Brooýklin get's go with> By MICHAEL'KNýELL Pree Press, Staff Thé develo'pment of Broqklin vWll go ahead.Whlt- by Town Coundil decided on Mnda nght, but wlth a lot 0f strongsattacbed.ý Coundil dealt with the Isà ue with 1 two motions, whlch although llnked together, bave different in- tentions. Thie, firat motion authorizes, that a draft aendmnt to -the official plan be, done to ailow Brooklln to grow to a reidential population , f 1000that wil ,a estaged over aperlod of tenyears. This 'motion also allows for two,ýcovIeùce stores ithe resiietiial areas,- one for evey 5,Ooopeople. TMe moot Important part oft tusmotion states that the asmdvalue of residential units built iBrookliù will up .to 25 par ent aboya the average assessed value of reidantial property south of Roesland Road. 1What .tuis.means lthat people living ini tus new' development will pay 25 per cent more i municipal taxes. Ina. recorded vota, t4a tir- si motion- was 'accepted by, ail membars of council wlth the exception of Coun. Joe Druuim (EastWard). liRe second motion de"l wlth counll's options and -In~ l a developan agreeeft ith ,the The motion provides that Brooklin be serviced wiAth santary 'sewers. within thréee years aftertheprojeet begins. .The council bam also bound: the, developer to the developlng of a 15 mndustrial p -k that bas,250,000 square feetof industrial space (ex- cluding warebousing)', 100,000 of it 18 too be ready fo r occupancy witb tbree years -after the project'bas begun. Mfter that, an additional 20,000 square feet shail be' made available. each year for the rema,.itng seven years. But the.cllnchlng condition is the last one in the motion, the projeet wlll plot go ahead until the cëouncil has issued 2,400 building permits for single family detached 'dweilg soutb of Rossland Boad.1 Mayor Jim Gartshore told coundil; that tbis provision "4mean that the town is un- der no obligation to do anytbing until this bas corne about." The intention of condition' is not to prejudice the deelpme of the lower. Coun. Gerry Emin dld not vote.nor take part i coun- df'a discussions because he declalred a. conflict. of in- terest .becauïe of hisini- volvemenît wlth a business intereat i Broolin that he said would, be . a. direct benefklary of any.develop-, mentin Brooldlin. Iný a ceremony dating back liundreds of years in British iradition, thé Ontario' Regiment, Durham -Region's only- militia regiment was granted the Frèedom of the Région on, Sunday. .The :Freedom of the Region gives the regiment the right toparade tbrough the streets of the region witb their colors flying, heir.drums beating.and their bayonets fixed. In previous centuries thè freedoni of a city, or. county meant'that the militaryforce present wotild not challenge, the constituted -auth ority and that,,civilian officiai s held no fear of tbem. Piciured above is Lt. Col. Michael -Kser '(left front), escorting Durham Chairman Walter'Beath (front right), Brock Mayor AI McPba'ii (left-rear) and Whitby Mayor Jimn Gartshore (rear right) on an inspection of the Ontario Régiment. The Durhamn Region is the first, region to give a, militia regirnent it's freedom. Free Press Photo by Mike Knell, A~ fo chievement'wine bein sued forwatrbl As tbley were buing praised by one government, another was preparig te take them tecourt. Plastic SurfaoeFmnishersof 1125- Bruns «Street Eait,1 Wbitby was awarded the 'A, for Achiévement Awardby the Ontario governmçmt's Minitry of- Industry and Tourih a ceremony last Tu"sdY. H owevar,, ast Wednesday at tbe regular meeting of regional council it was lear- ned that the reglon in preparig te sue the corn- pany «for,' $103,000 in' water and sewer' usage charges dating from 1976. The- suit was revealed when - Regional Chairman Walter Beath congratulated the company on receivig the award. .Regional staff- te praparing, a legal action before the-Ontario Supreme to recover its claim. CoLn. Margaret Shaw of_ Oshawa asked aftt. the chairman had, made bis remarks as to whether or not it was the same company that owed a large bill dating back from 1976. The Ontario government' gave the award to 'Plastic Surface Finishers for its contribution Io the provin- ca's economy. The company.rafused te pay-tha 1976 bll (althougb it, pald aIUbsqetbls) on the basîe that'tha region bad baccbagedthe firm for nine months service. Ini the fail of 1976, the region changad' it's poflky and chargled image costs based on usage rathar than'a fMt tefe as had beendone previously. -Thmee deails were provided by Coun., Bruce McArthur of Osbwa. McArtur sald that the ragion is also seeking lega and, iterest charges relatlng to the overdue ac- count. 'IF R E E ;ýP ýR E S-1 eh d