WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER' 19,1979, PAGE 2 BROOKLINTOOL'00. >SPECIAL SALE Ail arr tools. Hait price on al mrormeters, sooket & .w rench set,, vices, jao.ks, drili'sets, drill preds, 3 ton holit and other tools for mochanlos. Ail Items fuily guarantped. 'Made ln U.S.A. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE.SUPPLIES- 683.1753, HIGHEtTPAICES Paid for Goid and, Silver coins, old guns, clocks, jeweiery, dishes, f -urniture,, crooks, poi,- pantlngs,.and seaiers. j FRqIENDLYFE MARKET, 725'-9783" 23 KIN G'ST. W.,Y OSHAWA CARPENTRY HOEREPAIRS I MPRO VEM ENTS METRO LI C-.--B'2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tilng, Drywaii, Rec.. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors.,, FREE ESTIMATES -CaIli668-4686 AOIWOLES FOR SALE 1072 FORD PINTO 351 Windsor. New springs & shýocks', new duel o>xheusts. Need$ somns bodywork beat of fer or wiii consider trede for ½ý ton pick-up. LAVALLEE Paul end Judi teks groast pleasurei n ennounclng -the saleand hselthy arrivai of Steven Brant. 6 lb. 112 oz. on the'29 'Novembor 199 Another brother for Rob end Ryan. CIIN OPENINOý JAN. 2 WHITY BO0K EXCHANGE. We buy, salli & tIde us.d books. 120 Dundas St. W. > D!RE DAYCAR E AVAILABLE Wil incd your pro achooler ln my- home. CONSOLE !STEREO 'wlth AM-FM rqceiver, turniabie end moi 10 mol tape dock. Wainut 'finish- cabinet. S'IS. Phono 668-0621. CHRISTMAS' TREES cul your own. Spruce onîy, 12 miles north of Bowmanviiie. 2%, miles vwest of Mospori on Durham Regionat Road No 20 PhoneoM3.2556 JUST IN 'TIME FOR CHRISTMASI collent condition. Regulition' s pinbeil machine. Time-zone. 2 ploa plus mainy astres. Prvaite0sais. 81 Cati ln eerly evening 668-M.24. 1 PAIR Rossignol Skis (160 cm)l,2 ,Tyrôlla bWndings, Liedie'Nord boots, sire 7. Coeil 668-1228, betwim ô6p.m.&,m E ERFR ENIT wHITSy 2 Ãbedroomrlbunigà lo reaeonebià rent, 10 reilabie peopi Avalabie now. Phone 668e7486. PERA NL- ARE YOIJ UNATrAHED separalec single or dlvorced? Meot thet speci1 person. Appiy P.O. Box 104, Owel Sound, Ont. N4K-5Pi.'Pleaee stae SEI IES PSYCHIC lnternatlonaly knowii Privae, consultation by appointment oniy. OelilROSAMOND et 576-749i. Oshawa" efter4 p.m. EDT RUCëKS 74 DODGE M ALF TON 318 motor, 68,000 miles. $2,200. Safety inspec- ted In August. Phone 668-2303. WANTED PAYING 8A TIMES'face value for Canadien coins belons 1968, Guns, antiques, gold and diamond rings wented. Phono686560 or 985-7657 (Pori Perry> HOUSE FOR RENT Feb. lot, 3 or 4 bedromo in Whitby ares. Cati 728. 7703. Ask for Paul&. .OPPORTNTES DENIM WORLD ( BLUE JEANS) A 1challen ging, lucrative oppçntunlty la avalleble Io 'operate your 'owri discountouttil tfor "Brand, Name jeans and eccessories. ARTISANYWORLD (HOBBY CRAFT>) Operate your own'business ln ar- tison, macrame handicraf le producte, etc. Tra'Ining and complote etu provided. Operate f rom your 'owný home or store. Smail capital outlay. Frenchisés may be combinod. F or in-ý formation, phono or wrte (nc. phone Artisan A D.nlm Wôrld Ltd. 3452> Ontario St.E. Montreai, Que. Hl1W 1 R2 1 -514-525-0691 FRAI 225 Brock St. Whitby ARE INTERI INVYOI We need s few good a you sre4nterested în se achlevement goals rege we now olfen you an eu visuel training prognami encourageyou toward goets. You cen be milf reoutts wo cen hep y, cen bo heppy w professionsi almosphai Itseif to et ficencyà working conditions. Whether you are quelifl or cisrrently takïng or cc goverment proilicensiri want l Iok 10 you! Fori personal interview cllt. TONY KLOMP -Eg- ,ire 181 in le. It It used ta, be believed that eating Mies of the valley would strengthen the memory.« Metic - it'sworth the chanqel Nutrition Flilers The failure of many Amer- icans to get, ail the dietary iron they ýneed is. among the mopst serious of our current national nutritional problems. Nutritionists gen- erally agree that it is de- sireable to get about 50 per oent of your calories from ýcarbohydraZtes. