir- les lnvited. "HEROES of the Bible" coîcurîng book available at Dickeon Printing & Office Supply, Ajax Plaza, 683- 1968. Dernier Inquirles inviLd., I<ENMORE washorlspln drysu, good condition, $100. Phono 668- 7821. PICTURE FRAME DISCOUNTS -J -Custom framlng. 0 Over 500 stylos. -Needlework stretched. SAVE NOWI Cali 668-4521 -Todayi VISIT our used fumituro waro- houe by appolntment. Big savinge on deeke, chairs, filing cabinets, etc. Cail Dlckson Print- lng & Office Supplies ta arrange mn appoîntment to vlew. 683-1968. WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6 11 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS CiiIic CAR SERVICES BUTTERFLY, Daycame Contre No. 2 Open e a.m. to 6 p.mn. Qualif ied Staff Children From 18 Months to 2 Vears Hot Meals German Lessons 30 Bosch St., Whltby 66&.8927 OR 571-0031 0BUSINESS 6NIEW" patented Invention "Te Spence ldent,. Canadien 00. just started markceting in Ontaulo Jan- uary 83. From 8.0. Trus ground floor opportunlty. No competition. Be one of the 20 f Irst in your ares. The multl-level plan la Oone of the best around. No lnventory, ne psy. lng downline 20%, 5, 3, 2 on generations. Other cdîstrIbuters Welcome. For appt. cail Errol 57&. 5Mo0r 579.9653. 1 ICL FOR SALE 2" Storm Doors Tiple-Seaied *5colors $189a5e 4 styles lnetalied lInciudlng tex. Alec eco- nomical and energy efficient stonn or replacement thermal win- dows and patio docte. FREE ESTIMATIES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 FWE PAY THEZ TAX! Instant tex rebate on ail waterbeds and eccessorles. Flnenclng avallable. THE WATERSHED 244 Brock St. S. Whltby 666-1303 Open Weekdays 10-9 sel. 10i *CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUE ON 1 PAGE 18 0F THIS EDITION Please check your advertlsoment for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wili flot be hiable for faîlure to pubiish an ad, or for typographic errors ln publica- tion boyond the cost of the spaco occupiod by the error up to a maximum cost of the f irst Insertion. The Whitby Fre Press reserves the rIght to classify or rjeot aIl advortise- monts. Ads must appear ln the papor one day before they can bo changod or cancoî led. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for'20 words; 11 s oach addition- aI word If pre-paîd. You may charge your Cîassifiod Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when calîing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12g: each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 120 each addltionai word. AUCTION SALES - 34s per lino. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are avaîlable at an addithknai charge of $2.00. The Whltby Free Press wiIl mako every on- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no Iiabllity regarding ioss or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will not bo responsible for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to Insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to Insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111l r i M 61 'A - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 f

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