WHITBY COMMUN ITY CARE The annual meeting of Whitby Community Care wiIl be held on April 29 in the auditorium of the Fairview Lodge Home for the Aged beginning at 7:45 p.m. Everyone is welcomne and those needing transportation can caîl 668-622. ASHBURN NEWS The Kirk Guild of Burn's Presbyterian Church, Ash- burn, is sponsoring a craft and hobby show on April 25 fromn 2 to 4:30 p. m. a nd f rom 7 to 9 p. m. in the church halIl. Admission is 25 cents. ASHBURN COMMUNITY CENTRE The Ashburn Community Centre is holding a euchre night on Thursday, April 23 at 8 p.m. CLASS 0F '56 Dance to the music of the "Class of '56", Toronto's top show and dance band at the second annual "50's Dance" sponsored by Oie Brooklin and District Kinsmen Club, Saturday, April 2.9 from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Brooklin Memorial Arena. Tickets, which are $1$0 per person, include a cold buffet, door prizes, spot prizes, jive contest, ar'd prizes for the best dressed male and femnale in the style o! the '5's. Tickets are available fromn Fred Baron at 655-4818 or Don Vipond at 655-4953. AIl fproceeds go towards comn- munity service. BURN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Burn's Proabytorlan Church, Ashburn Is celebrating Commonoration Sunday on April 26 ai 11:15 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Mrs. John Geddos of Taiwan wilI be present at the church school ai 10 a.m. and pmesent ai the church service. Miss Doreen Morrlson from India wiII be present ai the morning service. In the evenlng, John Geddes wIi loin th. missionary teamn with the balance beîng picked up by the Ontario Durham Regional Council will spend $500,000 to recon- struct the Ashburn Road fromn it's beginning at High- way 7 and 12 in Myrtle to Ashburn Village. At last week's meeting of council, a tender was awar- ded to Dagmar Construction Ltd. of Markham to under- take the work on the 2.1 kilometer section o! road. According to REgional Public Works Commissioner Bill Twelvetrees ap- proximately 3,000 vehiches use the road every day. t was originally built in 1955 and extends from Myr- tie to Claremont which is hocated in the rural area of the Town o! Pickering. The reconstruction project will cost the region $189,000 Shali ihat Herb cissum tng for a prosentation. Everyone la invlted to attend. MEADOWCREST SCHOOL NEWS Applause - the most gratifying reward for performers. Certainly the applause that the acknowledged the presen- tation of "Oliver" by the students of 'Meadowcrest Public School must have been gratifying and signified that the musical play was a resounding success. On behaîf of the school's advisory committee, I would lieto extend our sincere congratulationsa to ahl those who participated; students, staff and others on a most commendable achievement. R.G.Randall BROOKLIN UNITED CHURCH The United Church Messengers will meet on Wed- nesday, May 6 fromn 3:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please return donation boxes at this meeting. BROOKLIN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The Brooklin Horticultural Society will be holding it's annual plant auction at their next meeting. Ken Brown, our multi-talented member will auction off a wide variety of indoor and outdoor plants. An "Easter Parade" flower show featuring the daffodil w'lalso be on display. The event will be held at the Brooklin United Church on April 22 at 8 p.m. BLOCK PARENTS The Whitby and Brooklin Block Parents are having a rummagfe and bake sale on Saturday, May 2 at Fairview Lodge fromn 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. PLease keep any rummage that you might have and telephone your area chairperson, Heather Bray at 655-3334 to arrange pick-up. We will collect rumnmage anytime and baked goods April 30 or May 1by 3:30 p.m. BROOKLIN BRANCH LIBRARY Afternoon speakers next Tuesday at the library will be Jane Baron from Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village. The program starta at 12:30 p.m. Pre-sehool story hour will run concurrently in the children's ibrary. MISS BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR The committee for the Miss Brooklin Sprin Fair Pageant is pleased with the response so far by young ladies to enter this year's fpageant. If there are any others interested in participating, cal Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Ackland is looking foruiar< HERBIE' - will be management of 1<> serviciflg alii vouF iechan cli!nee<ls. Corner of Hwy. 7 &12 65 5-a4 23'2 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRI L 22,198X1, PAGE 7 as soon as possible. Eequirements are that girls are single, between the ages of 17 and 21 (as of August, 1981) and reside in the Town of Whitby (Ashburn, Brooklin, Myrtle or Whitby). For more information contact Erline Young at 6554936 or Susan Smith at 655-4737. Susan Smith 655-4737 Brown's Foodmaster (bof ore noon Saturday) Tremco NSTANT PATCH Stp a-l udo lUrs . Fast and easy -'Si.- ta use. Tremco $76 90mâRUST PAINT I l Paint over sourc rust wsth lttte sand, Leaf'n L&te, -GARBAGE BAGS Lift I Clean up flow w heavy gauge pias- e-tic bmpg $1k8 dM b i n r. LEAF RAKE Matai fanatylo rake. wood han- dW.1 MICHELL IROTHEIS CASSELS& CHURCH ST BROOKLIN 6554991 Roman Catholio Churches ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST HOLY FAMILY 903 Gi f fard St. 668-3676 Masses at St. Pau's School MA SE 200 Garrard Rd. 576-2098 MASSESMASSES Saturdoy, 7 p.rn. Saturday, 7 p.m. Sunday, 9 &.m., 10:30 8rn.. 12:15 p.rn. Sunday, 9 &.mn., 10:15 &rn., 11:15 a.m. 1"Know that I arn with you always; yes to the end of time." Wh en you stop to think you'11 think to stop at BROOKLIN HOME BAKER Y AND DELICATESSE-N 61 BALD W/N. ST. BROOKLIN 655-4951 FEA TURING OUR NEW PRODUCTS starting Thurs. Apr. 23 hamburger buns.....6..........B9doz. large dinner rolis ........79 doz. limit.3 doz. please phone orders accepted lean cooked ham............ $2.98 Ibo reg $3.90 Also see our regu/ar lIne of fine products ail made daily on the premises NO ADDITIVES Check into our wee k/y feature buys. Week of Apr. 28- jelly and glazed DONUTS - $1.402 doz. reg. $1.902 Region to spend $500,00 to reconstruet Ashburn Road 1981 Fiat MARIAN AUTO 25 GRENFELL ST., OSHAWA 728-5179 M I BROOKLIN SHELL Jan Koke is pleased Io announce Brook lin Sheli (corner of Hwýy. 7 andI 12) effective April 27. Herb is well known in thne Whitby area. hauig wrked ut Koke s Shelfor the past 12 .veurs. Herb a- ---