WIIITBY FRI-11- RIiSS, WI1DNESDAYAPRI L 2),1981, PAGIi ý3 Johns says . 0.0. Pl CONi O I ROM 1"(;. rent supplei programs," he said: report. "However,t the town can get invoJ, these programs, or decide whetheri desirable to do so province requires tI municipal hou statement be preparec Short said that coun( authorized the pla: department to underta, preparation of the statq provided that a study is received fromn the Or Ministry of Housing. He is in favor of pre: such a report because eople sh 1give the town "a better per- nient spective of what the real in his situation is. " before According to Doug Johns, Ived inl the region's social services even committee, the allegations it 's brought forward by Com- ), the munity Care are "absolutely hat a true. " uiin g "Hlowever, the problem is not unique to Whitby," he icil has said adding that the problem inning exists in all of the region's ake the urban areas. ement But Johns cannot do rgrant anything to help solve the ntaric' problem. "The region can't do a ýparing thing about it, the region is it will not.responsible for housing, louldn't"lve :Lk dgs" it is the responsibility 0f the local municipality, " he said. Saying that "regional government can only recognize the problem, " Johns said that there are two solutions to the problem. One is to provide sufficient pension income to allow these people to afford better accommodation. The other is the en- couragement of 10w income residential development. - We should be en- couraging geared-to-income public housing that old people can afford, " he sa id. "People shouldn't ive like dogs," Johns continued saying that because of their fixed incomes "they have to ta ke wha t they ca n get. " Johns said that he is frustrated by the problem. "It is a social service problem but it is not one that 1 have any control over. " It seems as though no one else does either. RICHARD'S * RItISHINO Free EstImatese * "Give Your Fumfture a Face Lift" 600 Euclld St.,. Whitby* *Çi Rmi Rck Forestal 66-2992 a .4 Rub adcub dub "The Vulgar Uoatmen" of the Whitby Jaycees are seen here floating down the Credit Ri ver during the recently held Georgetown Jaycees ' " Crazy Boat Race." While we are pleased to report that captain Jim Cox and crew members Phil Bayer and Bob Buchan finished the race, they did so only after capsizing a couple of times. Unfor- tunately, they didn't place among the winners. - Photo by Bob Richardson NDPs rebuild Losing*the battle of the March 19 provincial election does not necessarily mean they have lost the war ac- cording to the South Central Ontario Area Council of the New Democratic Party. Last week, the council - which represents NDP organizations in the ridings of Durham West, Oshawa, Durham East, Durham York and Victoria-Halibur- ton - met for the first time since the election. The council will encourage local riding association executives to hold meetings to re-evaluate their progress and stress policy discussions. "There is definitely a lot of rebuilding to do, and that's what we are going to do," Terry O'Connor of Oshawa, a member of the NDP's provincial executive, said. "'One election does not make a war. " j/ .-.5'.., .s3ss~, «t,, ~*, ~/ MeALLISTEIfS PRESENT A SALE O N (OS'leffel 1 LAMPS STIFFEL Lamps are distinctive in design, flawless in craftsman- ship. Each lamp is a treasure from Stiffel - artisans in Iam- pcraft. Choose from more than 200 different styles. There's one to fit beautifully into your home, fit sensibly into your budget. There are no f iner Iam ps made. SAVINGS 0F 15% McALLISTII! 1 Ph - Where discern'ng people make an invesiment mn beauty 70 Rossland Rd. W.. Oshawa (416) 576-6465 Mon.. Tues.Wed. 106 -Thurs. Fri. 10-9 - Sa.l105 TELEPH+ONES UNLIrIITCD Whitby Mail, Whitby, 571-2010