Press Emnporiumi CaliI668-6111 mai Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the foîlowing Conditions. w ARTICLES FOR SALE WHITE WEDDING DRESS, suze 12, in very good condition. like new $100. Cati aller 6 p.m. at 668-9836 Feb. 4,81 GIRLS BEIGE ALL-WEATHER COAT with attachad hood. Size 12 $25. Cati 668-1076, Feb.25,8 1 BOYS' 3-PIECE SUIT $10. Witt go iass, BOYS' SHIRTS tapprox,6)tfrom 75 - $1. BOYS' SWEATERS lapprox. 61 from $3 - $5. Size 14. Att reasonabiy prîcad. Cati 7282578. Mat 18,81 BABY ITEMS IN GOOD CONDITION. crib $30, Pedestai high chair $20. Watker $5, Pisypan $30, Bath table $35. Cati M66-093 evanings. Fab 18,81 BABY ITEMS FOR SALE - Crib & Mat- Irea $25. Maah Piaypen $20. Swing- O-Matic $12. Car Seat $15. High Chair $5. Bath Change Table $40. Two Bottle Sterîtzeas $7 aach. Gen- dran Stroller with datachabla boot& windbreaker $40. Cati 666-1419. Mar.25,81 ELECTRIC GUITAR, ika new, $95. BONTEMPI TABLE ORGAN $20. BLACK AND DECKER CIRCULAR SAW $15. Phone 668-4407. Fab 25,81 LOWREY GENIE ELECTRIC ORGAN. 1 year oid. Askîng $900. Cati 985- 8573 Fab 4,81 SILVER HOLTEN TRUMPET WITH CASE, tîke new $250. Cati 723-0855 Jan 21,81 CONN ORGAN, $1100. Strummer section and bench. Leslie speakers. Buffet wIlh mirror attached, $100. Dresser with miror $50 Cati 623- 2769 Feb 11,8 1 PINBALI. MACHINE, regular sîzed, $300, GO-KART, 1980 Bobcat, $500. Cati 668-3024 Mar.18,81 CHESS COMPUTER for sale $300 Plays ai *10 Levais- plus postai gamex Cati 6684670 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. 25 volumes ot 1904 adition, Askîng $65, Phona 655-4456. Mar.4,81 1978 GOEBEL ANNUAL HUMMEL PLATE WITH BOX. $185. Phone 668- 6461 allaiý 6 p.m< Feb 25,81 STEREO with stand $100ý HIGH CHAIR $10 3 LADIES' COATS - sire 12 - Leather $30, 2 luliilenglil $25 each Cati 6663428 Mar 4,81 Ovni KITCHEN TABLE & teal $50 Ladiea FIGURE SKATES. sîues 51½ and 6. $8 a pair Cati 6680170 Feb 11.81 Throt TIRES for sale. Iwo snows $25 a pair. 6 50 x 13. one summer $1 0, 600 x 13 One DODGE WHEEL RIM, 15 inchr, $10 On. 12-foot ALUMINUM CAR TOP a 1-- 93 a 2 SNOW TIRES & RIMS - size 14. $40 each. 1 NEW LADY'S COAT - size 20ý $80ý SHOWER CURTAIN $10. MINIATURE CRIB $35, ELECTRIC GRILL $25. ELECTRIC COFFEEPOT $10. ELECTRIC CAN OPENER $5. SLOW COOKER $20ý 4 AUTOMATIC DOOR CLOSERS $20 each. 1 TV AM- PLIFIER $40. CHILD'S LAMP FIX- TURE $8. Cxli 571-0271, Feb.25,81 FLATBED TRAILER with duel asies, 20' long, $3.000. 50 CEDAR RAIILS, $1 each. 5 SHRUBS, $10 each. 1973 MARQUIS BROUGHAM, onty 27,000 mites, A-i condition, $3000 f irm. Cati 668-9656. Mar.4,81 1 AIR CONDITIONER, 8.000 BTU, $150ý 1 20" FAN, $15. 1 ROLLAWAY BED, $25. 1 Pair Pale Green DRAPES & Thermal Lning, 150" x 95, $50. 1 Pair Brown DRAPES & Thermal Linlng, 150" s 95', $50. 1 CAST IRON BARBEQUE ON WHEELS $30. 1 SALON-TYPE HAIR DRIER $20. Cati 668-4686. Mar.25,81 CASCADE 40 EIeclric Waller Heter, 5 years old asking $50. Anthes OiId Bumlng Furnace with extra 2 speed motor & power humidifier. asking $200. 200 Gallon 011 Tank, with ap- proximateiy 40 gai oit asking $50. Cati after 5 p.m. 668-4326 Jas 28,81 McCULLOCH CHAIN SAW $60. SINGER SEWING MACHINE, blue in cotor, $50. BISSELL CARPET SWEEPER $10. CaiI655-3772. Mar.2581 MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Two plane tickets on the 271h ot April. 