Whitby Free Press, 18 Nov 1981, p. 27

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f I I WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 198 1, PAGE 27 Fenneilttacks budgetas "regressive"9 OT1rAWA - Running the Governnient of Canada wiil cost each man, woman and child in this nation $4000 per annum by the fiscal year 1985- 86, according to Ontario Riding MP Scott Fen- neil. Fennell, a Pro- gressive Conservative, made the remark last Friday morning after hearing the budget of Finance Minister Allan MacEachen. Being true to forni as an opposition member of the House 0f Coni- mons, Fennell attacked the government's an- nual economie state- ment saying that "lit screws the middle Town holds class." "It's another tax graft, that's ail," he said in a telephone inter- view from his Ottawa office. While MacEachern did not introduce any across-the-board tax hikes, Fennei ldaims that personal income taxes will double over the next five years. - And the worst hit, lie adds, wil be those in the Middle income group whom lie said were those currently earning between $20,00 and $W,000 a year. By 1986, Fenneli said the middle inconie group will be those earning between $30,000 and $100,000 a year. "It protects the poor, it protects the rîcli," the two-year veteran of national politics said. "But it does nothing for the middle class. " Fennell, who was recently appointed to the shadow cabinet of Opposition Leader Joe Clark, said that the bud- get wilI not promote in- vestinent in Canada - especially 'by Cana- dians. Prior to the budget, the interest on money borrowed for capital in- vestment could be deducted frorn other in- corne sources but that is no longer the case. Now, anyone in that fortunate position of being able to invest can't "afford to carry the cost of the interest rates," Fennell said. "Investment creates Jobs, it's regressive in creating jobs, it will have a negative invest- ment impact," he con- tinued. "Why would anyone borrow to put invest- ment in Canada? " The Tory public works critic was also dis- appointed with the fact that the government did not eut expenditures but did cut transfer pay- ments to the provinces. Because of the latter cut-back, Fennell said that Ontario wilI have to raise its personal in- corne from 48 per cent of the federal tax to 61 per cent simply to stay even. "Somebody has to pay it," lie said, "Our total taxes won't go down at all and everyone will put the blarne on the pro- vinces. " Under MacEachern's budget, Fennel daims that governnent expen- ditures will go up by 22.6 per cent in this fiscal year alone. However, Fennell is concerned about what these expenditures will be like in five years. The Governument of Canada, he says, will spend some $47.9 billion in the fiscal year 1980- 811,' excluding $10.7 billion il will spend to pay public debt charges. In the fiscal year 1985- 86, the goverrnent will spend $83 billion plus $20.3 billion in public debt charges. Fennell counters Mac- Eachern's belief that high interest rates help to keep the inflation rate down because of tight înoney supply. "It crates inflation, it puts the price of everything up, " le said. However, he adds that the governument is for- ced to keep the rates high because of its $137 billion foreign debt and since rates are high in other countries, Canada must pay a competitive rate. expansion." But his greatest criti- He also said that lie cisms of the budget are cannot find anything the "4regressive" good to say about the measures concerming document. investment. "I can't find a benefit "It (the budget) will of a really important mean a reduction in in- nature. Even if it was a vestment by the private budget that we (the Pro- sector," Fenneil gressive Conservatives) believes, adding, "there brouglit down, 1 would will be a reduction in stiil objeet to it. " employment, a redue- 've looked for some- tion in research and thing good in a very development to modern- Canadian way, but I ize our industry and a can't find a thing," reduction in industrial Fenneli concluded. ANNOUNCEMENTS RECEPTION CARDS INVITATIONS THANK YOU CARDS hockey sehool The Whitby Recrea- tion Department is taking registration for hockey school. This course emplia- sizes skating skills and puck handling in order to prepare boys and girls for more advanced hockey play. Children seven years old and up must be able to skate. The following equip- ment is requird skates, helmet with face guard, stick, gloves (shin pads are preferred wherever possible) . This program operates Fridays, 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. for eight weeks commencing November 27 and ending January 29, 1982. The fee for the prograni is $20. Register at Iroquois Recreation Complex or caîl 668- 7765. Seniors get lower rate Effective November, 1981, senior citizens are able to enroîl in any Durham Region YMCA social and physical pro- grams at one haîf the regular cost. Reduced rates there- by apply to winter, 1982 activiies run by the 'Y', and information> wilI be available in mid- December. The Durham Region 'Y' staff have planned many programs with the interests and needs of seniors in mind, and special rates are intend- ed to expand opportuni- ties for full participa'- tion. For more information ca Il 668-M86. S-IMOI -1 PWS~W *EMMTV *w sexx-U Eusc~u1'W, THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WH ITBY The Planning Act NOTICE 0F THE PASSINGO0F A BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY TO REGULATE LAND USE PURSUANT TO SECTION 390OF THE PLANNING ACT Take Notice that the Council of the Town of Whitby has passed By-Iaws 1226- 81 and 1 267-81, on the twenty-sixth day of October, 1981, pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of The Planning Act. The following Sohedules are attached hereto: 1. Sohedule 1, beingacopyof By-laws 1266-81 and 1267-81; *2. Scheduîe 2, consisting 0f the followIng: (1) An expianation of the purpose and effeot 0f the by-laws; (2) A key mnap which shows the location of the lands to which the by- laws appIy (or, where there Is no key mapan explanation as to why a key map is not included.) 