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Firo door repIbcom enUe t the'Stores Building, Psychiatric Hospital, Whit. by, Ontanto. TENDER NO. LIN-79-198 - P67445 Soaled tenders wiil bo received untii 2: 00 P.M. LOCAL TIME, JANUÀRY 15, 1980. Tender Documents msy bo obtained from the Ontario Minletry of <Govor- nment Services, Lindsay. Regionsi 0f- * tics, 322 Kent Street West, PO. Box 7000. Lindsay, Ontarto. NOTE: For furthen Information regar- ding this tender, piesse cati Mrs. E.M. Nesle et the, abovoe ddreso. Telephone: (705)>324-9188. The lowest or sny tender not nocosssrily accep. latd. Ontario Mînistry. of Gomerment Services' 'A Gft for the family that wiII I,ýast for YEARS! For'an investment,,of as.ltte as $25 you can' save,.$100 a YEAR by usi >ng your WATER& EN dERGY SAVlNG produc'ts. FREE Installation -and no risk. 10 day trial period. CONSERVATION, PLUS SENTINIENTAL- REI)S, clear and'. niclow;, work well with, rornanticdatm looks of soft sweater dresses nd'lingerie ulouses, says fthe Elizabeth Arden company. lkla-keup mood v ib rant, 'dein ed M4f NY of the ne%% fil1'and IV.winter .s-tyle silhottetîc% niake c c icr-c tt ,I tienictitN EL which require weil-defined cos- EA'rotmetic color accent% .s Ka%. Larke. spcciýtl i heauty constilt- ant for Flizahceth Arden' of N. Canada. N.W h o ntch cniphaNis (on 668-61 71 form' and 'fitin sh.ipeiiand beltcd stilîs ;nd dfrcsses. ru.rnke- up -îsalîso becoming more. EST ED1) structtircd."she sas. ihrant. LJ! itimmous face Colors. applied ei~speo~ll ith precîkion. work wel cil wi tlingyour on. M rs. Larkc suvs El izabet h arding Incorne. Arden color se daes i- xccusivo audio. ;igned,*'The Hirîli of the Biltte e.cin elo wol Reds" falli winîer makeîup coi- reacing our cetîon 10 togise vivid col>u- latod with Qie whilc Ithe shcer coipositi<)i1 of ou atîsin. You the cosnietics provides a luii îrking In à nescence whîch lends retine- ýr whichlionds mn otesrn ic n adplieant fashion. ledet rosnl There zrethrcecdistinct id ent groups of color in the collec- ng coursee - lion. Saî.ý. re.il nc(is.go weli a co 1nfidental > With the cle.tr-cti - look% of %itraight skints. perky h.îts' and DMAKER hchied Mt... (JDeep bl'îhe 1redsI provide itloti. tmol(r when 1 worn . with hiack, ind ailNo .,.Coor.compienient poptîla irr- gaiyand .aipphire* hluc shades. Sertiliîntal. milo.v red.. enhance the * ofi look of knitted %me.teîr drcsses 'and lacs lingerie lNotises'. Ail the colors uihe eollëc- tion. h o%%ever. aire elear '-.ind viirarnt. ..isMis; .rk. col or i0itist have equal.îi em phitsis all ovcr the fâîce to provide-a good haî,nëec,. "Thecc,'e wil l be a1k.litlo- scope (if color. with îwo or' îhree Nhadtces.of ro-se 0or 1ure'. or, indigo tised for highiighý-' ing. conlouiring. hining a nd shadowing. ý» 'I T"1henotth wi lelned, atnd then coiorcd with a vid ted hhaîde, and chëek.Nmilil bc hliuhcd and contoîred, wîth onc <or isso' shades which eo- ordinmutte .with the u oo. M rs. 1i arke.I s nakeump for datylime is. hrÃŽght. clcear ýand_ faîrly s,,imple. white 'evening, makeuîs i..nueh nmore iini*.hed andi ornanlentcd.' For insit-nce. a hîirnished goltU, ec e accent Calltt starry Eves Can le worn alone opr over ag rey- or rose ec shado - for extra spark Je. whiie «a n.giiîndcheck ac- cent. wýii flatter a roNe...ctîcck siiatc. TENDER Concrete floor repairs at the, Trades Building of, the ,Psychiat ricHospitai, Whitby, Ontarlo. TENDER NO. LIN-79- MEC.HANICAL CONTRACTORS 2. Suppiyanct installation of venftilation system to stair Wells at the Childrerv's Unit of the Durham Regionai Centre, Whlt- by,,Ontarlo. TENDER NO. LIN-79-188 - P82953 SEPARATE INDIVIDUAL, SEALED TENDERS will be received until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME, JANUARY 9, 1980. COMBINED TENDERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario ministry of Government Services," Lindsay, Régional, Office, 322 Kent 'Street West, P.O. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontario. NOTE: For further information regarding the above Tenders, please cali Mrs. E.M. 'Neale * at the above address.' Telephone: 705-324-9188. The lQwest.orany Tender notnecessariiy accépted.,. Ministry of Govern'ment Services Otario N w Ur