WIIITI3Y FEE IPRFSS. \VLINl SI)AYMAY27, 1981,PAGEL Only federal government can bring di CONT'I) PROM PG. 8 fice, Ashe said that this would "not particularly" act as a stimulus to the economy. Despite this answer, Ashe said that the budget should have a couple of indirect af- fects. Firstly, the tax in- creases will eliminate the government's need to borrow more money, leaving those capital funds for the private sector. Secondly, Ashe said that the BILD (Board of In- dustrial Leadership and Development) program will, hopefully, encourage a development and thereby provide more jobs. own interest rates: Last week, the opposition Liberal and New Democratic Parties soundly chastised the Progressive Conservative government for doing nothing about high interest rates. Ashe said that the gover- nment, quite simply, could do nothing about it, since in- terest rates are strictly a federal responsibility because the Government of Canada controls the Bank of Canada. "Frankly,-on our own (we can do) nothing," he said, adding that only the federal government has the legislative authority to amend the Bank Act and or- der the decline of interest rates. He said that the provincial government has no authority or input in the ma tter. "They have the power and the authority to do somnething at the front end and we have nothing," the minister said. Coping with interest rates "has to be done on a national scale" and it is "exclusively" the jurisdiction of the federal government. Although Durham West residents will have to pay for the budget like other On- Ashe tarians, Ashe said that he does flot see a great deal more money being spent in the riding other than previously announced programs such as the con- struction of the L.C.B.O. warehouse and the redevelopment of the Whit- by Psychiatric Hospital. Our rbest carriers Sally Stinson, Free Press circulation manager, recently presented three of the paper's top carriers with a Whitby Free Press T-shirt for their collection efforts in the month of April. From left to right are Stepha nie Eilerson, Arleigh Fairhart and Ronnie Anderson. Ambulance calis During the week that en- ded at midnight last Thur- sday, the Whitby Ambulance Service responded to 94 calis for service. According to co-owner Derek Pearce, the service responded to 27 routine calis and to 33 standby calîs for other ambulance services in Oshawa and Ajax. The service also respon- ded to 34 emnergency calîs including five motor vehicle accidents. IF YOU ARE INVOLVED UN AN ACCIDENTI 1. Cali the Police. (Dont admitliîabilit ylet the police dec #de) 2. Caà li your lnsurance cagent. (Explan the problem 3. Cali Home. (YouII be at Ieast one hour late 4. Cali OSHAWA CAR CARE LTD. (tt's your choce where your car s repaire. We have the most up to date equipmeflt $0 repair any car on the road today. We guararitee satisfaction, NEW CAR RENTAIS ei 55.00 per day - no mileage. 660 Drake St. 576-1019 100 Byron St. S., Wh itby Midtown Mail, Oshawa OUR BYRON ST. STORE IS MOVING TO 211 BROCK ST. S., W.HITBY JUNE isi, 981 (Byron St. S. store only) NOW TIL JUNE I BUYI1-GETi1 1/2 PRICE!. r MODAY UNE Si E FIRST 10 PEOPLE TO SHOP IN OUR NEW BROCK ST,.STORE ERegularT-SHIRT$1.OO 20% cOFF JUNE I -JUNE6 ONCE UPO[J A T-SH1-IRT E 211 Brock Si. S., WhiIL)y E Sorrv, 1Imisse(lyour moving sale spectals EE w Please give me E 1O%OFF ELiuliS tind o upon * ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ * RECEPTION CARDS * NVITATIONS