Whitby Free Press, 26 Jan 1983, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 26, 1983, PAGE 17 I f~ CALL A PIOFESSIGMALI È ALL "I ALLMAKE SERVICE CENTRE Proiwpt Prof essioffal Senvicc toall /Ma.cs of/app/ialices. 24 Caider Crescent WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 6M3 Phono 666-3222 for service SEDDON1 [CARPENTRY UPHOLSTERY HOME REPAIRS We rebuiid, & recover & repair IMPROVEMENTS ALI METRO LIC. B-2554 types of f urnIture. Kitchens, Ceramic Tii- ing, Drywaii, Rec. Antiques a speciaty Rooms, Cedar Decks 129 Bock S. S. and Patio Doors. 12WBoc tS* FREE ESTIMATES 666-2921 CALL 668-4686 HIGHEST Clair Tk pi pufl r Mu!opi. PIGHIE ST itoMail 1115W Simcoe N. 2W John St. Pald for Goid and Silver LI Oshawa l coins, oid guns, ciocks, 5697 7-41 Jewelery, dishes, furni- ture, crocks, o11 paint- SPECIAL ings and sealers. RUG CLEANING 725-9783 Living room, dlnlng room and haiiway, any sîza $40 $10 extra for bedroome A COMPLETE 6816 SERVICE ON 6816 TRANSMISSION, Di FFERENTIAL &PLANNING DRIVE LINES& DRAFTING Renovations & Alterations ED CERANOWICZ realdentlal z commercial PHONE 668-0737 , Industriai 132 BROOK ST. N.1ORIO WHITBY, ONTARIO PROJEOT SERVICES Li N 4H4 655-4309 NO FEES.RASP 12¼V4% (5 YR. G.I.C. Compounded Annuaiiy) IMMEDIATE TAX RECEIPT (For Annuai Contributions> Applications Taken Over The Telephone ~ STANDARD 165 Queen Street P.O. Box 1318 Port Perry, Ontario LO051 NO caii Collect: 985-8435 A d&vqA1ze" ot&m 4wà Agent Inquiries Weicome Rates Subjeot To Change Without Notice. Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiii not be liable for faiiure to pubiish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion boyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the rlght to cîassify or rejeot ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear In the paper one day before they can b. changed or canceîîed. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; i le each addition. ai wofd If pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to ýRZES OL Doors WIth 4 Seais More Thon 2"" Thîck1 $1 915inciu Buy Directiy From Factory 1626 SUNRISE CharneSt. SUNRISE Whlt]by ALUMINUM U66-7sà Q INGiO1 7 Nights a week - 25regular games 25total to SEIES ICj BIGO - starts 7 p. m. ý$2,OOO Maxi Jackpot On other specials Il10O35, AdamII A U & EveAu Parking everybodY p18aYS BNG I-W. A t by Just W. .ot Thortltofl Rd. NO(th sldBe b8hWnd & beloW CheCkers teel Lînes oeae by e msofn i h itb yBino Cmi-O7 Ai llaes era by e mbers o f thedewy noComt are pleased to announce the merger .0f their practices as of January 1, 1983 to-carry on the practice of Iaw as AITCHISON, STARZYNSKI, EVANS & SHINE Barristers and Solicitors 115 Simcoe Street South P.O. Box 978 Oshawa, Ontario L1 H 7N2 (416) 433-1200 (416)>433-1174 if ICES' CONGRATULATIONS on your for- thcamIng marriage. Please vlew our samples of engraveti weddlng Invitations et your -lelsure In our Ajax Plaza store. Dlckson Printlng &Off ice Suppliles 883-1968. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER wiii do services for small andi medium companles. Houriy and f lat rates considereti. Gouiti pick- Up andi deliver. Phone 728-7789. HELP le on the way for firme whose prînter has recently gone out of business. Lau Dlckson has the coat cuttlng Ideas yau need et a tîme like thîs, 883-1988. 