1-way. $100 each. Big savinga on regular pricet Cati 683-6571 evenhrîgs. Mar 18,81 1971 CHEVELLE, 4 door. 327 motor, automatic. as ix, needs body work, heavy duty springs ail around, front end iuxt done. $500. Cati 723-0855 Jan 21,81 1972 PONTIAC STATION WAGON, PIS, PIB. Power Rear Window, ideal for contractor $550 as ix or will cer- tîty Cati 668-1481 Feb. 4,81 72 CUTLASS OLDSMOBILE. New paint, 5 stot magx, no plastic, perfect runnîng condition, 127,000 miles on car, 53,000 miles on angine & tran- smission Brakes good Askinq $1.600. Cai 668-1588 Mai 25,81 73 FORD GRAND TORINO 10 soit fur parts Askîng $750 or besi otter Engîna 351 Windsor. 65,000 original miles New Holepy 650 CSM 4-barrai carburator New Offenhauser high. rixe manitold New Mattory duel- point dîtributor New triple-cure radiator Superior mag rima ait around Ail parts good in thîs car Cati 725-9537 Feb 1881 1974 ASTRA. as 's. qood condition, $1300 Caii days 668-6922 or ove---- - g a "0 46A 74 DODGE CORONET. nîng condition $700 tîtîed Cati 668,1564 Cuoudrton Cao be cet Feb 25,81 1974 DODGE VAN, runnînig condition, PS. P/B. 6 cyt., aulomnatic $6W0 or beat aller As ix Cati 666-3528 Jan 28,81 1974 FORD F100 PICK UP. Very good shape Askinq $1,150 certîîîed Cali 655 3527 aller 5 p m Fao 4,81 1976 MONTE CARLO. cale leaures P(S< P B, air condition, AMiFM cassette, %*ivei bucktesradiailires, 61,000 miles $3750 cerried Ex cellent condition Cati 655 3026 an s-r me J ati2 1 81l PLEASE READ Whrrt the advertised item is sold, dIsposed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item wili be deemed to have been sold and a commission wilI be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ilustrated beiow, regardiess if priCe Is stated with "best of fer". If the Item Is NOT SOLb, or disposed of, the ad wili be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $300 wiII appîy. Ail advertisements must be pîaCed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at Ieast one month if not sold. RATES (If art1kîe la soîd): 5% of advertîsed prîce Up ta $40000 2% of balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertîsed for $120.00 -commssion due $6,00 (minimumcharge ls $3.00) Prîvate advertîsîng onîy! Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediateîy when Item is soîd so that we may delete it f rom the foîîowing issues. AIl ads not fîtting the Emporium guidelines wil) be treated and Charged per week as regular Cassified ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, heîp wanted, CIothing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting priCe or quantity: Prîvate Cassified ads may appear ln the Emporium section Under appropriate headîngs. AIl ada wll go0In cisaafiedsacclion unioe.oth.rwlae ap.clled. If in doubt, cal 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Li N 5S1 OR DELI VER TO: 131 BrockSt.N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. iUTOMMES FOR SALE - 1976 PONTIAC VENTURA. 2-door hatchback, 260 V8. Power brakes & stoerîng. Certîlied Oct.180. $1,795, Caîl afler 6 pm, 839-5656, Feb,25.81 26 FT. SUPERIOR MOTOR HOME, CLASS A self contaîned bedroomn wîth vanîly, fli bathroom wîfh sink, vanity, toîlet, bath & shower, 4 burner stova & oven, double steel sink, extra large sîze fridga. large furnace, newiy decorated. 