WHITBY FREE PRESS CHRISTMAS CAROL SECTION, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 23, 198 1, PAGE 7 Hoiday Beauty Hints and revealing gar- ments. Whether you wear soft, halter tops or bare blousons, your s houlders, arms and back should be clear of imperfections. To help you look your "holiday b est,"' here are some hints: After a shower or bath, smooth a moistur- izing lotion on arms, back and legs to seal in the water your skin lias absorbed. *Use an indoor tann- mng produet to do away with bathing-suit strap marks. eThe shoulders and back are among the oiliest areas of the body, even for people with dry skin. If acne appears in these areas, use an ac- ne-cleansing bar and a buffing sponge to re- move excess oil while bathing. e Remember that a good diet, exercise and a daily skin-cleansing routine are essential for glowing, beautiful skin. Take care of yourself and enjoy the holidays. SILENT NIGHT (Key of C) Sulent nlghtl HoIy Nightl Ail Is calm, al Is brlght; Round yon virgin mother and Child, i-oly Infant so tender and mlld, Sleep in eavenly peace, Sleep in eavenly peace. Sulent night! Holy night! Son of God, love's pure llght; Radiant beams from Thy holy face, Wlth the dawn of redeemlng grace, Jesus, Lord, at Thy blrth, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth. Sulent nlghtl Holy nigh't! Shepherds quake at the slght; Giorles stream ftom heaven afar, Heavenly hosts slng HalleluJah, Christ, the Saviour Is borni Christ, the Saviour is borni THE FIRST NOEL The flrst Noci the angel did say Was to certain poor shepherds In fields as they Iay, ln fields where (bey Iay a-keeplng their sheep On a cold wlnter's night that was so dleep. Refrain: NoeI, NoeI, NoeI, Noci, Born Is the King of israel. They Iooked up and saw a star, Shlning ln the east, beyond them afar, And to the eartb Il gave greatlilght, And so It continued both day and nlght. And by the lght of (bat same star Three wlsemen came from country far; To seek for a Kng was thelr ient, And Io follow the star wherever It went. This star drew nlgh to the northwest, Near Bethlehem Il took its rest, And there It dld both stop and stay, Righi over the place where Jesus lay. Then entered ln those wlsemen three, Fell reverently upon their knee, And offered there ln His presence, Their gold and myrrh and frankincense. The let us ail one ac- cord, Sing pralses to our heavenly Lord, That bath made hea- yen and earth of nought, And wltb His blooci manklnd bath brought. Proper Etiquette For Returning Gifts If a garment does not fit, it is proper to ex- change the item for another size. Aside from that, if you are not -sure that the exchange will not be noticed, it is more courteous to keep your gift. GARRETT DOWKER JOHN JOHNSTON LEO ZWIERS LORRAINE VANALSTYNE BILI TURANSKY KAY ROGERS JUDY RAYMOND BEST WISHES FROM THE STAFF 0F W. FRANK REAL ESTATE wgd~-ý HERB VISSER TAMARA NELIPA - RN ELFSAELMT ~MARLENE KERR MERV PARCHMENT 225 BROCK STREET NQRTH 1 r-'r- r-r. '-. --r- -r- -r- r-~j..ir.-WHITBV t368-6171 RUTH MOFFATT KIARY JANE SNOWDEN m NDe " .'.SLE MGR.