10RESRATON SERICES "GRAMMAR for people who hale grammar" le the ldeal packet reference book for business peo- pie. $3.95 par copy andi avallable et Dickson Prlnting & Office Sup- pilies ln the Ajax Plusa. Dealer an- qulies Inviteti 883.988. HOUSE CLEANINO done. Expert, prafessional service. Reasonable rates. Cali Lynne 88-5549. REAITRAON * LEARN JOB SKILLS FAST . * ONTARIOI * BUSINESS COLLEGE I Micro-computers, accountlng, word process- * ing and secretairiai programns.I * Next classes start February and March. It's not I * too late to appîy. Cai 576*91 75 M(N earest campus - Oshawa.) CF1hFANKSNKS THANK YOU We wish to thank our rela- tives and friends for gît ts, f Iowers, cards and visits and a special thanks to our daughter, Helen Keys, who suppiied a delicious buffet on our SOth wedd- ing anniversary. Linda & Ray Lamory My thanks to St. Jude and Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours received. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY J.- FROM LISA CASH FOR GOLO Ail GoId and Silver Items, rings, watches, earrings, chains, me- dais, and dental gold. Damaged or broken Items acceptable. Spe- cli prices for Canadian and American siiver coins, any condition. Aiso buying any for- eign silver coins. SHORTY9S CIGAR STORE 121 Brock St. N. Whitby Exclusive Agent ln Whitby for Northiand Goid & Silver lnc. RANDOM HOUSE AUCTIONS 628 Euciid St., Whilby Phone 866&2112 or 66&.3025 Cansîgnments weicome for aur weekly sales. We special- ize in estates, liquidations, bankruptcies anti ail con- slgnments In househaiti con- tents anti antiques. 'WELJ MATURE WOMAN wanted to babysit ln aur home two days a week, Coronetion Roati, Whltby. Must be nan-amoker andi have own transportation. Phone 855-4808. SEVES BUTTERFLY Daycare Centre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Quailfied Staff Chiidren From 18 Months to 2 Years Hot Meals German Lessons 309 Beech St., Whitby 668-8927 OR 571-0031 LOVINO tisycare ln my home (Ash- burn). Any aea welcame. Cal S usan 855-3178 anytime. MATURE WOMAN will babysît ln my home, Whitby. 'Prefer pre- schoolers. Snacks pravîdeti. Friendly nelghbourhood. Phone 6888-5898 after 4 p.m. weekdays anti ask for Nancy. ARTICLES FOR SALE DRY FIREWOOD Beech, maple, white birch. 16"1 sticks. Delîver enywhere. $45 par sîngle cord. Phono (705> 454-8280. FIREWOOD Seasoned Hardwoods Mapie & Beech 11/3Cord (4'x8'x16") $50 WI11 Deliver 985-8284 OR 985-8036 (pert Psrry) GORDON FRASER greetlng carda. A large veriety of carda for ail oc. casions ail at ½h price. came ln now. 131 Brock St.N., Whitby. b HEROES of the Bibie" colourlng book availabie et Dickson Prlnting & Office Supply, Ajax Plaza, 683- 1968. Dealer inquirles Inviteti. KITCHEN CUPOOARDS, counter- top, sink, feucets; gas range wlth double oven; bedroom set, 2 dressera, large mirror, double beti f rame. Best aller. Phone 868-475. 9-PIECE antique derk wainut Sheridan style dlnlng room suite with four leeves. Oueen Anne nurses rocker. Pine mllk stool. Olti metal Ice box. All ln gooti condition. 888-4794 9 s.m. ta 4 P.m. FRMESALE S Large Selectionl ' Expert Servicel IHappy Customersll Sa od J 668-4521 ARTCLES FOR SALE, AUCTiONS, UAL UTfATE AND MOU... CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUE ON PAGE 18 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when caliing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irsi 100 words; 12c each additlonal word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst W0 words; 12s each additionaI word. AUCTION SALES - 34o per Une. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additksnaî charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wiII make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no iiability regarding loss or damage aIleged to arise through failure or deîay in forwarding such replies. We wili not be responsibie for box number replies not cailed for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior ta publication ta insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to Insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 1 I 1. I1 -

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