440 Oodge molor, $12.500 or beat olfer. Cati 663-3030. Jas 14.81 A. ~TVEr ~~EPAI1S IPART 350 CHEV SM BLOCK, 4 boit main. t1 5-1 TIIW pistons, cam. 202. tieads. mure Bis ru prove Brarnd new $100or )besi oller Cai 6836487 Mal 18.81 ELECTRONIC IGNITION lot 75 Veqa and Astra $25, cati 666-3995 Mat 18.81 15" WIRE SPOKE T BIRD WHEEL COVERS, regutariy $385 lot $100 Cati Hank at 668-4795 Mat 18,81 CHRYSLER PARTS FOR SALE 16 NEW TRW LIFTERS for big block, $70 NEW CLUTCH DRIVE UNIT WITH FAN $70. ONE NEW EXHAUST PIPE (replaces convortorl for Vil LeBarun. Cordoba, Dîplomat $45 ONE NEW GAS TANK FILLER NECK tregular gaxi for 2-door LeBaron. Cor- doba, Dîplomat $18 ONE NEW DOOR SKIN for 6769 Baracuda. passenger aide. $45, ONE NEW 7 BLADE STEEL FAN $18. TWO NEW UN.tROYAL CE RADIALS. size P205i75R15. $140 for pair FOUR NEW MICHELIN ZX RADIALS, sîze 16570SR13, $240 for sot FOUR NEW RALLY WHEELS for Omni & Horizon. $260 FOUR USED AUNGER HOT WIRE ALUMINUM MAG WHEELS, 15' x 7", $150 ONE USED 340 AVS INTAKE MANIFOLD $60 TWO USED 340W383 AVS CARBURATORS. $30 C-a-r. ONE USED 69 BARACUDA NOSE PIECE $20 ONE NEW SET 0F RAC GUAGES îîîl cale' ampi $25 ONE USEO RADIO fîýt Honda wIth speaker and antenne@ $30 Cal 655 32&5 Mat 1881 IMM!HOUSEHOLDI ANTIQUE OAK DINING ROOM SUITE. 6 chairs & hutch. Excellent con- dition. $950. 54" SPANISH OAK FORMICA BUFFET with glass douta. 1 year oid. $325. GENERAL ELEC- TRIC STOVE. White, excellent con- dition. $150. Cati 579-8915. Feb 25.81 SOLtO PINE WITH OAK DINING ROOM SUITE. Huich buffet, 2 atmn chairs, 2 aide chairs, speciai lacquer finish on top. Table 6' long - val. Two 1, beaves. Medium bruwn staîn, Axkîng $2.800. Phono 723-9398. ose large TEAK COFFEE TABLE, good condition, $50. Cati 668-6747 al- ter 5, Mar.4,81 THICK SOLID PINE TRESTIE TABLE, 37'/2 wîde o 59 long. Extenda Io 80" $500 4-DRAWER CHEST ON CHEST - "Roxton" 45 hîgh x 34 wîde $350 3-SEATER BED CHESTERFIELD AND MATCHING CHAIR. $300 SWEDISH STEEL FIRE SCREEN. 36 wîde x 28'!., hîgh and MATCHING FIRE SET. $35 complote Cati 668-2258 Feb.25,81 TRESTLE DESK, DARK HONEY PIN E, wîth brasa finish handias and knobs. Complote wîth Captaîn Style Chair - $575. Cati 666-1899 Jas 28,81 ANTIQUE WALNUT DRESSER. Cîrca 1890. 8 drawerx, 3 mirrors il flli- ength. 2 wîngi. $350. Evonînga. Sundays 668-3729. Fob.25,81 CHEST 0F DRAWERS, birCh, 5. drawer, good condition, $80 MOVIE EOUIPMENT, Brownîe 300 movie pruiector. edîtor and acreen. lîke new. $75 Cali 655-3285 Mat 11.81 SPANISH DESIGN BAR. black ioather & veivet, strobe lghta on both ides, includes record player. AMIFM wîlh 8 trac, large unit. includes 3 bar touts. 