3. Sohedule 3, being a statemrent of the chief planning officer 0f the Regional Municlpality of Durham ln which the land to which the by-laws apply is situate. ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY, within twenty-one days after the date of mailing, personal service or publication of this notice, flile with the clerk of the Town of Whitby notice of an objection to the approval of the said by-laws or part thereof together with the details of ail or that portion of the by-laws to which there Is objection and detailed reasons thereof. ANY PERSON wishing to support the application for approval of the by-Iaws may, within twenty-one days after the date of the mailing, personal service or publication of this notice, file with the clerk of the Town of Whitby notice of support of the application for approval of the said by-laws. If no notice 0f objection has been filed with the cIerk of the munIcipality within the time provided, the by-Iawvs thereupon corne Into effect and do not require the approvai of The Ontario Munilcipal Board. If a >notice of objection has been f iled with the clerk of the municipality within the time provided, the by-laws shahl be submitted to The Ontario Municipal Board and the by-laws do not corne into effect until approved by The Ontario Municipal Board. THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS IS DECEMBER 9, 1981. THE OBJECTIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THIS DATE IN ORDER TO BE VALID. Dated at the Town of Whitby this eighteenth day of November, 1981. Donald G. McKay, B.A., A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Sohedule 1. The foiîowing Is a copy of By-law 1266-81. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY BYLAW NUMBER 1266-81 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 2585 WHEREAS the Municipal Council of The Corporation of the Town of Whitby deems It advlsabîe to amend By-law 2585; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as a By-law of The Corporation of the Town of Whitby by the Council thereof as follows: 1.- That Section 6<2Xe) of By-Iaw 2585 is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law, in a Residential Zone a detached private garage, carport or other accessory building may be erec- ted and used In the side or rear yard provided that such accessory building s located no dloser than 1 metre to any interior side or rear lot Ilne and 4.5 metres to any street line. Notwithstanding the foregoing, where a mutual garage is erected on a common lot Ilne between two lots, no interior side yard is required. .4 BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 26TH DAY OF OCTOBER, A.D., 1981. Don McKay TOWN CLERK R. Attersiey MAYOR Scheduie 1. The f olIowing le a copy of By-law 1267-81 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY BY-LAW NUMBER 1267-81 BEING A BY.LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 1784 WHEREAS the Municipal Council of The Corporation of the Town 0f WhItby deems It advlsable to amend By-Iaw 1784; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as a By-Iaw of The Corporation 0f the Town of Whitby by the Council thereof as foi.lows: 1 . That Section 40of By-iaw 1784 is hereby amended by adding an addltionaî Subsection (X) as follows: Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law, in a Residentiai Zone a detached private garage, carport or other accessory building may be erec- ted and used in the side or rear yard provided that such accessory building is located no dloser than 1 metre to any interior side or rear lot Une and 4.5 metres to any street uine. Notwithstanding the foregoing, where a mutual garage is erected on a common lot uine between two lots, no Interior side yard is required. BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 26TH DAY OF OCTOBER, A.D., 1981. Don McKay TQWN CLERK R. Attersiey MAYOR SCHEDULE2 1. The purpose and effect of By-laws 1266-81 and 1267-81 is: (a) to permit the location of accessory buildings within the side and rear yards of the residential lots; and, (b) to provide for the suitable spacing of accessory buildings on resi- dential lots. 2. Key Map: A Key Map is not included with this notice as the By-laws appiy to ail residential lots ln the Town 0f Whitby and the actual By-law Amend- ments are changes in text only to By-laws 2585 and 2784. Schodule 3, STATEMENT 0F CONFORMITY TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM 1, Mofeed Michael, the Chief Planning Off icer of The Regional Municipality of Durham, have reviewed By-laws 1266-81 & 1267-81 of the Town of Whitby. I arn of the opinion that these By-Iaws are in conformity with the Offiîciai Plan in effect for the Durham Planning Area. Dated this 6th day of Novernber, 1981. Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. Cornrissioner of Planning This Schedule 3 is iuued to the Town of Whitby for By-Iaw 1266-81 & 1267-81 pursuant to Ontario RêVulation 78180, a regulation made under The Planning Act.'

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