PAG WENEDAYDECMR 26~ 1979.wHiTrBY FREE PRESS Beêt weein You and Me Bmy RUTH CHAMBERS About, Chrita sopn in Whit-ýby ii1879 Greetings-It is wlth no mere formality of terms that we greet our friends and wlsh them the compliments of the season. We greet them cordilly and warmnly and wish them young and oId wlth heartfeld words-Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year." -Whitby Chronicle, December 25, 1M7, Thursday. So we wlll go back in tizne, one hundred years; not long when one thinks of a decade, a mere ten years. Ten decades make a century. In 1879 the population of Whitby was probably about three thousand souls and the four corners at that time the centre of town. At thistdîne the harbour was facing a slow decline as, the shipiment of- grain and especially lumber was dying out. S An.-advertisemnent in the Whitby Chronicle, December 1879 of roonis and lodging; Mrs. Walkey's Temperance House, good accommodate at reasonable rates, $2.50 a week. The Queens Hotel in Whitby newly renovated, had a bar, "the handsomest in the count. " In Toronto, a hotel and stable, "the best ln town" for $1.00a day. The old cry, "dlean 'the sidewaiks 1 We do hope that the Chief Constable will not let the snow get the start 'of' hlm but see that the walks are kept clear."1 "SnowbaHlng" a correspondent writes complaining of havmng been snowbailed by disorderly youtbs. Give their names to the Chief and see what a visit before the Police Magistrate, Major Harper would result in." And then the' comment, "the- Chief has been rather lemient of late towards some badly behaved feilows against whom complaluts were Mnade; his forebearance will extend no farther and now they must look out! My comment, lil bet they did. Youngsters had great respect for'their eiders and-the police i those days. Just think of how much excitement this ad caused and how "foreign" it would seem to be. "Imperishable fragran- ce, Florida Water. Richest, most lasting, yet most delicate B usiess PýeoleI c* a.5tom uto ad io Sales - Repairs - Installation 0f Auto Sound System & Accessories 912 Brock St. N. 66-2664 ~f7CABLE CONVERTERS \ \H//From 291n w. Of ail perfUrmes; for use on the hankerchif, at the toilet and ln the bath. l the sick room it relleves~ weakness, fatigue, prostration, nervousness and headache. " No doubt it did help as the users probably had faith, a most impor- tant ingredients in any cure of medicine. Thilnk upon this. "Whltby la the healthiest and one of the pleasantest and most convient -towns in Canada-for a residence."1 A dentist no less, C.N. Van advertised, "Iteeth lnserted on ail the latest Principals of the art; as cheap as the cheapest and as good as the best."' A surgeon, R.T. Gunu M.D., surgeon to the County Jail, Byron St. Whitby. To our north ward councilmen, Election Humourisms, "Love me little, love me long." So says Jeremniah Long to the electors of the north ward and they are ail catching up the tune. The News THECALICOCAT "VOUE WOOL STORE" KNITTING & CROCHET YARNS NEEDLE POINT SUPPLIES FRAMING SERVICE 118Brock St. N. Whitby 668-7611 Mon. - Thurii- 10.6 Fr..- 10-8:30 sot. - 10.5 RUSSELL TRAVEL OUr Business PH. 668-5000 126 Brock St.S. Quasar Speedy T.V. Blair Park Plaza. Whitby 668-1818 To-morrow's Fashions To-day ME PRO VIDE FOR YOU: *Personal Service *Pleasant Salespersons *Great Selections *Lay-a-way Plan Ph.- 668-1266 116 BRÎOOK ST. S. WHITBY, ONT. H ITCH-N-PLOW Phone 666-1819 900 HOPKINS at BURNS, WHITBY UL~~ Ileatilator '. UP Fireplaâce saves heat saves money * outside air for combustion a! * glass doors- * fan forced heat Rii VISIT-OUR SHOWROOM Tues. - Sat. - . 900. Hopkins at Biurns Furpue PnuS WHJTBY 668-3192 Lay ovocu Sp'eedy T.,V. Manager Larry Kovacic says that Speedy TV is the "One Stop TV Shop."Y Speedy TV ini the Blair Park Plaza, 100 Lupin Drive selîs Zenith, Hitachi, Quasar and Toshiba televisions as wel. as video tape recorders, microwaveý ovens, stereos-, radios and cable converters» Mr. Kovacic says that they also instail towers and antennas as well as service ail makes of televisions. 1Speedy TV is staffed with four qualified, technicians and two antenna installers., Speedy has been in business for five years and has two locations, one in Whitby and" the other in Port Perry and is open from 9 a.m. to 9 from Monday to Friday and from 9 a. m., to 5 p.m. on Saturday. "We base our success on giving quality ser- vice at low prices, "'Mr. Kovacic says., The purchase of a television is an investment, it is not something that the average consumer purchases on a regular basis's0 a visit to Speedy TV is weil worth the time to the person looking for a television or any of the other products'they have to offer.» For furthuùr information on the, produets and services of Speedy TV you can give theni a cal at 668-1818 or drop in to see them in the Blair Park laza. Mr. Kovracicl also said that he would like to wish ail of Speedy's past and future customers a happy and prosperous new vear.< DON VALLANCE Sales and Service Massey Ferguson K UBOTA Bombardier - Ski-Doo 655-3291l .COLUMVIBUS AUTO BODY *Complete Body Repairs *Expert Painting *Estimates *Paint Reg. $295.00 Baseline Rd. West Behind AMC Dealer (10% off Paint jobs with this Ad> LarE FJLO WERS of Christmas Arrangements in Fresh f lowers and SilIk. Large Seélection of Tropical Plants ana (ifts *We'dding * Hospital * Funeral Deliverîe'ýz ~ ~601 Dundas St. W. in TOWN E Plaza .668-0727 LIA._ w@ A Smayof WHQ's. NEWS IN THE WHIBYAREA CONT'D ON PG. 10 ÀO