2 customed speakers vaiued ai $1,000 asking $400 Cati 683-3030 Othel items for sale Jas 21,81 2 YOUTH BED 66s*33 Very good eaCh 0ail 668-4193 MATTRESSES condition $20 Feb 25,81 One DOUBLE BED. BOX SPRING & MATTRESS. Good condition. Asking $100. Ose red 8x12' RUG for $50. One TV STAND $20. Cati allerS5 p.m. 666-2098 Fab. 18,81 Floor Ienght, double thlcknoas, goîd livîngroom Drapes, $400 new. Four years otd, axcellent condition, just cteanad, $150 firm. Cai 666-2794 Feb. 11,81 HARDWICK GAS RANGE in good condition $150. Cati 668-1504 aller 4:30. Mar.4,81 REFRIGERATOR, Westinghouse, $1 1 5. RANGE, 30, $100. WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC WASHER $225. Ait In good condition. Cati 623-1534. Feb.25,81 GAS STOVE with rotîsserle, 59" hlgh s 30" wide. $200 or best oller. Cati 723-2005. Mar. 11,81 WHITE 2 BURNER TABLE-TOP STOVE. Ose controt for bolh burners. White, good shape, working. $15. Catil 579-2073. Feb 18,81 2 elegant LAMPS, goid bases, black sheer pieated shades î«ith gotd tinîng. $60. Cati 668-2320 aller 6 p.m. Mar. 18,81 21" BLACK & WHITE TV. Fluor roodel. $25. Cai 666-3995. Mar.18,81 BELL& HOWELL MOVIE CAMERA. One year oid. Coxi $379 - soit for $100. Plus screen $20. CaiI666-3995. Mar. 18,81 SOLtO CHERRYWOOD EXTENSION DINtNG TABLE lu seat up to 12 peuple Lîke new. With 4 chairs askîsg $550. Wlth 5 chairs askîng $600. For information cati 728-9732 between Sand 10asm. or alter 6p.m. Mar. 11,81 SOFA & CHAIR - Blue, green& goid floral pattern. Atm caps. In good condition. $150. Cati 666-2457. Feb 18,81 Two acta of SWINGS FOR CHILDREN. Excallant condition. One cost $129 - soit for $50. Othar cost $39 -seti for $17. Calit666-3995. Mar. 18,81 ANTIQUE HUTCH& BUFFET plus 2 malchtng aide chairs. Excellant con. dition, refînîshed, 60 years oid. solid oak. $475. Cati 666-3995. Mal 18.81 BEDROOM SUITE, BOX SPRINGS& MATTRESS. Prîce $150. Phono 668- 9894. Mar.18,81 Apartmenf-aized SPIN WASHER à SEPARATE DRYER. Excellent con- dition. $125 each. FREEZER (Hot Point) 12 cubîc inches. 5h11 under ENGLISH BED-SETTEE. steepa 1*0r Wooden framesanard armrests Black & gray 2 matctiing armchairS $280 Catil 666-1896 PETS & SUPPLIES 8 MONTH OLD MALE SHELTY Sheattend Sheep D>og). house tralned, vary quiet. papers, excellent dog for showing. $200 have seen for $400. Cati 666-1576 af ter 6 p.m. Feb 18.81 ST. BERNARD, $10 to good home. Good with children. Phono 725-8370. Mar.4,81 WANTED - 0000 HOME OId Englah Sheepdlog, female, 5 yaars oid, short.haired, purebred, registered, can breed. Asking $100. Phone 655-8029. Mar. 11,81 TWO SETS 0F SKIS AND BOOTS, one ladies and one mens. Ladies size 5 boot, and mens stze 9 bool. $50 a set. Cati 68-3209 Jan 14,81 For Sale - 1 PAIR 0F DOWNHILL SKIS, BOOTS & POI.ES. Fisher 170's. Look 57 bindings with salely brakes. Bool size 8½., $250 or basf 0f fer. Phono 655-3100. Feb 25,81 1969 SKIDOO, excellent condition, $425. Cati 623-1534. Feb.25,81 '72 SNOW PRINCE. Excellent con- dition. $350 or besi off er. Cati 668. 8090. Marli1,8 74 SKI*DOO 440 Fan Engine, new engine, taxi season (5o miles). plus DOUBLE BED TRAILER (has wood aides & ends). New tires with plates. $800. Cati 668-2129. Feb.1 8,81 MINI-BIKE, 98 cc, automatic, no gears, $175. Phone 668-4934. Mar.25,81 Junior 5-SPEED BICYCLE for sale, Asking $75. Cati aller 4 p.m. 668- 5603.Mar. 18,81 2 GOLF BAGS. 1 Ladys, Green. 1 Man, McGreor. Brown, excellent condition. Asking $25 each or any reasonabte olfer. Cati 655.4017. Mar.25,81 NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOU! JOME Wm Phone 668-9168 Il _ ___ ____ ___ __u____ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ I lN'.i I. e iN t MAMt 1 1 1 11 1 1) 1 1 l\ 1 ý 9 Mai 18,81 1 NY